2010-11-16 08:31:28 CET

2010-11-16 08:32:24 CET


English Lithuanian
Vilniaus Baldai AB - Notification on material event

Vilniaus baldai AB, sales and result for activity during period of January - September 2010

Turnover of Vilniaus baldai AB during period 2010 July - September was 54 876
thousand LTL (15 893 thousand EUR), same period year 2009 - 41 720 thousand LTL
(12 083 thousand EUR). 

Net profit of Vilniaus baldai AB during period 2010 July - September was 8 512
thousand LTL (2 465 thousand EUR), same period year 2009 - 7 775 thousand LTL
(2 252 thousand EUR). EBITDA was 11 309 thousand LTL (3 275 thousand EUR). Year
ago it was 12 664 thousand LTL (3 668 thousand EUR). 

Turnover of Vilniaus baldai AB during period 2010 January - September was 141
574 thousand LTL 
(41 003 thousand EUR), same period year 2009 - 105 377 thousand LTL (30 519
thousand EUR). 

Net profit of Vilniaus baldai AB during period 2010 January - September was 21
071 thousand LTL 
(6 103 thousand EUR), same period year 2009 - 9 131 thousand LTL (2 645
thousand EUR). EBITDA was 29 072 thousand LTL (8 420 thousand EUR). Year ago it
was 18 028 thousand LTL (5 221 thousand EUR). 

Additional information:
Chief Financial Officer
Ausra Kibirkstiene
Phone No: +370 5 2525720