2009-07-07 14:36:16 CEST

2009-07-07 14:37:15 CEST


Englanti Liettua
Gubernija AB - Notification on material event

Concerning AB “Gubernija” Projects of Decisions on Agenda Issues of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Following the article 23 part 5 of the Law on Private Limited Liability
Companies of the Republic of Lithuania, the Manager of the Company announces
the project of the agenda issues of AB “Gubernija” Extraordinary General
Meeting of Shareholders: 
1) Mortgaging of the property of the Company in favour of Siauliai County State
Tax Inspectorate for the period of tax loan. 
The following decision was proposed:
To allow mortgaging of the property of the Company in favour of Siauliai County
State Tax Inspectorate for the period of tax loan. 

AB „Gubernija“
General Manager at interim 
Diana Veleckiene