2007-09-07 14:24:00 CEST

2007-09-07 14:24:00 CEST


Engelska Finska
Kasola Oyj - Company Announcement


KASOLA PLC    STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE    7 September 2007                        

KASOLA PLC BECOMES NURMINEN LOGISTICS PLC                                       

Kasola Plc, its major shareholders Jari Bachmann, Sanni Bachmann, Kirta         
Forsström and Maturiala LLC (“Major Shareholders”) as well as John Nurminen LLC 
have on 7 September 2007 signed an agreement (“Agreement”) whereby Kasola Plc   
becomes a logistics business company. Propositions to be presented to an        
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Kasola Plc to be convened later
shall include decisions regarding the sale of all current business activities of
Kasola Plc and the acquisition of new business activities as well as authorising
the Board of Directors to decide on a share issue and on the change of the name 
of Kasola Plc to Nurminen Logistics Plc.                                        

After receiving information on the business arrangement and after a preliminary 
evaluation of the arrangement, the Board of Directors of Kasola Plc has with    
respect to certain sections commited to the Agreement and states provisionally  
that the arrangement is, considering the future activities and general aspects  
of Kasola Plc, in accordance with the interests of the shareholders of Kasola   
Plc. Major Shareholders and certain other shareholders of Kasola Plc, who have  
been informed provisionally on the arrangement, representing approximately 69.7 
percent of all shares and 90.8 percent of all votes, have announced that they   
are provisionally in favor of the proposed measures.                            

Pursuant to the Agreement, the employment relationship of the Managing Director 
of Kasola Plc, Jari Bachmann, expires. Pursuant to the Agreement, the Board of  
Directors of Kasola Plc has appointed Tapani Väljä to act as an interim Managing

The main points of the Agreement are:                                           

1. John Nurminen LLC becomes a shareholder of Kasola Plc                        
2. The election of a new Board of Directors and a new auditor                   
3. The sale of current business activities of Kasola Plc                        
4. The transfer of the logistics business activities of John Nurminen LLC to    
Kasola Plc                                                                      
5. The granting of share issue authority                                        
6. The alteration of the voting K-shares of Kasola Plc into A-shares            
7. The changing of the name of Kasola Plc to Nurminen Logistics Plc             
1. John Nurminen LLC becomes a shareholder of Kasola Plc                        

Pursuant to the Agreement, the Major Shareholders of Kasola Plc undertake to    
sell to John Nurminen LLC and John Nurminen LLC undertakes to buy 232,400       
A-shares of Kasola Plc for a price of five (5) euros per share. After the       
completion of the aforesaid transaction the largest shareholders of Kasola Plc  
shall be:                                                                       

| Shareholder        | K-shares    | A-shares    | % of shares   | % of votes  |
| Autocarrera LLC    |             | 428,751     | 17.29%        | 5.24%       |
| Jari Bachmann      | 33,000      | 255,500     | 11.64%        | 11.19%      |
| Sanni Bachmann     | 33,000      | 255,500     | 11.64%        | 11.19%      |
| Kirta Forsström    | 33,000      | 255,500     | 11.64%        | 11.19%      |
| John Nurminen LLC  |             | 232,400     | 9.37%         | 2.84%       |
| Maturiala LLC      | 201,000     |             | 8.11%         | 49.15%      |
| Other [260, as of  |             | 751,479     | 30.31%        | 9.19%       |
| 30 June]           |             |             |               |             |
| Total              | 300,000     | 2,179,130   | 100.00%       | 100.00%     |

Every K-share has 20 votes and every A-share listed in the Helsinki Stock       
Exchange has one (1) vote.                                                      

According to an interpretation confirmed today by the Financial Supervision     
Authority (“FinFSA”) the signing of the Agreement has produced an obligation for
the Major Shareholders of Kasola Plc, and also John Nurminen LLC after it has   
become shareholder in Kasola plc, to make a public tender offer according to    
Section 10 Chapter 6 of the Securities Market Act with respect to the shares of 
Kasola Plc. The FinFSA has granted an exemption to the parties under the        
obligation to commence the public tender offer. The exemption is conditional    
upon that the tender offer procedure will begin on 10 December at the latest and
a combined tender offer document and prospectus as set forth in chapter 2 of    
Finnish Securities Market Act will be published. In the public tender offer the 
offered price per share shall be five (5) euros.                                

