2014-02-27 08:00:07 CET

2014-02-27 08:01:13 CET


Anglų Suomių
Olvi Oyj - Financial Statement Release


Olvi Group's sales volume, net sales and operating profit developed favourably
in 2013. Earnings per share increased to 1.61 euro. The equity to assets ratio
improved. The Board proposes a dividend of 0.65 (0.50) euro per share. 

Iisalmi, 2014-02-27 08:00 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OLVI PLC               


Olvi Group's sales volume, net sales and operating profit developed favourably
in 2013. Earnings per share increased to 1.61 euro. The equity to assets ratio

January to December 2013 in brief:

- Olvi Group's sales volume increased by 5.8 percent to 557.2 (526.8) million

- The Group's comparable net sales increased by 7.3 percent to 327.3 (304.9)*)
million euro 

- The Group's reported operating profit made an all-time high of 43.2**)
million euro 

- The Group's comparable operating profit increased by 8.6 percent to 33.2
(30.5) million euro 

- Olvi Group's earnings per share improved by 29.8 percent to 1.61 (1.24) euro
per share. The Board proposes a dividend of 0.65 (0.50) euro per share. 

- The equity to assets ratio improved to 58.0 (54.8) percent and is clearly
over the target level 


                                 1-12/2013  1-12/2012  Change %
Net sales, MEUR                      327.3    304.9*)      +7.3
Operating profit, MEUR             43.2**)       30.5     +41.5
Gross capital expenditure, MEUR       35.7       29.8     +19.6
Earnings per share, EUR               1.61       1.24   +29.8  
Equity per share, EUR                 8.14       7.01   +16.1  
Equity to total assets, %             58.0       54.8          
Gearing, %                            26.4       35.8          

*) The previous year's net sales in Finland have been adjusted for
comparability with the year 2013. Net sales reported in the financial
statements bulletin for 2012 amounted to 312.2 million euro. 

**) A new depreciation policy has been applied to the income statement for
2013. Diminished depreciation affected the operating profit by approximately
10.1 million euro. 

Lasse Aho, Managing Director of Olvi plc, states the following in connection
with the disclosure of the accounts: 

“Olvi Group's business has been successful and has developed favourably during
2013. Our financial performance was particularly good in Belarus, Estonia and


As of the beginning of 2013, the parent company Olvi plc has accounted for
marketing subsidies payable to customers as annual discounts under adjustments
to sales. The previous year's net sales figures in these financial statements
have been adjusted for comparability with the year 2013. These marketing
subsidies were previously recognised under other operating expenses. The change
did not affect the parent company's or the Group's operating profit. After the
change, Olvi Group companies have a uniform policy of accounting for marketing

As of the beginning of the year, Olvi Group's depreciation periods for
buildings, production machinery and equipment, as well as storage and
fermentation tanks, have been extended to better correspond to their actual
economic life and the depreciation policies common in the industry. The new
depreciation period for buildings is 30 years, and for production machinery and
equipment 15 years. The depreciation period for tanks is 20 years. Due to the
change, consolidated depreciation in the period under review declined by 10.1
million euro compared to previous depreciation practice. 


January to December 2013

Olvi Group's sales volume in 2013 made an all-time high of 557.2 (526.8)
million litres. This represents an increase of 30.4 million litres or 5.8
percent. Sales in Finland increased by 11.1 million litres, in Belarus by 15.0
million litres and in the Baltic states by 0.5 million litres. Intra-Group
sales declined by 3.8 million litres. 

The Group's net sales in 2013 totalled 327.3 (304.9)*) million euro. This
represents an increase of 22.4 million euro or 7.3 percent. Net sales
development outperformed volume growth in all of the Group's operating areas
except Latvia. 

Net sales in Finland amounted to 123.6 (113.6)*) million euro, while the
aggregate total for the Baltic states was 153.0 (150.5) and the corresponding
figure for Belarus was 68.3 (59.0) million euro. Net sales in Finland increased
by 10.0 million euro or 8.8 percent, in the Baltic states by 2.5 million euro
or 1.7 percent, and in Belarus by 9.3 million euro or 15.7 percent. 

Olvi Group's operating profit for January-December stood at 43.2**) (30.5)
million euro, or 13.2 (10.0) percent of net sales. The operating profit
improved by 12.7 million euro or 41.5 percent. The change in depreciation
practice improved operating profit by 10.1 million euro, which means that
comparable operating profit improved by 8.6 percent on the previous year to
33.2 million euro. 

Operating profit in Finland amounted to 12.8**) (9.1) million euro. The
operating profit improved by 3.7 million euro. Aggregate operating profit in
the Baltic states improved by 3.3 million euro to 19.7**) (16.4) million euro,
and operating profit in Belarus improved by 5.7 million euro to 10.7**) (5.0)
million euro. The effects of the extended depreciation periods on the operating
profits of different Group companies are described in connection with
performance by geographical segments. 

The Group's profit after taxes in 2013 improved substantially on the previous
year, amounting to 34.2 (26.2) million euro. 

Earnings per share calculated from the profit belonging to parent company
shareholders in January-December stood at 1.61 (1.24) euro per share. Earnings
per share improved by 0.37 euro or 29.8 percent. 

October to December 2013

Olvi Group's sales volume from October to December was 123.3 (115.5) million
litres. Sales increased by 7.8 million litres or 6.7 percent. Sales in Finland
increased by 1.1 million litres to 35.9 (34.8) million litres, sales in the
Baltic states increased by 2.7 million litres to 59.6 (56.9) million litres,
and sales in Belarus increased by 3.9 million litres to 34.1 (30.2) million

The Group's net sales from October to December amounted to 70.0 (69.4)*)
million euro.  Net sales improved by 0.6 million euro or 0.9 percent. 

Net sales in Finland amounted to 26.5 (27.6)*) million euro, a decline of 1.1
million euro, net sales in the Baltic states amounted to 31.8 (30.8) million
euro, an increase of 1.0 million euro, and net sales in Belarus amounted to
14.4 (13.7) million euro, an increase of 0.7 million euro. 

