2014-07-24 07:00:00 CEST

2014-07-24 07:01:24 CEST


Okmetic Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


OKMETIC OYJ      INTERIM REPORT            24 JULY 2014 AT 8.00 A.M.


Unless otherwise stated, figures in parenthesis refer to the corresponding
period in the previous year.


  * Net sales amounted to 18.7 (17.0) million euro, up 9.8%.
  * Silicon wafer shipments amounted to 17.9 (16.9) million euro, up 5.6%.
  * Operating profit was 1.1 (2.0) million euro, corresponding to 6.1% (11.6%)
    of net sales.
  * Profit for the period was 0.9 (1.4) million euro.
  * Basic earnings per share was 0.05 (0.08) euro.
  * Net cash flow from operations amounted to 1.9 (0.5) million euro.


  * Net sales amounted to 36.1 (33.4) million euro, up 8.0%.
  * Silicon wafer shipments amounted to 35.4 (32.4) million euro, up 9.1%.
  * Operating profit was 2.1 (3.3) million euro, corresponding to 5.7% (10.0%)
    of net sales.
  * Profit for the period was 1.5 (2.6) million euro.
  * Basic earnings per share was 0.09 (0.15) euro.
  * Net cash flow from operations amounted to 2.6 (1.3) million euro.


The demand for semiconductors is expected to grow in year 2014. Also for the
silicon wafer market, growth is expected in 2014. Following the growth in
shipment volumes, the long decline in the value of the silicon wafer market is
anticipated to end this year.

The demand for Okmetic's sensor and special wafers is estimated to grow year-
over-year also during the second half of 2014.The price level of demanding
sensor wafers is expected to remain fairly stable.

Prices of semiconductor wafers are being hit by the weakened Japanese yen, as
the Japanese manufacturers hold a significant stake of the silicon wafer market.
However, the demand is expected to pick up compared to 2013. In accordance with
normal seasonal fluctuation, the demand for semiconductor wafers is strongest in
the second and third quarters of the year.

Other business sales are not expected to materially differ from the low level of
year 2013.

The company retains its existing guidance, according to which net sales and
operating profit in 2014 are estimated to exceed the level of year 2013.

PRESIDENT KAI SEIKKU:"Net sales in the second quarter were up by almost 10 percent compared to the
corresponding period last year, as the positive sales trend continued in
strategically important wafers used mainly in advanced sensor applications. The
value of shipments of these high value-added specialty products increased by
almost 17 percent in the first half of the year, with SOI wafer sales reaching a
record high. In contrast, sales of semiconductor wafers were down slightly due
to a more fierce price competition.

Despite the increase in comparable profitability in silicon wafers, Okmetic's
operating profit in January-June fell in comparison to 2013. Nearly half a
million euro of the decrease in operating profit was accounted by changes in
non-operating IFRS items compared to the corresponding period last year. The
margin of polysilicon trading, reported under Other business, fell by slightly
over a million euro from the first half of 2013. In addition, the profitability
of the Allen plant was 0.3 million euro weaker than in the first half of 2013,
due partly to inventory write-downs and equipment break-downs.
Okmetic's second-half result is expected to improve year-over-year.

Fixed costs were tightly managed. The company's working capital is being
burdened by long-term polysilicon purchase contracts related to the solar cell
business, where the operating conditions have changed. The expiration of these
contracts at the end of 2015 will allow a reduction in working capital.

Roles within Okmetic's executive management group were rotated at the beginning
of April, and the members with new positions have assumed their new roles and
responsibilities. The company now has a leaner executive management group,
reduced in size by one member with the goal of assigning more clearly defined
responsibilities and enhancing the flow of information within the organisation.

Consolidation in the silicon wafer industry looks set to continue at an even
faster pace as a result of the challenging market conditions. The industry has
recently seen announcements of reductions in production capacity as well as of
restructuring. Okmetic continues to follow its long-term strategy of focusing on
high value-added 150 to 200 millimetre wafers."