John Nurminen LLC has, in an agreement made with the Major Shareholders of      
Kasola Plc, committed to perform the duties of the Major Shareholders in        
connection with the public tender offer.                                        

Pursuant to the Agreement, John Nurminen LLC undertakes to redeem for a price of
6.80 euros per share 60 percent of the shares of Kasola Plc that the Major      
Shareholders have had in their possession on the day preceding the public tender
offer period and the day after the public tender offer period as well as on 30  
June 2010. This undertaking applies to all current shareholders of Kasola Plc.  
If the amount of shares of other shareholders of Kasola Plc varies from the     
aforementioned three (3) dates, the 60 percent amount is calculated from the    
lowest amount of shares. Pursuant to the Agreement, John Nurminen LLC is not    
liable to redeem shares from other shareholders besides the Major Shareholders, 
should the making of a redemption offer be clearly unjustifiable taking into    
consideration the stock exchange quotation, liquidity and volatility of the     
share of Kasola Plc. The aforedescribed redemption price is adjusted            
correspondingly in the event any changes in the number of shares.               

2. Election of a new Board of Directors and a new auditor                       

Pursuant to the Agreement John Nurminen LLC and the Major Shareholders undertake
to contribute to the General Meeting of Kasola Plc deciding to elect a new Board
of Directors for Kasola Plc. The current Board of Directors of Kasola Plc shall 
remain in position until the conclusion of said General Meeting.                

Furthermore, John Nurminen LLC and the Major Shareholders of Kasola Plc         
undertake to contribute to the General Meeting electing KPMG LLC as the         
company's new auditor in addition to the current auditor.                       

3. Sale of current business activities of Kasola Plc                            

Pursuant to the Agreement the Board of Directors of Kasola Plc shall propose to 
the General Meeting the sale of all current business activities of Kasola Plc to
Maturiala LLC or a party appointed by Maturiala LLC. Maturiala LLC is owned by  
Jari Bachmann, Sanni Bachmann and Kirta Forsström.                              

The transaction comprises all shares of the subsidiaries of Kasola Plc, Kaso LLC
and MK-Tresmer LLC, the real estate used in the activities of Kasola Plc,       
leaseholds to and buildings on the said real estate as well as other assets and 
liabilities related to the business activities. All employees of the            
Kasola-group are transferred in the transaction as so-called “old employees”.   

Pursuant to the Agreement the total purchase price to be paid for the business  
activities of Kasola Plc is 7,000,000 euros. Kasola Plc estimates a sales profit
of 1.4 million euros to be entered as income from the transaction.              

The transaction and any company law related procedures related thereto are aimed
to be completed by the end of the year 2007.                                    

4. Transfer of logistics business activities of John Nurminen LLC to Kasola Plc 

Pursuant to the Agreement John Nurminen LLC undertakes to transfer all its      
railway operations, handling of goods and value-added services, special and     
heavy transportation, customs clearance services, care logistics and            
administrative units connected to the aforementioned services to Kasola Plc. The
annual turnover of the operations to be transferred is currently approximately  
80,000,000 euros the main part of which consists of rail service operations.    
According to an estimate by John Nurminen LLC, the business profit of the       
business activities in 2007 are approximately 4,000,000 euros. The value of the 
business activities to be transferred has in the Agreement been specified as    
50,000,000 euros, of which 20,000,000 are net assets.                           

The transfer of logistics business activities to Kasola Plc are completed       
through the full demerger of John Nurminen LLC. The transfer of the business    
activities and any company law related procedures related thereto are aimed to  
be completed so as to enable the aforementioned business activities to be       
transferred to Kasola Plc by 1 January 2008.                                    

John Nurminen has not previously prepared an IFRS-financial statement.          
Consequently and resulting from the transfer of business activities through     
demerger, economic indicators as required by the IFRS-standards can not be      
provided in connection with the signing of the Agreement. The indicators        
regarding the logistics business activities to be transferred are presented as  
part of Kasola Plc, according to current estimates, as of the beginning of 2008.
Reference data regarding the preceding period are presented as pro forma        
calculations as soon as such calculations are finished.                         

The value of the logistics business activities of John Nurminen LLC has been    
specified as 50,000,000 euros in the Agreement. According to the Agreement, the 
consideration for the business activities received by Kasola Plc shall be       
10,000,000 new A-shares of Kasola Plc.                                          

Pursuant to the Agreement, the Major Shareholders of Kasola Plc undertake to    
contribute to the General Meeting of Kasola Plc authorising the Board of        
Directors to issue 10,000,000 new A-shares as consideration for the business    
activities of John Nurminen LLC to be transferred to Kasola Plc. The new shares 
shall be given as demerger consideration to the shareholders of John Nurminen   
LLC, namely Juha Nurminen and JN Uljas LLC, a company under the authority of    
Juha Nurminen, Satu Lassila, Jukka Nurminen and Mikko Nurminen.                 

