2011-04-29 07:00:00 CEST

2011-04-29 07:00:53 CEST


Elektrobit Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)



Free for publication on April 29, 2011, at 8.00 a.m. (CEST+1)


- Net sales for the period amounted to EUR 36.5 million (EUR 41.5 million,
1Q 2010), representing a decrease of 12.1 % year-on-year. Net sales of the
Automotive Business Segment grew to EUR 23.6 million (EUR 18.5 million,
1Q 2010), representing a 27.4% growth year-on-year. The Wireless Business
Segment's net sales fell by 44.2% to EUR 12.7 million (EUR 22.8 million,
1Q 2010). The decrease in net sales of the Wireless Business Segment was due to
the significantly lower volume in the satellite terminal business.
- Operating loss was EUR -3.9 million (EUR 1.7 million, 1Q 2010). Operating
profit for the Automotive Business Segment was EUR 0.6 million (EUR 0.9 million,
1Q 2010). The Wireless Business Segment's operating loss was EUR -4.6 million
(EUR 0.9 million, 1Q 2010).
- EBITDA was EUR -1.6 million (EUR 3.8 million, 1Q 2010).
- Operating cash flow was EUR 1.4 million (EUR 10.6 million, 1Q 2010). The net
cash flow was EUR -2.4 million (EUR 8.0 million, 1Q 2010).
- Cash and other liquid assets totaled EUR 18.1 million (EUR 67.1 million,
1Q 2010).
- Equity ratio remained strong at 63.9% (56.0%, 1Q 2010).
- Earnings per share were EUR -0.03 (EUR -0.01, 1Q 2010).
- Earlier on October 19, 2010, EB's customer TerreStar Networks Inc. filed for
voluntary petition for reorganization, and its parent company TerreStar
Corporation filed for voluntary petition for reorganization on February
16, 2011. Under the review period there were no changes in valuation in EB's
receivables from these companies.
- EB lowered the profit guidance for the first half of 2011 on March 29, 2011.
EB expects a clearly negative operating result for the first half of 2011.
Earlier in the Financial Statement Bulletin on February 17, 2011, EB announced
for the first half of 2011 that it expected operating result to be lower than in
the first half of 2010 (EUR 1.8 million). The main reason for the revised profit
outlook is a lowered revenue forecast in the Wireless Business Segment due to
slower than expected order book development in the new satellite communication
service solutions and due to increased competition in the area of smart phones
related R&D services.

EB'S CEO JUKKA HARJU:"During the first quarter of 2011 EB's operating result was clearly negative and
did not meet our expectations. The Automotive Business Segment continued to grow
strongly and the operating result developed as planned. The operating result for
the  Wireless  Business  Segment  was  clearly  negative  and  did  not meet our
expectations  due  to  slower  than  expected  order book development in the new
satellite  communication service solutions  and due to  increased competition in
the  area of  smart phones  related R&D  services. Within  the Wireless Business
Segment the demand for product development services strengthened towards the end
of the first quarter of the year.
EB's main short-term objective remains to be improving profitability."

The  demand  for  software  products  and  services  is estimated to grow in the
automotive industry and EB's net sales is expected to increase in the Automotive
Business Segment. The net sales of EB's Wireless Business Segment is expected to
remain  in the  same level  than in  the second  half of 2010 (EUR 32.2 million,
2H 2010) but  the revenue  forecast still  contains uncertainties  in particular
with respect to the timing of individual projects.
EB  expects for the first half of 2011 that  net sales will be lower than in the
first  half  of  2010 (EUR  86.2 million)  and  operating result will be clearly
negative  (EUR 1.8 million, 1H 2010). It  is expected that  the operating result
during  the second  quarter of  the year  will be  better than  during the first
quarter  of the year. The profit outlook for  the first half of 2011 is based on
the  assumption that there will  not be further bookings  of impairments of EB's
accounts  receivables from TerreStar Networks Inc. and TerreStar Corporation. It
is  possible  that,  based  on  later  information related to reorganizations of
TerreStar  Networks  and  TerreStar  Corporation,  this  outlook  may need to be
The  continuing challenges of TerreStar Networks Inc., a significant customer of
EB,  in obtaining funding has resulted  in payment delays. TerreStar Network and
certain  affiliates of TerreStar  Corporation filed for  voluntary petitions for
reorganization  to  strengthen  their  financial  position on October 19, 2010.
TerreStar  Corporation  filed  for  voluntary  petition  for  reorganization  on
February   16, 2011. Due   to  the  uncertainties  related  to  the  outcome  of
reorganization  processes of  TerreStar Networks  and TerreStar Corporation, the
credit  risk may still grow during the  first half of 2011. More specific market
outlook  is presented under the  "Business Segments' development during January-
March  2011 and market outlook" section, and uncertainties regarding the filings
for  reorganization of TerreStar Networks  and TerreStar Corporation, collecting
the  receivables, and other uncertainties regarding the outlook under "Risks and
Uncertainties" section.

Information  on TerreStar Networks'  and TerreStar Corporation's reorganizations
are  presented  in  the  October  20 and 25, November 20, December 30, 2010, and
February 17, 2011, stock exchange releases at www.elektrobit.com.


EB  will hold  a press  conference on  the January-March interim report 2011 for
media,  analysts  and  institutional  investors  in  Finland, Espoo, Keilasatama
5, 2(nd) floor,  meeting  room  Purje  on  Friday, April 29, 2011, at 11.00 a.m.
(CEST+1).  The  conference  will  also  be  held  as  a  conference call and the
presentation  will be  shown simultaneously  in the  Internet through WebEx. The
conference  will  be  held  in  English.  For  more  information  on joining the
conference please go to www.elektrobit.com/investors.