 1,000 euro         1 Apr-  1 Apr-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-
                   30 Jun, 30 Jun, 30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                      2014    2013    2014    2013    2013

 Net sales          18,700  17,035  36,105  33,438  68,516

 Operating profit
 (EBITDA)            2,779   3,378   5,325   6,103  10,905

 Operating profit    1,137   1,971   2,065   3,345   5,031

  % of net sales       6.1    11.6     5.7    10.0     7.3

 Profit for
 the period            890   1,361   1,531   2,579   3,842

 Basic earnings
 per share,
 euro                 0.05    0.08    0.09    0.15    0.23

 Net cash flow
 from operating
 activities          1,932     519   2,565   1,330   9,726

 Net interest-
 liabilities         8,160   7,788   8,160   7,788   6,530

 Equity ratio, %      66.6    69.7    66.6    69.7    68.2

 Average number
 of personnel
 during the period     382     372     368     365     363


Customer industries sensor and semiconductor industry

Sensor industry

The increasing use of micro sensors in many consumer electronics products has
accelerated sensor sales growth. In 2014, the sales value of sensor industry is
estimated to grow by 5-11 percent, and annual growth of 6-13 percent is
forecasted for the next few years. In terms of volume, sensor shipments are
likely to clearly reach a new record in year 2014 too. (IHS, Yole)

Semiconductor industry

In January-May, the sales of the global semiconductor industry in US dollars
grew by 10 percent from the corresponding period last year (SIA). For the whole
year 2014, the growth estimates settle between 6.5 and 10 percent (WSTS,
Semiconductor Intelligence, Cowan).
Growth estimates for year 2015 settle between 3 and 9 percent (WSTS,
Semiconductor Intelligence, Cowan, Digitimes, ICInsights), and the growth of the
semiconductor market is expected to continue also in the following years (WSTS,

Silicon wafer market

According to the report of SMG, the group of silicon wafer suppliers in SEMI (a
global umbrella organisation for semiconductor materials and equipment
industry), the surface area of silicon wafer shipments calculated in square
inches grew by 11 percent year-over-year in the first quarter of 2014. SMG has
not yet published its second quarter figures. According to Okmetic's own
estimate, the growth in the second quarter was at the same level as in the
beginning of the year. Following the growth in shipment volumes, the long
decline in the value of the silicon wafer market in US dollars is expected to
end this year.

The key customer areas for Okmetic in the silicon wafer market

In line with its strategy, Okmetic seeks niches in the silicon wafer market,
where growth exceeds market average and in which the company has special
expertise. Okmetic supplies primarily 150mm and 200mm wafers. The sensor/MEMS
industry is a key growth area for Okmetic. MEMS market grows as portable
consumer products, automotive electronics, and industrial process control

In the semiconductor market, Okmetic's growth areas include silicon wafers for
the production of discrete and power semiconductors. In these wafer markets,
areas for growth include, among others, components used in the production of
renewable energy, increasing automotive electronics, portable consumer products,
as well as different solutions related to power supply and efficiency


In January-June, Okmetic's net sales amounted to 36.1 (33.4) million euro. Net
sales were up by 8.0% (down 19.2%) from the comparison period due to strong
demand for sensor wafers. Net sales in the second quarter grew by 9.8 percent
year-over-year and 7.4% from the first quarter. Okmetic's market share remained
stable in product groups important to the company.

Sales per customer area

                 1 Apr-  1 Apr-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-
                30 Jun, 30 Jun, 30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                   2014    2013    2014    2013    2013

 Sensor wafers      64%     58%     63%     59%     59%

 wafers             33%     39%     34%     38%     37%

 Other business      3%      3%      3%      3%      4%

Sound demand for sensor wafers continued, and the value of sensor wafer
shipments grew by 16.7% percent in January-June from the corresponding period
last year. Strong demand for the strategically important SOI wafers continued.
The demand for sensor wafers is estimated to continue solid throughout the year

In January-June, the shipments of semiconductor wafers declined by 2.7 percent
from the comparison period last year, as the good sales trend in the first
quarter did not continue in the second quarter. However, the demand for
semiconductor wafers is estimated to improve in the third quarter because of the
seasonal fluctuation typical of the industry.

