2011-05-09 13:40:00 CEST

2011-05-09 13:40:03 CEST


Engelska Finska
Cencorp - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Cencorp Corporation Interim Report 9 May 2011 at 14.40

Cencorp Corporation     Interim Report    9 May 2011 at 14.40

Cencorp Corporation's Interim Report 1 January-31 March 2011



January-March 2011

- The Face (Telecom) business result and balance sheet were consolidated in all
Cencorp's consolidated figures starting on 1 December 2010. 

- Cencorp Group's net sales increased by 200 percent to EUR 5.7 million (EUR
1.9 million) during the first quarter of the year. 

- The order book at the end of March stood at EUR 7.4 million (EUR 1.5 million).

- Operating result was EUR -2.3 million (EUR -0.9 million).

- Result before taxes amounted to EUR -3.0 million (EUR -0.8 million).

- Earnings per share were EUR -0.01 (EUR -0.01).

- The equity ratio at the end of March was 54.1 percent (18.3%).

- In the rights issue that ended in March, 84 percent of the total number of
shares offered were subscribed to. 

Outlook for 2011 unchanged

- Cencorp expects net sales for 2011 to amount to approximately EUR 35-39
million, provided that no essential change takes place in the current economic

- The 12-month result from operations is expected to improve from 2010.


The comparison period is the corresponding period of the previous year, unless
otherwise is stated. When comparing the figures, it should be noted that the
Face (Telecom) figures are included in the year 2011 figures, but in the 2010
figures only as of December 2010. The interim report has been drawn up in
compliance with the IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting standard and in
compliance with the same accounting principles as in the financial statements.
The interim report has not been audited. 

More information on events that have taken place during the reporting period
can be found in the stock exchange releases published on Cencorp's website at
www.cencorp.com. At the same address, you can also find the disclosure flagging
notifications concerning changes in ownership according to the Securities
Markets Act. 

Cencorp is part of the Finnish Savcor Group. Savcor Group Oy owns 34.8 percent
and Savcor Group Limited 39.0 percent of Cencorp. 


The Face (Telecom) corporate transaction was completed on 30 November 2010, and
Cencorp's reporting structure was altered as of 1 December 2010. The Face
(Telecom) business result and balance sheet were consolidated in Cencorp's
consolidated figures starting on 1 December 2010, and Cencorp's reporting has
been based on two business segments since 2010. The business segments are Laser
and Automation Applications, and Special Components. The Laser and Automation
Applications segment comprises Cencorp's former business and the Special
Components segment the business acquired through the Face transaction. 


“A good market situation and our own sales efforts increased Cencorp Group's
net sales substantially during the first quarter of the year. We managed to
increase the sales of laser and automation applications. Our net sales were
also increased by the integration of the Face business into Cencorp. 

The impacts of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in Japan on the
electronics industry have delayed some of our component deliveries, but these
events have had no significant impact on our operations so far. Studies to find
replacement components are underway. 

Despite the increase in net sales, our profitability weakened clearly.
Particularly in the Special Components segment, net sales development and
operating profit were weakened by the dependence on a few major customer
projects with unfavorable sales development. In addition to that, the Chinese
New Year and the piling up of stocks at the turn of the year substantially
slowed down demand for Cencorp's components in Asia, particularly in the mobile
phone sector. Demand declined faster than expected especially for components in
the high-end price category. As a result of the rapid decline in sales volumes,
we were not able to reduce our fixed costs to correspond to our previous
volumes, which further weighed down our profitability. 

The poor profitability of the Special Components segment is unacceptable, and
we are currently increasing the efficiency of its operations and mapping out
focus areas for the segment to identify the product groups with the best growth
and profitability prospects. 

The operating result of the Laser and Automation Applications segment remained
at last year's level. In this segment, delivery times for projects are long, at
about 3-6 months, and the contracts signed at the beginning of the year for
new, better margin deliveries are expected to significantly improve the
segment's profitability during the remainder of the year. Due to the segment's
seasonal nature, the profitability of Special Components is also expected to
improve as the year goes on. Demand for special components was already at its
normal level at the end of the first quarter.” 


