2016-12-09 08:00:10 CET

2016-12-09 08:00:10 CET


Finnair Oyj - Company Announcement

Finnair Traffic Performance in November 2016

Finnair Plc         Stock Exchange Release         9 December 2016 at 09:00 am

Number of passengers grew 2.2% year-on-year

In November, Finnair's overall capacity measured in Available Seat Kilometres
grew by 1.7 per cent, and traffic measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres grew
by 1.5 per cent year‐on‐year. The passenger load factor declined by 0.2
percentage points to 76.0 per cent.

The capacity in Finnair’s largest traffic area, Asia, grew by 2.3 per cent in
November, and traffic grew slightly more, by 3.9 per cent on the back of higher
passenger load factor. The new Fukuoka and Guangzhou routes were retired in
October for the winter season. Hence the November destination range was the same
as in the comparison period, and the capacity growth was due to the additional
capacity introduced by the A350s.

The capacity in American traffic declined by 4.2 per cent year-on-year, and
traffic measured in RPK decreased 10.3 per cent. The contraction in capacity was
due to unforeseen aircraft overhaul, which forced the cancellation of four round
trips on the New York route, which was being operated by temporarily leased
aircraft and flight crew during the month.

European traffic remained largely unchanged as capacity grew by 1.4 per cent and
RPK declined by 0.3 per cent year-on-year. The domestic capacity increased by
6.2 per cent, and traffic increased by 6.6 per cent year‐on‐year reflecting
mostly increased flying to Northern Finland.

In November, the cargo capacity in scheduled traffic measured in Available Tonne
Kilometres grew by 2.2 per cent, and Revenue Tonne Kilometres increased by 5.8
per cent year-on-year. In addition, Finnair’s total freight capacity included
three weekly freighter flights between Helsinki and Brussels, operated by DHL.

In November, 75.9 per cent of all Finnair flights arrived on schedule (92.1).

Traffic statistics for December 2016 will be published on Tuesday, 10 January

Finnair Traffic Performance November 2016

                      November 2016   %-Change  Year-to   date 2016  %-Change

Total Traffic
Passengers   1000     825,4           2,2       10 025,1             5,5
Available   seat      2 570,2         1,7       31 188,7             6,7
kilometres mill
Revenue passenger     1 953,6         1,5       24 915,0             5,6
kilometres mill
Passenger   load      76,0            -0,2 p    79,9                 -0,8 p
factor %
Cargo   tonnes total  12 497,5        2,8       135 671,5            12,9
Available   tonne     385,4           5,3       4 613,3              8,4
kilometres mill
Revenue   tonne       249,5           2,2       3 049,1              7,6
-kilometres mill
Overall   load        64,7            -2,0 p    66,1                 -0,5 p
factor %

Passengers   1000     481,4           1,6       6 210,4              4,4
Available   seat      998,8           1,4       12 270,9             2,6
kilometres mill
Revenue   passenger   737,5           -0,3      9 663,9              2,8
kilometres mill
Passenger   load      73,8            -1,2 p    78,8                 0,1 p
factor %

North Atlantic
Passengers   1000     16,1            -13,5     272,1                11,4
Available   seat      164,7           -4,2      2 460,5              22,3
kilometres mill
Revenue   passenger   118,4           -10,3     1 958,7              16,0
kilometres mill
Passenger   load      71,9            -4,9 p    79,6                 -4,3 p
factor %

Passengers   1000     133,0           3,8       1 636,7              5,6
Available   seat      1 260,1         2,3       15 072,3             7,9
kilometres mill
Revenue   passenger   1 001,0         3,9       12 340,0             6,1
kilometres mill
Passenger   load      79,4            1,2 p     81,9                 -1,4 p
factor %

Passengers   1000     194,9           4,3       1 905,9              8,2
Available   seat      146,6           6,2       1 385,0              6,6
kilometres mill
Revenue   passenger   96,6            6,6       952,4                8,5
kilometres mill
Passenger   load      65,9            0,2 p     68,8                 1,2 p
factor %

Cargo Traffic
Cargo   scheduled     10 993,0        5,3       119 764,7            14,2
traffic total tonnes
Europe   tonnes       2 342,3         6,2       24 079,6             20,2
North   Atlantic      507,5           -30,0     8 309,2              12,3
Asia   tonnes         7 979,3         8,4       85 771,5             13,1
Domestic   tonnes     163,9           9,6       1 604,5              1,6
Cargo   flights,      1 504,5         -12,6     15 906,8             3,6
Cargo   tonnes total  12 497,5        2,8       135 671,5            12,9
Available   tonne     112,2           2,5       1346,0               5,8
kilometres* mill
Revenue   tonne       74,8            3,9       820,3                13,3
kilometres mill
Available             104,1           2,2       1258,5               5,9
sched.cargo tonne
kms*, mill.
Revenue               67,3            5,8       738,5                14,0
sched.cargo tonne
kms, mill.
Cargo load   factor*  66,6            0,9 p     60,9                 4,0 p
-   North-Atlantic    34,8            -4,5 p    40,1                 0,6 p
cargo load factor* %
- Asia   cargo load   71,0            0,8 p     64,0                 5,0 p
factor* %
Scheduled traffic     64,7            2,2 p     58,7                 4,2 p
Cargo load factor*,

* Operational calculatory capacity

** Including purchased traffic

– Change %: Change compared to the figures of the respective periods in the
previous year (p = percentage points)

– Available seat kilometres, ASK: Total number of seats available, multiplied by
the number of kilometres flown

– Revenue passenger kilometres, RPK: Number of revenue passengers carried,
multiplied by kilometres flown

– Passenger load factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available seat

– Available tonne kilometres, ATK: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of
passengers, cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown

– Revenue tonne kilometres, RTK: Total revenue load consisting of passengers,
cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown

– Overall load factor: Share of revenue tonne kilometres of available tonne
Further information:
Finnair communications, 358 9 818 4020, comms(a)finnair.com

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