The value of Other business shipments was 0.9 (1.1) million euro in January-

Sales per market area

                1 Apr-  1 Apr-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-
               30 Jun, 30 Jun, 30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                  2014    2013    2014    2013    2013

 North America     39%     41%     38%     40%     42%

 Europe            40%     42%     40%     39%     40%

 Asia              21%     17%     22%     21%     18%

During the first half of the year, sales in Asia were up clearly due to
excellent second quarter sales. Also in Europe sales continued to grow. Sales in
North America grew only somewhat in January-June.



In April-June, Okmetic's operating profit amounted to 1.1 (2.0) million euro,
i.e. 6.1 (11.6) percent of net sales. Profit for the period amounted to 0.9
(1.4) million euro. Basic earnings per share was 0.05 (0.08) euro. Diluted
earnings per share was 0.05 (0.08) euro.


In January-June, Okmetic's operating profit amounted to 2.1 (3.3) million euro,
i.e. 5.7 (10.0) percent of net sales. The profitability of the Allen plant was
0.3 million euro weaker than in the first half of 2013, due partly to inventory
write-downs and equipment break-downs. The margin of polysilicon trading,
reported under Other business, fell by slightly over a million euro from the
first half of 2013. In addition, nearly half a million euro of the decrease in
operating profit was accounted by changes in IFRS items compared to the
corresponding period last year.
Profit for the period amounted to 1.5 (2.6) million euro. Basic earnings per
share was 0.09 (0.15) euro. Diluted earnings per share was 0.08 (0.15) euro.


The company's financial position is solid.In January-June, net cash flow from
operations amounted to 2.6 (1.3) million euro. The changes in working capital
tied up inoperations weakened cash flow from operations by 2.7 (7.0) million

On 30 June 2014, the company's interest-bearing liabilities amounted to 17.5
(12.8) million euro. Okmetic issued a multi-issuer bond in June, which increased
interest-bearing liabilities by five million euro. The maturity of the multi-
issuer bond is five years. The financing is used for investments and general
corporate purposes.

At the end of the reporting period, cash and cash equivalents amounted to 9.3
(5.0) million euro. On 30 June 2014, the company's net debt was 8.2 million euro
(on 30 June 2013,net debt amounted to 7.8 million euro).

The group has ensured liquidity with committed credit facilities of 6.0 million
euro. On 30 June 2014, 2.0 million euro of the committed credit facilities was
in use. (On 30 June 2013, the committed credit facilities were fully unused.)

Return on equity amounted to 5.2 (8.4) percent. The company's equity ratio was
66.6 (69.7) percent. Equity per share was 3.52 (3.63) euro.


In January-June, Okmetic's capital expenditure amounted to 2.0 (4.1) million
euro. The investments were mainly for increasing capacity for 200 mm wafers at
the Vantaa plant.


In January-June, the company expensed 1.2 (1.2) million euro in product
development projects, corresponding to 3.5 (3.5) percent of net sales. Product
development costs have not been capitalised. Emphasis in product development was
on engineered products. Focus areas include broadening the SOI product family,
improving capability in 200mm wafers as well as developing crystal growing to
enhance capability in high and low resistivity products.


On average, Okmetic employed 368 (365) people in January-June. At the end of the
period, Okmetic had 393 (379) employees, of which 348 worked in Finland, 39 in
the US, five in Japan, and one in Hong Kong.