EB, Elektrobit Corporation
EB creates advanced technology and turns it into enriching end-user experiences.
EB  is specialized  in demanding  embedded software  and hardware  solutions for
wireless and automotive industries. The net sales for the year 2010 totaled MEUR
161.8. Elektrobit      Corporation      is      listed     on     NASDAQ     OMX


(Corresponding figures are for January-March 2010 unless otherwise indicated)

EB's  net sales during January-March 2011 declined by 12.1 per cent to EUR 36.5
million  (EUR 41.5 million, 1Q 2010). Operating  loss was EUR  -3.9 million (EUR
1.7 million).

|CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (MEUR)                      |1-3 2011|1-3 2010|
|                                                          |3 months|3 months|
|NET SALES                                                 |    36.5|    41.5|
|OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS)                                   |    -3.9|     1.7|
|Financial income and expenses                             |    -0.4|    -1.0|
|RESULT BEFORE TAX                                         |    -4.3|     0.7|
|TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                 |    -4.4|     0.3|
|                                                          |        |        |
|Result for the period attributable to:                    |        |        |
|  Equity holders of the parent                            |    -4.4|    -0.6|
|  Non-controlling interests                               |     0.1|     0.3|
|Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to:|        |        |
|  Equity holder of the parent                             |    -4.5|     0.0|
|  Non-controlling interests                               |     0.1|     0.3|
|                                                          |        |        |
|Earnings per share EUR continuing operations              |   -0.03|   -0.01|

- Cash flow from business operations was EUR 1.4 million (EUR 10.6 million).
- Equity ratio was 63.9% (56.0%).
- Net gearing was -9.7% (-59.5%).


The distribution of the Group's overall net sales and profit, MEUR:
|                                                   |1Q11|4Q10| 3Q10|2Q10|1Q10|
|Net sales                                          |36.5|41.8| 33.7|44.7|41.5|
|Operating profit (loss)                            |-3.9|-7.7|-11.5| 0.1| 1.7|
|Operating profit (loss) without non-recurring costs|-3.9|-3.2| -3.2| 0.1| 1.7|
|Result before taxes                                |-4.3|-8.0|-10.6|-0.7| 0.7|
|Result for the period                              |-4.3|-5.4| -9.0|-0.9|-0.3|

Non-recurring  items are  exceptional gains  and costs  that are  not related to
normal  business operations and  occur only seldom.  These items include capital
gains  or losses,  significant changes  in asset  values such  as write-downs or
reversals  of write-downs, significant restructuring  costs, or other items that
the  management considers to  be non-recurring. When  evaluating a non-recurring
item,  the euro translation  value of the  item is considered,  and in case of a
change in an asset value, it is measured against the total value of the asset.

The distribution of net sales by Business Segments, MEUR:
|                 |1Q11|4Q10|3Q10|2Q10|1Q10|
|Automotive       |23.6|23.1|19.9|18.6|18.5|
|Wireless         |12.7|18.6|13.7|25.9|22.8|
|Corporation total|36.5|41.8|33.7|44.7|41.5|

The distribution of net sales by market areas, MEUR and %:
|        | 1Q11|     4Q10| 3Q10| 2Q10| 1Q10|
|Asia    |  2.7|4.4 10.6%|  1.8|  2.6|  2.7|
|        | 7.4%|         | 5.4%| 5.9%| 6.5%|
|Americas|  5.1|     10.8|  9.4| 17.4| 15.8|
|        |13.9%|    25.8%|27.7%|39.0%|38.1%|
|Europe  | 28.7|     26.6| 22.5| 24.6| 23.0|
|        |78.7%|    63.6%|66.8%|55.2%|55.4%|

Net  sales (external) and operating profit  development by Business Segments and
Other businesses, MEUR:

|                       |1Q11|4Q10| 3Q10|2Q10|1Q10|
|Automotive             |    |    |     |    |    |
|Net sales              |23.6|23.1| 19.9|18.6|18.5|
|Operating profit (loss)| 0.6| 1.1|  0.1|-0.2| 0.9|
|Wireless               |    |    |     |    |    |
|Net sales              |12.7|18.6| 13.7|25.9|22.8|
|Operating profit (loss)|-4.6|-8.8|-11.7| 0.3| 0.9|
|Other businesses       |    |    |     |    |    |
|Net sales              | 0.1| 0.2|  0.2| 0.2| 0.2|
|Operating profit (loss)| 0.1| 0.1|  0.1| 0.0|-0.1|
|Total                  |    |    |     |    |    |
|Net sales              |36.5|41.8| 33.7|44.7|41.5|
|Operating profit (loss)|-3.9|-7.7|-11.5| 0.1| 1.7|

(Corresponding figures are for January-March 2010 unless otherwise indicated)

EB's  reporting is based on  two segments which are  the Automotive and Wireless
Business Segments.


The  Automotive Business Segment's product  offering consists of in-car software
products,  navigation software for after market devices and development services
for  the  automotive  industry  with  leading car manufacturers, car electronics
suppliers  and  automotive  chipset  suppliers  as  customers.  By combining its
software  products and R&D services EB  is creating unique, customized solutions
for its automotive customers.

During  the first quarter  of 2011 net sales  of the Automotive Business Segment
amounted  to EUR 23.6 million (EUR 18.5 million, 1Q 2010), representing a strong
27.4% growth  year-on-year. The operating  profit was EUR  0.6 million (EUR 0.9
million).  Solid  overall  market  demand  continued for EB's software products,
services  and solutions based on own  automotive grade software products adapted
and  integrated  to  the  customer  specific  requirements. EB continued to grow
during  the first quarter  both in the  Infotainment and ECU (Electronic Control
Unit) software markets.

Automotive Market Outlook

The majority of the innovation and differentiation in the automotive industry is
brought about by software and electronics. The share of electronics and software
in  cars has grown significantly during the  past years. It is expected that the
use  of  software  in  automotives  continues  to increase. The estimated annual
automotive  software market long-term growth rate in passenger cars is some 15%
(Frost  & Sullivan). The underlying world  automotive market is also expected to
grow steadily with a yearly rate of about 6% between 2010 and 2015 (CSM).