The Group's fourth-quarter operating profit improved by 0.9 million euro or
18.8 percent to 5.5**) (4.6) million euro, which is 7.8 (6.6) percent of net
sales. Operating profit in Finland amounted to 1.9**) (1.9) million euro, in
the Baltic states to 2.5**) (2.2) million euro and in Belarus to 1.2**) (0.4)
million euro. Operating profit in Finland remained on the previous year's
level, while the Baltic states improved by 0.3 million euro and Belarus by 0.8
million euro. 


Seasonal nature of the operations

The Group's business operations are characterised by seasonal variation. The
net sales and operating profit from the reported geographical segments do not
accumulate evenly but vary according to the time of the year and the
characteristics of each season. 


January to December 2013

According to statistics by the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks
Industry, the Finnish beverage market in January-December improved by an
approximate total of 4 million litres or 0.5 percent compared to the previous
year. The sales of alcoholic products was on a par with the previous year but
the sales of non-alcoholic beverages improved by 1.2 percent. Among the
alcoholic product groups, the only improvement was seen in beers, 0.9 percent.
The sales of ciders declined by 1.6 percent and the sales of long drinks by as
much as 6.4 percent. In non-alcoholic products, a clear improvement was made in
mineral waters by 5.5 percent but the sales of soft drinks increased only
slightly by 0.4 percent. (Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry,
December 2013). 

Olvi's sales in January-December amounted to 159.9 (148.8) million litres.
Mostly thanks to increased exports and tax-free sales, the volume improved by
11.1 million litres or 7.5 percent. Among alcoholic products, only the sales of
beers increased by a few percent but the sales of ciders and long drinks
declined. Olvi retains its position as the market leader in retail sales of
long drinks. In non-alcoholic beverages, the sales of soft drinks improved by
almost ten percent. For the same reason, the sales of mineral waters improved
but the sales of juice drinks declined clearly on the previous year. 

According to statistics by the Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks
Industry for January-December 2013, Olvi's market share in alcoholic beverages
(beers, ciders and long drinks) was on a par with the previous year at 24
percent. In mineral waters, Olvi had a market share of 23 (24), and in soft
drinks 5 (5) percent. The total market share in January-December was on a par
with the previous year at 18 (18) percent, showing a slight improvement. 

In the period under review, Olvi's exports and tax-free sales increased clearly
to 19.0 (6.8) million litres, an increase of 12.2 million litres. Olvi's export
sales were particularly based on exports of soft drinks to nearby regions.
Exports and tax-free sales represented 11.9 (4.6) percent of total sales. 

The parent company's net sales in 2013 totalled 123.6 (113.6)*) million euro.
Particularly thanks to good development of exports, net sales increased by 10.0
million euro or 8.8 percent. 

Olvi's operating profit stood at 12.8**) (9.1) million euro, which was 10.4
(8.0)*) percent of net sales. The operating profit improved by 3.7 million euro
or 41.7 percent. 

3.6 million euro of the operating profit improvement was attributable to the
extended depreciation periods. Comparable operating profit improved by 1.5
percent on the previous year. Olvi's earnings for January-December include a
total of 2.3 million euro attributable to performance bonuses to employees, a
profit-sharing contribution to the personnel fund, as well as write-downs on
inventories (including 0.33-litre glass beer bottles) which were not included
in last year's earnings. 

October to December 2013

The parent company's sales in the fourth quarter amounted to 35.9 (34.8)
million litres. The sales volume increased by 1.1 million litres or 3.1 percent
mainly thanks to purchases made into retailer stocks due to the excise tax
hikes effective in the beginning of January 2014. Net sales amounted to 26.5
(27.6)*) million euro. Net sales declined by 1.1 million euro or 3.9 percent.
In relation to other quarters, the fourth quarter was the main season for sales
promotions which lowered the average price of net sales compared to the
previous quarters. 

Operating profit for October-December was on a par with the previous year at
1.9 **) (1.9) million euro, or 7.0 (6.9)*) percent of net sales. 

AS A. LE COQ (A. Le Coq)

January to December 2013

With the exception of ciders and mineral waters, the sales of all other product
groups declined in the Estonian beverage market in 2013. The sales of mineral
waters increased by 15 percent and ciders by 6 percent. The sales of beers
declined by five percent, and the sales of soft drinks and juices by four
percent. Sales of long drinks were on a par with the previous year. (Nielsen,
October-November 2013). 

A. Le Coq retained its strong position in the Estonian beverage market. The
company's domestic sales improved by 2.8 million litres or 2.5 percent in spite
of the decline in the overall Estonian market. 

The company's total sales in 2013 amounted to 129.3 (134.0) million litres.
Sales declined by 4.7 million litres or 3.5 percent. The sales decline is due
to the fact that intra-Group sales diminished by 8.1 million litres. 

The greatest growth was seen in the sales of the company's mineral waters,
which increased by 28 percent. The sales of beers and long drinks also
increased by a few percent. Sales of ciders were on a par with the previous
year. The sales of soft drinks (including kvass) and juices declined. 

The company is the clear market leader in long drinks and juices. In beers, the
company is in a tight struggle for the number one position, and in ciders and
soft drinks it is the number two player. The company has increased its market
share in mineral waters and is equal in strength among the top three. (Nielsen,
October-November 2013). 

The company's exports and tax-free sales increased by 10.5 percent to 5.6 (5.1)
million litres. Exports and tax-free sales represented 4.3 (3.8) percent of
total sales. 

The company's net sales from January to December amounted to 81.3 (80.0)
million euro, representing an increase of 1.3 million euro or 1.5 percent. Net
sales growth outperformed volume growth thanks to improved average price. 

A. Le Coq's financial performance in 2013 was an all-time high. The company's
operating profit improved clearly by 3.0 million euro or 22.9 percent.
Operating profit stood at 16.0 (13.0) million euro, which was 19.7 (16.3)
percent of net sales. 1.7 million euro of the operating profit improvement was
attributable to the extended depreciation periods. In addition to increased
average price of net sales, the company has improved its production efficiency. 

In a competition arranged by the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and
the Estonian Employers' Confederation, AS A. Le Coq was on 8 October 2013
awarded the most competitive food industry company in Estonia. The purpose of
the competition is to identify the most competitive companies in Estonia, to
provide them with an opportunity of comparison with similar companies, and to
assess their success, achievements and sustainability. 

October to December 2013

A. Le Coq's sales in the fourth quarter declined by 1.6 million litres or 5.5
percent to 26.9 (28.5) million litres due to diminished intra-Group
manufacturing. In spite of the sales decline, net sales were almost on a par
with the previous year at 16.7 (16.9) million euro. 

