2010-04-27 07:00:00 CEST

2010-04-27 07:01:25 CEST


Tieto Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

TIETO's interim report 1/2010 (January-March): Profitability improves, sales slightly down

Tieto Corporation Interim Report 27 April 2010, 8.00 am EET

To download the PDF file, please use this link:

Highlights: January-March
  * Net sales totalled EUR 422.9 (438.0) million, down 3%.
  * Operating profit amounted to EUR 18.8 (4.9) million, representing an
    operating margin of 4.5% (1.1).
  * Operating profit excluding one-off items was EUR 26.6 (14.8) million,
    representing an operating margin of 6.3% (3.4).
  * Profit after taxes was EUR 12.0 (1.0) million.
  * Net cash flow from operations amounted to EUR 27.9 (38.7) million.
  * The company's outlook remains unchanged.

                                                      Q1/2010 Q1/2009

Net sales, EUR million                                  422.9   438.0

Change in net sales, %                                     -3      -6

Operating profit, EUR million                            18.8     4.9

Operating margin, %                                       4.5     1.1

Operating profit excluding one-off items, EUR million    26.6    14.8

Operating margin excluding one-off items, %               6.3     3.4

Profit after taxes, EUR million                          12.0     1.0

Net cash flow from operations, EUR million               27.9    38.7

EPS, EUR                                                 0.17    0.01

Hannu Syrjälä, President and CEO:"Our business environment has continued to improve and our execution was solid
in the first quarter of 2010. Sales were slightly down, and profitability
improved as a result of successful cost savings actions implemented in 2009.
Operating margin excluding one-off items almost doubled to 6.3% from last year.

The turnaround in Tieto Sweden is well on its way. The good profitability
development that started in the latter part of 2009 has continued. In Finland,
sales were down a bit but profitability remained at the 10% level. Tieto
International's profitability was strained by few divestments, but excluding
these, profitability was up substantially.

The first half of 2010 is still characterized by sluggish market, and modest
growth is expected in the latter half of the year. Our volumes have developed
favourably, but our sales are affected by lower price levels due to increased
use of offshore resources. Tieto is investing in growth initiatives, but at the
same time, we continue to manage our cost base tightly. We have achieved
excellent results from our increased offshore capabilities and this will have a
positive impact on our performance."


The IT services market in the Nordic countries has stabilized at the beginning
of 2010. Activity in the market has picked up, and companies' efforts to achieve
cost savings and improve productivity have opened up new business opportunities.
These have not yet translated to growth, except in the service sectors, such as
public, healthcare, retail and logistics.

In 2010, IT spending in Europe is driven by replacement investments in hardware
and software as well as growing spending on cloud services, such as Software as
a Service.

The Nordic IT services market is expected to start growing in the second half of
2010. Growth estimates for the full year provided by market analysts vary from
0% to 2%. The market for the telecom sector is expected to remain challenging
during 2010. The market development is twofold; volumes are going up but at the
same time, offshoring will continue to lower market prices. The outsourcing
market and the demand for new service models are expected to remain robust,
whereas the project services market continues to slide in the first half of

Price pressure persists, especially in agreement renewals. The changing delivery
mix - which makes greater use of offshore resources - is leading to lower
average unit prices.

In the telecom sector, the transformation towards offshore-based operations has
accelerated. It is expected that transfers will curbe market growth in euros,
although volumes in terms of manhours are on the rise. The network equipment
manufacturers segment has continued to be challenging. The mobile device
manufacturers segment has picked up, boosted by new technologies, and the
operator segment is expected to follow suit later in 2010. Decision-making
cycles have remained relatively long.

In the finance sector, the market has stabilized, but competition is fierce and
decisions-making processes are slow. Outsourcing is the main source of growth,
especially in Sweden, but activity in the products area has also picked up. In
the Finnish finance sector, the pension insurance segment has slowed down after
a long investment cycle, whereas the banking segment is expected to grow. In the
UK, the finance sector has remained challenging.

Market development by country
In Finland, the outsourcing market continues to grow, but project business is
expected to remain at a modest level. Demand for IT services is expected to
continue at a good level in the utilities, healthcare and welfare sectors. In
the public sector, IT budgets will be cut and the plan is to re-allocate parts
of the budget from ministries to centralized IT procurement units in 2010.

In Sweden, the IT market is picking up. New outsourcing-related opportunities
have opened up, especially in the finance and public sectors. The number of
customer leads is growing. Price competition remains hard in agreement renewals.
In the manufacturing industry, there are no signs of recovery yet.

Outside Finland and Sweden, the development of the IT markets varies country by
country. In general, telecom is the most challenging sector.

Germany is expected to recover slowly in 2010. The markets for local automotive
and telecom R&D have continued to deteriorate and demand for IT services in
these sectors has been weak. In 2010, outsourcing remains the growth area, as
the economic situation is forcing companies to improve the efficiency of their
operations. The healthcare sector is expected to see positive development.

In Norway, demand is gradually picking up. Interest in restarting IT projects
has increased in the oil & gas segment, thanks to higher oil prices. The
utilities segment is stable, automatic meter reading being one of the future
drivers. The finance market in Norway follows the common industry trends,
capital market solutions being the strongest area.


In January, Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency in Sweden,
Kammarkollegiet, chose Tieto as one of its ten IT-suppliers. The framework
agreements with the chosen suppliers cover IT management services in the public
sector and will affect all government agencies, 232 municipalities as well as
19 county councils and regions.

In March, Tieto Russia acquired T&T Telecom, an IT and consultancy company
specializing in services for telecom operators. The company employs
approximately 70 people and has offices in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

In March, Tieto divested the shares of TietoEnator Majiq, previously responsible
for the company's pulp and paper operations in North America. The company
employed close to 60 people. In the forest sector, Tieto now focuses on Europe
and the growth markets in China and Russia.