Operating environment

Cencorp operates in industries applying electronics and energy technology. Its
main geographical market areas are Europe, North America, South America and
Asia. The global electronics industry, including the manufacture of mobile
phones, is mostly concentrated in Asia, the domestic market area for the
special components manufactured by Cencorp. 

Demand for laser and automation applications continued to increase during the
first quarter of the year, and the increase is expected to continue as the
rallying economy results in investments being started up. Rising labor costs,
especially in China, are also contributing to the increasing need for
production process automation and thus demand for automation products. Cencorp
views the energy industry, and renewable energy applications in particular, as
a new interesting market. 

Demand for special components remained normal, even though the seasonal
character of the business generally slows down demand during the first quarter
of the year. The outlook is also bright for special components, as markets
develop in line with the general economic situation, and with the
telecommunications industry in particular. The growth outlook for other markets
important for Cencorp, such as RFID transmitters and receivers and flexible
circuits, is also positive. 

Net sales and result

Net sales increased by 200 percent to EUR 5.7 million (EUR 1.9 million). The
increase in net sales was due to the integration of the Face (Telecom) business
into Cencorp and growing demand for laser automation and other automation

The operating result was EUR -2.3 million (EUR -0.9 million). The Group's
operating result was particularly weighed down by the poor profitability of the
Special Components segment. The operating result of the Laser and Automation
Applications segment remained at last year's level. 

The Group's result before taxes amounted to EUR -3.0 million (EUR -0.8
million). The result for the reporting period was EUR -3.0 million (EUR -0.8

Earnings per share were EUR -0.01 (EUR -0.01) and diluted earnings per share
EUR -0.01 (EUR -0.01). 

Significant orders received during the reporting period

In January, Cencorp announced that it had signed an agreement on the delivery
of a production line to a European company operating in the electronics
industry. The value of the deal is approximately EUR 0.6 million. In March,
Cencorp announced that it had signed an agreement on the delivery of another
production line to the same company. The value of this deal is also
approximately EUR 0.6 million. 

In February, Cencorp announced that it had signed an agreement on the delivery
of odd-form assembly machinery to a European company operating in the
electronics industry. The value of the deal is over EUR 1.7 million and the
machinery will be delivered during the spring and early summer. 


Cash flow from business operations before investments was EUR 1.5 million (EUR
-0.6 million). Trade receivables at the end of the reporting period were EUR
5.8 million (EUR 2.0 million). Net financial items amounted to EUR 0.7 (EUR 0.1
million of net financial income). 

The equity ratio at the end of March stood at 54.1 (18.3) percent.

Equity per share was EUR 0.06 (EUR 0.01). At the end of the reporting period,
the Group's liquid assets totaled EUR 3.3 (0.2) million, and unused export
credit limits and factoring loans amounted to EUR 1.5 million. 

The rapid increase in net sales will tighten the working capital situation in
the second quarter. According to the Board's view, improved operative cash flow
will remedy the situation during the remainder of the year. 

In the share issue organized in March 2011, Cencorp's biggest shareholder
Savcor Group converted all of its liabilities maturing during the next 12
months into shares in the Company. Cencorp's Board of Directors expects its
financing resources to be sufficient to meet the financing needs during the
next 12 months. 

Product development

The Group's product development expenses in January-March amounted to EUR 0.5
(0.2) million or 8.0 (12.4) percent of net sales. 


Investments in January-March amounted to EUR 0.5 (0.1) million. The largest
investments were EUR 0.2 million in machinery and equipment and EUR 0.1 million
in development costs. 

Segment information

Laser and Automation Applications

The Laser and Automation Applications segment's net sales increased by 75
percent to EUR 3.4 million (EUR 1.9 million) during the first quarter of the
year. The increase in net sales was due to the growing demand for laser
automation and other automation equipment as a result of the upswing in the
economic cycle as well as the boosting of our own sales efforts and the
significant strengthening of the sales organization. The segment accounted for
58 percent of the Group's net sales. 