Okmetic Oyj's annual general meeting, which was held on 9 April 2014, adopted
the annual accounts and the consolidated annual accounts for 2013 and discharged
the company's management from liability. It was decided that no dividend shall
be distributed for the financial year 2013. In addition, the annual general
meeting authorised the board to decide on the repurchase and/or the acceptance
as pledge of the company's own shares as well as on the issuance of shares, the
transfer of the company's own shares, and the issuance of special rights
entitling to shares.

It was decided that there would be five members on the company's board of
directors. Mr. Hannu Martola, Ms. Mervi Paulasto-Kröckel, Mr. Mikko Puolakka and
Mr. Henri Österlund were re-elected as members of the board of directors, and
Mr. Jan Lång was elected as a new member of the board. The board of directors
elected Henri Österlund as its chairman and Jan Lång as its vice chairman in its
organising meeting held immediately after the annual general meeting.

Authorised Public Accountant PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy was elected as auditor,
with APA Mikko Nieminen having the principal responsibility.

Authorisations given to the board of directors and other decisions of the annual
general meeting were disclosed in a stock exchange release published on 9 April


There have been no significant changes in the company's near future business
risks and uncertainties.

Okmetic's business is confronted by risks, which may arise from the company's
operations or changes in its operating environment. Risks that, if materialized,
can have an adverse effect on the company's operations and valuation are
described below.

Okmetic's silicon wafer sales are targeted at the sensor and semiconductor
producers in the electronics industry. The demand for semiconductor wafers is
sensitive to economic fluctuations, and changes in the market situation can be
sudden and dramatic. The demand for sensor wafers is more stable. The
proliferation of sensors in consumer electronics applications may, however,
increase the susceptibility of this market too to economic fluctuations.

Okmetic has existing polysilicon purchasing obligations partly until the end of
2015. Since the price level of the solar cell market has dropped, the validity
of long-term polysilicon purchase contracts typical of the industry may cause a
price risk.

Okmetic's share of the global silicon wafer market is around one percent, and
the market prices have a notable effect on the price development of Okmetic's
products. The company has considerable pricing power only in its own special
products. The pricing of other wafers is largely based on global market price.

Okmetic operates globally, and therefore the company's business is affected by
risks due to exchange rate fluctuations, consisting of cash flows from purchases
and sales. A significant part of sales is conducted in US dollars. Despite
hedging, the company remains exposed to exchange rate fluctuations.

Substantial amounts of electricity are used in Okmetic's production. Despite
hedging, the company is exposed to fluctuations in the price of electricity.


On 30 June 2014, Okmetic Oyj's paid-up share capital, as entered in the Finnish
Trade Register, was 11,821,250 euro. The number of shares was 17,287,500. The
shares have no nominal value attached. Each share entitles to one vote at
general meetings. The company has one class of shares. The company's shares are
included in the Finnish book-entry system.

 Major shareholders on
 30 June 2014

                                    Shares, Share,
                                        pcs      %

 Ilmarinen Mutual Pension
 Insurance Company                1,004,985    5.8

 Oy Ingman Finance Ab               870,000    5.0

 Mandatum Life Insurance
 Company Limited                    800,000    4.6

 The State Pension Fund             600,000    3.5

 Nordea Nordic Small
 Cap Fund                           528,810    3.1

 Varma Mutual Pension
 Insurance Company                  477,175    2.8

 Okmetic Oyj *)                     416,763    2.4

 Etra-Invest Oy Ab                  400,000    2.3

 Investment Fund
 Taaleritehdas Arvo Markka Osake    300,100    1.7

 Nordea Finland Small Cap Fund      250,095    1.5

 Foreign investors and
 nominee accounts held by
 custodian banks                  2,885,195   16.7

 Other                            8,754,377   50.6

 Total                           17,287,500  100.0

*)Of Okmetic Oyj's shares, 400,000 pcs are owned through Okmetic Management Oy.