In March, Tieto and Yleisradio (YLE) agreed that Tieto will acquire 20% of Tieto
Broadcasting IT Oy's share capital. Tieto Broadcasting IT was previously owned
by Tieto (80%) and YLE (20%). In 2009, Tieto Broadcasting IT's net sales
amounted to EUR 22.7 million.

Tieto also concluded several other important agreements during the quarter, such
as for global communication and collaboration services with Cargotec, IT
operations with the municipality of Sollentuna and the outsourcing of the
majority of IT activities with the Swedish Motor Vehicle Inspection Company.


The order backlog, which only comprises services ordered with binding contracts,
amounted to EUR 1 208 (1 084) million at the end of the period. In total, 60%
(59) of the backlog is expected to be invoiced during the current year. Order
intake in the first quarter saw the strongest growth in Telecom Sweden and in
all industry segments in Tieto International.


First-quarter net sales declined by 3% and amounted to EUR 422.9 (438.0)
million. The stronger currencies, especially the Swedish krona, had a positive
EUR 13 million impact on net sales. First-quarter net sales in 2009 included
one-off income of EUR 7.7 million. Excluding one-off income and currency
impacts, net sales declined by 5%.

In most industries, good outsourcing activity in the IT market and the strong
sales pipeline did not translate to growth yet. Net sales in the healthcare,
public, retail and logistics sectors are growing, but the telecom and
manufacturing sectors saw a decline in net sales. Outsourcing-related sales grew
during the first quarter, but that did not compensate for the decline in
project-based business.

Business transfers to offshore countries are straining net sales, but at the
same time they contribute to improved profitability. On one hand, the changing
delivery mix - which makes greater use of offshore resources - is leading to
lower average unit prices. On the other, average unit costs are declining as

Thanks to to improved efficiency and the positive impacts of the streamlining
actions that were implemented during 2009, Tieto's profitability improved from
the first quarter of 2009. In the first quarter, the company achieved EUR 28
million in cost savings, exclusive of currency effects. Tieto booked EUR 1.7
million in restructuring costs. The company continues to drive its structural
improvements and transfer of operations to offshore countries. These actions are
expected to result in EUR 10-15 million in one-off costs in 2010.

First-quarter operating profit amounted to EUR 18.8 (4.9) million, representing
a margin of 4.5% (1.1). Operating profit includes one-off costs of EUR 1.7
million related to the streamlining actions, mainly in Sweden, impairment losses
of EUR 6.6 million related to the divestment of the pulp and paper operations in
North America and assets held for sale in connection with the divestment of
Tieto's French subsidiary, and a capital gain of EUR 0.5 million. Operating
profit excluding one-off items amounted to EUR 26.6 (14.8) million, or 6.3%
(3.4) of net sales.

Net financial expenses stood at EUR 1.1 (2.8) million in the first quarter. Net
interest expenses were EUR 1.7 (1.8) million and net gains from foreign exchange
transactions EUR 0.7 (negative 1.3) million, of which EUR 1.7 million were
unrealized net losses. Other financial income and expenses amounted to EUR 0.1
(positive 0.3) million.

First-quarter earnings per share (EPS) totalled EUR 0.17 (0.01).

The 12-month rolling return on capital employed (ROCE) was 19.6% and the return
on shareholders' equity (ROE) 13.6%.

Financial performance by country

                   Net sales in Net sales in            EBIT margin  EBIT margin
                       Q1/2010,     Q1/2009,            in Q1/2010,  in Q1/2009,
                    EUR million  EUR million Change, %            %            %

Finland                     222          227        -2         10.2         10.0

Sweden                      119          119         0          4.9         -7.4

International               135          141        -4         -1.0         -2.6

Group elimination           -52          -48

Total                       423          438        -3          4.5          1.1

In Finland, net sales were down by 2%. The manufacturing, telecom and finance
sectors were challenging, whereas the energy, public, healthcare, retail and
logistics sectors saw healthy growth. Net sales were also strained by lower
prices. Due to the improved utilization rate, operating profit remained at the
previous year's level. First-quarter operating profit amounted to EUR 22.6
(22.7) million and the operating margin was 10.2% (10.0).

In Sweden, net sales remained flat. In local currency, the decline was 9%. The
finance, public, healthcare, retail and logistics sectors performed strongly.
Net sales in the telecom sector declined, partly due to ongoing offshore
transitions with some key customers. Thanks to the implementation of
streamlining actions, operating profit improved to EUR 5.8 (-8.8) million, or
EUR 6.8 (0.8) million excluding one-off items. Operating margin was 4.9% (-7.4),
or 5.7% (0.7) excluding one-off items.

In International, net sales declined by 4%. First-quarter net sales in 2009
included an one-off income of EUR 7.7 million. Excluding currency effects and
one-off income, net sales remained flat. Net sales in Germany and France were
dropping off due to their large exposure in the telecom sector, whereas sales in
Asian and Eastern European countries were rising. First-quarter operating profit
amounted to EUR -1.4 (-3.7) million and included EUR 6.6 million in impairment
losses and a net amount of EUR 0.2 million (negative) in other one-off items.
Due to cost savings and good performance in delivery countries, operating profit
excluding one-off items rose to EUR 5.4 (-5.6) million. Operating margin was
-1.0% (-2.6), or 4.0% (-4.0) excluding one-off items.

Net sales by customer sector

                 Net sales in Q1/2010, Net sales in Q1/2009,
                           EUR million           EUR million Change, %

Telecom                            142                   153        -7

Finance                             88                    89         0

Industry sectors                   193                   197        -2

Total                              423                   438        -3

In the telecom sector, Tieto's net sales fell by 7%. The drop was mainly
attributable to customers' delayed investment decisions and a strong offshore
transition trend, especially in the network equipment manufacturers segment.
Ongoing transitions to offshore countries account for more than half of the
drop. Due to lower costs and improved efficiency, however, profitability

In the finance sector, net sales remained flat. Excluding the positive currency
effect, net sales declined around 4% due to the drop in Finland and the UK. In
Finland, net sales in the pension insurance segment shrunk after a relatively
long and strong investment cycle. All other major markets saw positive change in
net sales. Profitability improved substantially due to cost savings and the
downsizing of underperforming businesses.

