2010-05-06 11:50:00 CEST

2010-05-06 11:50:03 CEST


Englanti Suomi
Neomarkka - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Neomarkka Q1 2010 Interim Review - First quarter result was weak but better than expected

NEOMARKKA PLC	STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE	May 6,2010	at 12.50                       

INTERIM REPORT 1 JANUARY - 31 MARCH 2010                                        

First quarter result was weak but better than expected                          

KEY FIGURES                                                                     
|                                            |        1-3 /2010 |    1-3 /2009 |
| Turnover, EUR million, of which            |             16.6 |         17.0 |
| - Cable business                           |             16.6 |         17.0 |
| - Other operations                         |              0.0 |          0.0 |
| Operating result, EUR million, of which    |             -2.3 |          0.2 |
| - Cable business                           |             -2.0 |          0.4 |
| - Other operations                         |             -0.3 |         -0.2 |
| Profit or loss for the period, EUR million |             -2.2 |         -0.5 |
| Earnings per share, EUR                    |            -0.37 |        -0.08 |

Return on investment (ROI) for the period was -2.5% (0.0%). Equity ratio was    
47.5% (51.0%).                                                                  

The weak general economic situation has continued to slow down the development  
of Neomarkka's financial result in the first quarter. Turnover was EUR 0.4      
million below the 2009 level and the operating result weakened by EUR 1.7       
million. Full year result is still expected to be better than in 2009.          

The work to improve the profitability in cable business has continued both in   
production and sales, as well as in marketing. Neomarkka has also focused on    
finding and acquiring new investment objects in line with its strategy and in   
April the company invested in a 30% share of Finndomo Oy, a producer of         
prefabricated wooden houses.                                                    


Neomarkka group's turnover in January - March was EUR 16.6 million (EUR 17.0    
million) which is 2% lower than in the previous year.                           

FINANCIAL RESULT, BALANCE SHEET AND FINANCING                                   

This report has been drawn up in accordance with IAS 34 requirements for interim
reports. The same principles have been followed as in the financial statement   
for 2009 except for changes in IAS and IFRS standards in effect for financial   
periods beginning 1 January 2010. The interim report is unaudited.              

Of new amendments the most significant one in the first quarter was in IAS 27,  
according to which a minority share is recognized on the result from January 1, 
2010 onwards regardless of the subsidiary's shareholder's equity situation.     

The effects of exchange rate changes on long-term intra-group loans are handled 
as translation differences in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
and in the Statement of Shareholders' Equity in accordance with IAS 1.          

Financial Result                                                                

The operating loss in the period was EUR -2.3 million (profit EUR 0.2 million), 
of which the operating loss of the cable business was EUR -2.0 million          
(operating profit EUR 0.4 million). net result of the review period was EUR -2.2
million(EUR -0.5 million). Earnings per share were EUR -0.37 (EUR -0.08).       

Consolidated Blance Sheet and fnancing                                          

In the consolidated balance sheet, total assets at the end of the period were   
EUR 94.3 million (EUR 100.4 million).                                           

At the end of the period, net assets per share were EUR 7.31 (EUR 8.31) and the 
equity ratio was 47.5% (51.0%).                                                 

For financing of working capital, Reka Cables has revolving bank credit of EUR  
6.0 million and factoring credit of EUR 7.5 million. On 31 March 2010, the      
company's overdraft facility was nearly in full use. Some EUR 4 million of the  
factoring limit remained unused.                                                

MAJOR EVENTS DURING THE REVIEW PERIOD                                           

Industrial Investments: Cable Business                                          

The turnover of the cable business in the first quarter was EUR 16.6 million    
(EUR 17.0 million). In the marketing area outside the EU the business' turnover 
nearly tripled compared to last year's first quarter, but in the EU marketing   
area turnover decreased by 13%. Demand development has still been slowed down by
low amounts of industrial investments and an unusually harsh winter, which has  
postponed installation of underground electricity networks further into spring. 