A total of 2.1 (1.6) million shares were traded between 1 January and 30 June
2014, representing 12.4 (9.3) percent of the weighted average of share total of
17.3 (17.3) million during the period. The lowest quotation during the period
was 4.38 (4.25) euro, and the highest 5.25 (5.15) euro, with the average trading
price being 4.68 (4.67) euro. The closing quotation for the period on 30 June
2013 was 4.60 (4.70) euro. At the end of the period, the market capitalisation
amounted to 79.5 (81.3) million euro.


In a directed share issue on 16 January 2014, Okmetic Oyj transferred a total of
150,000 own shares held by the company to President Kai Seikku (140,000 shares)
and Deputy to the President of that time, Mikko Montonen (10,000 shares).
Subscription price per share was determined using the average trading price of
the company's share weighted by trading volume in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy on 16
January 2014, and was 4.9969 euro.

On 13 February 2014, Okmetic Oyj's board of directors announced of its decision
to transfer a total of 11,919 own shares held by the company as a part of the
company's share-based incentive scheme for the executive management group, of
which the company gave a stock exchange release on 12 February 2013.

According to the decision of the annual general meeting, Okmetic Oyj transferred
a total of 15,441 shares to the board members as payment of the annual
remuneration on 9 May 2014.

At the end of the reporting period Okmetic held 416 763 (194 123) own shares,
corresponding to approximately 2.4 (1.1) percent of all Okmetic shares and


On 15 January 2014, the board of directors decided to dissolve the ownership
arrangement of Okmetic Management Oy, owned by President Kai Seikku and Deputy
to the President of that time, Mikko Montonen, with an arrangement in which
Okmetic Oyj acquired the entire share capital of Okmetic Management Oy. Also
400,000 shares of Okmetic Oyj were transferred to the group via Okmetic
Management Oy, as well as a loan receivable of Okmetic Oyj from Okmetic
Management Oy. The value of the arrangement for the part of shares owned by
Okmetic Management Oy was determined using the average trading price weighted by
trading volume of the company's share in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Oy on 16 January
2014, 4.9969 euro. There were no shareholders of Okmetic Management Oy in the
board of directors of Okmetic Oyj.

Mikko Montonen, Executive Vice President, Customers and Markets, Deputy to the
President, resigned from Okmetic on 26 February 2014 to assume a new position
with another company. Mr. Montonen's management responsibilities at Okmetic
ended on 6 April 2014.

Anna-Riikka Vuorikari-Antikainen, then Senior Vice President, Products, was
appointed Senior Vice President, Customers and Markets from 7 April 2014. Ms.
Vuorikari-Antikainen is also responsible for customer support.

Atte Haapalinna, then Senior Vice President, Customer Support, was appointed
Senior Vice President, Products from 7 April 2014.



These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS
34, Interim Financial Reporting.

In preparing these interim financial statements, Okmetic has followed the same
accounting policies as in the financial statements for 2013 except for the
effect of changes required by the adoption of certain new or revised standards
and interpretations as of 1 January 2014, which have been described in financial
statements 2013. The adoption of the new and revised standards and
interpretations has not had an effect on the figures presented from the
reporting period.


 1,000 euro             1 Apr-  1 Apr-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-
                       30 Jun, 30 Jun, 30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                          2014    2013    2014    2013    2013

 Net sales              18,700  17,035  36,105  33,438  68,516

 Cost of sales         -15,084 -12,824 -29,156 -25,942 -54,918

 Gross profit            3,616   4,211   6,949   7,496  13,598

 Other income
 and expenses           -2,479  -2,240  -4,884  -4,151  -8,567

 profit                  1,137   1,971   2,065   3,345   5,031

 income and
 expenses                  -41    -159     -77    -256    -630

 Profit before
 tax                     1,096   1,812   1,988   3,089   4,401

 Income tax               -207    -450    -457    -509    -559

 Profit for
 the period                890   1,361   1,531   2,579   3,842


 Items that may
 be reclassified
 to profit or
 loss in

 Cash flow
 hedges                     21     -69       1    -116     -58

 differences                13     -20       9     296     -60

 income for the
 period, net of
 tax                        34     -89      11     180    -118

 income for the period
                           924   1,273   1,541   2,760   3,724