In the industry sectors, net sales declined by 2%. Excluding currency effects
and one-off income in 2009, net sales remained at the same level as in the first
quarter of 2009. Profitability remained at a healthy level. In Tieto's
reporting, the industry sectors cover customers in healthcare and welfare,
forest, energy, manufacturing, automotive, public, retail and logistics.


First-quarter net cash flow from operations, including the increase of EUR 9.9
(decrease 24.8) million in net working capital, amounted to EUR 27.9 million

Tax payments amounted to EUR 6.6 (6.4) million.

Payments for acquisitions totalled EUR 0.4 (2.4) million in the first quarter.
Divestments amounted to EUR 5.3 (none) million.

The equity ratio was 45.8% (40.0). Gearing decreased to 10.2% (17.5). Net debt
totalled EUR 51.9 (79.2) million, including EUR 150.3 million in
interest-bearing debt, EUR 8.2 million in finance lease liabilities, EUR 8.2
million in finance lease receivables and EUR 98.4 million in cash and cash

The interest-bearing long-term debt consists of EUR 150 million in bonds, of
which EUR 100 million will mature in December 2013 and EUR 50 million (private
placement) in July 2012. The EUR 250 million syndicated revolving credit
facility maturing in November 2011 was not in use and there were no commercial
papers issued under the EUR 250 million Commercial Paper Programme at the end of
March. Other short-term credit lines were utilized for EUR 0.3 million.


Investments totalled EUR 23.3 (16.1) million for the period. This comprises EUR
21.6 (15.9) million in capital expenditure including financial leasing, and EUR
1.7 (0.2) million in investments in shares.


The number of full-time employees rose to 16 880 (16 638) at the end of March.
The rise has resulted from twofold development. To boost its offshore ratio,
Tieto has actively been ramping up its capacity in global delivery centres. At
the end of March, the number of full-time employees in the global delivery
centres had increased by 27% year on year and totalled 5 431 (4 293), or 32%
(26) of personnel. In onshore locations, the number of personnel has decreased,
mainly due to terminations. Starting in 2010, the company uses full-time
employees as the basis for reporting of offshore resources. In previous reports,
Tieto has reported total headcount.

During the first quarter, Tieto accelerated competence transformation with a
view to better meeting needs in growing specialist areas. The company has also
invested in building more effective tools for project staffing.

Based on the national salary raises agreed in collective labour agreements in
Finland and Sweden, wages are expected to increase by 1-2%. In some specialist
areas, the first signs of a lack of resources and growing attrition rates can be
seen, and therefore the rise in personnel expenses might be higher.

The 12-month rolling employee turnover stood at 6.7% at the end of March. The
average number of full-time employees was 16 799 (16 718) in the first quarter.


Tieto's Annual General Meeting on 26 March re-elected the Board's former
members: Kimmo Alkio, Risto Perttunen, Markku Pohjola and Olli Riikkala. In
addition, the meeting elected Christer Gardell, Kurt Jofs, Eva Lindqvist and
Teuvo Salminen as new members. In addition, the company's personnel shall
appoint two members, each with a personal deputy, to the Board of Directors. The
personnel representatives on the Board are Anders Eriksson (deputy: Bo Persson)
and Jari Länsivuori (deputy: Esa Koskinen).

The Board of Directors elected Markku Pohjola as its Chairman and Olli Riikkala
as its Vice Chairman. The Board also appointed a Remuneration and Nomination
Committee comprising Markku Pohjola (Chairman), Kimmo Alkio, Christer Gardell
and Eva Lindqvist, and an Audit and Risk Committee comprising Olli Riikkala
(Chairman), Kurt Jofs, Risto Perttunen and Teuvo Salminen.

The meeting re-elected the firm of authorized public accountants
PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. as the company's auditor for the financial year

The meeting authorized the Board to repurchase the company's own shares. Under
the authorization, up to 7 200 000 shares, corresponding to approximately 10% of
the aggregate number of shares, may be purchased.

The meeting decided to establish a Shareholders' Nomination Committee to prepare
proposals for the election and remuneration of the members of the Board of
Directors to the next Annual General Meeting and to adopt a charter for the
Shareholders' Nomination Committee.


The Annual General Meeting resolved to distribute a dividend of EUR 0.50 (0.50)
per share. Dividends totalling EUR 35.7 million were paid out on 14 April.


At the end of March, the total number of shares amounted to 72 023 173 and the
share capital to EUR 75 841 523.

On 31 March, a total of 4 400 Tieto's shares were returned free of consideration
to the company. The transaction is related to the company's Share Ownership Plan
2006-2008. At the end of the quarter, the number of shares in the company's
possession totalled 545 900, representing 0.8% of the total number of shares and
voting rights. The outstanding number of shares, excluding the shares in the
company's possession, was 71 477 273.


On 26 January, OP-Pohjola Group announced that its group holding in Tieto had
fallen to 4.14%. On 23 March, Goldman Sachs announced that its group holding had
increased to 5.05%.


On 8 April, Goldman Sachs announced that it no longer has a notifiable interest
in Tieto shares, and Solidium announced that its holding has increased to 5.02%.

In April, Tieto announced that the share subscription price for Tieto Stock
Option 2009 B is EUR 16.87 per share (the trade volume weighted average
quotation of the share on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki during 11 February-9 April 2010).

In April, Tieto decided to focus its business in India on two main sites: Pune
and Bangalore. The operations of the Hyderabad site will be moved to the other
locations by the end of June.