The operating result in the first quarter was EUR 2.4 million weaker than last  
year. Metal prices have doubled from last year but the price increase has not   
been successfully transferred to the product prices due to continued tight      
competition. Even though the number of building starts has increased, the demand
for cables did not increase in the first quarter. The first quarter result of   
the cable business is also depressed by a EUR 0.6 million non-recurring item    
caused by the transfer of production machinery needed in copper wire production 
at the Keuruu factory. The expansion of the Keuruu factory and machine transfers
were completed during the first quarter.                                        

Sales in Russia has increased compared to the previous year. Thanks to slightly 
improved demand, production has been running throughout the review period. The  
operating loss from cable business' Russian operations decreased to half of last
year's level.                                                                   

Cost savings to improve profitability have continued and lay-offs have been     
ongoing throughout the quarter. Fixed costs have been pruned further and        
excluding the above mentioned EUR 0.6 million non-recurring cost, the costs in  
the first quarter decreased by 15% compared to the corresponding period last    

Nestor Cables Ltd has suffered from postponed deliveries due to an exceptionally
harsh winter. On the other hand, demand for interior installation products has  
been higher than last year and deliveries to building projects in public        
administration have continued on a stable level. In export projects the first   
deliveries have been made to e.g. Sweden and Russia. In terms of industrial     
products demand recovery is expected to remain slow. The company's result for   
the review period was negative.                                                 

Other operations                                                                

Neomarkka's other investments apart from industrial investments are mainly      
investing cash funds. Holdings in unlisted companies have remained unchanged but
their share of total investments is relatively low. The company has invested in 
direct corporate loans and bonds and as well as bonds with credit risk swaps.   
The credit risk swaps are valid for under a year and concern financially sound  

The company has continued to acquire its own shares based on an authorization by
the Annual General Meeting on June 10, 2009. On the review period Neomarkka     
acquired total of 2,080 Neomarkka B series shares.                              

MAJOR EVENTS AFTER THE REVIEW PERIOD                                            

Industrial Investments: Cable Business                                          

On 6 April 2010 Reka Cables informed that the company will start                
co-determination negotiations involving all employees in company's Finnish      
factories. The objective is to adjust the company's operations to the changes in
the cable markets with lay-offs and dismissals. Estimated need for dismissals is
25 employees.                                                                   

Finndomo Ltd                                                                    

On April 20, 2010, Neomarkka announced that it is investing in a 30% share in   
Finndomo Ltd. Finndomo is a leading producer of prefabricated wooden houses in  
the Nordic countries, with the Nordic countries, the Baltic countries and Russia
as its main market areas. The company's sales in 2009 was EUR 94 million.       

Finndomo fits well into Neomarkka's strategy with its operations and main market
areas. Neomarkka already has established business through Reka Cable's          
operations in the Nordic countries, Baltic countries and Russia, the areas in   
which Finndomo operates as well. Neomarkka believes in Finndomo's profitable    
growth as the small house manufacturing business seems to have recovered from   
the worst downturn and the sales of prefabricated small houses has grown. The   
market situation for prefabricated houses both in Finland and Sweden has been   
good in the first quarter of 2010. Finndomo Group's order intake was more than  
50% higher compared to the same period last year. The Group's turnover and      
operating result clearly exceeded last year's level as well.                    

In order to ensure profitable growth, Finndomo Group strengthened its           
shareholders' equity by arranging a EUR 11 million directed share issue. In the 
issue, Neomarkka subscribed for Group shares with EUR 6 million. In addition to 
Neomarkka, Finndomo's old shareholders, the largest being Ilkka Brotherus'      
family company Erkyte Oy as well as new key persons participated in the directed
issue. In addition to strengthening its shareholders' equity, Finndomo has      
negotiated a new financing package with the bank which will further improve cash
flow and support growth.                                                        

The investment will create a new segment in Neomarkka, which will be visible in 
the company's financial reporting from the second quarter of 2010.              

SHARES AND SHARE CAPITAL                                                        

Neomarkka Plc's share capital is divided into A- and B-shares. The total share  
capital including all shares stood at EUR 24,802,000 at the end of the review   
period and the total number of shares was 6,020,360. The number of shares       
includes 63,487 B-shares held by Neomarkka Group. The holding corresponds with  
1.0% of the company's share capital and 0.7% of votes.                          

Neomarkka Plc's B-share is quoted on the main list of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.  
The closing price on March 31, 2010 was EUR 7.45 (EUR 5.15) and the average     
share price for the period was EUR 6.85. The share turnover in the review period
was 65,128 shares (90,391), which was 1.1% (1.5%) of listed B-shares. The lowest
quotation during the period was EUR 5.91 (EUR 5.00) and the highest quotation   
was EUR 8.20 (EUR 5.48). On 31 March 2010 the market capitalisation of the      
company was EUR 44.3 million (EUR 31.0 million).                                