The company's operating profit for October-December stood at 2.4 (2.3) million
euro, or 14.5 (13.8) percent of net sales. The operating profit improved by 0.1
million euro or 3.9 percent. 

A/S CESU ALUS (Cesu Alus)

January to December 2013

The total sales of beer in Latvia declined by three percent in 2013. The cider
market declined by 16 percent but the sales of long drinks increased by
approximately seven percent. 

During the year 2013, Cesu Alus improved its sales by 7.3 million litres or
10.2 percent, totalling 79.7 (72.4) million litres. The improvement was
attributable to increased internal sales to other Olvi Group companies.
Domestic sales declined by 2.4 percent. 

Among the company's main product groups, an increase of a few percent was seen
in long drinks but the sales of beers declined by approximately one percent.
The greatest sales decline was seen in ciders, almost 23 percent. However, Fizz
cider has retained its strong market share. The sales of soft drinks (including
kvass) declined by more than five percent while the sales of juice drinks
increased by more than 11 percent in January-December. 

The company is a clear market leader in ciders and long drinks (Nielsen
October-November 2013). In the Latvian beer market, Cesu Alus has improved its
position and its market share falls only a few percent short of the market
leader (Nielsen, December 2013). 

The company's net sales in 2013 amounted to 37.6 (36.2) million euro,
representing an increase of 1.4 million euro or 3.8 percent. 

Cesu Alus's operating profit for January-December amounted to 2.5 (1.7) million
euro, which is 6.5 (4.6) percent of net sales. The extended depreciation
periods had an effect of 1.7 million euro on the operating profit. 

October to December 2013

Cesu Alus's sales in October-December amounted to 16.1 (13.9) million litres,
representing an increase of 2.2 million litres or 16.1 percent. The increase
was attributable to increased intra-Group sales. Net sales amounted to 7.3
(6.7) million euro, representing an increase of 0.6 million euro or 8.4 percent
on the previous year. 

The company's operating profit for the fourth quarter was in the red by -0.2
(-0.2) million euro. 

AB VOLFAS ENGELMAN (Volfas Engelman)

January to December 2013

The Lithuanian beverage markets declined in 2013 mainly due to stricter alcohol
laws and new regulations concerning package sizes: the maximum strength of mild
brewery beverages is now limited to 7.5% and the largest single package size to
one-litre bottles. The only growth was seen in the sales of long drinks, four
percent. The total market in beers declined by seven percent, in ciders as much
as 21, and in kvass more than five percent. 

Volfas Engelman's sales improved well in the fourth quarter. Total sales in
2013 amounted to 69.6 (71.7) million litres. Sales declined by 2.1 million
litres or 2.9 percent. 75 percent of the sales decline is attributable to
diminished intra-Group sales. Domestic sales declined by 1.3 percent. 

Among the product groups, the sales of soft drinks (including kvass) increased
clearly by more than 19 percent, and the sales of long drinks also increased by
almost 18 percent. Correspondingly, the sales of ciders declined by almost 14
percent. The sales of the company's beers declined by approximately four

Volfas Engelman has improved its market position in the declining Lithuanian
beverage market. In the largest product group, beers, the company is the number
three player and has succeeded in clearly increasing its market share on the
previous year. The company's market share in beers was 19 (14) percent
(Nielsen, October-November 2013). The company is the clear market leader in
long drinks and kvass. In ciders it belongs to the top two players. (Nielsen,
October-December 2013). 

The company's net sales in 2013 were almost on a par with the previous year at
34.1 (34.2) million euro in spite of the slight decline in sales volume. 

Operating profit in January-December declined by 0.5 million euro on the
previous year to 1.3 (1.8) million euro. Operating profit came to 3.7 (5.1)
percent of net sales. The extended depreciation periods had an effect of 0.9
million euro on the operating profit. The company was unable to adapt its
operating expenses to the declined sales volume or make sufficient efficiency

October to December 2013

Volfas Engelman's development in the fourth quarter outperformed the previous
quarters. The company succeeded to turn its sales volume to an upward track in
October-December. Sales amounted to 16.5 (14.5) million litres, representing an
increase of 2.0 million litres or 14.0 percent. Fourth-quarter net sales also
increased by 0.7 million euro or 9.4 percent to 7.9 (7.2) million euro. 

The company's operating profit for October-December stood at 0.2 (0.01) million
euro, or 3.1 (0.1) percent of net sales. 


January to December 2013

The Belarusian beer market increased in January-December by approximately 7
percent compared to the previous year. At the same time, the sales of ciders
declined by approximately 17 percent. The sales of soft drinks (including
kvass) increased by some 16 percent. 

The total sales of juices and juice drinks increased by almost 60 percent but
sales in PET bottles declined by approximately one percent compared to the
previous year (Nielsen, October-November 2013). 

Lidskoe Pivo's operations developed favourably in 2013. The company's sales
amounted to 156.5 (141.5) million litres, representing an increase of 15.0
million litres or 10.6 percent. Among the main product groups, the greatest
sales increase was seen in mineral waters, approximately 49 percent. There was
also an increase of 10 percent in beer sales. The sales of ciders declined
clearly by more than 16 percent, and the sales of juice drinks declined by 5
percent. The sales of soft drinks (including kvass) were on a par with the
previous year. 

Lidskoe Pivo has retained its market leadership in ciders, kvass and juice
drinks. The company's market share in beers has clearly increased on the
previous year. The company's market share in soft drinks and mineral waters is
approximately 3 percent (Nielsen October-December 2013). The company is the
number two player in the Belarusian beverage industry. 

The company's exports increased by 7.0 million litres or 49.3 percent in
January-December. Exports made 13.6 (10.1) percent of the company's total
sales. The main destinations for exports were Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania and

The company's net sales stood at 68.3 (59.0) million euro, an increase of 9.3
million euro or 15.7 percent. Factors contributing to net sales growth included
favourable development of sales volumes and an improved average price of net

Operating profit increased substantially on the previous year. Operating profit
from January to December amounted to 10.7 (5.0) million euro, representing an
increase of 5.7 million euro or 114.2 percent. The operating profit represented
15.6 (8.4) percent of net sales. 2.0 million euro of the operating profit
improvement was attributable to the extended depreciation periods. Factors
contributing to improved operating profit included growth in sales volumes,
improved average price of net sales and successful cost control. 