In April, Tieto agreed to sell its French subsidiary to the French IT company
Devoteam. In 2009, net sales from the sold entity were EUR 28.5 million. Tieto
booked EUR 5.2 million in impairment loss and EUR 0.4 million in restructuring
costs related to the divestment in its first-quarter results.


In some specialist areas, the first signs of a lack of resources and rising
attrition can be seen. Therefore, the rise in personnel expenses might be higher
than agreed in the collective labour agreements. In Asia, salaries are on the
rise, in some areas even at a double-digit rate.

Weak demand for IT services might lead to lower utilization of resources and
hence lower profitability if the company is not able to adjust its cost base
fast enough to new negative changes in the market.

The ongoing transformation of the IT sector towards offshore production might
create uncertainty among the company's personnel and poses risks related to the
company's market position, prices and quality of deliveries. On the other hand,
Tieto has steadily increased its offshore resources during the past several
years, and is currently the leading European based company providing substantial
offshore capabilities. The company expects the growing offshore operations to
lead to lower average costs as well, offsetting negative price effects. Special
attention has been placed on ensuring the quality of deliveries.

A comprehensive description of the major long-term risks is available on the
company's website.


Tieto anticipates that the IT markets have bottomed out. In 2010, Tieto expects
its net sales to develop in line with the IT services market relevant to Tieto
and its operating profit to be higher than in 2009.

Financial calendar
Second-quarter interim report on 21 July 2010
Third-quarter interim report on 27 October 2010
Fourth-quarter interim report and financial statements bulletin for 2010 on 10
February 2011

Accounting policies in 2010

The interim report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting
Standard (IAS) 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the EU.

Tieto has started to apply hedge accounting for selected hedging transactions,
such as foreign exchange hedging transactions between EUR and CZK after 1 March
2010. Excluding this change, the accounting policies adopted are consistent with
those used in the annual financial statements for the year ended on 31 December
2009. The accounting policies as well as the effect of changes required by the
adoption of standards, interpretations and amendments taken into use in 2010 are
described in the annual financial statements.

The figures in this report are unaudited.

Key figures
                                               2010 2009 2009

                                                1-3  1-3 1-12

Earnings per share, EUR

- basic                                        0.17 0.01 0.77

- diluted                                      0.17 0.01 0.77

Equity per share, EUR                          7.10 6.31 7.25

Return on equity rolling 12 month, %           13.6 10.2 11.0

Return on capital employed rolling 12 month, % 19.6 25.3 16.8

Equity ratio %                                 45.8 40.0 46.0

Net interest-bearing liabilities, EUR million  51.9 79.2 66.0

Gearing, %                                     10.2 17.5 12.7

Investments, EUR million                       23.3 16.1 58.9

Number of shares

                                              2010       2009       2009

                                               1-3        1-3       1-12

Outstanding shares, end of period

Basic                                   71 408 913 71 661 523 71 408 913

Diluted                                 71 691 433 71 739 083 71 481 673

Outstanding shares, average

Basic *)                                71 408 913 71 661 523 71 499 888

Diluted                                 71 691 433 71 739 083 71 574 507

Company's possession of its own shares,

End of period                              545 900    361 650    541 500

Average                                    541 549    361 650    473 315

*) Number of shares included in the calculation of basic Earnings per share.
Shares conveyed in 2009 are excluded as they can be returned until end of 2010.

Income statement, EUR million
                                                       2010  2009 Change    2009

                                                        1-3   1-3      %    1-12

Net sales                                             422.9 438.0     -3 1 706.3

Other operating income                                  7.0   2.9    141    17.5

Employee benefit expenses                             254.5 266.9     -5   986.7

Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges      23.0  17.3     33    70.7

Other operating expenses                              133.6 151.8    -12   591.1

Operating profit (EBIT)                                18.8   4.9    284    75.3

Interest and other financial income                     3.8   0.8    375     5.8

Interest and other financial expenses                  -5.6  -2.3    143   -13.7

Net exchange losses/gains                               0.7  -1.3      -     2.9

Profit before taxes                                    17.7   2.1    743    70.3

Income taxes                                           -5.7  -1.1    418   -15.2

Net profit for the period                              12.0   1.0  1 100    55.1

Net profit for the period attributable to

Shareholders of the Parent company                     11.9   0.8  1 388    54.8

Minority interest                                       0.1   0.2    -50     0.3

                                                       12.0   1.0  1 100    55.1

Earnings attributable to the shareholders of the
Parent company per share, EUR

Basic                                                  0.17  0.01  1 600    0.77

Diluted                                                0.17  0.01  1 600    0.77

Statement of comprehensive income, EUR million

Net profit for the period                              12.0   1.0  1 100    55.1

Translation difference from the net investment in
Swedish subsidiaries (net of tax)                       8.0   8.8     -9     8.2

Translation differences                                 3.7  -6.4   -        7.2

Total comprehensive income                             23.7   3.4    597    70.5

Total comprehensive income attributable to

Shareholders of the Parent company                     23.6   3.2    638    70.2

Minority interest                                       0.1   0.2    -50     0.3

                                                       23.7   3.4    597    70.5

Balance sheet, EUR million
                                   2010    2009 Change                     2009

                                 31 Mar  31 Mar      %                   31 Dec

Goodwill                          411.5   391.4      5                    402.0

Other intangible assets            45.0    49.2     -9                     42.8

Property, plant and equipment     104.7   103.2      1                    100.1

Deferred tax assets                60.3    67.3    -10                     66.9

Loan receivables                    5.0     5.0      0                      5.0

Other non-current assets            0.8     1.4    -43                      0.8

Total non-current assets          627.3   617.5      2                    617.6

Trade and other receivables       450.5   488.3     -8                    444.1

Loan receivables                    3.2     4.5    -29                      3.9

Current income tax receivables      7.7    16.3    -53                      6.4

Cash and cash equivalents          98.4    94.6      4                    123.3

Total current assets              559.8   603.7     -7                    577.7

Assets classified as held for
sale                                4.4       -      -                        -