The operating result of the Laser and Automation Applications segment in the
first quarter of the year was EUR -0.9 (-0.9) million. Due to the project
nature of the business, most of the new deals made at the end of the last year
and in the beginning of this year will only be recognized as revenues in the
subsequent quarters, which is expected to significantly improve the segment's

Special Components

The Face (Telecom) business result and balance sheet have been consolidated in
Cencorp's consolidated figures starting on 1 December 2010. Net sales of the
Special Components segment in the first quarter of the year were EUR 2.4
million. The segment accounted for 42 percent of the Group's net sales. The
operating result totaled EUR -1.4 million. 

Net sales development and profitability were weakened by, among other things,
the dependence on a few major customer projects with unfavorable sales
development. In addition, sales in this segment are focused on Asia, where the
Chinese New Year and the piling up of stocks at the turn of the year slowed
down demand more than expected, particularly for components in the high-end
price category. Fixed costs could not be adapted to the rapid decline in demand
at the Chinese plants, which further weakened profitability. 

Due to the seasonal nature of the business, the first quarter of the year is
usually the quietest period in the sales of Cencorp's special components.
Demand picked up at the end of the quarter and the same development is expected
to continue as the year goes on. Other measures have also been implemented to
improve the efficiency of the operations and the profitability of the Special
Components segment. These include, among other things, mapping out growing and
profitable product groups, cutting fixed costs and further optimizing
production between plants. 


During January-March, the Group employed an average of 354 (77) people, 63 of
whom worked in Finland, 279 in China and 12 in other countries. During the
reporting period, salaries and fees totaled EUR 1.7 (1.0) million. 

Päivi Lehtovaara was appointed the Group's CFO and Management Team member as of
1 March 2011. The former CFO Iikka Savisalo continues as a member of Cencorp's
Board of Directors. Simo Hietaniemi, Vice President, Project Business, will
leave the Company on 31 July 2011. Hietaniemi resigned from Cencorp's
Management Team, effective 1 February 2011. The recruitment process for a new
person is underway. 


The new shares subscribed to in the share issue carried out in March 2011 are
not included in the figures below, because the shares were only entered into
the trade register and admitted to trading on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd after
the end of the reporting period. Cencorp's share capital amounts to EUR
3,425,059.10 and the number of shares following the share issue carried out in
March 2011 is 342,161,270 shares. The Company has one series of shares, which
confer equal rights in the company. Cencorp did not own any of its own shares
at the end of the reporting period. 

The Company had a total of 4,426 shareholders at the end of March, and 48.7
percent of the shares were under foreign ownership. The ten largest
shareholders held 90.5 percent of the Company's shares and voting rights on 31
March 2011. 

Owners by owner group, 31 March 2011:                                   
                                           Shares/voting rights %       
1. SAVCOR GROUP LIMITED                               133,333,333   42.4
2. SAVCOR GROUP OY                                     99,785,539   31.7
3. AC INVEST BV                                        15,833,333    5.0
4. ETERA MUTUAL PENSION INSURANCE COMPANY              14,833,333    4.7
5. TILITOIMISTO CAPITAL OY                             10,450,000    3.3
6. PAASILA MATTI                                        2,777,777    0.9
7. JOKELA MARKKU                                        2,287,519    0.7
8. TIMMERBACKA HANNU                                    2,222,222    0.7
9. TUOHI & PAALU OY                                     1,854,737    0.6
10. FT CAPITAL OY                                       1,707,140    0.5
OTHERS                                                 29,309,451    9.5
TOTAL                                                 314,394,384  100.0

The members of the Board of Directors and the CEO, either directly or through
companies under their control, held a total of 235,896,649 shares in the
Company on 31 March 2011, representing about 75 percent of all shares and
voting rights. The Company's President and CEO Mats Eriksson did not hold any
shares in the Company at the end of March. 

The price of Cencorp's share varied between EUR 0.12 and 0.20 during
January-March. The average price was EUR 0.15, and the closing price at the end
of March EUR 0.14. A total of 7.3 million Cencorp shares were traded in
January-March at a value of EUR 1.1 million. The Company's market
capitalization at the end of March stood at EUR 47.9 million. 