October to December 2013

Lidskoe Pivo's sales in the fourth quarter increased to 34.1 (30.2) million
litres. This represents an increase of 3.9 million litres or 12.8 percent. 

Net sales stood at 14.4 (13.7) million euro, an increase of 0.7 million euro or
5.6 percent. 

The company's operating profit for October-December improved to 1.2 (0.4)
million euro, or 8.2 (3.0) percent of net sales. The operating profit improved
by 0.8 million euro. 


Olvi Group's balance sheet total at the end of December 2013 was 295.7 (269.2)
million euro. Equity per share at the end of 2013 stood at 8.14 (7.01) euro.
The equity to total assets ratio clearly exceeded Olvi Group's long-term target
of 50 percent. The actual figure at the end of December was 58.0 (54.8)
percent. The gearing ratio declined clearly on the previous year to 26.4 (35.8)
percent. The current ratio, which represents the Group's liquidity, was 1.2

The amount of interest-bearing liabilities at the end of 2013 was 52.8 (58.5)
million euro, including current liabilities of 24.3 (16.0) million euro. 

Olvi Group's gross capital expenditure in 2013 amounted to 35.7 (29.8) million
euro. The parent company Olvi accounted for 19.8 million euro, the Baltic
subsidiaries for 7.2 million euro and Lidskoe Pivo for 8.7 million euro of the

The largest investments in Finland in 2013 included improving the efficiency of
internal logistics, automated warehouse operations and automatic picking,
increasing the capacity of the juicing facility and improving the pre-treatment
of waste water. 

In the Baltic states, A. Le Coq's largest investments include procurements
related to improving canning line efficiency, extensions to conveyor systems
and acquisition of a can storage hall. Cesu Alus's investments mainly consisted
of extensions to the tank cellar and filtering department, and the acquisition
of a light-duty storage hall. Volfas Engelman's largest investments consisted
of an extension to the boiling room and the associated control equipment, an
extension to the tank cellar and the introduction of a PET bottle format. 

Lidskoe Pivo's largest investments in 2013 were the second phase of the
fermentation cellar extension, extensions to cooling systems, and the
acquisition of a light-duty storage hall. 


Research and development includes projects to design and develop new products,
packages, processes and production methods, as well as further development of
existing products and packages. The R&D costs have mostly been recognised as
expenses. The main objective of Olvi Group's product development is to create
new products for profitable and growing beverage segments. 


In January, we launched Putous Cola in 0.33-litre cans. February saw the
launches of the TEHO Sport protein bar (40% protein) in chocolate flavour and
the Angry Birds snack drink Chocolate 0.33 L. 

April will be the month of launching our novelties for the summer. New
non-alcoholic products include KevytOlo Lemon mineral water 0.5 L and 1.5 L,
KevytOlo Birch Sap juice mineral water 0.5 L, TEHO Lite Boost energy drink in
0.5-litre cans, OLVI soft drinks Jaffa, Jaffa Light, Cola, Cola Light and Lemon
in 0.95-litre bottles, Simpsons JaffaX and Simpsons JaffaX Light in 0.33-litre
cans, as well as Angry Birds Go soft drink in 0.33-litre cans. In beers,
Sandels Wheat beer will be launched in 0.5-litre cans and 30-litre kegs.
Sandels Wheat Beer is an unfiltered top-fermented beer. In other alcoholic
drinks, A. Le Coq Alcoholic Coctail Cuba Libre and Pina Colada will be launched
in 0.33-litre longneck glass bottles. The OLVI cider Fruit Circus will be
launched in 0.45-litre bottles and six-packs of 0.33-litre cans. 

Olvi's distribution agreement with Warsteiner will become effective in April
and bring the 260-year-old German premium beer to Finland in three versions
manufactured in Germany: Warsteiner Premium Fresh in 0.33-litre longneck glass
bottles, Warsteiner Premium Verum as a 4.7% retail trade version in cans and
4.8% strength in longneck glass bottles and as draft beer, as well as König
Ludwig Weissbier 5.5% in half-litre glass bottles and as draft beer. 

Our own Group's beers will be imported from Estonia: A. Le Coq Imperial Gold
4.8% and A. Le Coq Imperial Ale 5.0% in 0.4-litre glass bottles. 


For the Christmas season, A. Le Coq of Estonia launched A. Le Coq Christmas
Porter 6.5% in 4-packs of half-litre bottles, as well as FIZZ Winter Cider in
0.33-litre longneck glass bottles. 

In Latvia, Cesu Alus launched Miezitis Gaišais 4.7% and Miezitis Stiprais 7.1%
beers in 2-litre bottles in January. Launches in February included Cēsu Premium
Amber 5.2% in 0.568-litre cans and Cēsu Džons 7% Real Men Cola, which is a
whisky and cola-flavoured ready-to-drink alcoholic beverage in 0.5-litre cans.
March will see the launch of Cēsu Nefiltrētais Lēnalus 5.6% in 0.5-litre glass
bottles and Cēsu Džons  Mojito 5% in 0.5-litre cans as well as the energy drink
Dynami:t Mate in 0.5-litre bottles. March will also be the month of launching
the completely new functional range Vitamineral, which will include Mental
Performance and Power Performance versions both in 0.75-litre bottles. 

Volfas Engelman of Lithuania launched FIZZ Winter, already familiar from
Estonia, in October. November saw the launch of the dark beer Šnekorių Tamsus
in one-litre bottles with a strength of 7.5%. November was also the month of
launching Gera Kaina, which is a melon-flavoured 4.7% cider in one-litre
bottles. Two new versions of the 4Fun cider were launched: strawberry-flavoured
6.5% and cactus-lime-flavoured 7.5%, both in 1.0-litre bottles. The Fortas beer
brand was extended in December with the dark beer Tamsusis 7.5% in one-litre
bottles, and the FIZZ cider brand saw the introduction of a yellow plum

In Belarus, Lidskoe Pivo launched a new flavour Pomegranate in the BCE
Vitamines range in both one-litre and 1.5-litre bottles. The energy drink
Dynami:t was extended with the new flavour Dynami:t Juice in 0.5-litre bottles.
The Estonian product A. Le Coq Alcoholic Coctail Cuba Libre, which will come to
Finland in April, was already launched in Belarus in December. 