The  increasingly sophisticated  and networked  features and growing performance
foster  the  complexity  of  automotive  electronics.  The growing complexity is
driving  the industry  towards gradual  separation of  software and  hardware in
electronics  solutions.  Hence  it  is  necessary for managing the architectural
software  layer  appropriately  and  to  aim  for  efficiency  in innovation and
implementation.  The use of standard software  solutions is expected to increase
in the automotive industry. This enables faster innovation, improves quality and
development efficiency and reduces complexity related to deployment of software.

The  fundamental  industry  migration  and  consequent  growth of the automotive
software  market will  continue. Cost  pressures of  the automotive industry are
expected  to accelerate the need of productized and efficient software solutions
EB is offering.

EB's  net sales cumulating from the  automotive industry are currently primarily
driven by the development of software and software platforms for new cars. Hence
the dependency of EB's net sales on car production volumes is currently limited,
however,  the direct dependency is expected to  increase as a result of the EB's
transition towards software product business models over the forthcoming years.


The  Wireless Business Segment offers development services, customized solutions
and  radio channel  emulator products  for industries  and authorities utilizing
wireless technologies.

Net sales for the Wireless Business Segment during the first quarter of 2011 was
EUR 12.7 million (EUR 22.8 million, 1Q 2010), representing a decline of 44.2%
year-on-year. Operating loss was EUR -4.6 million (EUR 0.9 million). The
decreased net sales in the Wireless Business Segment  was due to the significant
lower business volume in the satellite terminal business. The Wireless Business
Segment's lower than anticipated operating result was due to slower than
expected order book development in the new satellite communication service
solutions and due to increased competition in the area of smart phones related
R&D services.

In  the mobile infrastructure market the use of LTE standard, which improves the
performance  of radio channel and mobile phone networks, is expected to continue
to gain strength. EB's business driven by LTE is expected to increase. Mastering
of  multi-radio technologies  and end-to-end  system architectures covering both
terminals  and networks has gained importance in the complex wireless technology
industry. Fast implementation of LTE technology and a wide spectrum of bandwidth
needed are creating opportunities for EB.

The  growth of demand for  smart phones and transitions  in the related software
architectures  and  platforms  are  expected  to  continue  during 2011. The R&D
services  market for smart phones continues to be challenging and the continuing
price pressure drives increasing off-shoring in the industry. The overall demand
for  R&D services for smart phones is expected  to decrease in the future due to
changes  in  the  market  environment.  However,  OEMs  are expected to continue
relying  on outsourcing  in order  to maintain  their R&D  flexibility which can
create new business opportunities for EB.

The  market for communications, interference and intelligence solutions targeted
for  public  authorities  is  estimated  to  remain  stable. The systems used by
authorities  are expected  to be  based on  commercial technology in the future.
EB's  competence on commercial technologies and  mastering the radio channel and
software radio solutions are creating opportunities for EB.

The  performance of radio channel is  going to increase quickly when introducing
new  LTE-technologies. This  will create  demand for  advanced development tools
during the next few years. EB provides world leading channel emulation tools for
the  development  of  MIMO  based  LTE,  LTE-Advanced  and  other advanced radio

The  mobile satellite communication service industry is introducing new data and
mobile  communication services with  new operators being  formed and traditional
ones  upgrading  their  solutions  and  offerings. The Satellite Terrestrial and
Mobile  Satellite  Services  (MMS)  market  demand  is expected to move from the
current  reference design  phase towards  the launch  of commercial products and
services  during the next few years.  The filing for reorganization of TerreStar
Networks Inc. has delayed and brought uncertainties to the development of demand
of   the   satellite   terrestrial   "Genus"  terminal.  Based  on  the  current
understanding  there  is  no  reason  to  expect  that the business relationship
between the parties will continue.


EB  continued its  investments in  R&D in  the automotive  software products and
tools,  in radio channel  emulation products and  in Wireless Solutions' product

The  total R&D investments during the first quarter of 2011 were EUR 6.3 million
(EUR  4.7 million, 1Q 2010), equaling 17.3% of the  net sales (11.2%, 1Q 2010).
EUR 1.6 million of R&D investments were capitalized (EUR 0.7 million, 1Q 2010).


The  demand  for  software  products  and  services  is estimated to grow in the
automotive industry and EB's net sales is expected to increase in the Automotive
Business Segment. The net sales of EB's Wireless Business Segment is expected to
remain  in the  same level  than in  the second  half of 2010 (EUR 32.2 million,
2H 2010) but  the revenue  forecast still  contains uncertainties  in particular
with respect to the timing of individual projects.
EB  expects for the first half of 2011 that  net sales will be lower than in the
first  half  of  2010 (EUR  86.2 million)  and  operating result will be clearly
negative  (EUR 1.8 million, 1H 2010). It  is expected that  the operating result
during  the second  quarter of  the year  will be  better than  during the first
quarter  of the year. The profit outlook for  the first half of 2011 is based on
the  assumption that there will  not be further bookings  of impairments of EB's
accounts  receivables from TerreStar Networks Inc. and TerreStar Corporation. It
is  possible  that,  based  on  later  information related to reorganizations of
TerreStar  Networks  and  TerreStar  Corporation,  this  outlook  may need to be
The  continuing challenges of TerreStar Networks Inc., a significant customer of
EB,  in obtaining funding has resulted  in payment delays. TerreStar Network and
certain  affiliates of TerreStar  Corporation filed for  voluntary petitions for
reorganization  to  strengthen  their  financial  position on October 19, 2010.
TerreStar  Corporation  filed  for  voluntary  petition  for  reorganization  on
February   16, 2011. Due   to  the  uncertainties  related  to  the  outcome  of
reorganization  processes of  TerreStar Networks  and TerreStar Corporation, the
credit  risk may still grow during the  first half of 2011. More specific market
outlook  is presented under the  "Business Segments' development during January-
March  2011 and market outlook" section, and uncertainties regarding the filings
for  reorganization of TerreStar Networks  and TerreStar Corporation, collecting
the  receivables, and other uncertainties regarding the outlook under "Risks and
Uncertainties" section.