No share options were granted to the Company's management during the period 1
January-31 March 2011. On 31 March 2011, the Company had valid share options in
three different series as follows: 

- 250,000 2006B options, the subscription period for which ended on 30 April
2011. The Company's former management and Savcor Group Oy hold the options. 

- 1,801,400 2007A options, the subscription period for which ends on 30
September 2011. Sampo Bank Plc holds the options. 

- 8,931,000 2007A options connected to bond I/2010, the subscription period for
which ends on 25 May 2015. Savcor Group Oy holds the options connected to bond

No 2006C series options have been allocated and Cencorp Group continues to hold
them. The subscription period for 2006A series options ended on 30 April 2010. 


On 18 February 2011, Cencorp Corporation's Board of Directors decided, based on
the authorization of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 12 October 2010, to
organize a share issue where the Company offered a maximum of 33,094,145 new
shares in Cencorp to be subscribed to by the shareholders based on the
shareholders' preemptive rights. 

A total of 27,766,886 shares, ie. 84 percent of the total number of shares
offered, were subscribed to in the rights issue based on primary and secondary
subscriptions. Through the rights issue, Cencorp raised a total of EUR
3,332,026 in new equity. This amount also includes the decrease in the
Company's liabilities by a total of EUR 2,333,945 as Savcor Group Oy offset the
subscription price of the shares it subscribed to in the rights issue against
its capital and interest receivables from the Company related to
interest-bearing loans. A total of 2,058 subscribers participated in the share

Following the rights issue, the number of the Company's shares increased by
27,766,886 shares to 342,161,270 shares. The subscription price, EUR 3,332,026,
is recognized in full in the Company's distributable non-restricted equity
fund. The rights issue has no impact on the Company's registered share capital. 

The new shares have been entered into the trade register and admitted to
trading on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. 


The Annual General Meeting held on 28 April 2011 confirmed the financial
statements for the financial year 2010. According to the proposal of the Board
of Directors, it was decided that no dividend be paid for the financial year 1
January-31 December 2010. It was also decided that the loss for the financial
year ended on 31 December 2010 be entered in retained earnings. The persons who
were working on the Company's Board during the financial year and the President
and CEOs who acted during the financial year were discharged from their
liabilities for the financial year 1 January-31 December 2010. 

Hannu Savisalo, Matti Paasila, Ismo Rautiainen and Iikka Savisalo were elected
to the Company's Board of Directors. At the constitutive meeting of the Board
of Directors, held after the Annual General Meeting, Hannu Savisalo was elected
as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Matti Paasila as Vice-Chairman. 

The Annual General Meeting decided that an annual remuneration of EUR 40,000 be
paid to both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors and
an annual remuneration of EUR 30,000 be paid to the Board members. 

Ernst & Young Oy was elected as the Company's auditor, with Mikko Rytilahti,
Authorized Public Accountant, acting as the principal auditor. 

The General Meeting decided to amend Article 8 of the Company's Articles of
Association to read as follows: “The invitation to the General Meeting shall be
published, through a stock exchange release and on the Company's website, at
the earliest three calendar months prior to the record date of the General
Meeting and at the latest three weeks prior to the General Meeting, however,
always at least nine days prior to the record date of the General Meeting. When
the Board of Directors so decides, the invitation to the meeting can also be
published in a national newspaper determined by the Board of Directors.” 


Under the authorization given by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 12
October 2010 on issuing 160,000,000 new shares for the share issue directed at
Savcor Group Limited, 133,333,333 shares were used in connection with the
payment of the consideration for the Face (Telecom) corporate transaction. A
total of 26,666,667 shares remain under the authorization. 

Under another authorization given by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 12
October 2010 on issuing 80,000,000 new shares, 46,499,999 shares were used for
the share issue directed to Etera Mutual Pension Insurance Company, AC Invest
B.V. and Savcor Group Oy. Additionally, 27,766,886 shares were used subject to
the authorization based on the share subscriptions made in the rights issue
organized between 8 March 2011 and 24 March 2011. After this, a total of
5,733,115 shares remain under the authorization. 