Olvi Group's average number of personnel in January-December was 1,999 (1,977).
The Group's average number of personnel increased by 22 people or 1.1 percent.
The greatest personnel increase was seen in Belarus due to increased sales
volumes. Latvia was the only country where personnel was reduced. The total
number of personnel at the end of December 2013 was 1,890 (1,905). 

Olvi Group's average number of personnel by country:

Finland               401  (401)
Estonia               314  (313)
Latvia                215  (217)
Lithuania             216  (212)
Belarus               853  (834)
Total                1,999 (1,977)


During 2013, Olvi increased its holding in Cesu Alus by a total of 266 shares,
which corresponds to 0.09 percent of the company's share capital. Olvi's
holding in Cesu Alus at the end of December 2013 was 99.76 percent. In November
2013, Olvi also acquired 1,401 shares in Volfas Engelman, corresponding to 0.01
percent of the share capital. Olvi's holding in Volfas Engelman at the end of
December 2013 was 99.58 percent. 

Olvi holds 100.0 percent of AS A. Le Coq and 91.58 percent of Lidskoe Pivo.
Furthermore, A. Le Coq has a 49.0 percent holding in AS Karme and 20.0 percent
holding in Verska Mineraalvee OÜ in Estonia. 


Olvi's share capital at the end of December 2013 stood at 20.8 million euro.
The total number of shares was 20,758,808, of these 17,026,552 or 82.0 percent
being Series A shares and 3,732,256 or 18.0 percent Series K shares. 

Each Series A share carries one (1) vote and each Series K share carries twenty
(20) votes. Series A and Series K shares have equal rights to dividends. 

Detailed information on Olvi's shares and share capital can be found in the
tables attached to this financial statements bulletin, in Table 5, Section 4. 

The total trading volume of Olvi A shares on Nasdaq OMX Helsinki in 2013 was
2,601,699 (1,793,149) shares, which represented 15.3 (10.5) percent of all
Series A shares. The value of trading was 63.9 (32.8) million euro. 

The Olvi A share was quoted on Nasdaq OMX Helsinki (Helsinki Stock Exchange) at
28.60 (19.65) euro at the end of 2013. In January-December, the highest quote
for the Series A share was 28.75 (20.43) euro and the lowest quote was 19.70
(14.75) euro. The average share price in 2013 was 24.26 (18.26) euro. 

At the end of December 2013, the market capitalisation of Series A shares was
487.0 (334.5) million euro and the market capitalisation of all shares was
593.7 (407.9) million euro. 

The number of shareholders at the end of December 2013 was 9,522 (9,091).
Foreign holdings plus foreign and Finnish nominee-registered holdings
represented 21.3 (17.9) percent of the total number of book entries and 6.9
(6.2) percent of total votes. 

Foreign and nominee-registered holdings are reported in Table 5, Section 8 of
the tables attached to this financial statements bulletin, and the largest
shareholders are reported in Table 5, Section 9. 


There were no changes in the number of treasury shares held by Olvi during
2013. At the end of the reporting period, Olvi held 1,124 Series A shares as
treasury shares. Treasury shares held by the company itself are ineligible for
voting. Detailed information on treasury shares is provided in Table 5, Section
5 of the tables attached to this financial statements bulletin. 


During 2013, Olvi received one flagging notice in accordance with Chapter 2,
Section 10 of the Securities Markets Act when The Family Kamprad Foundation
notified on 15 March 2013 that its share of holding had increased to 10.37
percent of Olvi's share capital and 2.35 percent of votes. 


Risk management is a part of Olvi Group's everyday management and operations.
It increases corporate security and contributes to the achievement of
operational targets. The objective of risk management is to operate proactively
and create operating conditions in which business risks are managed
comprehensively and systematically in all of the Group companies and all levels
of the organisation. In addition to the company itself, risk management
benefits its personnel, customers, shareholders and other related groups. 

The objective of risk management is to ensure the realisation of the company's
strategy and secure the continuity of business. Olvi Group identifies,
assesses, manages and monitors its crucial risks regularly. With regard to
identified risks, the effects, scope and probability of realisation are
assessed together with the means of eliminating or reducing the risk.
Furthermore, risk management aims to identify and utilise any business
opportunities that may arise. 

Strategic and operational risks

Olvi Group's strategic risks refer to risks related to the characteristics of
the company's business and strategic choices. The Group's operations are
located in several countries that differ substantially in terms of their social
and economic situations and the phases and directions of development. For
example, strategic risks relate to changes in tax legislation and other
regulations, the operating environment and foreign exchange markets. If
realised, strategic risks can substantially hamper the company's operational
preconditions. The Group's most substantial identified strategic risks relate
to Belarus, particularly the situation in the country's economy and politics. 

The Group's most substantial identified operational risks relate to the
procurement and quality of raw materials, the production process, markets and
customers, personnel, information security and systems, as well as changes in
foreign exchange rates. 

Financing risks

Olvi Group operates internationally, and its business involves risks arising
from exchange rate fluctuations. Foreign exchange risks arise from the cash
flows of purchases and sales in foreign currency, as well as investments in
foreign subsidiaries and the conversion of their balance sheet items into euro.
Foreign exchange risk is reduced by the fact that most of the Group's product
sales and raw material purchases are denominated in euro. 

The objective of financing risk management is to minimise the adverse effects
of changes in the financial markets on the Group's financial performance,
shareholders' equity and liquidity. The general principles of the Group's risk
management are approved by the Board of Directors of the parent company, and
the parent company's management together with the management of subsidiaries is
responsible for their practical implementation. Responsibility for Olvi Group's
financing tasks is centralised in the parent company Olvi. The objectives of
centralisation include optimisation of cash flows and financing costs, as well
as efficient risk management. 

There have not been any significant changes in Olvi Group's business risks. A
more detailed description of the risks is provided in the Board of Directors'
report and the notes to the financial statements. Financing risks are also
described in more detail in the Investors section of the corporate Web site. 


The economic situation has turned slightly better in Europe. However, the
development of the beverage markets in Olvi Group's operating area still seems
challenging. Total consumption in the local markets is still expected to
decline slightly, with consumption shifting more and more to less expensive
products. An increase in the unemployment rate and the resulting decline in
consumer purchasing power may also have a negative effect on the demand for the
company's products. 

