2008-03-14 08:14:46 CET

2008-03-14 08:15:51 CET


Rytu Skirstomieji Tinklai AB - Interim information

Supplemented twelve-month report 2007

Rytų Skirstomieji Tinklai AB provides a supplemented twelve-month report 2007
prepared in accordance with the Rules on Periodic Disclosure of Information on
Issuers' Activities and Their Securities as approved by the Securities
Commission of the Republic of Lithuania. The profit and loss account has been
supplemented with interim reporting period (last quarter) data. 

The Report is available at the Library of the Securities Commission of
Lithuania at Konstitucijos ave. 23, Vilnius, as well as at AB Rytų skirstomieji
tinklai headquarters at Lukšio g. 5B, Vilnius, room 108 and on the Company‘s
web page www.rst.lt 

Artur Grigorian
Senior specialist of the Assets Management Division
(+370-5) 251 2638