1,069,000 shares remain under the authorization given by Cencorp's Annual
General Meeting on 28 April 2009 to issue 10,000,000 new shares in Cencorp. 


Cencorp's Board of Directors is responsible for the appropriate control of the
Company's accounts and finances. The Board is responsible for internal control,
while the President and CEO handles the practical arrangement and monitors the
efficiency of internal control. Business management and control are taken care
of using a Group-wide reporting and forecasting system. 

The purpose of risk management is to ensure that any significant business risks
are identified and monitored appropriately. The Company's business and
financial risks are managed centrally by the Group's financial department, and
reports on risks are presented to the Board of Directors as necessary. 

Due to the small size of the company and the limited scope of its business
operations, Cencorp does not have an internal auditing organization or an audit

As it is difficult to make forecasts in an industry that is dependent on
economic cycles, the biggest risks are related to fluctuations in the demand
for products and to the adjustment of operations to meet demand. 

In terms of profitability, the most essential risks are related to the
achievement of a sufficient invoicing volume in both business segments and the
success achieved with the programs underway at Cencorp to improve
profitability, such as improvements in productivity and business flexibility
through outsourcing production. 

In terms of operations, the biggest risks are related to outsourcing in-house
equipment production to contract manufacturers, in particular to whether the
production chain efficiency targets are achieved as planned. 

The Company's financing and sufficiency of working capital involve risks which
have been dealt with point concerning financing in this interim report. 

Other risks connected to Cencorp have been presented in more detail in the
Annual Report for 2010 and in the base prospectus and its securities notes
published on 25 October 2010. 


Cencorp maintains its market prospects unchanged as follows: Cencorp expects
net sales for 2011 to amount to approximately EUR 35-39 million, provided that
no essential change takes place in the current economic landscape. The 12-month
result from operations is expected to improve from 2010. 

Cencorp's order book at the end of March stood at around EUR 7.4 (1.5) million
and at around EUR 6.5 million on the publishing date of this interim report. 

Cencorp's goal is to grow through acquisitions and mergers based on strategic
choices, new products and new customer relationships, and by licensing products
and technologies to complement the company's own offering. 

Alongside the electronics industry, Cencorp will actively target new emerging
markets, such as energy production and energy supply applications for mobile
equipment. In these selected areas, the company seeks a leading position as a
supplier of special technology in the long term. 

