2017-11-30 07:00:00 CET

2017-11-30 07:00:13 CET


English Finnish
Terveystalo Oyj - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

The Board of Directors of Terveystalo Plc resolved on key employee incentive plan

Terveystalo Plc Stock exchange release 30 November 2017 at 8:00 a.m.
The  Board of  Directors of  Terveystalo Plc  resolved on key employee incentive
The Board of Directors of Terveystalo Plc has resolved to establish a new share-
based incentive plan directed to the Group key employees. The aim of the plan is
to  align the objectives of  the shareholders and the  key employees in order to
increase  the value of the Company in the long-term, to retain the key employees
at  the Company, and  to offer them  a competitive reward  plan that is based on
earning and accumulating the Company's shares.
The  Performance Share Plan  includes three performance  periods, calendar years
2018, 2019 and  2020. The  Board  of  Directors  will resolve on the performance
criteria  and  on  the  required  performance  levels  for each criterion at the
beginning of each performance period.
During  the  performance  period  2018, the  plan  offers  the  key  employees a
possibility  to  earn  rewards  based  on  the  Company  achieving  the required
operational targets and Total Shareholder Return (TSR) levels.
The  potential rewards from  the performance share  plan will be  paid partly in
Terveystalo  Plc shares  and partly  in cash  approximately two  years after the
performance  periods. The  cash proportion  is intended  to cover taxes and tax-
related  costs arising from the rewards to  the plan participants. As a rule, no
reward  will be paid if  a plan participant terminates  his or her employment or
service before the reward payment.
The rewards to be paid on the basis of the performance period 2018 correspond to
an  approximate  maximum  total  of  943,000 Terveystalo  Plc  shares, including
currently  allocated and unallocated shares as well as the proportion to be paid
in  cash. The plan is directed  to approximately 80 key employees, including the
members of the Management Group during the performance period 2018.
The Board of Directors
For more information, please contact:
Kati Kaksonen, Director, Investor Relations and Financial Communications
Tel. +358 10 345 2034
Terveystalo in brief
Terveystalo is a leading private healthcare service provider in Finland offering
primary  and outpatient secondary healthcare  services to corporate, private and
public  sector  customers.  The  Company's  healthcare service offering includes
general  practice and  specialist medical  care, diagnostic services, outpatient
surgery,  dental  services  and  other  adjacent  services,  which  comprise its
integrated  healthcare care  chain. The  Company also  offers a suite of digital
healthcare services. Terveystalo is able to provide nationwide reach through its
approximately 180 clinics, covering all 20 of Finland's largest cities, together
with its digital platforms.
Terveystalo's  operations are driven  by its scale  and supported by centralized
functions  and standardized  operating practices.  At the  core of Terveystalo's
strategy  is  a  focus  on  providing  medical  quality  and  positive  customer
experiences,   maintaining   a   competent  and  satisfied  base  of  healthcare
professionals and developing a variety of customized digital tools.
In  2016, the Company had approximately 1.0 million individual customers as well
as  approximately 2.7 million  doctor visits,  accounting for  12 percent of the
total  doctor visits in Finland. The  Company's customers are divided into three
groups:  corporate  customers,  who  the  Company  partners with to provide, for
example,  occupational healthcare services to their employees, private customers
and public customers, who the Company partners with to provide public healthcare
services   and   occupational   healthcare   services  to  municipal  employees.
Terveystalo  had approximately  4,445 employees (including  part-time employees)
and approximately 4,400 private practitioners as at June 30, 2017.
