2015-12-31 08:14:38 CET

2015-12-31 08:14:38 CET


Engelska Litauiska
Lietuvos energijos gamyba, AB - Notification on material event

Reporting dates in 2016

Elektrėnai, Lithuania, 2015-12-31 08:13 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- “Lietuvos
energijos gamyba”, AB (company code 302648707, registered office at Elektrinės
st. 21, Elektrėnai; the Company) informs that, following the amended part 1 of
the Article 24 of the new version of Law on Securities of the Republic of
Lithuania, which became effective on 4 December 2015, and seeking to meet the
expectations of the Company’s shareholders to become acquainted with the latest
information on the Company’s operations, also with the view of ensuring
transparency and publicity of the Company’s operations, the Company will
prepare and release interim financial information for 3, 9 and 12 months. 

The Company informs that it plans to release financial results in 2016
according to the following: 

  -- 15 February – Provisional unaudited financial indicators of the Company for
     12 months of 2015*;
  -- 26 February – Consolidated and Company’s interim financial statements and
     the consolidated interim report for 12 months of 2015;
  -- 7 March – Annual audited consolidated and Company’s financial statements of
     2015 and consolidated annual report verified by auditors, as well as the
     notice of convocation of the general meeting of shareholders;
  -- 16 May – Provisional unaudited financial indicators of the Company for 3
     months of 2016*;
  -- 31 May – Interim financial statements and the interim report of the Company
     for 3 months of 2016;
  -- 16 August – Provisional unaudited financial indicators of the Company for 6
     months of 2016*;
  -- 31 August – Interim financial statements and the interim report of the
     Company for 6 months of 2016;
  -- 15 November – Provisional unaudited financial indicators of the Company for
     9 months of 2016*;
  -- 30 November – Interim financial statements and the interim report of the
     Company for 9 months of 2016.

On 29 March 2016, the Company plans to convene an ordinary general meeting of

*Net profit (loss), EBITDA and sales revenue of the reporting period.

         Valentas Neviera, Head of Corporate Communication Division, tel. +370
670 25997, e-mail. valentas.neviera@le.lt