2010-04-06 15:16:40 CEST

2010-04-06 15:17:47 CEST


English Lithuanian
Vilniaus Baldai AB - Notification on material event

Draft resolutions of the Annual General Shareholders Meeting

The Management Board of Vilniaus baldai AB approved the Company‘s draft
resolutions of the Annual General Shareholders meeting that will take place on
the 29th of April. 

1.	Consolidated annual report.
Draft Resolution:
1.1.	To get acquainted with Company‘s consolidated annual report for 2009.

2.	Company's auditor's report.
Draft Resolution:
2.1. To get acquainted with Company‘s auditor‘s report.

3.	Approval of the Company's financial statements for 2009.
Draft Resolution:
3.1. To approve Company's financial statements for 2009.

4.	Approval of the Company‘s consolidated financial statements for 2009.
Draft Resolution:
4.1. To approve Company‘s consolidated financial statements for 2009.

5.	Approval of the Company‘s profit distribution for 2009.
Draft Resolution:
5.1. To approve Company‘s profit distribution:

Undistributed retained earnings, brought forward
9 910 162 LTL	2 870 181 EUR

Renewable reserve funds	
2 272 379 LTL	658 127 EUR

Net result for the current year	
15 587 022 LTL	4 514 313 EUR

Distributable result	
27 769 563 LTL	8 042 621 EUR

Transfers to the obligatory reserves	
-	-

Profit transfers to the reserves for own shares acquisition	
25 000 000 LTL	7 240 500 EUR

Transfers to other reserves	
-	-

To be paid as dividends	
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To be paid as annual payments (bonus) to board of	
-	-

Undistributed retained earnings, carried forward		
2 769 563 LTL	802 121 EUR

Dividends for the year 2009 not to allocate.		

6.	The Member‘s of the Board re-election.
Draft Resolution:
6.1. To withdraw Raimondas Rajeckas from the Company's Board. To elect Dalius
Kaziunas as the Board member of the Company. 

Additional information:
Chief Financial Officer
Ausra Kibirkstiene
Phone No.: +370 (5) 2525720