5. Granting of share issue authority                                            

Pursuant to the Agreement, the Major Shareholders of Kasola Plc undertake to    
contribute to the General Meeting of Kasola Plc authorising the Board of        
Directors of Kasola Plc to decide on a directed share issues comprising a total 
maximum amount of 20,000,000 A-shares (in addition to the aforementioned        
10,000,000 A-shares to be given as consideration for the business activities of 
John Nurminen LLC to be transferred) in order to, among other things, increase  
the number of shareholders and finance future growth potential.                 

6. Transformation of the voting K-shares of Kasola Plc into A-shares            
According to the Agreement John Nurminen LLC and the Major Shareholders of      
Kasola Plc undertake to contribute to the General Meeting of Kasola Plc deciding
on the combination of the share classes of Kasola Plc by transforming voting    
K-shares into A-shares so that for every five (5) K-shares, a Major Shareholder 
receives four (4) new A-shares without consideration.                           

Pursuant to the Agreement, the combination of the share classes is completed    
simultaneously or after the 10,000,000 aforementioned A-shares of Kasola Plc    
paid as consideration for the logistics business activities of John Nurminen LLC
to be transferred have been duly registered.                                    

After the aforementioned procedures the total amount of shares and votes of the 
shareholders of John Nurminen LLC in Kasola Plc is approximately 80 percent and 
the total amount of the Major Shareholders of Kasola Plc approximately 10       

7. Changing of the name of Kasola Plc into Nurminen Logistics Plc               

Pursuant to the Agreement John Nurminen LLC and the Major Shareholders of Kasola
Plc undertake to contribute to change the name of Kasola Plc into Nurminen      
Logistics Plc after the aforementioned arrangement has been completed.          

Pursuant to the Agreement pertaining to the arrangement John Nurminen LLC and   
the Major Shareholders of Kasola Plc have agreed on the values to be utilised in
the arrangement. The arrangement is conditional to the Board of Directors of    
Kasola Plc duly determining the fairness of the arrangement with respect to all 
shareholders of Kasola Plc and obtaining the necessary expert opinions and a    
so-called fairness opinion on the arrangement as a whole and with respect to the
individual parts of the arrangement. In addition, the arrangement is conditional
to the approval of the Extraordinary General Meetings of Kasola Plc and John    
Nurminen LLC and that the arrangement has been completed by 29 February 2008 or 
that the parties have agreed on an alternative method of completing the         

Jari Bachmann as the Managing Director of Kasola Plc and representative of the  
Major Shareholders comments:                                                    

”In my opinion the arrangement enables opportunities for the improved           
development of the value of the share. With regard to Kaso LLC and MK-Tresmer   
LLC, a return to the family business roots of these companies occurs. The       
development of the value of the share of Kasola Plc has been modest as          
appreciations have favored growing companies. With regard to current major      
shareholders, an opportunity opens to remain as significant shareholders in     
Nurminen Logistics also in the future and we do not intend to let go of our     
holdings in the near future. I am also certain that the arrangement will further
the growth of Nurminen Logistics and financing opportunities both in Finland and

Juha Nurminen as the Chairman of the Board of John Nurminen LLC comments:       

”Going public is a remarkable operation in the 121-year-old history of an old   
family business. The purpose of this operation is to create possibilities for   
growth and significant international activities. Family owners will continue    
their strong presence also in the future and own approximately 80 percent of the
company after going public.”                                                    

Lasse Paitsola, the Managing Director of John Nurminen LLC also emphasizes the  
importance of growth:                                                           

”John Nurminen Oy is a strong participant in the Finnish and Russian goods      
transportation with nearly 800 own railway carriages and it is beginning        
operations in the Vuosaari port center of the Port of Helsinki where it operates
a storage and goods handling real estate of approximately 50,000 square metres. 
The shareholders want, through this arrangement, to make sure that preconditions
for the growth of activities and the financing of growth exist also through the 
stock exchange.”, says Paitsola.                                                

The business units of John Nurminen continue operating as usual and the listing 
has no effect on the number of personnel.                                       

”Going public provides better possibilities to provide more comprehensive       
services to our customers in the future.” promises Paitsola.                    

KASOLA PLC                                                                      
THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                                          

Juha Oikarinen                                                                  
Chairman of the Board                                                           

Additional information:                                                         

Jari Bachmann 050-552 1193                                                      
Managing Director                                                               
Kaso LLC                                                                        

Lasse Paitsola 0400-405 801                                                     
Managing Director                                                               
John Nurminen LLC                                                               

Tapani Väljä 0400-505 078                                                       
Managing Director                                                               
Kasola Plc                                                                      

Helsinki Stock Exchange                                                         
Main media