2009-06-16 15:21:38 CEST

2009-06-16 15:22:46 CEST


Englanti Liettua
Siauliu Bankas AB - Notification on material event

New bonds issue

By the resolution of the Bank's Board dated 16-06-2009 and in accordance with   
LTL 100 million non-equity securities program Šiaulių bankas AB issues a 370-day
issue of discounted bonds in euros, the total nominal value of which is EUR 10  
million, fixed annual interest - 7.8 per cent. The bond issue will be publicly  
disseminated during the period between 22-06-2009 and 10-07-2009.               

The Base Prospectus of Šiaulių bankas' Non-equity Securities in the amount of   
LTL 100 million and The Final terms of the issue are placed on the bank's       
website http://www.sb.lt/en/investors/prospectus_and_reports.                   

Director of the Securities Trading Department
Rimantas Januševičius 
Tel.: +370 41 595654