Information  on TerreStar Networks'  and TerreStar Corporation's reorganizations
are  presented  in  the  October  20 and 25, November 20, December 30, 2010, and
February 17, 2011, stock exchange releases at www.elektrobit.com.


EB  has identified a number of business, market and finance related risk factors
and  uncertainties that can affect the level  of sales and profits. Those of the
greatest  significance on a  short term are  those affecting the utilization and
chargeability  levels and average hourly prices  of R&D services. On the ongoing
financial  period the global economic uncertainty may affect the demand for EB's
services,  solutions  and  products  and  provide  pressure  on e.g. volumes and
pricing. It may also increase the risk for credit losses.

Challenges  in obtaining  funding have  resulted in  payment delays by TerreStar
Networks  Inc., a significant  customer of EB's  subsidiary Elektrobit Inc., and
increased  the  risk  of  credit  losses.   While on October 19, 2010, TerreStar
Networks and certain other affiliates of TerreStar and on February 16, 2011, the
parent   company   TerreStar   Corporation   filed   voluntary   petitions   for
reorganization  under  Chapter  11 of  the  United  States  Bankruptcy  Code  to
strengthen  their financial position, the credit  risk may still grow during the
first   half   of   2011. Chapter  11 establishes  a  process  for  reorganizing
financially  troubled companies.  Under such  reorganization process, payment by
TerreStar Networks of amounts owed to its creditors will require approval by the
United   States   Bankruptcy   Court   and,  if  made  pursuant  to  a  plan  of
reorganization,  an affirmative vote of  TerreStar Networks' creditors. The plan
of reorganization filed earlier by TerreStar Networks and its affiliated debtors
suggested  that payment of  EB's receivables may  take the form  of newly issued
common  stock  in  the  reorganized  debtors.  Afterwards  the proposed plan was
withdrawn  and no  new plan  has been  filed. TerreStar  Corporation has not yet
filed its plan of reorganization.

As  previously published  on November  20, 2010, EB initiated  legal proceedings
against TerreStar Networks's parent company TerreStar Corporation to collect its
receivables.  The  claim  is  partly  based  on  a guarantee issued by TerreStar
Corporation  for EB's  accounts receivables  from TerreStar  Networks and partly
based on TerreStar Corporation's direct contractual obligations towards EB. EB's
legal  proceedings  against  TerreStar  Corporation  have  now been frozen under
Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code.

On   April  27, 2011, EB's  receivables  from  TerreStar  Networks  amounted  to
approximately  USD 25.8 million (EUR 17.6 million as  per exchange rate of April
27, 2011). Further, in addition to the amount claimed in the TerreStar Networks'
reorganization process, EB has claimed additional costs to be compensated in the
amount of approximately USD 2.1 million (EUR 1.4 million as per exchange rate of
April  27, 2011) and  resulting  mainly  from  the  ramp  down  of  the business
operations  between the  parties. Due  to uncertainties  related to the accounts
receivables EB booked an impairment of the accounts receivables in the amount of
EUR   8.3 million  during  the  second  half  of  2010. Based  on  EB's  current
understanding  there  is  no  reason  to  believe  that  there  would be further
impairment  losses  on  EB's  receivables  from  TerreStar  Networks. EB aims to
collect  the amounts owed to it in  full through the reorganization processes of
TerreStar Networks and TerreStar Corporation, and/or for example through selling
of the earlier mentioned accounts receivables.

Based on the current understanding it is unlikely that the business relationship
between  TerreStar Networks  and EB  will continue.  TerreStar Networks has with
Court  approval  determined  that  it  will  not  comply  with  its  contractual
obligations towards EB as provided by EB. The determination will result into the
termination  of  the  parties'  further  obligations under the current contracts
between  them, but this does  not change the EB's  current view that there would
not be further impairment losses on EB's receivables from TerreStar Networks. At
worst,  TerreStar Networks'  reorganization process  and challenges in obtaining
funding  may, however,  result in  significant credit  losses for EB. Should the
accounts  receivables not be collected at all, either from TerreStar Networks or
TerreStar  Corporation, this would additionally lower EB's operating result non-
recurringly  by approximately EUR 10 million, at maximum (USD-nominated items as
per  exchange  rate  of  April  27, 2011). However,  this  would  not  have  any
significant  negative effect on the EB's cash flow. Further, it is possible that
under  Chapter 11 reorganization process,  debtors may seek  to recover payments
made  prior to their  bankruptcy filing. In  addition to the  above, the risk of
potential  recovery claims by TerreStar Networks  against EB cannot be out ruled
at this time.

It  is  possible  that  based  on  later  information  related  to the TerreStar
Networks'  and TerreStar Corporation's reorganizations, the  view may need to be

As  the EB's customer base consists mainly  of companies operating in the fields
of  automotive and telecommunications, the company  is exposed to market changes
in  these industries. EB  believes that expanding  the customer base will reduce
dependence  on individual companies and that  the company will thereby be mainly
affected  by the  general business  climate in  automotive and telecommunication
industries.  However, some parts of EB's business are more sensitive to customer
dependency than others. Respectively, this may translate as accumulation of risk
with  respect to outstanding  receivables and ultimately  with respect to credit
losses.  The  more  specific  market  outlook  is  presented under the "Business
Segments' development during the first quarter 2011 and market outlook" section.