In Mikkeli, 9 May 2011

Cencorp Corporation


Konsernin laaja tuloslaskelma, IFRS 
            1 000 EUR                                 1-3/2011               
1-3/2010     1-12/2010 
Liikevaihto                                              5 731                 
 1 912        12 811 
Myytyjen suoritteiden                                   -6 248                 
-1 682       -10 349 
Bruttokate                                                -517                 
   230         2 461 
Liiketoiminnan muut                                         49                 
    28           278 
Tuotekehityskulut                                         -460                 
  -238          -761 
Myynnin ja                                                -499                 
  -430        -2 031 
 markkinoinnin kulut 
Hallinnon kulut                                           -860                 
  -507        -3 000 
Liiketoiminnan muut                                         -2                 
    -8           -76 
Liikevoitto                                             -2 288                 
  -924        -3 128 
Rahoitustuotot                                             324                 
   189           605 
Rahoituskulut                                             -990                 
   -66          -973 
Tulos ennen veroja                                      -2 954                 
  -801        -3 496 
Tuloverot                                                   -5                 
     8            12 
Tilikauden tulos                                        -2 959                 
  -793        -3 484 
Tilikauden tuloksen 
Emoyrityksen                                            -2 959                 
  -793        -3 484 
Tulos/osake                                              -0,01                 
 -0,01         -0,02 
 (laimennettu), eur 
Tulos/osake                                              -0,01                 
 -0,01         -0,02 
 (laimentamaton), eur 
Muut laajan tuloksen 
Muuntoerot                                                -579                 
  -122          -320 
Muut laajan tuloksen                                         0                 
     0             0 
Tilikauden laaja                                        -3 538                 
  -915        -3 805 
 tulos yhteensä 
Tilikauden laajan 
Emoryityksen                                            -3 538                 
  -915        -3 805 
Konsernitase, IFRS 
                  1 000 EUR                       31.3.2011           
31.3.2010          31.12.2010 
Pitkäaikaiset varat 
Aineelliset                                          16 080                 
717              17 332 
Liikearvo                                             2 967                2
967               2 967 
Muut aineettomat hyödykkeet                           3 406                 
902               3 537 
Myytävissä olevat                                        10                  
10                  10 
Pitkäaikaiset varat                                  22 463                4
596              23 845 
Lyhytaikaiset varat 
Vaihto-omaisuus                                       4 942                2
480               4 940 
Myyntisaamiset ja muut                                8 379                2
876              10 406 
 korottomat saamiset 
Rahavarat                                             3 252                 
207               1 647 
Lyhytaikaiset varat                                  16 572                5
563              16 994 
Varat yhteensä                                       39 035               10
159              40 839 
Emoyhtiön omistajille 
 kuuluva oma pääoma 
Osakepääoma                                           3 425                3
425               3 425 
Muut rahastot                                        43 344               18
432              40 012 
Muuntoerot                                             -790                 
-12                -210 
Kertyneet voittovarat                               -25 091              -20
059             -22 082 
Oma pääoma yhteensä                                  20 888                1
786              21 145 
Pitkäaikaiset velat 
Pitkäaikaiset lainat                                  2 687                2
949               4 534 
Laskennalliset verovelat                                 61                 
100                  70 
Pitkäaikaiset velat                                   2 748                3
049               4 604 
Lyhytaikaiset velat 
Lyhytaikaiset korolliset                              5 186                2
555               5 905 
Ostovelat ja muut velat                              10 109                2
721               9 136 
Lyhytaikaiset varaukset                                 104                  
47                  49 
Lyhytaikaiset velat                                  15 399                5
324              15 090 
Velat yhteensä                                       18 147                8
373              19 694 
Oma pääoma ja velat                                  39 035               10
159              40 839 
 rahavirtalaskelma, IFRS 
                               1 000 EUR                    1-3/2011           
   1-3/2010  1-12/20 
Liiketoiminnan rahavirta 
Tuloslaskelman voitto/tappio ennen                            -2 959           
       -793   -3 484 
Oikaistaan ei-rahamääräiset, selkeät erät 
         Poistot ja arvonalentumiset      +                      921           
        190    1 085 
         Myyntivoitot/-tappiot pysyvistä  +/-                      0           
         -4       24 
         Realisoitumattomat kurssivoitot  +/-                    395           
       -176      104 
          (-) ja -tappiot (+) 
         Muut tuotot ja kulut, joihin ei  +/-                      0           
         -2       22 
          liity maksua 
         Rahoitustuotot ja -kulut         +                      270           
