2017-10-06 07:30:36 CEST

2017-10-06 07:30:36 CEST


Ferratum Oyj - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

FERRATUM OYJ: Ferratum Group enters strategic partnership with Interswitch in Nigeria

Ferratum Group enters strategic partnership with Interswitch in Nigeria
Helsinki,  6 October,  2017 -  Ferratum  Oyj (ISIN:  FI4000106299,  WKN: A1W9NS)
("Ferratum"),  is  pleased  to  announce  the  launch of Microloan in Nigeria in
partnership with Interswitch Limited ("Interswitch").

Nigeria  is the largest economy in Africa  with the largest population of around
180 million  people.   It  is  projected  to  have  128 million  households with
discretionary  income and a consumer-spending base rising to EUR 1.2 trillion by

The  Nigerian economy has traditionally been cash driven but is now experiencing
exponential  growth  in  mobile  money  transactions,  from  an  average monthly
transaction  value of USD 5 million in  2011 to USD 142.8 million in 2016.  This
can  be attributed to a surge in  e-commerce and smart phone penetration.  Smart
phone  penetration in  Nigeria was  estimated to  be 28% in 2016 with 76% of all
internet  traffic routed  through mobile  phones. This  makes Nigeria one of the
world's most mobile connected countries.

Interswitch,  based in Lagos, builds  and manages transaction infrastructure and
provides  secure electronic payment solutions.  All Nigerian banks are connected
to  Interswitch, making  the company  the most  accessible e-payment  network in

Introducing  a  new  Interswitch  Lending  Services  Platform,  Interswitch  has
partnered  with  five  leading  banks  and  three  innovative  credit providers,
including  Ferratum.  The  platform  offers  proprietary  credit  analysis, risk
scoring  and management  technology that  members of  the partnership can use to
access customers who do transactions on the Interswitch network.

Ferratum  brings  its strengths  in predictive big  data analytics and automated
credit  risk scoring to this partnership, while Interswitch will handle customer
support  and marketing of Ferratum Microloans through its various sales channels
and platforms.

Ferratum  will initially  offer Microloan  amounts of  between NGN 1,000 and NGN
10,000 (approximately EUR 2.70 to EUR 27.00) to customers of Interswitch who are
resident  in Lagos.  The National Population Commission of Nigeria estimated the
population of Lagos to be 21 million in 2016, which makes it the largest city in
Africa.   A testament to Nigeria's potential  was its selection by Goldman Sachs
as  one of  the "Next  11" countries, which  will have  an impact  on the global

Ferratum Group founder and CEO, Jorma Jokela, commented:

"Entering  the African  market is  an important  milestone in  our international
growth  strategy.  Interswitch  is  an  established and well respected financial
company,  leading the way in creating  innovative ways to transact using digital
technologies  in Africa.   This partnership  is a  further step towards Ferratum
providing  accessible credit globally for any  individuals or businesses who are
underserved by traditional banks and mainstream finance.

For  the expansion of Ferratum into the African continent, the shared commitment
of   Ferratum   and  Interswitch  to  promote  financial  inclusion  makes  this
partnership all the more compelling."

About Ferratum Group:

Ferratum  Group  is  an  international  provider  of consumer and small business
loans,   distributed  and  managed  by  mobile  devices.   Founded  in  2005 and
headquartered  in Helsinki, Finland, Ferratum has expanded rapidly to operate in
25 countries.  Ferratum's customers utilize digital  media to apply for consumer
credit  in amounts up to EUR 20,000 and  small businesses instalment loans up to
EUR 100,000 with a term of six to twelve months.

As  a  pioneer  in  digital  lending  and  mobile financial services technology,
Ferratum is at the forefront of the digital banking revolution.  Ferratum Mobile
Bank,  launched in  2016, is an  innovative mobile  banking platform  offering a
range  of banking services, including real  time digital payments and transfers,
within  a single app.  It is currently  available in five European markets.  Led
by  its founder,  Jorma Jokela,  Ferratum has  more than  1.7 million active and
former customers who have been granted one or more loans in the past (as at June
30, 2017).

Ferratum Group is listed on the Prime Standard of Frankfurt Stock Exchange under
symbol 'FRU.' For more information, visit www.ferratumgroup.com.

About Interswitch Limited:

Interswitch  is  an  Africa-focused  integrated  digital  payments  and commerce
company  that facilitates  the electronic  circulation of  money as  well as the
exchange  of  value  between  individuals  and  organisations  on  a  timely and
consistent basis.

Interswitch  is the owner of Verve, Nigeria's most used payment card, accounting
for   18 million  of  the  25 million  cards  in  circulation  in  the  country.
Interswitch  also recently acquired VANSO,  a mobile-focused technology provider
to  banks. This new acquisition  will result in VANSO's  mobile banking, SMS and
security  businesses being fully integrated  into Interswitch's digital commerce
and technology operations in Nigeria, and across Africa.

Interswitch  currently operates in Nigeria, Gambia,  Kenya and Uganda with plans
to  expand into more markets in the  Eastern part of the African continent.  For
more information, visit: www.interswitchgroup.com.


 Ferratum Group                  European media enquiries:
 Dr. Clemens Krause, CFO         Edelman.ergo, A Daniel J Edelman Company
 T: +49 30 88715308              Alexander Schmidt | Andreas Martin
 F: +49 30 88715309              T: +49 69 27 13 89 26
 E: clemens.krause@ferratum.com  E: Alexander.Schmidt@edelmanergo.com
                                 E: Andreas.Martin@edelmanergo.com

 Ferratum Group                  UK media enquiries:
 Paul Wasastjerna                Smithfield, A Daniel J Edelman Company
 Head of Investor Relations      Alex Simmons | Brett Jacobs
 T: +358 40 7248247              T: +44 20 3047 2543 | +44 20 3047 2537
 F: +358 20 741 1614             E: asimmons@smithfieldgroup.com
 E:paul.wasastjerna@ferratum.com E: bjacobs@smithfieldgroup.com