Total assets                    1 191.5 1 221.2     -2                  1 195.3

Share capital, share issue

premiums and other reserves       112.2   108.9      3                    110.6

Retained earnings                 394.5   341.5     16                    407.0

Parent shareholders' equity       506.7   450.4     13                    517.6

Minority interest                   0.5     1.7    -71                      0.7

Total equity                      507.2   452.1     12                    518.3

Finance lease liability             8.2    13.2    -38                      9.5

Loans                             150.0   150.0      0                    150.0

Deferred tax liabilities           35.0    22.6     55                     33.6

Pension obligations                20.4    18.3     11                     18.9

Other non-current liabilities       2.6     1.6     63                      1.4

Total non-current liabilities     216.2   205.7      5                    213.4

Trade and other payables          420.2   486.9    -14                    370.1

Current income tax liabilities      7.3    19.2    -62                      8.2

Provisions                         36.6    37.2     -2                     46.5

Loans                               0.3    20.1    -99                     38.8

Total current liabilities         464.4   563.4    -18                    463.6

Liabilities classified as held
for sale                            3.7       -      -                        -

Total equity and liabilities    1 191.5 1 221.2     -2                  1 195.3

Trade and other payables at the end of March include EUR 35.7 (35.8) million in
unpaid dividends.

Net working capital in the balance sheet, EUR million

                                                       2010   2009 Change   2009

                                                     31 Mar 31 Mar      % 31 Dec

Accounts receivable                                   296.5  336.4    -12  313.9

Other working capital receivables                     149.7  151.3     -1  129.4

Working capital receivables included in assets        446.2  487.7     -9  443.3

Operative accruals                                    154.3  197.1    -22  149.1

Other working capital liabilities                     224.9  250.5    -10  219.6

Pension obligations and provisions                     57.0   55.5      3   65.4

Working capital liabilities included in current
liabilities                                           436.2  503.1    -13  434.1

Net working capital in the balance sheet               10.0  -15.4   -165    9.2

Cash flow, EUR million
                                                        2010   2009   2009

                                                         1-3    1-3   1-12

Cash flow from operations

Net profit                                              12.0    1.0   55.1


Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges       23.0   17.3   70.7

Share-based payments                                     1.2    1.0    3.8

Profit/loss on sale of fixed assets and shares          -0.5    0.0   -6.1

Other adjustments                                        0.0    0.1    0.2

Net financial expenses                                   1.1    2.8    5.0

Income taxes                                             5.7    1.1   15.2

Change in net working capital                           -9.9   24.8   -3.9

Cash generated from operations                          32.6   48.1  140.0

Net financial expenses paid                              1.9   -3.0    0.8

Income taxes paid                                       -6.6   -6.4  -14.4

Net cash flow from operations                           27.9   38.7  126.4

Cash flow from investing activities

Acquisition of Group companies and business

operations, net of cash acquired                        -0.4   -2.4   -4.6

Capital expenditures                                   -21.4  -15.9  -58.0

Disposal of business operations                          5.1      -    5.7

Sales of fixed assets                                    0.3    0.0    2.9

Change in loan receivables                               0.7    0.1    0.8

Net cash used in investing activities from operations  -15.7  -18.2  -53.2

Cash flow from financing activities

Dividends paid                                          -0.3      -  -36.3

Repurchase of own shares                                   -      -   -2.6

Payment of finance lease liabilities                    -1.3    1.3   -5.1

Change in interest-bearing liabilities                 -38.4  -46.6  -27.9

Net cash used in financing activities from operations  -40.0  -45.3  -71.9

Change in cash and cash equivalents                    -27.8  -24.8    1.3

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period      -123.3 -120.2 -120.2

Foreign exchange differences                            -2.9    0.8   -1.8

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period              98.4   94.6  123.3

                                                       -27.8  -24.8    1.3

Statement of changes in shareholders'
equity, EUR million

                          Parent shareholders' equity            Minority  Total

                                                                 interest equity

                  Share      Share    Own  Trans- Retained Total               issue

                capital   premiums shares  lation earnings

                         and other         diffe-

                          reserves        rencies

Balance at 31
Dec 2008           75.8       33.2   -9.0   -76.1    458.1 482.0      1.6  483.6


Net profit for
the period                                             0.8   0.8      0.1    0.9

Other comprehensive

difference from

net investment
in Swedish

(net of tax)                                           8.8   8.8             8.8

difference                    -0.1           -4.5     -1.8  -6.4            -6.4

Total comprehensive
income                        -0.1           -4.5      7.8   3.2      0.1    3.3

with owners


against equity                                         1.0   1.0             1.0

Dividend                                             -35.8 -35.8           -35.8

interest                                                                     0.0

Total transactions with
owners                         0.0    0.0            -34.8 -34.8      0.0  -34.8

At 31 March
2009               75.8       33.1   -9.0   -80.6    431.1 450.4      1.7  452.1

Balance at 31
Dec 2009           75.8       34.8  -11.6   -44.8    463.4 517.6      0.7  518.3


Net profit for
the period                                            11.9  11.9      0.1   12.0

Other comprehensive

difference from

net investment
in Swedish

(net of tax)                                           8.0   8.0             8.0

difference                     1.5           27.5    -25.3   3.7             3.7

Total comprehensive
income                         1.5           27.5     -5.4  23.6      0.1   23.7

with owners


against equity                                         1.2   1.2             1.2

Dividend                                             -35.7 -35.7           -35.7

interest                                                             -0.3   -0.3

Total transactions with
owners                         0.0    0.0            -34.5 -34.5     -0.3  -34.8

At 31 March
2010               75.8       36.3  -11.6   -17.3    423.5 506.7      0.5  507.2

Net sales by country, EUR million

                                  2010 2009 Change  2009

                                   1-3  1-3      %  1-12

Finland                            222  227     -2   888

Sweden                             119  119      0   462

International                      135  141     -4   553

Group elimination                  -52  -48      9  -197

Group total                        423  438     -3 1 706

Internal sales by country, EUR million

                                       2010 2009 Change 2009

                                        1-3  1-3      % 1-12

Finland                                  17   18     -4   73

Sweden                                    6   10    -39   27

International                            29   21     42   96

Group total                              52   48      9  197

Sales between segments are carried out at arm's length.