         53      264 
         Korkotuotot                             -                 0           
          0        0 
         Verot                                   -                 5           
         -8      -12 
Yhteensä rahavirta ennen käyttöpääoman                        -1 367           
       -739   -1 998 
Käyttöpääoman muutos 
         Vaihto-omaisuuden lisäys (-) /                         -166           
        110      387 
          vähennys (+) 
         Myynti- ja muiden saamisten                           1 763           
       -206      -95 
          lisäys (-) / vähennys (+) 
         Osto- ja muiden velkojen lisäys                       1 549           
        243      121 
          (+) / vähennys (-) 
Käyttöpääoman muutos                                           3 146           
        147      413 
Rahoituserien ja verojen oikaisu 
         Maksetut korot                          -               -88           
        -34     -314 
         Saadut korot                     +                        1           
          0       47 
         Muut rahoituserät                       -              -125           
         -9       15 
         Maksetut verot                          -               -83           
          0        0 
Rahoituserät ja verot                                           -294           
        -43     -252 
LIIKETOIMINNAN NETTORAHAVIRTA                                  1 484           
       -635   -1 837 
Investointien rahavirta 
Investoinnit aineellisiin ja                     -              -536           
       -100   -1 201 
 aineettomiin hyödykkeisiin 
Luovutustulot aineellisista ja            +                        0                16       10 
 aineettomista hyödykkeistä 
Myönnetyt lainat                                 -                 0           
          0        0 
Lainasaamisten takaisinmaksut             +                        0           
        341    1 042 
Tytäryritysten ja muiden                         -                 0           
          0   -2 504 
 liiketoimintayksiköiden hankinta 
Tytäryritysten ja muiden                  +                        0           
          0        0 
 liiketoimintayksiköiden luovutus 
INVESTOINTIEN NETTORAHAVIRTA                                    -536           
        257   -2 653 
Rahoituksen rahavirta 
Osakeannista saadut maksut                +                      998           
          0    5 268 
Pitkäaikaisten lainojen nostot            +                        0           
          0        0 
Pitkäaikaisten lainojen takaisinmaksut           -                 0           
          0        0 
Lyhytaaikaisten lainojen nostot           +                    2 388           
      3 377   14 052 
Lyhytaaikaisten lainojen takaisinmaksut          -            -2 616           
     -2 899  -13 289 
Maksetut osingot                                 -                 0           
          0        0 
RAHOITUKSEN NETTORAHAVIRTA                                       770           
        478    6 030 
RAHAVAROJEN LISÄYS (+) TAI VÄHENNYS (-)                        1 718           
         99    1 540 
Oman pääoman muutoslaskelma 
 1 000 EUR  Osakep     Muut rahastot  Muunto    Sijoitetun vapaan        
Kertyneet         Yhteensä 
             ääoma                       ero         oman pääoman      
31.12.2010   3 425             4 908    -210               35 104           -22
082           21 145 
Suunnattu                                                   3 332              
               3 332 
-41              -41 
-10              -10 
Muuntoero,                              -579                                   
Kauden                                                                       -2
959           -2 959 
 31.3.2011   3 425             4 908    -790               38 436           -25
091           20 888 
 1 000 EUR  Osakep     Muut rahastot  Muunto    Sijoitetun vapaan        
Kertyneet         Yhteensä 
             ääoma                       ero         oman pääoman      
31.12.2009   3 425             4 908     110               13 524           -19
266            2 701 
Muuntoero,                              -122                                   
-793             -793 
 31.3.2010   3 425             4 908     -12               13 524           -20
059            1 786 
Face (Telecom) -yritysjärjestely saatettiin päätökseen 30.11.2010, ja Cencorpin
 muuttui. Cencorp raportoi vuoden 2011 kahden liiketoimintasegmentin mukaan.
 ovat Laser- ja automaatiosovellukset ja Erikoiskomponentit. Vuonna 2010 Face
 -yritysjärjestelyn toteuduttua raportoidaan Erikoiskomponentit
liiketoimintasegmentti 1.12.2010 
         1 000 EUR               1-3/2011                1-3/2010              
      Laser- ja                     3 352                   1 912              
        11 089 
      Erikoiskompo                  2 390                       0              
         1 733 
      Eliminoinnit                    -12                       0              
      Yhteensä                      5 731                   1 912              
        12 811 
      Laser- ja                      -891                    -924              
        -2 305 
      Erikoiskompo                 -1 421                       0              
      Eliminoinnit                     23                       0              
      Yhteensä                     -2 288                    -924              
        -3 128 
Tilikauden tulos 
      Laser- ja                    -1 148                    -793              
        -2 888 
      Erikoiskompo                 -1 842                       0              
      Eliminoinnit                     31                       0              
      Yhteensä                     -2 959                    -793              
        -3 484 
      Laser- ja                    31 578                  10 159              