The most substantial factor hampering the predictability of Olvi Group's
business still relates to Belarus and its economic and political outlook for
the next few years. 

The IAS 29 standard “Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies” will
be applied in Belarus at least until the end of 2014. 


The full-year sales volumes and net sales in 2014 are expected to grow slightly
in the current accounting period. The operating profit for 2014 is expected to
be on a par with the year 2013. 


The parent company Olvi plc had 50.6 (45.1) million euro of distributable funds
on 31 December 2013, of which profit for the period accounted for 15.8 (12.6)
million euro. 

Olvi plc's Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that
distributable funds be used as follows: 

1) A dividend of 0.65 (0.50) euro shall be paid for 2013 on each Series K and
Series A share, totalling 13.5 (10.4) million euro. The dividend represents
40.4 (40.3) percent of Olvi Group's earnings per share. The dividend will be
paid to shareholders registered in Olvi plc's register of shareholders held by
Euroclear Finland Ltd on the record date of the dividend payment, 23 April
2014. It is proposed that the dividend be paid on 30 April 2014. 

No dividend shall be paid on treasury shares.

2) 37.1 million euro shall be retained in the parent company's non-restricted


Olvi Group's financial statements, Board of Directors' report and Corporate
Governance Statement 2013 will be published on 20 March 2014. The notice to
convene Olvi plc's Annual General Meeting, which will be held on 16 April 2014
in Iisalmi, will be published on 20 March 2014. The financial statements, Board
of Directors' report and notice to convene the AGM will be available on Olvi
plc's Web site on the same day. 

The following interim reports will be released in 2014:

Interim Report for January-March on 30 April 2014,
Interim Report for January-June on 14 August 2014 and
Interim Report for January-September on 30 October 2014.

Further information:
Lasse Aho, Managing Director, Olvi plc, phone +358 290 00 1050 or +358 400 203

Board of Directors
- Statement of comprehensive income, Table 1
- Balance sheet, Table 2
- Changes in shareholders' equity, Table 3
- Cash flow statement, Table 4
- Notes to the financial statements, Table 5

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Key media

OLVI GROUP                                                               TABLE 1
INCOME STATEMENT                                                                
EUR 1,000                                                                       
                                       10-12/2  10-12/2012  1-12/2013  1-12/2012
Net sales                                70043     69403*)     327256   304891*)
Other operating income                     332         684        983       1020
Operating expenses                      -61368    -59636*)    -271391  -253552*)
Depreciation and impairment              -3524       -5836     -13627     -21822
Operating profit                          5483        4615      43221      30537
Financial income                           812        1382       3105       4871
Financial expenses                       -1718       -1297      -4501      -3093
Share of earnings of associates            -11           0        -11          0
Earnings before tax                       4566        4700      41814      32315
Taxes ***)                                 162        -795      -7628      -6151
NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                 4728        3905      34186      26164
Other comprehensive income items:                                               
Translation differences related to                                              
foreign subsidiaries                     -1459       -1745      -2858        527
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE        3269        2160      31328      26691
Distribution of profit:                                                         
- parent company shareholders             4707        3807      33520      25668
- non-controlling interests                 21          98        666        496
Distribution of comprehensive profit:                                           
- parent company shareholders             3354        2098      30886      26229
- non-controlling interests                -85          62        442        462
Earnings per share calculated from the profit                                   
to parent company shareholders, EUR                                             
-   undiluted                             0.23        0.18       1.61       1.24
-   diluted                               0.23        0.18       1.61       1.24

*) The previous year's net sales in Finland have been adjusted for
comparability with the year 2013. 

***) Taxes calculated from the profit for the review period.

The notes constitute an essential part of the financial statements.

OLVI GROUP                                                           TABLE 2    
BALANCE SHEET                           
EUR 1,000                                               31 Dec 2013  31 Dec 2012
Non-current assets                                                              
Tangible assets                                              165783       146749
Goodwill                                                      17805        17730
Other intangible assets                                        2701         2119
Interests in associates                                        1077         1077
Financial assets available for sale                             549          549
Loan receivables and other non-current receivables              349          408
Deferred tax receivables                                         87           83
Total non-current assets                                     188351       168715
Current assets                                                                  
Inventories                                                   41178        40583
Accounts receivable and other receivables                     57705        53345
Income tax receivable                                           848          693
Other non-current assets available for sale                     124          163
Liquid assets                                                  7507         5698
Total current assets                                         107362       100482
TOTAL ASSETS                                                 295713       269197
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                            
Shareholders' equity held by parent company                                     
Share capital                                                 20759        20759
Other reserves                                                 1092         1092
Treasury shares                                                  -8           -8
Translation differences                                      -20321       -17687
Retained earnings                                            167420       141317
                                                             168942       145473
Share belonging to non-controlling interests                   2597         1939
Total shareholders' equity                                   171539       147412
Non-current liabilities                                                         
Financial liabilities                                         28483        42474
Other liabilities                                                 0          250
Deferred tax liabilities                                       3761         3200
Current liabilities                                                             
Financial liabilities                                         24348        15996
Accounts payable and other liabilities                        66704        58669
Income tax liability                                            878         1196
Total liabilities                                            124174       121785
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                   295713       269197

The notes constitute an essential part of the financial statements.