EB's   operative   business   risks  are  mainly  related  to  following  items:
uncertainties  and  short  visibility  on  customers' product program decisions,
their  make or buy decisions and on the other hand, their decisions to continue,
downsize  or terminate  current product  programs, ramping  up and  down project
resources,  timing  and  on  the  other  hand successful utilization of the most
important  technologies  and  components,  competitive  situation  and potential
delays  in the markets,  timely closing of  customer and supplier contracts with
reasonable  commercial  terms,  delays  in  R&D  projects,  activations based on
customer  contracts, obsolescence of inventories and technology risks in product
development causing higher than planned R&D costs. In addition there are typical
industry  warranty and liability risks as well as risks related to management of
intellectual  property rights involved  in selling EB's  services, solutions and
products. Product delivery business model includes such risks as high dependency
on  actual product volumes, development of  the cost of materials and production
yields.  The above-mentioned  risks may  manifest themselves  as higher  cost of
product  delivery, and  ultimately, as  lower profit.  Revenues expected to come
from new products for existing and new customers include normal timing risks.

More information on the risks and uncertainties affecting EB can be found on the
Company's website at www.elektrobit.com


The figures presented in the statement of financial position of March 31, 2011,
are  compared with the statement of the financial position of December 31, 2010
(MEUR).  The figures for the  period under review contain  provision of EUR 3.4

                                           3/2011 12/2010

Non-current assets                           40.9    41.2

Current assets                               73.1    83.7

Total assets                                114.0   124.9

Share capital                                12.9    12.9

Other equity                                 53.9    58.3

Non-controlling interests                     1.3     1.3

Total shareholders' equity                   68.2    72.5

Non-current liabilities                      10.5    11.6

Current liabilities                          35.3    40.8

Total shareholders' equity and liabilities  114.0   124.9

Net cash flow from operations during the period under review:
+ net profit +/- adjustment of accrual basis items EUR  -2.0 million

+ decrease in net working capital                  EUR   +2.7 million

- interest, taxes and dividends                    EUR   +0.8 million

= cash generated from operations                   EUR   +1.4 million

- net cash used in investment activities           EUR  -2.3 million

- net cash used in financing                       EUR -1.6 million

= net change in cash and cash equivalents          EUR -2.4 million

The amount of accounts and other receivables, booked in current receivables, was
EUR  52.9 million (EUR  61.3 million on  December 31, 2010). Accounts  and other
payables,  booked in  interest-free current  liabilities, were  EUR 31.1 million
(EUR   35.7 million   on   December  31, 2010). The  amount  of  non-depreciated
consolidation  goodwill at  the end  of the  period under  review was  EUR 18.5
million (EUR 18.5 million on December 31, 2010).

The  amount of gross investments in the period under review was EUR 2.4 million,
consisting  of replacement investments. Net investments for the reporting period
totaled  EUR 2.2 million.  The total  amount of  depreciation during  the period
under  review  was  EUR  2.4 million,  including EUR 0.5 million of depreciation
owing to business acquisitions.

The  amount of interest-bearing debt at the  end of the reporting period was EUR
11.5 million. The distribution of net financing expenses on the income statement
was as follows:

interest, dividend and other financial income  EUR  0.0 million

interest expenses and other financial expenses EUR -0.2 million

foreign exchange gains and losses              EUR -0.3 million

EB's equity ratio at the end of the period was 63.9% (62.6% at the end of 2010).

EB  follows a hedging strategy, the objective  of which is to ensure the margins
of  business  operations  in  changing  market  circumstances  by minimizing the
influence of exchange rates. In accordance with the hedging strategy, the agreed
customer  commitments net cash flow  of the currency in  question is hedged. The
net  cash flow is  determined on the  basis of sales  receivables, payables, the
order  book and the budgeted net currency cash flow. The hedged foreign currency
exposure at the end of the review period was equivalent to EUR 14.0 million.


EB  employed an average  of 1,545 people between  January and March 2011. At the
end  of March, EB had 1,549 employees (1,539  at the end of 2010). A significant
part of EB's personnel are product development engineers.


EB  appointed M.Sc. (Econ) Gregor Zink, Vice President, Finance of EB Automotive
Business  Segment, as  Acting President  of the  EB Automotive  Business Segment
effective  April 1, 2011. EB announced on December 15, 2010, that the employment
of  Jarkko Sairanen (M.Sc (Eng), MBA),  the President of the Automotive Business
Segment  ended on March 31, 2011. EB continues to  look for a successor for this

There  were no changes  in ownership during  the period under  review that would
have  caused  flagging  notifications  which  are  obligations for disclosure in
accordance with Chapter 2, section 9 of the Securities Market Act.


The company has no significant events subsequent to the review period.

The  Annual General  Meeting held  on March  31, 2011, decided on  the following


The  Annual General Meeting  decided that the  Board of Directors shall comprise
five  (5) members. Jorma Halonen, Juha  Hulkko, Seppo Laine, Staffan Simberg and
Erkki  Veikkolainen were elected members of the Board of Directors for a term of
office expiring at the end of the next Annual General Meeting.

At  its assembly meeting held on  March 31, 2011, the Board of Directors elected
Mr.  Seppo Laine Chairman of the Board.  Further, the Board resolved to keep the
Audit  and  Financial  Committee  with  Mr.  Staffan  Simberg  (Chairman  of the
committee) and Mr. Seppo Laine as committee members.

Ernst  & Young Ltd, authorized public accountants, was re-elected auditor of the
Company  for a  term of  office ending  at the  end of  the next  Annual General
Meeting.  Ernst & Young Ltd notified  that Mr. Jari Karppinen, authorized public
accountant, will act as responsible auditor.


The  General  Meeting  authorized  the  Board  of  Directors  to  decide  on the
repurchase  of the Company's own shares as  follows. The amount of own shares to
be   repurchased  shall  not  exceed  12,500,000 shares,  which  corresponds  to
approximately  9.66 per  cent  of  all  of  the  shares in the Company. Only the
unrestricted  equity of the Company can be  used to repurchase own shares on the
basis  of the authorization. Own shares can  be repurchased at a price formed in
public  trading on the date of the repurchase  or otherwise at a price formed on
the  market. The Board of Directors decides  how own shares will be repurchased.
Own  shares can be repurchased using, inter alia, derivatives. Own shares can be
repurchased   otherwise   than   in  proportion  to  the  shareholdings  of  the
shareholders  (directed repurchase). The authorization cancels the authorization
given  by the General Meeting on March  25, 2010, to decide on the repurchase of
the Company's own shares. The authorization is effective until June 30, 2012.