ACQUISITION OF OWN SHARES                                                       

The Board of Directors has used the authorization granted by the AGM on June 10,
2009 and acquired 2,080 Neomarkka Plc's B-shares during the review period for   
EUR 14,484. The value of the shares on March 31, 2010 calculated using the      
closing price was EUR 15,496. The holding corresponds with 1.0% of the company's
share capital and 0.7% of votes.                                                


Investments made in the review period were in the cable business and totalled   
EUR 0.3 million (EUR 1.9 million). Long-term leases have been recognised as     
fixed assets in line with IFRS.                                                 


Neomarkka Plc's Annual General Meeting will be held on June 9, 2010 at 2 pm at  
Hyvinkää. Neomarkka's Board of Directors proposes that EUR 0.25 (EUR 0.25) per  
share will be paid as dividend for 2009.                                        

The following persons have formed the Board of Directors of Neomarkka Plc since 
10 June 2009: Matti Lainema (chairman), Pekka Soini (vice chairman), Ilpo       
Helander, Taisto Riski, Risto Kyhälä and Matti Lappalainen.                     

The company's authorised public accountants are Ernst & Young Ltd. The          
responsible auditor is Heikki Ilkka.                                            

The Board has appointed its members Taisto Riski, Pekka Soini and Ilpo Helander 
as members of its audit committee.                                              

The managing director of Neomarkka Plc is Markku E. Rentto.                     


The Group employed an average 512 people (511). On 31 March 2010 Group personnel
numbered 515, of whom 512 were in the cable business.                           

GROUP STRUCTURE AND SHAREHOLDERS                                                

Neomarkka Plc is the parent company in a Group consisting of Neomarkka's fully  
owned subsidiaries Novalis Plc and Alnus Ltd and their subsidiaries and         
associated companies. The domicile of the parent company is Hyvinkää.           

On March 31, 2010, Neomarkka Plc had 12,553 (12,706) shareholders. The company's
largest shareholder, Reka Ltd had a 50.76% holding of shares and 60.77% of votes
at the end of the review period. Thus Neomarkka Plc is part of Reka Group. Reka 
Ltd is domiciled in Hyvinkää.                                                   

At the end of the year, the combined holding of the ten largest shareholders was
61.4% of shares (60.6%) and 73.1% of votes (72.5%).                             

NEAR-TERM RISKS AND HEDGING MEASURES                                            

Neomarkka's main financial risks are currency, interest rate, commodity,        
liquidity, credit and investment market-risks. The financial risks and their    
hedging measures are described in more details in the notes to the Consolidated 
Financial Statements 2009.                                                      

The company's future risk factors are tied to the development of business       
operations of the invested companies. The most significant risks in the cable   
business relate to changes in market conditions, fluctuating raw material prices
and exchange rate movements. Reka Cables has 2007 carried out extensive risk    
analysis to chart these risks and hedge them.                                   

In 2009, Audit Committee was focusing on risks on business operations in Russia 
by initiating a risk assessment. The results of the assessment will be utilized 
in 2010 internal audit.                                                         

The company believes that the Russian cable market will grow and develop, and   
has made substantial investments to exploit business opportunities there. The   
investments contain the risk that growth in Russia will not live up to          

NEAR TERM OUTLOOK                                                               

The near term outlook for the cable business is difficult to predict. The       
electricity network projects postponed by the snow rich winter are expected to  
accelerate during summer, which is expected to increase cable demand. On the    
other hand, even though the level of construction has increased, its effect on  
cable demand growth is not expected to materialize until the second half of the 
year at the earliest. A clearer pick-up in industrial investments that have been
nearly at a standstill is still expected but the exact timing is difficult to   
predict. The signs anticipated in the financial statement on a recovery in      
investments in Russia have strengthened. The full year operating result of the  
cable business is expected to be better than in 2009.                           