OLVI GROUP                                             TABLE 3


                     Share   Other  Treasur  Transl  Retain     Share of   Total
                   capital  reserv        y   ation      ed  non-control        
                                es   shares  differ  earnin         ling        
                                    account   ences      gs    interests        
EUR 1,000          
Shareholders'        20759    1092       -8  -18248  123286         1341  128222
 equity 1 Jan                                                                   
Adjustments for hyperinflation                         2685          247    2932
Adjusted             20759    1092       -8  -18248  125971         1588  131154
 equity 1 Jan                                                                   
Comprehensive income:                                                           
Net profit for the period                             25668          496   26164
Other comprehensive income items:                                               
Translation differences                         561                  -34     527
Total comprehensive income for the period       561   25668          462   26691
Transactions with shareholders:                                                 
Payment of dividends                                 -10379          -14  -10393
Total transactions with shareholders                 -10379          -14  -10393
Changes in holdings in subsidiaries:                                            
Acquisition of shares from                                                      
non-controlling interests                                20                   20
Change in shares held by                                                        
non-controlling interests                                37          -37       0
Reduction of share capital                                           -60     -60
Total changes in holdings in subsidiaries                57          -97     -40
Shareholders'        20759    1092       -8  -17687  141317         1939  147412
 equity 31 Dec                                                                  

                     Share   Other  Treasur  Transl  Retain     Share of   Total
                   capital  reserv        y   ation      ed  non-control        
                                es   shares  differ  earnin         ling        
                                    account   ences      gs    interests        
EUR 1,000          
Shareholders'        20759    1092       -8  -17687  141317         1939  147412
 equity 1 Jan                                                                   
Adjustments for hyperinflation                         2945          271    3216
Adjusted             20759    1092       -8  -17687  144262         2210  150628
 equity 1 Jan                                                                   
Comprehensive income:                                                           
Net profit for the period                             33520          666   34186
Other comprehensive income items:                                               
Translation differences                       -2634                 -224   -2858
Total comprehensive income for the period     -2634   33520          442   31328
Transactions with shareholders:                                                 
Payment of dividends                                 -10379          -44  -10423
Total transactions with shareholders                 -10379          -44  -10423
Changes in holdings in subsidiaries:                                            
Acquisition of shares from   
non-controlling interests                                 6                    6
Change in shares held by                                                        
non-controlling interests                                11          -11       0
Total changes in holdings in subsidiaries                17          -11       6
Shareholders'        20759    1092       -8  -20321  167420         2597  171539
 equity 31 Dec                                                                  

Other reserves include the share premium account, legal reserve and other

The notes constitute an essential part of the financial statements.

OLVI GROUP                                                       TABLE 4
CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                     
EUR 1,000                                                               
                                                    1-12/2013  1-12/2012
Net profit for the period                               34186      26164
Adjustments to profit for the period                    24214      29754
Change in net working capital                            2451      -8967
Interest paid                                           -4246      -2077
Interest received                                         530        315
Taxes paid                                              -7126      -4900
Cash flow from operations (A)                           50009      40289
Investments in tangible and intangible                                  
assets                                                 -31975     -23757
Sales gains from tangible and intangible                                
assets                                                    220        125
Expenditure on other investments                            0       -582
Cash flow from investments (B)                         -31755     -24214
Withdrawals of loans                                     5541      32738
Repayments of loans                                    -11180     -36179
Dividends paid                                         -10541     -10377
Increase (-) / decrease (+) in current interest-                        
bearing business receivables                                1          0
Increase (-) / decrease (+) in long-term                                
loan receivables                                           55       -265
Cash flow from financing (C)                           -16124     -14083
Increase (+)/decrease (-) in liquid assets (A+B+C)       2130       1992
Liquid assets 1 January                                  5698       3836
Effect of exchange rate changes                          -321       -130
Liquid assets 31 December                                7507       5698
The notes constitute an essential part of the financial statements.     

OLVI GROUP                                                                   


The accounting policies used for the financial statements 2013 are the same as
those used for the annual financial statements 2012, with the following changes
implemented as of 1 January 2013: 

1) As of the beginning of 2013, marketing subsidies payable to customers on the
basis of litres sold have been accounted for as annual discounts under
adjustments to sales. These marketing subsidies were previously recognised
under other operating expenses. Due to the change, the consolidated net sales
and other operating expenses for the previous year have declined by the amount
of the marketing subsidies, 7.3 million euro. The change concerned the parent
company Olvi. 

2) As of the beginning of 2013, Olvi Group's depreciation periods for
buildings, production machinery and equipment, as well as storage and
fermentation tanks, have been extended to better correspond to their actual
economic life. The depreciation period for buildings was extended from 20 to 30
years and the depreciation period for production machinery and equipment from 8
years to 15 years. The depreciation period for tanks was extended from 8 years
to 20 years. Due to the change, depreciation declined by 10.1 million euro in

The financial statements for 1 January to 31 December 2013 have been prepared
in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),
observing the IAS and IFRS standards as well as the official SIC and IFRIC
interpretations valid on 31 December 2013. 

The Group has adopted the following new or revised standards and
interpretations in 2013: 

  -- Amendment to IAS 12 “Income Taxes” concerning deferred taxes
  -- Amendment to IAS 1 “Presentation of Financial Statements” concerning other
     comprehensive income items
  -- Amendment to IAS 19 “Employee Benefits”
  -- Amendment to IFRS 7 “Financial Instruments: Disclosures” concerning the
     offset of assets and liabilities
  -- IFRS 13 “Fair Value Measurement”

The above changes in standards and their interpretations have not had any
substantial effect on the income statement, balance sheet or notes. 

The information in the financial statements bulletin is presented in thousands
of euros (EUR 1000). For the sake of presentation, individual figures and
totals have been rounded to full thousands, which causes rounding differences
in additions. The ratios are calculated from exact amounts in euros. 

1. SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                
SALES BY GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENT (1,000 litres)                          
                          10-12/2013  10-12/2012  1-12/2013  1-12/2012
Olvi Group total              123313      115525     557232     526753
Finland                        35880       34799     159909     148764
Estonia                        26928       28485     129314     134027
Latvia                         16099       13868      79724      72358
Lithuania                      16532       14504      69554      71661
Belarus                        34101       30236     156523     141496
- sales between segments       -6227       -6367     -37792     -41553

NET SALES BY GEOGRAPHICAL SEGMENT (EUR 1,000)                         
                          10-12/2013  10-12/2012  1-12/2013  1-12/2012
Olvi Group total               70043     69403*)     327256   304891*)
Finland                        26540     27618*)     123608   113612*)
Estonia                        16672       16908      81261      80043
Latvia                          7287        6722      37571      36185
Lithuania                       7857        7185      34139      34245
Belarus                        14413       13653      68319      59030
- sales between segments       -2726       -2683     -17642     -18224

*) The previous year's figures have been adjusted for comparability with the
year 2013. 