The  General meeting authorized the Board of Directors to decide on the issuance
of  shares and other special  rights entitling to shares  referred to in chapter
10 section  1 of the Companies Act as follows. The amount of shares to be issued
shall not exceed 25,000,000 shares, which corresponds to approximately 19.32 per
cent  of all of the shares in the Company. The Board of Directors decides on all
the  conditions of  the issuance  of shares  and of  special rights entitling to
shares.  The authorization concerns both  the issuance of new  shares as well as
the  transfer of treasury shares.  The issuance of shares  and of special rights
entitling  to shares may be carried out in deviation from the shareholders' pre-
emptive  rights (directed  issue). The  authorization cancels  the authorization
given  by the General  Meeting on March  25, 2010, to decide on  the issuance of
shares  as well as the issuance of options and other special rights entitling to
shares. The authorization is effective until June 30, 2012.


The  General Meeting  decided in  accordance with  the proposal  of the Board of
Directors that no dividend shall be distributed.

Oulu, April 29, 2011

EB, Elektrobit Corporation
The Board of Directors

Further Information:
Jukka Harju
Tel. +358 40 344 5466

Major media

The Interim Report has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF                 1-3/2011        1-3/2010     1-12/2010

                                          3 months        3 months     12 months

NET SALES                                     36.5            41.5         161.8

Other operating income                         0.7             0.6           2.4

Change in work in progress and
finished goods                                 0.2             0.1          -0.2

Work performed by the undertaking
for its own purpose
and capitalized                                0.1             0.0           0.2

Raw materials                                 -2.8            -3.3         -15.4

Personnel expenses                           -24.3           -24.2         -97.7

Depreciation                                  -2.4            -2.0          -8.5

Other operating expenses                     -11.9           -11.1         -59.8

OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS)                       -3.9             1.7         -17.3

Financial income and expenses                 -0.4            -1.0          -1.3

RESULT BEFORE TAXES                           -4.3             0.7         -18.6

Income taxes                                   0.0            -1.1           2.9

OPERATIONS                                    -4.3            -0.3         -15.7

Other comprehensive income:

   Exchange differences on
translating foreign operations                -0.1             0.7           0.8

Other comprehensive income for the
period total                                  -0.1             0.7           0.8

PERIOD                                        -4.4             0.3         -14.9

Result for the period attributable

  Equity holders of the parent                -4.4            -0.6         -16.1

  Non-controlling interests                    0.1             0.3           0.5

Total comprehensive income
attributable to

  Equity holders of the parent                -4.5             0.0         -15.4

  Non-controlling interests                    0.1             0.3           0.5

Earnings per share EUR continuing

  Basic earnings per share                   -0.03           -0.01         -0.12

  Diluted earnings per share                 -0.03           -0.00         -0.12

Average number of shares, 1000 pcs         129 413         129 413       129 413

Average number of shares, diluted,
1000 pcs                                   130 209         130 380       130 277

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF          March. 31, 2011 March. 31, 2010 Dec. 31, 2010


Non-current assets

  Property, plant and equipment                9.8            10.4          10.5

  Goodwill                                    18.5            18.5          18.5

  Intangible assets                           12.2             8.8          11.6

  Other financial assets                       0.1             0.3           0.2

  Receivables                                  0.3             0.4           0.3

  Deferred tax assets                          0.1             0.1           0.1

Non-current assets total                      40.9            38.5          41.2

Current assets

  Inventories                                  1.6             2.4           1.9

  Trade and other receivables                 52.9            57.3          61.3

  Financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss                         6.2            50.4           7.7

  Cash and short term deposits                12.4            16.7          12.9

Current assets total                          73.1           126.8          83.7

TOTAL ASSETS                                 114.0           165.3         124.9


Equity attributable to equity
holders of the parent

  Share capital                               12.9            12.9          12.9

  Invested non-restricted equity
fund                                          38.7            38.7          38.7

  Translation difference                       0.5             0.5           0.6

  Retained earnings                           14.6            34.5          19.0

  Non-controlling interests                    1.3             0.7           1.3

Total equity                                  68.2            87.4          72.5

Non-current liabilities

  Deferred tax liabilities                     1.2             2.3           1.4

  Pension obligations                          1.2             1.2           1.2

  Provisions                                   0.9             0.8           1.0

  Interest-bearing liabilities                 7.2            10.4           8.0

Non-current liabilities total                 10.5            14.8          11.6

Current liabilities

  Trade and other payables                    29.0            56.9          33.3

  Financial liabilities at fair
value through profit or loss                                   0.4

  Provisions                                   2.0             1.2           2.4

  Interest-bearing loans and
borrowings                                     4.3             4.6           5.1

Current liabilities total                     35.3            63.1          40.8

Total liabilities                             45.9            77.9          52.4

TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                 114.0           165.3         124.9

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS  (MEUR)       1-3/2011 1-3/2010 1-12/2010

                                                   3 months 3 months 12 months


Result for the period                                  -4.3     -0.3     -15.7

Adjustment of accrual basis items                       2.3      3.5      17.5

Change in net working capital                           2.7      8.7       3.5

Interest paid on operating activities                  -0.9     -1.2      -2.3

Interest received from operating activities             0.0      0.2       0.6

Other financial income and expenses, net received                          0.0

Income taxes paid                                       1.7     -0.2      -2.2

NET CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                      1.4     10.6       1.5


Acquisition of business unit, net of cash acquired                        -0.3

Purchase of property, plant and equipment              -0.6     -0.1      -1.7

Purchase of intangible assets                          -1.7     -0.8      -6.2

Purchase of other investments                          -0.0     -0.0      -0.0

Sale of property, plant and equipment                   0.1      0.0       0.1

Sale of intangible assets                                        0.0       0.0

Proceeds from sale of investments                       0.0      0.0       0.1

NET CASH FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                     -2.3     -0.9      -7.9


