2017-12-18 16:00:00 CET

2017-12-18 16:00:02 CET


English Lithuanian
Zemaitijos Pienas - Notification on material event

First Instance Judgement in the Case on Cancellation of Parts of Resolutions of General Meetings of Shareholders and a New Decision




By decision of 18 December 2017, Šiauliai Regional Court granted the appeal of ŽEMAITIJOS PIENAS, AB in the case on cancellation of parts of resolutions of General Meetings of Shareholders of 28 October 2016 and 29 December 2016, annulment of 2,070,621 registered ordinary shares and appropriate reduction of the Company’s authorized capital. By the above-mentioned decision, the Court of Appeal reversed the decision of 16 August 2017 of the District Court of Telšiai Region and adopted a new decision, i.e. dismissed the complaint of the applicants Vytautas Plunksnys and the Investors’ Association. The decision of the Court of Appeal shall come into effect from the date of its adoption.

         J.Jarmontovič, 8 444 22208