2008-03-29 15:00:00 CET

2008-03-29 15:00:59 CET


Íslenska Enska
Atlantic Petroleum P/F - Niðurstöður hluthafafundar

Niðurstöður aðalfunda

Announcement from P/F Atlantic Petroleum (FO-ATLA)

Result of Annual General Meeting 29th March 2008 (attached to this announcement
is the presentation from the Annual General Meeting in faroese and english) 

1. Tormóður Djurhuus was elected as Chairman of the General Meeting.

2. The Chairman of the Board presented the Board of Directors' statement of the
Company's activity during 2007. 

3. The audited Annual Accounts were presentent and approved by the General

4. It was decided to carry forward the loss from 2007 to next year.

5. Three of five Board Members were up for election for a period of two years:
Kjartan Hoydal, Mortan Johannesen and Óli Hammer. They were re-elected. The
Board of Directors decided that Kjartan Hoydal continues as Chairman of the

6. As proposed it was decided to re-elect P/F Grannskoðaravirkið INPACT
statsaut. revisorar, R. C. Effersøesgøta 26, 100 Tórshavn as auditors, for the
period until the next Annual General Meeting. Due to changes in the law
applicable for the Company, only one accountant is now prescribed by law.
According to the Articles of Association of the Company §20, up to two
accountants can be elected for the Company. 

7. The proposed amendment to the Articles of Association of the Company was
approved, § 3 sub-clause 2, item 7, is now as follows: 

“If an invitation is made to subscribe to new share capital in the Company,
without pre-emptive rights to the present shareholders, the subscription shall
be made at market value” 

Apart from this, § 3 remained unchanged.

Further Details
Further details can be obtained from Wilhelm Petersen, Managing Director, tel
+298 350100 (wilhelmp@petroleum.fo) or Teitur Samuelsen, Financial Manager, tel
+298 350100 (teiturs@petroleum.fo). This announcement will be available,
together with other information about Atlantic Petroleum, on the Company's
website: www.petroleum.fo

Issued 29-03-2008

P/F Atlantic Petroleum 	
Gongin 9	               Telephone +298 350 100
Box 1228	               Fax +298 350 101
FO-110 Tórshavn 	      Website: www.petroleum.fo
Faroe Islands