2017-12-13 16:56:02 CET

2017-12-13 16:57:03 CET


Lánamál ríkisins - Other information disclosed according to the rules of the Exchange

Republic of Iceland issues new EUR500 million 0.500% Notes due 20 December 2022

The Republic of Iceland, rated A3 by Moody's (Stable), A by S&P (Stable) and A by Fitch (Stable) has priced a new EUR500m 5-year RegS fixed rate transaction, paying a coupon of 0.500% per annum. The new deal has a reoffer price of 99.705% to give a spread of +35bp over mid-swaps, equivalent to +91.9bp over the 0% October-2022 OBL. Joint lead managers are Barclays, Citi, Deutsche Bank and Nomura. Pay date 20th of December. Listing London/ English Law. Denoms €100k + €1k, ISIN XS173851197