Proceeds from borrowing                                 0.2

Repayment of borrowing                                 -1.0     -1.0      -2.8

Payment of finance liabilities                         -0.8     -0.8      -3.4

Distribution of funds from the share premium fund                        -25.9

NET CASH FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                     -1.6     -1,7     -32.1

NET CHANGE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                -2.4      8.0     -38.5

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period       20.5     59.1      59.1

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period             18.1     67.1      20.5


A = Share capital

B = Share premium

C = Invested non-restricted equity fund

D = Retained earnings

E = Non-controlling interests

F = Total equity

                                               A     B    C    D   E     F

Equity on January 1, 2010                   12.9  64.6      34.9 0.4 112.8

  Distribution of funds from the share

  premium fund                                   -25.9               -25.9

  Transfer from the share premium fund           -38.7 38.7            0.0

  Share-related compensation                                 0.3       0.3

  Total comprehensive income for the period                  0.0       0.0

  Other items                                               -0.1 0.3   0.2

Equity on March 31, 2010                    12.9   0.0 38.7 35.0 0.7  87.4

Equity on January 1, 2011                   12.9       38.7 19.6 1.3  72.5

  Share-related compensation                                 0.1       0.1

  Total comprehensive income for the period                 -4.5      -4.5

  Other items                                               -0.0 0.1   0.1

Equity on March 31, 2011                    12.9       38.7 15.2 1.3  68.2


Accounting principles for the Financial Statement Bulletin:
The  same accounting  policies and  methods of  computation are  followed in the
financial statement bulletin as compared with annual financial statements.

Explanatory  comments about the  seasonality or cyclicality  of reporting period
The   Company   operates  in  business  areas  which  are  subject  to  seasonal
Payment of dividend:
The  General  Meeting  held  on  March  31, 2011 decided  in accordance with the
proposal of the Board of Directors that no dividend shall be distributed.


OPERATING SEGMENTS                1-3/2011 1-3/2010 1-12/2010

                                  3 months 3 months 12 months


  Net sales to external customers     23.6     18.5      80.1

  Net sales to other segments          0.0      0.0       0.0

  Net sales total                     23.6     18.5      80.1

  Operating profit (loss)              0.6      0.9       1.9


  Net sales to external customers     12.7     22.8      80.9

  Net sales to other segments          0.0      0.0       0.0

  Net sales total                     12.7     22.8      81.0

  Operating profit (loss)             -4.6      0.9     -19.3


Other items

  Net sales to external customers      0.1      0.2       0.8

  Operating profit (loss)              0.1     -0.1       0.1


  Net sales to other segments         -0.0     -0.0      -0.0

  Operating profit (loss)              0.0      0.0       0.0

Group total

  Net sales to external customers     36.5     41.5     161.8

  Operating profit (loss)             -3.9      1.7     -17.3

Net sales of geographical areas (MEUR) 1-3/2011 1-3/2010 1-12/2010

                                       3 months 3 months 12 months

Net sales

  Europe                                   28.7     23.0      96.8

  Americas                                  5.1     15.8      53.4

  Asia                                      2.7      2.7      11.6

Net sales total                            36.5     41.5     161.8

Material events subsequent to the end of the interim period not reflected in the
financial statements for the interim period:
There are no such material events subsequent to the end of the interim report
period that have not been reflected in this report.

Related party transactions:                    1-3/2011 1-3/2010 1-12/2010

Employee benefits for key management and stock
option expenses total                               0.4      0.6       2.1

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF             1-3/   10-12/      7-9/     4-6/      1-3/

COMPREHENSIVE INCOME                  2011     2010      2010     2010      2010

BY QUARTER (MEUR)                 3 months 3 months  3 months 3 months  3 months

NET SALES                             36.5     41.8      33.7     44.7      41.5

Other operating income                 0.7      0.6       0.4      0.8       0.6

Change in work in progress and
finished goods                         0.2     -0.5       0.2     -0.1       0.1

Work performed by the
for its own purpose and
capitalized                            0.1      0.0       0.1      0.1       0.0

Raw materials                         -2.8     -6.1      -2.8     -3.2      -3.3

Personnel expenses                   -24.3    -26.1     -22.5    -24.9     -24.2

Depreciation                          -2.4     -2.1      -2.2     -2.2      -2.0

Other operating expenses             -11.9    -15.3     -18.4    -15.0     -11.1

OPERATING PROFIT (LOSS)               -3.9     -7.7     -11.5      0.1       1.7

Financial income and expenses         -0.4     -0.3       0.9     -0.8      -1.0

RESULT BEFORE TAXES                   -4.3     -8.0     -10.6     -0.7       0.7

Income taxes                           0.0      2.6       1.6     -0.2      -1.1

CONTINUING OPERATIONS                 -4.3     -5.4      -9.0     -0.9      -0.3

Other comprehensive income

for the period total                  -0.1      0.3      -1.4      1.2       0.7


INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                 -4.4     -5.1     -10.4      0.3       0.3

Result for the period
attributable to:

  Equity holders of the parent        -4.4     -5.5      -9.0     -0.9      -0.6

  Non-controlling interests            0.1      0.1       0.0      0.0       0.3

Total comprehensive income

for the period attributable to:

  Equity holders of the parent        -4.5     -5.2     -10.5      0.3       0.0

  Non-controlling interests            0.1      0.1       0.0      0.0       0.3

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF        March 31, Dec. 31, Sept. 30, June 30, March 31,