        31 678 
      Erikoiskompo                 25 173                       0              
        28 712 
      Eliminoinnit                -17 716                       0         
       -19 551 
      Yhteensä                     39 035                  10 159              
        40 839 
      Laser- ja                     9 950                   8 373              
        10 379 
      Erikoiskompo                 13 180                       0              
        14 161 
      Eliminoinnit                 -4 983                       0              
        -4 845 
      Yhteensä                     18 147                   8 373              
        19 694 
      Laser- ja                       206                     100              
         1 675 
      Erikoiskompo                    273                       0              
      Eliminoinnit                     58                       0              
      Yhteensä                        536                     100              
         1 201 
      Laser- ja                       280                     190              
      Erikoiskompo                    641                       0              
      Eliminoinnit                      0                       0              
      Yhteensä                        921                     190              
         1 024 
      Laser- ja                         0                       0              
      Erikoiskompo                      0                       0              
      Eliminoinnit                      0                       0              
      Yhteensä                          0                       0              
   Konsernin tunnusluvut 
                        1 000 EUR               1-3/2011             1-3/2010           1-12/2010 
   Liikevaihto                                     5 731                1 912  
              12 811 
   Liiketulos                                     -2 288                 -924  
              -3 128 
   % liikevaihdosta                                -39,9                -48,3  
   Tulos ennen veroja                             -2 954                 -801  
              -3 496 
   % liikevaihdosta                                -51,5                -41,9  
   Taseen loppusumma                              39 035               10 159  
              40 839 
   Omavaraisuusaste %                               54,1                 18,3  
   Nettovelkaantumisaste %                          22,1                257,4  
   Bruttoinvestoinnit                                497                  100  
               1 806 
   % liikevaihdosta                                  8,7                  5,2  
   Tutkimus- ja kehitysmenot                         460                  238  
   % liikevaihdosta                                  8,0                 12,4  
   Tilauskanta                                     7 356                1 535  
               6 013 
   Henkilöstö, keskimäärin                           354                   77  
   Henkilöstö, kauden lopussa                        345                   69  
   Koroton vieras pääoma                          10 109                2 721  
               9 136 
   Korollinen vieras pääoma                        7 873                5 504  
              10 440 
   Osakekohtaiset tunnusluvut 
   Tulos/osake (laimennettu)                       -0,01                -0,01  
   Tulos/osake (laimentamaton)                     -0,01                -0,01  
   Oma pääoma/osake                                 0,06                 0,01  
   Ylin kurssi                                      0,20                 0,19  
   Alin kurssi                                      0,12                 0,14  
   Keskikurssi                                      0,15                 0,17  
   Osakkeen kurssi kauden lopussa                   0,14                 0,17  
   Osakekannan markkina-arvo,                       47,9                 23,4  
    kauden lopussa, MEUR 
   Omavaraisuusaste (%):           Oma pääoma yhteensä x 100 
                                   Taseen loppusumma - saadut ennakot 
   Nettovelkaantumisaste (%):      Korollinen vieras pääoma - rahat,
                                   ja rahoitusomaisuusarvopaperit x 100 
                                   Oma pääoma + vähemmistöosuus 
   Tulos/osake (EPS):              Tilikauden tulos emo yrityksen omistajalle 
                                   Osakkeiden keskimääräinen osakeantioikaistu 
   Oma pääoma/osake:               Emoyhtiön osakkeenomistajille kuuluva oma
                                   Osakkeiden osakeantioikaistu lukumäärä 
                     1 000 EUR              31.3.2011            31.3.2010     
Rahoituslaitoslainat                            5 281                  943     
               5 424 
Annetut yrityskiinnitykset                     12 691               12 691     
              12 691 
Annetut kiinteistökiinnitykset                  4 747                    0     
               5 006 
Talletukset                                       537                    0     
Käytetty factoringluotto ja                     1 037                1 019     
               1 355 
Myyntisaamiset vakuutena                        1 686                1 346     
               1 720 
Annetut yrityskiinnitykset                     12 691               12 691     
              12 691 
Seuraavana vuonna erääntyvät                       21                   58     
Myöhemmin erääntyvät                                3                   24     
Seuraavana vuonna erääntyvät                      741                  211     
Myöhemmin erääntyvät                            4 718                  480     
               5 071 

For more information:

President and CEO Mats Eriksson, tel. +358 400 358 982

Cencorp's interim report for January-June 2011 will be published on 15 August