                  10-12/2013  10-12/2012  1-12/2013  1-12/2012
Olvi Group total        5483        4615      43221      30537
Finland                 1859        1908      12844       9066
Estonia                 2417        2325      15998      13017
Latvia                  -208        -157       2458       1654
Lithuania                243           6       1264       1753
Belarus                 1178         406      10665       4979
- eliminations            -6         127         -8         68

2. PERSONNEL ON AVERAGE  1-12/2013  1-12/2012
Finland                        401        401
Estonia                        314        313
Latvia                         215        217
Lithuania                      216        212
Belarus                        853        834
Total                         1999       1977

3.  RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS                                                  
Employee benefits to management                                                 
Salaries and other short-term employee benefits to the Board of Directors and   
 Managing Directors                                                             
EUR 1,000                                                                       
                                                    1-12/2013          1-12/2012
Managing Directors                                        920                931
Chairman of the Board                                      85                 84
Other members of the Board                                130                125
Total                                                    1135               1140
4. SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL                                                           31 Dec 2013                  %
Number of A shares                                   17026552               82.0
Number of K shares                                    3732256               18.0
Total                                                20758808              100.0
Total votes carried by A shares                      17026552               18.6
Total votes carried by K shares                      74645120               81.4
Total number of votes                                91671672              100.0

Votes per Series A share                                                      1
Votes per Series K share                                                     20
The registered share capital on 31 December 2013 totalled 20,759 thousand euro.

Olvi plc's Series A and Series K shares received a dividend of 0.50 euro per
share for 2012 (0.50 euro per share for 2011), totalling 10.4 (10.4) million
euro. The dividends were paid on 22 April 2013. The Series K and Series A
shares entitle to equal dividend. The Articles of Association include a
redemption clause concerning Series K shares. 


Olvi plc held a total of 1,124 of its own Series A shares on 1 January 2013.
Olvi plc has not acquired more treasury shares or transferred them to others in
January-December 2013, which means that the number of Series A shares held by
the company was unchanged on 31 December 2013. The purchase price of the Series
A shares held as treasury shares totalled 8.5 thousand euro. 

Series A shares held by Olvi plc as treasury shares represented 0.005 percent
of the share capital and 0.001 percent of the aggregate number of votes. The
treasury shares represented 0.007 percent of all Series A shares and associated

On 10 April 2013, the General Meeting of Shareholders of Olvi plc decided to
revoke any unused authorisations to acquire treasury shares and authorise the
Board of Directors of Olvi plc to decide on the acquisition of the company's
own shares using distributable funds. The authorisation is valid for one year
starting from the General Meeting and covers a maximum of 500,000 Series A

The Annual General Meeting also decided to revoke all existing unused
authorisations for the transfer of own shares and authorise the Board of
Directors to decide on the issue of a maximum of 1,000,000 new Series A shares
and the transfer of a maximum of 500,000 Series A shares held as treasury

In January-December 2013, the Board of Directors of Olvi plc has not exercised
the authorisations granted by the General Meeting. 

6. NUMBER OF SHARES *)  1-12/2013  1-12/2012
- average                20757684   20757684
- at end of period       20757684   20757684
*) Treasury shares deducted.                

                                                   1-12/2013  1-12/2012
Trading volume of Olvi A shares                      2601699    1793149
Total trading volume, EUR 1,000                        63938      32789
Traded shares in proportion to                                         
all Series A shares, %                                  15.3       10.5
Average share price, EUR                               24.26      18.26
Price on the closing date, EUR                         28.60      19.65
Highest quote, EUR                                     28.75      20.43
Lowest quote, EUR                                      19.70      14.75

                                  Book entries         Votes        Shareholders
                                   qty       %       qty       %     qty     %  
Finnish total                   16340629   78.72  85310021   93.06  9479   99.55
Foreign total                     505069    2.43   2448541    2.67    35    0.37
Nominee-registered (foreign)       16192    0.08     16192    0.02     3    0.03
Nominee-registered (Finnish)     3896918   18.77   3896918    4.25     5    0.05
Total                           20758808  100.00  91671672  100.00  9522  100.00

9. LARGEST SHAREHOLDERS ON 31 DECEMBER 2013                                     
                            Series  Series A   Total       %     Votes       %  
1. Olvi Foundation         2363904    890613   3254517   15.68  48168693   52.54
2. Hortling Heikki          903488    144194   1047682    5.05  18213954   19.87
 Wilhelm *)                                                                     
3. The Heirs of Hortling    187104     25248    212352    1.02   3767328    4.11
 Kalle Einari                                                                   
4. Hortling Timo Einari     165824     34608    200432    0.97   3351088    3.66
5. Hortling-Rinne Laila     102288      2100    104388    0.50   2047860    2.23
6. Pohjola Bank plc, nominee         1902700   1902700    9.17   1902700    2.08
7. Nordea Bank Finland plc,          1400693   1400693    6.75   1400693    1.53
 nominee register                                                               
8. Ilmarinen Mutual Pension           649518    649518    3.13    649518    0.71
 Insurance Company                                                              
9. Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Ab (Publ)                                      
Helsinki branch, nominee register     542249    542249    2.61    542249    0.59
10. Autocarrera Oy Ab                 460000    460000    2.22    460000    0.50
Others                        9648  10974629  10984277   52.90  11167589   12.18
Total                      3732256  17026552  20758808  100.00  91671672  100.00
*) The figures include the shareholder's own holdings and shares held by parties
 in his control.                                                                

10. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                             
EUR 1,000                                                     
                                        1-12/2013    1-12/2012
Increase                                    34509        28197
Decrease                                    -1087        -1122
Total                                       33422        27075
11. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                    
EUR 1,000                                                     
                                      31 Dec 2013  31 Dec 2012
Pledges and contingent liabilities                            
For own commitments                          2715         7415
Leasing and rental liabilities:                               
Due within one year                          1238         1240
Due within 1 to 5 years                       637          580
Due in more than 5 years                        6            7
Leasing and rental liabilities total         1881         1827
Package liabilities                          2781         2265
Other liabilities                            2000         2000


Equity to total assets, % = 100 * (Shareholders' equity held by parent company
shareholders + non-controlling interests) / (Balance sheet total - advances

Earnings per share = Profit belonging to parent company shareholders / Average
number of shares during the period, adjusted for share issues 

Equity per share = Shareholders' equity held by parent company shareholders /
Number of shares at end of period, adjusted for share issues 

Gearing, % = 100 * (Interest-bearing debt - cash in hand and at bank) /
(Shareholders' equity held by parent company shareholders + non-controlling