In terms of the associated company Finndomo, we expect that the market for      
prefabricated houses will continue growing in the second quarter both in Finland
and in Sweden. The enormous growth seen in order intake in the first quarter is,
however, probably stabilizing as the market recovery has continued since last   
summer. Market growth may also be slowed down by the increase in VAT in the     
summer of 2010 and possible tighter housing loan terms by increasing the share  
of own financing in the second half of 2010. The good order book and cost       
cutting measures that have been completed give good preconditions for a better  
result than in 2009.                                                            

SUMMARISED FINANCIAL STATEMENT AND NOTES                                        

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (IFRS)                                            
| EUR 1,000                             | 1.1. - 31.3.2010 |  1.1. - 31.3.2009 |
| Turnover                              |           16,603 |            16,994 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Change in inventories of finished     |             -732 |                87 |
| products and production in progress   |                  |                   |
| Production for own use                |               37 |                 4 |
| Materials and services                |          -10,663 |            -8,732 |
| Personnel expenses                    |           -3,163 |            -3,978 |
| Depreciation and impairment           |           -1,215 |            -1,205 |
| Other operating income and expenses   |           -3,124 |            -3,014 |
|                                       |          -18,860 |           -16,838 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Operating profit or loss              |           -2,257 |               156 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Financial income                      |              407 |               245 |
| Financial expenses                    |             -295 |              -561 |
| Share of the result of associates     |                0 |              -202 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Profit or loss before taxes           |           -2,146 |              -362 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Taxes                                 |              -98 |              -169 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Profit or loss for the period         |           -2,244 |              -531 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Profit or loss attributable to        |                  |                   |
| Equity holders of the parent          |           -2,180 |              -502 |
| Minority interests                    |              -64 |               -29 |
|                                       |           -2,244 |              -531 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Earnings per share attributable to the shareholders of   |                   |
| the parent (EUR)                                         |                   |
| before and after dilution, EUR        |            -0.37 |             -0.08 |
| Number of shares                      |        5,956,873 |         6,016,906 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Profit or loss                        |           -2,244 |              -531 |
| Other comprehensive items             |                  |                   |
| Translation differences related to    |            1,751 |               387 |
| foreign units                         |                  |                   |
| Total                                 |            1,751 |               387 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Total comprehensive income            |             -494 |              -144 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Total comprehensive income            |                  |                   |
| attributable to                       |                  |                   |
| Equity holders of the parent          |             -531 |              -115 |
| Minority interest                     |               37 |               -29 |
|                                       |             -494 |              -144 |

CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (IFRS)                                               
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| EUR 1,000                             |        31.3.2010 |        31.12.2009 |
| ASSETS                                |                  |                   |
| Non-current assets                    |                  |                   |
| Goodwill                              |            3,536 |             3,520 |
| Other intangible  assets              |            7,935 |             6,794 |
| Tangible assets                       |           32,702 |            32,978 |
| Receivables                           |              123 |                 0 |
| Derivative contracts                  |                0 |                55 |
| Deferred tax assets                   |              918 |               909 |
| Total non-current assets              |           45,215 |            44,257 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Current assets                        |                  |                   |
| Inventories                           |           19,258 |            21,085 |
| Available-for-sale financial assets   |            3,733 |             3,733 |
| Sales receivables and other           |           16,234 |            15,431 |
| receivables                           |                  |                   |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Tax receivables from the profit       |              132 |               131 |
| Derivative contracts                  |            1,167 |             1,170 |
| Other financial assets                |            7,551 |             7,016 |
| Cash and cash equivalents             |            1,020 |             3,000 |
| Total current assets                  |           49,095 |            51,566 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Total Assets                          |           94,310 |            95,823 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIBILITIES   |                  |                   |
| Shareholder's equity                  |                  |                   |
| Share capital                         |           24,082 |            24,082 |
| Premium fund                          |               67 |                66 |
| Reserve fund                          |            1,221 |             1,221 |
| Own shares                            |             -403 |              -381 |
| Translation differences               |             -263 |            -2,013 |
| Retained profit                       |           -2,471 |              -309 |
| Other unrestricted equity             |           21,327 |            21,327 |
| Equity attributable to sharehoders of |           43,560 |            43,992 |
| the parent                            |                  |                   |
| Minority interest                     |            1,263 |             1,445 |
| Total shareholders´ equity            |           44,823 |            45,437 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Non-current liabilities               |                  |                   |
| Deferred tax liabilities              |            4,090 |             4,012 |
| Provisions                            |              652 |               650 |
| Interest-bearing liabilities          |           18,278 |            18,472 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Current liabilities                   |                  |                   |
| Tax liabilities from the profit       |              153 |                46 |
| Reserves                              |              176 |               176 |
| Short-term interest-bearing           |           11,447 |            10,432 |
| liabilities                           |                  |                   |
| Derivative contracts                  |                7 |                32 |
| Accounts payable and other            |           14,684 |            16,568 |
| liabilities                           |                  |                   |
| Total liabilities                     |           49,487 |            50,386 |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Shareholders´ equity and liabilities  |           94,310 |            95,823 |