Net sales according to customer location, EUR

                                              2010 Change Share 2009 Share  2009

                                               1-3      %     %  1-3     %  1-12

Finland                                        199     -4    47  207    47   806

Sweden                                         112      4    26  107    24   431

Other                                          113     -9    27  124    28   470

Group total                                    423     -3   100  438   100 1 706

Net sales by customer sector, EUR million

                                          2010 2009 Change  2009

                                           1-3  1-3      %  1-12

Telecom                                    142  153     -7   582

Finance                                     88   89      0   359

Industry sectors                           193  197     -2   766

Group total                                423  438     -3 1 706

Revenues of approximately EUR 56.5 million (EUR 57.4 million in 2009) are
derived from a single external customer. These revenues are attributable to all
reportable segments.

Operating profit (EBIT) by country, EUR million

                                                2010 2009 Change  2009

                                                 1-3  1-3      %  1-12

Finland                                         22.6 22.7   -0.4 110.3

Sweden                                           5.8 -8.8    pos  -3.0

International                                   -1.4 -3.7   61.6  -6.7

Group operations                                -8.2 -5.3  -53.2 -25.4

Operating profit (EBIT)                         18.8  4.9  284.1  75.3

Operating margin (EBIT) by country, %

                                      2010 2009 Change 2009

                                       1-3  1-3        1-12

Finland                               10.2 10.0    0.2 12.4

Sweden                                 4.9 -7.4   12.3 -0.6

International                         -1.0 -2.6    1.6 -1.2

Operating margin (EBIT)                4.5  1.1    3.3  4.4

Personnel by country

                            End of period                     Average

                        2010 Change Share    2009    2009    2010    2009

                         1-3      %     %     1-3    1-12     1-3     1-3

Finland                5 773     -4    34   6 036   5 757   5 783   6 034

Sweden                 2 988     -8    18   3 257   3 103   2 995   3 284

Czech                  1 717     15    10   1 494   1 656   1 699   1 541

Germany                1 040     -6     6   1 104   1 047   1 037   1 110

India                  1 112     45     7     769   1 009   1 078     771

Latvia                   591     -6     4     629     588     590     633

Poland                   720     26     4     570     676     708     567

Norway                   532    -16     3     634     561     533     634

China                    727    107     4     352     590     686     345

Great Britain            265    -11     2     299     274     270     328

Italy                    270      3     2     263     266     269     262

Denmark                  213    -29     1     299     226     219     297

Lithuania                180     -5     1     189     177     176     189

Netherlands              131    -12     1     148     133     131     148

France                   132     -6     1     140     134     130     142

Estonia                  120     -3     1     123     118     119     120

Other                    370     11     2     332     349     379     312

Group total          16  880      1   100 16  638 16  663 16  799 16  718

Total assets by country, EUR million

                                        2010            2009 Change    2009

                                      31 Mar          31 Mar      %  31 Dec

Finland                                454.2           444.6      2   442.1

Sweden                                 261.3           265.9     -2   261.3

International                          320.3           363.8    -12   310.8

Country elimination                    -18.0           -15.4     17   -21.4

Countries total                      1 017.8         1 059.0     -4   992.7

Group Operations                       173.7           162.3      7   202.5

Total assets                         1 191.5         1 221.2     -2 1 195.3

Non-current assets according to asset location, EUR million

                                        2010            2009 Change    2009

                                      31 Mar          31 Mar      %  31 Dec

Finland                                256.3           241.9      6   252.0

Sweden                                 148.3           133.4     11   138.6

Other                                  156.7           168.5     -7   154.4

Total non-current assets               561.3           543.8      3   545.0

Capital expenditure by country, EUR million

                 2010 2009 Change       2009

                  1-3  1-3      %       1-12

Finland          13.6 12.8      6       41.2

Sweden            5.1  2.4    111        9.4

International     1.1  0.0      -        4.2

Group Operations  1.8  0.7    157        2.8

Group total      21.6 15.9     36       57.5

Depreciation by country, EUR million

                                     2010 2009                       Change 2009

                                      1-3  1-3                            % 1-12

Finland                              10.6 10.4                            1 41.7

Sweden                                2.0  2.1                           -1  8.3

International                         1.5  1.7                           -8  8.8

Group Operations                      0.4  0.7                          -44  2.6

Group total                          14.5 14.9                           -2 61.4

Amortization on allocated intangible assets from acquisitions, EUR million

                                      2010 2009                      Change 2009

                                       1-3  1-3                           % 1-12

Finland                                0.1  0.1                         -23  0.5

Sweden                                 0.7  0.8                          -5  2.9

International                          1.0  1.4                         -32  5.9

Group Operations                       0.0  0.0                           0  0.0

Group total                            1.8  2.3                         -23  9.3

Impairment losses, EUR million

                               2010 2009 Change 2009

                                1-3  1-3      % 1-12

Finland                         0.0  0.0      0  0.0

Sweden                          0.0  0.0      0  0.0

International                   6.6  0.0      -  0.0

Group Operations                0.0  0.0      0  0.0

Group total                     6.6  0.0      -  0.0

Commitments and contingencies, EUR million

                                              31 Mar 2010   31 Dec 2009 Change %

For Tieto obligations

Pledges                                               0.0           0.0        0

On behalf of joint ventures                           0.5           0.0        0

Other Tieto obligations

Rent commitments due in one year                     54.8          52.1        5

Rent commitments due in 1-5 years                    86.0          86.9       -1

Rent commitments due after 5 years                   19.6          21.4       -9

Operating lease commitments due in one year          11.1          11.3       -2

Operating lease commitments due in 1-5 years          8.0           8.8       -9

Operating lease commitments due after 5 years         0.0           0.0        0

Other commitments 1)                                 30.7          28.2        9

1) In addition, commitments of EUR 9.2 million (EUR 7.6 million in Dec 2009)
related to liabilities in the Group balance sheet
Operating lease commitments are principally three-year lease agreements that do
not include buyout clauses.

