2014-12-17 07:50:00 CET

2014-12-17 07:50:48 CET


Biotie Therapies - Total number of voting rights and capital

Change in the number of votes relating to Biotie Therapies Corp.'s shares

BIOTIE  THERAPIES  CORP.                   Stock  Exchange  Release          17
December 2014 at 08:50 am

Change in the number of votes relating to Biotie Therapies Corp.'s shares

Biotie Therapies Corp. ("Biotie" or the "Company") has conveyed 15,000 Biotie
shares held as treasury shares pursuant to the Stock Option Plan 2011.

After this conveyance, all 3,321,660 shares issued on 2 January 2014 and held in
treasury for this purpose have been conveyed. Under the Stock Option Plan 2011,
the owners of the stock options may subscribe for a maximum total of 7,401,000
shares and the owners of the Equity Incentive Plan 2011 may subscribe for a
maximum total of 4,599,000 shares in the Company. Due to share issues already
made pursuant to the Stock Option Plan 2011 and the Equity Incentive Plan 2011
(the "Plans"), forfeitures and some of the instruments based on the Plans having
been left unallocated, a maximum of 5,472,375 shares may still be issued
pursuant to the Plans.

The subscription price of EUR 0.01 per share has been fully paid by the employee
and the EUR 150 funds received for the conveyance made will be credited to the
Company's reserve for non-restricted equity.

The conveyed shares previously held as treasury shares have not carried any
voting rights. The conveyance does not affect the number of registered shares.
After the conveyances the changes are as follows:

 Increase in number Total amount of    Number of the     Total number
   of outstanding    voting rights  Company's share held of registered
       shares                           by the Group        shares

       15,000         450,696,015        5,336,383        456,032,398

Turku, 17 December 2014

Biotie Therapies Corp.
Timo Veromaa, President and CEO

For further information, please contact:
Virve Nurmi, Investor Relations Manager, Biotie Therapies Corp.
tel. +358 2 274 8900, e-mail: virve.nurmi@biotie.com

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