| EUR   | Share | Pre | Re  | Tran | Other | Retai | Total | Mino   | Total    |
| 1,000 | capit | miu | ser | s    | unres | ned   |       | rity   | share    |
|       | al    | m   | ve  | lati | trict | profi |       | intres | holders  |
|       |       | fun | fun | on   | ed    | t     |       | t      | equity   |
|       |       | d   | d   | diff | equit |       |       |        |          |
|       |       |     |     | e    | y     |       |       |        |          |
|       |       |     |     | renc |       |       |       |        |          |
|       |       |     |     | es   |       |       |       |        |          |
| Share | 24,08 |  66 | 1,2 | -1,6 | 21,32 | 5,100 | 50,11 |    131 |   50,244 |
| holde |     2 |     |  21 |   83 |     7 |       |     3 |        |          |
| rs'   |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| equit |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| y     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| 31.12 |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| .     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| 2008  |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| Trans |       |     |     |  387 |       |     0 |   387 |  1,101 |    1,488 |
| latio |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| n     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| diffe |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| rence |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| s     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| Profi |       |     |     |      |       |  -502 |  -502 |        |     -502 |
| t/    |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| loss  |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| for   |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| the   |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| perio |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| d     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| Divi  |       |     |     |      |       |     0 |     0 |        |        0 |
| dends |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| paid  |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| Min   |       |     |     |      |       |       |     0 |    -29 |      -29 |
| ority |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| intre |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| st    |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| Share | 24,08 |  66 | 1,2 | -1,2 | 21,32 | 4,598 | 49,99 |  1,203 |   51,201 |
| holde |     2 |     |  21 |   96 |     7 |       |     8 |        |          |
| rs'   |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| equit |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| y     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| 31.3. |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| 2009  |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| EUR   | Share | Pre | Re  | Tran | Other | Retai | Total | Mino   | Total    |
| 1,000 | capit | miu | ser | s    | unres | ned   |       | rity   | share    |
|       | al    | m   | ve  | lati | trict | profi |       | intres | holders  |
|       |       | fun | fun | on   | ed    | t     |       | t      | equity   |
|       |       | d   | d   | diff | equit |       |       |        |          |
|       |       |     |     | e    | y     |       |       |        |          |
|       |       |     |     | renc |       |       |       |        |          |
|       |       |     |     | es   |       |       |       |        |          |
| Share | 24,08 |  66 | 1,2 | -2,0 | 21,32 |  -690 | 43,99 |  1,445 |   45,437 |
| holde |     2 |     |  21 |   13 |     7 |       |     3 |        |          |
| rs'   |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| equit |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| y     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| 31.12 |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| .     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| 2009  |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| Trans |       |     |     |    0 |       |       |     0 |        |        0 |
| latio |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| n     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| diffe |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| rence |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| s     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| Profi |       |   1 |     | 1,75 |       | -2,28 |  -530 |     37 |     -493 |
| t/    |       |     |     |    1 |       |     2 |       |        |          |
| loss  |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| for   |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| the   |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| perio |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| d     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| Divi  |       |     |     |      |       |     0 |     0 |        |        0 |
| dends |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| paid  |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| Acqui |       |     |     |      |       |   -22 |   -22 |        |      -22 |
| sitio |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| n     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| of    |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| own   |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| share |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| s     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| Minor |       |     |     |      |       |   120 |   120 |   -219 |      -99 |
| ity   |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| intre |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| st    |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| Share | 24,08 |  67 | 1,2 | -263 | 21,32 | -2,87 | 43,56 |  1,263 |   44,823 |
| holde |     2 |     |  21 |      |     7 |     4 |     0 |        |          |
| rs'   |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| equit |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| y     |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| 31.3. |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |
| 2010  |       |     |     |      |       |       |       |        |          |

STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (IFRS)                                                  
| EUR 1,000                             | 1.1. - 31.3.2010 |  1.1. - 31.3.2009 |
| Cash flows from operating activities  |                  |                   |
| Payments received from operating      |           12,327 |            17,867 |
| activities                            |                  |                   |
| Payments paid on operating activities |          -14,580 |           -18,601 |
| Paid interests and other financial    |               97 |              -500 |
| expenses                              |                  |                   |
| Interests received and other          |               23 |                86 |
| financial incomes                     |                  |                   |
| Direct taxes paid                     |              -44 |               981 |
| Net cash provided by operating        |           -2,176 |              -168 |
| activities                            |                  |                   |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Cash flows from investing activities  |                  |                   |
| Acquisition of subsidiaries and new   |                0 |              -308 |
| business                              |                  |                   |
| Investments in tangible assets        |             -249 |              -649 |
| Sales of tangible assets              |                0 |                68 |
| Investments in intangible assets      |               -4 |               -60 |
| Loans granted                         |             -250 |              -234 |
| Net cash provided by investing        |             -503 |            -1,183 |
| activities                            |                  |                   |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Cash flows from financing activities  |                  |                   |
| Acquisition of own shares             |              -21 |               -18 |
| Increase in loans                     |            1,109 |                 0 |
| Decrease in loans                     |             -102 |            -1,941 |
| Payments of finance lease activities  |             -187 |              -187 |
| Dividends paid                        |                0 |                -1 |
| Net cash provided by financing        |              799 |            -2,147 |
| activities                            |                  |                   |
|                                       |                  |                   |
| Change in cash and cash equivalents   |           -1,880 |            -3,498 |
| Cash and cash equivalents at          |            2,797 |             6,570 |
| beginning of the period               |                  |                   |
| Exchange rate differences             |              103 |               -72 |
| Change in cash and cash equivalents   |            1,020 |             3,000 |
| at the end of the period              |                  |                   |


This report has been drawn up in accordance with IAS 34 requirements for interim

PRINCIPLES USED                                                                 

The interim report applies the same principles as in the financial statement for
2009 except for changes in IAS and IFRS standards in effect for financial       
periods beginning 1 January 2010 and later.                                     

Of new amendments the most significant one in the first quarter was in IAS 27,  
according to which a minority share is recognized on the result from January 1, 
2010 onwards regardless of the subsidiary's shareholder's equity situation.     

SEGMENT INFORMATION                                                             

| 31 March 2010                | Industrial   | Other     | Elimi    | Group   |
| EUR 1,000                    | Investment;  | operation | nations  | total   |
|                              | Cable        | s         | and      |         |
|                              | business     |           | balancin |         |
|                              |              |           | g        |         |
| Turnover                     |       16,603 |         0 |        0 |  16,603 |
| Segment's operating profit   |       -1,958 |         0 |          |  -1,958 |
| Unallocated items            |            0 |      -299 |          |    -299 |
| Operating profit             |       -1,958 |      -299 |          |  -2,257 |
| Share of the result of       |              |           |          |       0 |
| associates                   |              |           |          |         |
| Unallocated items            |              |           |       13 |      13 |
| Profit or loss for the       |              |           |          |  -2,244 |
| period                       |              |           |          |         |
|                              |              |           |          |         |
| Assets                       |              |           |          |         |
| Segment's assets             |       80,601 |           |        0 |  80,601 |
| Unallocated items            |              |    14,696 |     -987 |  13,709 |
| Total assets                 |       80,601 |    14,696 |     -987 |  94,310 |
|                              |              |           |          |         |
| Liabilities                  |              |           |          |         |
| Segment's liabilities        |       55,519 |       400 |          |  55,919 |
| Unallocated items            |              |    11,816 |  -18,248 |  -6,432 |
| Total liabilities            |       55,519 |    12,216 |  -18,248 |  49,487 |
|                              |              |           |          |         |
| Assets - liabilities         |       25,082 |     2,479 |   17,261 |  44,823 |
|                              |              |           |          |         |
| Investments                  |          257 |         3 |        0 |     260 |
| Depreciations                |       -1,223 |         0 |        0 |  -1,223 |