FINANCIAL POSITION (MEUR)             2011     2010      2010     2010      2010


Non-current assets

  Property, plant and equipment        9.8     10.5      10.6     10.8      10.4

  Goodwill                            18.5     18.5      18.5     18.5      18.5

  Intangible assets                   12.2     11.6      10.0      9.1       8.8

  Other financial assets               0.1      0.2       0.1      0.1       0.3

  Receivables                          0.3      0.3       0.4      0.4       0.4

  Deferred tax assets                  0.1      0.1       0.1      0.1       0.1

Non-current assets total              40.9     41.2      39.7     39.1      38.5

Current assets

  Inventories                          1.6      1.9       2.9      2.5       2.4

  Trade and other receivables         52.9     61.3      53.8     65.6      57.3

  Financial assets at fair

  through profit or loss               6.2      7.7      15.8     45.5      50.4

  Cash and short term deposits        12.4     12.9      15.0     14.4      16.7

Current assets total                  73.1     83.7      87.5    128.0     126.8

TOTAL ASSETS                         114.0    124.9     127.2    167.1     165.3


Equity attributable to equity

of the parent

  Share capital                       12.9     12.9      12.9     12.9      12.9

  Invested non-restricted equity
fund                                  38.7     38.7      38.7     38.7      38.7

  Translation difference               0.5      0.6       0.3      1.7       0.5

  Retained earnings                   14.6     19.0      24.3     33.3      34.5

  Non-controlling interests            1.3      1.3       1.2      1.1       0.7

Total equity                          68.2     72.5      77.4     87.8      87.4

Non-current liabilities

  Deferred tax liabilities             1.2      1.4       1.2      1.7       2.3

  Pension obligations                  1.2      1.2       1.2      1.1       1.2

  Provisions                           0.9      1.0       0.6      0.6       0.8

  Interest-bearing liabilities         7.2      8.0       8.9     10.5      10.4

Non-current liabilities total         10.5     11.6      11.8     13.9      14.8

Current liabilities

  Trade and other payables            29.0     33.3      32.1     59.3      56.9

  Financial liabilities at fair

  through profit or loss                                           0.0       0.4

  Provisions                           2.0      2.4       0.8      1.1       1.2

  Interest-bearing loans and

  Borrowings (non-current)             4.3      5.1       5.1      5.0       4.6

Current liabilities total             35.3     40.8      38.0     65.4      63.1

Total liabilities                     45.9     52.4      49.9     79.3      77.9

TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES         114.0    124.9     127.2    167.1     165.3

                                        1-3/   10-12/     7-9/     4-6/     1-3/

OF CASH FLOWS BY QUARTER                2011     2010     2010     2010     2010

                                    3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months

  Net cash from operating
activities                               1.4     -4.9      0.2     -4.5     10.6

  Net cash from investing
activities                              -2.3     -2.9     -2.6     -1.4     -0.9

  Net cash from financing
activities                              -1.6     -1.5    -27.8     -1.1     -1.7

Net change in cash and cash

equivalents                             -2.4     -9.3    -30.1     -7.1      8.0

FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE RELATED RATIOS                1-3/2011  1-3/2010 1-12/2010

                                                    3 months  3 months 12 months


Net sales                                               36.5      41.5     161.8

Operating profit (loss)                                 -3.9       1.7     -17.3

    Operating profit (loss), % of net sales            -10.8       4.2     -10.7

Result before taxes                                     -4.3       0.7     -18.6

    Result before taxes, % of net sales                -11.9       1.8     -11.5

Result for the period                                   -4.3      -0.3     -15.7


Interest-bearing net liabilities, (MEUR)                -6.6     -52.0      -7.4

Net gearing, -%                                         -9.7     -59.5     -10.2

Equity ratio, %                                         63.9      56.0      62.6

Gross investments, (MEUR)                                2.4       1.1      10.7

Average personnel during the period                     1545      1537      1561

Personnel at the period end                             1549      1543      1539

AMOUNT OF SHARE ISSUE ADJUSTMENT                   March 31, March 31,  Dec. 31,

(1,000 pcs)                                             2011      2010      2010

At the end of period                                 129 413   129 413   129 413

Average for the period                               129 413   129 413   129 413

Average for the period diluted with stock options    130 209   130 380   130 277

                                                    1-3/2011  1-3/2010 1-12/2010

                                                    3 months  3 months 12 months

Basic earnings per share                               -0.03     -0.01     -0.12

Diluted earnings per share                             -0.03     -0.00     -0.12

Equity *) per share                                     0.52      0.67      0.55

  *) Equity attributable to equity holders of the

MARKET VALUES OF SHARES (EUR)                  1-3/2011  1-3/2010 1-12/2010

Highest                                            0.76      1.25      1.25

Lowest                                             0.61      0.93      0.66

Average                                            0.71      1.08      0.92

At the end of period                               0.62      1.23      0.67

Market value of the stock, (MEUR)                  80.2     159.2      86.7

Trading value of shares, (MEUR)                     1.6       4.7      16.8

Number of shares traded, (1,000 pcs)              2 246     4 349    18 190

Related to average number of shares %               1.7       3.4      14.1

SECURITIES AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES         March 31, March 31,  Dec. 31,

(MEUR)                                             2011      2010      2010


  Floating charges                                  3.1       3.1       3.1

  Pledges                                           2.3       0.9       2.3

Mortgages are pledged for liabilities totaled       5.5       7.7       6.3


  Guarantees                                        3.1       2.7       2.0

  Other liabilities                                10.1      10.0      10.1


Rental liabilities

   Falling due in the next year                     4.5       5.2       6.0

   Falling due after one year                      15.9      16.7      15.0

Other contractual liabilities

   Falling due in the next year                     3.5       3.5       3.9

   Falling due after one year                       2.0       0.5       2.1

NOMINAL VALUE OF CURRENCY DERIVATIVES         March 31, March 31,  Dec. 31,

(MEUR)                                             2011      2010      2010

Foreign exchange forward contracts

   Market value                                     0.4      -0.4      -0.0

   Nominal value                                    7.0      11.0      11.0

Purchased currency options

   Market value                                     0.2       0.0       0.1

   Nominal value                                    7.0       5.0       5.0

Sold currency options

   Market value                                    -0.0      -0.0      -0.1

   Nominal value                                    7.0       5.0      10.0