Derivatives, EUR million

Notional amounts of derivatives,
EUR million                         31 Mar 2010                    31 Dec 2009

Foreign exchange forward contracts        208.5                          196.5

Interest rate swap                        250.0                          250.0

Includes the gross amount of all notional values for contracts that have not
yet been settled or closed. The amount of notional value outstanding is not
necessarily a measure or indication of market risk, as the exposure of certain
contracts may be offset by other contracts.

Fair values of derivatives

The net fair values of derivative
financial instruments at the
balance sheet date were:            31 Mar 2010                    31 Dec 2009

Foreign exchange forward contracts          0.6                           -0.6

Interest rate swaps                        -0.9                           -1.4

Derivatives are used for economic hedging
purposes only.

Key figures

                                               2010  2009  2009  2009 2009

                                                1-3 10-12   7-9   4-6  1-3

Earnings per share, EUR

- basic                                        0.17  0.36  0.25  0.14 0.01

- diluted                                      0.17  0.36  0.25  0.14 0.01

Equity per share, EUR                          7.10  7.25  6.82  6.46 6.31

Return on equity rolling 12 month, %           13.6  11.0   6.3   7.8 10.2

Return on capital employed rolling 12 month, % 19.6  16.8  18.6  18.5 25.3

Equity ratio %                                 45.8  46.0  43.2  40.7 40.0

Net interest-bearing liabilities, EUR million  51.9  66.0 118.9 139.2 79.2

Gearing, %                                     10.2  12.7  24.4  30.1 17.5

Investments, EUR million                       23.3  15.7  12.7  14.4 16.1

Income statement, EUR million

                                                   2010  2009  2009  2009  2009

                                                    1-3 10-12   7-9   4-6   1-3

Net sales                                         422.9 440.6 382.9 444.8 438.0

Other operating income                              7.0   4.7   2.8   7.1   2.9

Employee benefit expenses                         254.5 243.3 210.7 265.8 266.9

Depreciation, amortization and impairment charges  23.0  17.5  16.9  19.0  17.3

Other operating expenses                          133.6 150.8 131.8 156.7 151.8

Operating profit (EBIT)                            18.8  33.7  26.3  10.4   4.9

Financial income and expenses                      -1.1  -1.5   0.9  -1.6  -2.8

Profit before taxes                                17.7  32.2  27.2   8.8   2.1

Income taxes                                       -5.7  -6.5  -8.8   1.2  -1.1

Net profit for the period                          12.0  25.7  18.4  10.0   1.0

Balance sheet, EUR million

                                            2010    2009    2009    2009    2009

                                          31 Mar  31 Dec  30 Sep  30 Jun  31 Mar

Goodwill                                   411.5   402.0   398.2   392.7   391.4

Other intangible assets                     45.0    42.8    44.1    46.1    49.2

Property, plant and equipment              104.7   100.1    99.0   100.8   103.2

Other non-current assets                    66.1    72.7    68.7    75.3    68.7

Total non-current assets                   627.3   617.6   610.0   614.9   612.5

Trade receivables and other current
assets                                     461.4   454.4   495.0   495.5   514.1

Cash and cash equivalents                   98.4   123.3   105.6   101.7    94.6

Total current assets                       559.8   577.7   600.6   597.2   608.7

Assets classified as held for sale           4.4       -       -       -       -

Total assets                             1 191.5 1 195.3 1 210.6 1 212.1 1 221.2

Total equity                               507.2   518.3   487.8   462.0   452.1

Non-current loans                          158.2   159.5   160.6   161.9   163.2

Other non-current liabilities               58.0    53.9    48.9    46.9    42.5

Total non-current liabilities              216.2   213.4   209.5   208.8   205.7

Trade payables and other current
liabilities                                427.5   378.3   390.0   396.3   506.1

Provisions                                  36.6    46.5    49.3    54.5    37.2

Current loans                                0.3    38.8    74.0    90.5    20.1

Total current liabilities                  464.4   463.6   513.3   541.3   563.4

Liabilities classified as held for sale      3.7       -       -       -       -

Total equity and liabilities             1 191.5 1 195.3 1 210.6 1 212.1 1 221.2

Cash flow, EUR million

                                                 2009   2009   2009  2009   2009

                                                  1-3  10-12    7-9   4-6    1-3

Cash flow from operations

Net profit                                       12.0   25.7   18.4  10.0    1.0

Adjustments                                      30.5   25.4   25.9  15.2   22.3

Change in net working capital                    -9.9   24.0  -26.4 -26.3   24.8

Cash generated from operations                   32.6   75.1   17.9  -1.1   48.1

Net financial expenses paid                       1.9    0.1    5.0  -1.3   -3.0

Income taxes paid                                -6.6   -3.5    5.7 -10.2   -6.4

Net cash flow from operations                    27.9   71.7   28.6 -12.6   38.7

Net cash used in investing activities from
operations                                      -15.7  -17.9   -8.3  -8.8  -18.2