| 31 March 2009               | Industrial   | Other     | Elimi     | Group   |
| EUR 1,000                   | Investment;  | operation | nations   | total   |
|                             | Cable        | s         | and       |         |
|                             | business     |           | balancing |         |
| Turnover                    |       16,994 |         0 |           |  16,994 |
| Segment's operating profit  |          394 |           |           |     394 |
| Unallocated items           |              |      -238 |         0 |       0 |
| Operating profit            |          394 |      -238 |           |     156 |
| Share of the result of      |         -202 |           |           |    -202 |
| associates                  |              |           |           |         |
| Unallocated items           |              |           |      -485 |    -485 |
| Profit or loss for the      |              |           |           |    -531 |
| period                      |              |           |           |         |
|                             |              |           |           |         |
| Segment's assets            |       80,442 |           |         0 |  80,442 |
| Unallocated items           |              |    20,704 |      -712 |  19,992 |
| Total assets                |       80,442 |    20,704 |      -712 | 100,434 |
|                             |              |           |           |         |
| Segment's liabilities       |       50,684 |           |           |  50,684 |
| Unallocated items           |              |    12,639 |   -14,090 |  -1,450 |
| Total liabilities           |       50,684 |    12,639 |   -14,090 |  49,233 |
|                             |              |           |           |         |
| Assets - liabilities        |       29,759 |     8,065 |    13,378 |  51,201 |
|                             |              |           |           |         |
| Investments                 |        1,954 |       -36 |         0 |   1,918 |
| Depreciations               |       -1,104 |       -82 |         0 |  -1,186 |

| Cable business turnover per product group       |     1-3/2010 |    1-3/2009 |
| LV energy                                       |          7.0 |         7.0 |
| Power cable                                     |          9.6 |        10.0 |
| Total                                           |         16.6 |        17.0 |

| Cable business turnover per sales area          |     1-3/2010 |    1-3/2009 |
| EU-countries                                    |         13.2 |        15.5 |
| Non-EU-countries                                |          3.4 |         1.5 |
| Total                                           |         16.6 |        17.0 |

The three largest customer groups for cable are Onninen, Rexel and Sonepar, each
of which accounts for more than 10% of turnover.                                

CHANGE IN NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                    
| EUR 1,000                                   |      1-3/2010 |      1-12/2009 |
| Book value at the beginning of the period   |        32,978 |         34,686 |
| Investment                                  |           136 |          3,235 |
| Increase through company acquisition        |             0 |              0 |
| Decrease                                    |           -15 |         -1,244 |
| Depreciations                               |        -1,075 |         -4,067 |
| Impairments                                 |             0 |              0 |
| Translation differences                     |           678 |            368 |
| Book value at the end of the period         |        32,702 |         32,978 |

CONTINGENT LIABILITIES                                                          
| 1 000 EUR                              |       31.3.2010 |        31.12.2009 |
| Debts with corporate mortgages         |                 |                   |
| Loans from financial institutions      |           7,599 |             6,489 |
| Granted corporate mortgages            |          15,000 |            15,000 |
| Debts with securities or guarantees    |                 |                   |
| Loans from financial institutions      |          10,767 |            10,767 |
| Book value of pledged securities       |          25,787 |            25,787 |
| Granted guarantees                     |          10,767 |            10,767 |
| Other collaterals                      |                 |                   |
| Gaurantees and payment commitments     |           1,058 |             1,058 |

Sales receivables, which were EUR 3.7 million on 31.3.2010 (EUR 3.6 million on  
31.12.2008), are surety for factoring credit, which was EUR 3.1 million on      
31.3.2010 (EUR 3.2 million on 31.12.2009).                                      

Investment commitments                                                          

Investment commitments on tangible non-current assets were EUR 0.1 million on   
31.3.2010 (EUR 0.4 million on 31.3.2009).                                       

DERIVATIVE CONTRACTS                                                            

| EUR 1,000  | Positive | Negative | Current  | Current  | Nominal  | Nominal  |
|            | current  | current  | net      | net      | values   | values   |
|            | values   | values   | values   | values   | 31 March | 31 Dec   |
|            |          |          | 31 March | 31 Dec   | 2010     | 2009     |
|            |          |          | 2010     | 2009     |          |          |
| Interest rate derivatives                                                    |
| Interest   |          |          |        0 |        0 |    9,800 |    9,800 |
| rate       |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| ceiling    |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| options    |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Currency derivatives                                                         |
| Forward    |          |       -7 |       -7 |      -32 |    1,533 |    1,500 |
| exchange   |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| agreements |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Credit derivatives                                                           |
| Credit     |       40 |          |       40 |       78 |   10,000 |   10,000 |
| risk swaps |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Raw material options                                                         |
| Metal      |     1127 |          |    1,127 |    1,147 |          |    3,406 |
| derivative |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| s          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Total      |     1167 |       -7 |          |          |          |          |
| derivative |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| s          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
|            |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Long term derivatives deducted                                               |
| Metal      |       62 |          |          |          |          |          |
| derivative |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| s          |          |          |          |          |          |          |
| Short-term |     1105 |          |          |          |          |          |
| share      |          |          |          |          |          |          |

Derivatives have been valued using market capitalisation reports published by   
hierarchy level 2 third parties. Interest rate ceiling options will expire in   
June 2010.                                                                      

RELATED PARTY EVENTS (REKA GROUP)                                               

| EUR 1,000                  |          |          |    1-3/2010 |    1-3/2009 |
| Sales to Reka Group        |          |          |           4 |          10 |
| Other purchases from Reka  |          |          |        -349 |        -293 |
| Group                      |          |          |             |             |
| Sales receivables and other receivables at end   |       1,344 |         321 |
| of the period                                    |             |             |
| Finance leases (activated on the balance sheet)  |      -8,301 |      -9,050 |
| Other debts at end of the  |          |          |         -52 |          -8 |
| period                     |          |          |             |             |

AVAILABLE-FOR-SALE FINANCIAL ASSETS                                             
|                                        |       Book value |       Book value |
|                                        |    31 March 2010 |      31 Dec 2009 |
| Private equity                         |                  |                  |
| Oulun Puhelin Holding Plc              |            2,813 |            2,813 |
| Finda Ltd                              |              920 |              920 |
| Total available-for-sale financial     |            3,733 |            3,733 |
| assets                                 |                  |                  |

CALCULATION OF KEY FIGURES                                                      

Return on investment (ROI) %                                               
(Profit before taxes + interest and other financial expenses/                   
[Balance sheet total - obligatory provisions and non-interest bearing           
liabilities] (average)) x 100                                                   

Equity ratio, %                                                                 
(Shareholders' equity + minority interest minus deferred tax liabilities/       
Balance sheet total - advances received) x 100                                  

Earnings per share (EPS), EUR                                                   
Profit for the period belonging to equity holders of the parent/                
Number of shares adjusted for share issues (average)                            

Equity/share, EUR                                                               
Shareholders´ equity-minority interest minus deferred tax liabilities/          
Number of shares adjusted for share issues at the end of the financial period   

Helsinki 6.5.2010                                                               
Neomarkka Plc                                                                   
Board of Directors                                                              

psta Sari Tulander                                                              

FURTHER INFORMATION:                                                            
Markku E. Rentto, Managing Director, tel. +358 207 209 191                      
Sari Tulander, CFO, tel. +358 207 209 192                                       

Comments made in this report that do not refer to actual facts that have already
taken place are future estimates. Such estimates include expectations concerning
market trends, growth and profitability, and statements that include the terms  
‘believe', ‘assume', ‘will be', or a similar expression. Since these estimates  
are based on current plans and estimates, they involve risks and uncertainty    factors which may lead to results differing substantially from current          
statements. Such factors include 1) operating conditions, e.g. continued success
in production and consequent efficiency benefits, availability and cost of      
production inputs, demand for new products, changing circumstances in respect of
the acquisition of capital under acceptable conditions; 2) circumstances in the 
sector such as the intensity of demand for products, the competition, current   
and future market prices for the Group's products and related pricing pressures,
the financial situation of the Group's customers and competitors, competitors'  
possible new competing products and 3) the general economic situation such as   
economic growth in the Group's main geographical market areas or changes in     
exchange rates and interest rates.                                              


Neomarkka Plc strategy is to invest mainly in industrial companies with similar 
synergic benefits. The aim of investments is with active ownership to develop   
the purchased companies and establish additional value. Returns are sought both 
through dividend flow and an increase in value. Neomarkka's B shares are listed 
on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki main market.