Net cash used in financing activities from
operations                                      -40.0  -36.4  -17.8  27.6  -45.3

Change in cash and cash equivalents             -27.8   17.4    2.5   6.2  -24.8

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
period                                         -123.3 -105.6 -101.7 -94.6 -120.2

Foreign exchange differences                     -2.9   -0.3   -1.4  -0.9    0.8

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period       98.4  123.3  105.6 101.7   94.6

                                                -27.8   17.4    2.5   6.2  -24.8

Tieto has made minor adjustments in the quarterly segment figures for 2009 in
the tables below.
For comparison with the figures announced earlier, visit Tieto's website

Net sales by country, EUR million

                              2010  2009 2009 2009 2009

                               1-3 10-12  7-9  4-6  1-3

Finland                        222   233  199  230  227

Sweden                         119   125  103  116  119

International                  135   139  130  143  141

Group elimination              -52   -56  -48  -45  -48

Group total                    423   441  383  445  438

Net sales by customer sector, EUR million

                                  2010      2009  2009  2009  2009

                                   1-3     10-12   7-9   4-6   1-3

Telecom                            142       149   132   149   153

Finance                             88        89    87    94    89

Industry sectors                   193       203   165   201   197

Group total                        423       441   383   445   438

Operating profit (EBIT) by country, EUR million

                                  2010      2009  2009  2009  2009

                                   1-3     10-12   7-9   4-6   1-3

Finland                           22.6      33.9  28.1  25.6  22.7

Sweden                             5.8       7.9   4.1 - 6.2 - 8.8

International                    - 1.4       2.4   0.9 - 6.2 - 3.7

Group operations                 - 8.2    - 10.5 - 6.8 - 2.8 - 5.3

Operating profit (EBIT)           18.8      33.7  26.3  10.4   4.9

Operating margin (EBIT) by country, %

                                  2010      2009  2009  2009  2009

                                   1-3     10-12   7-9   4-6   1-3

Finland                           10.2      14.6  14.1  11.1  10.0

Sweden                             4.9       6.3   4.0  -5.3  -7.4

International                     -1.0       1.7   0.7  -4.3  -2.6

Operating margin (EBIT)            4.5       7.7   6.9   2.3   1.1

Major shareholders 31 March 2010

                                              Shares     %

 1 Swedbank Robur fonder                   3 689 284   5.1

 2 Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Co.  2 972 367   4.1

 3 OP-Pohjola Group                        2 587 963   3.6

 4 Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland  1 567 000   2.2

 5 Tapiola Pension                         1 530 000   2.1

 6 Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Co.      1 249 749   1.7

 7 The State Pension Fund                  1 190 634   1.7

 8 Didner & Gerge Aktiefond                  971 296   1,3

 9 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB          870 000   1.2

10 SEB Investment Management                 742 473   1.0

                                          17 370 766  24.1

   Nominee registered                     43 705 921  60.7

   Others                                 10 946 486  15.2

   Total                                  72 023 173 100.0

Based on the ownership records of Euroclear Finland Oy and Euroclear Sweden AB.

Based on the latest information (15 March 2010), Cevian Capital´s holding was
4 969 385 shares, which represent 6.8% of the shares and voting rights.
On 23 March 2010, Goldman Sachs announced that its holding was 3 640 745 shares,
which represents 5.0% of the shares and voting rights.
On 8 April 2010, Solidium announced that its holding was 3 616 863 shares, which
represents 5.0% of the shares and voting rights.
On 8 April 2010, Goldman Sachs announced that its group holding has fallen below
5.0% threshold.

For further information, please contact:

Hannu Syrjälä, President and CEO, tel. +358 2072 68729, hannu.syrjala@tieto.com<mailto:hannu.syrjala@tieto.com>
Seppo Haapalainen, CFO, tel. +358 2072 63500, +358 400 455587,
seppo.haapalainen@tieto.com <mailto:seppo.haapalainen@tieto.com>
Reeta Kaukiainen, VP, Communications and Investor Relations, tel. +358
2072 68711,
+358 50 522 0924, reeta.kaukiainen@tieto.com <mailto:reeta.kaukiainen@tieto.com>
Pasi Hiedanpää, Manager, Investor Relations, tel. +358 2072 68088, +358
50 378 2228, pasi.hiedanpaa <mailto:pasi.hiedanpaa@tieto.com>@tieto.com

Press conference for analysts and media will be held at Tieto's premises in
Helsinki, address: Aku Korhosen tie 2-6, at 9.30 am EET (8.30 am CET, 7.30 am UK
time). The results will be presented in English by Hannu Syrjälä, President and
CEO. Notification of attendance to sirpa.salo@tieto.com<mailto:sirpa.salo@tieto.com>, tel. +358 2072 68714.
The conference will be webcasted and published live on Tieto's website
www.tieto.com <http://www.tieto.com/> and there will be a possibility to present
questions online. An on-demand video will be available after the conference.
Conference call hosted by the management starting at 2.30 pm EET (1.30 pm CET,
12.30 am UK time), will also be available as a live audio webcast at
www.tieto.com <http://www.tieto.com/>. Callers may access the conference
directly at the following telephone numbers: US callers +1 212 444 0413, non-US
callers +44 20 7806 1955, no code. Lines are to be reserved ten minutes before
the start of the conference call.
An on-demand audiocast of the conference will also be published on Tieto's
website later during the day. A replay will be available until 2 May 2010 at the
following numbers: US callers:
+1 347 366 9565, non-US callers: +44 20 7111 1244, callers in Finland: +358 (0)9
2310 1650, access code: 7578843#.
Tieto publishes financial information in English, Finnish and Swedish. All
releases are posted in full on Tieto's website as soon as they are published.


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Business ID: 0101138-5
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Registered office: Helsinki
E-mail: info@tieto.com
www.tieto.com <http://www.tieto.com/>