 Profit for the

 Equity holders            890   1,361   1,531   2,579   3,842
 of the parent


 Equity holders
 of the parent
 company                   924   1,273   1,541   2,760   3,724

 Basic earnings
 per share,
 euro                     0.05    0.08    0.09    0.15    0.23

 earnings per
 share, euro              0.05    0.08    0.08    0.15    0.22


 1,000 euro             30 Jun, 2014 30 Jun, 2013 31 Dec,


 Non-current assets

 Property, plant and
 equipment                    44,183       44,950  45,295

 Intangible assets               822          817     897

 Other receivables             1,031        2,415   1,419

 Total non-current
 assets                       46,036       48,182  47,611

 Current assets

 Inventories                  17,811       17,663  16,634

 Receivables                  16,679       16,123  14,572

 Cash and cash                 9,320        5,034   5,214

 Total current
 assets                       43,809       38,820  36,420

 Total assets                 89,845       87,002  84,031

 Equity and liabilities


 Equity attributable
 to equity holders of
 the parent company

 Share capital                11,821       11,821  11,821

 Other equity                 47,566       48,810  45,451

 Total equity                 59,387       60,631  57,273


 liabilities                  14,441       13,154  10,533

 Current liabilities          16,017       13,217  16,226

 Total liabilities            30,458       26,371  26,759

 Total equity and
 liabilities                  89,845       87,002  84,031


 1,000 euro                         1 Jan-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-
                                   30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                                      2014    2013    2013

 Cash flows from operating

 Profit before tax                   1,988   3,089   4,401

 Adjustments                         3,308   4,243   6,566

 Change in working capital          -2,687  -6,951  -2,091

 Financial items                      -111     -40    -126

 Tax paid                               67     990     976

 Net cash from
 operating activities                2,565   1,330   9,726

 Cash flows from investing

 Purchases of property,
 plant and equipment                -2,901  -6,098  -9,089

 Net cash used in
 investing activities               -2,901  -6,098  -9,089

 Cash flows from financing

 Proceeds from long-
 term borrowings                     5,000  10,000  10,000

 Proceeds of short term borrowings
                                     4,000      23   1,024

 Payments of long-term
 borrowings                         -1,000       -  -1,000

 Payments of short term
 borrowings                         -2,024  -3,000  -4,043

 Payments of finance
 lease liabilities                    -280    -225    -478

 Other items                            36      10      10

 Dividends paid                       -578  -4,170  -6,763

 Capital repayment                       -       -  -1,169

 Share issue                           750       -       -

 Acquisition of Okmetic
 Management Oy's share
 capital                            -1,516       -       -

 Net cash used in
 financing activities                4,387   2,628  -2,419

 Increase (+) /
 decrease (-) in cash
 and cash equivalents                4,051  -2,139  -1,782

 Exchange rate changes                  54    -115    -292

 Cash and cash
 equivalents at
 the beginning
 of the period                       5,214   7,288   7,288

 Cash and cash
 equivalents at
 the end of the
 period                              9,320   5,034   5,214


              Equity attributable to equity holders of parent company

                Share  Share         Reserve  Other            Retained  Total
              capital   pre-    for invested    re-            earnings
                        mium   un-restricted serves
 1,000 euro                           equity     1)

 Balance at
 31 Dec, 2013
               11,821 20,045     3            1,756              23,647 57,273

 Profit for
 the period                                                       1,531  1,531

 Other com-
 income, net
 of tax:

 Cash flow
 hedges                                           1                          1

 differences                                      9                          9

 Total com-
 income for
 the period                                      11               1,531  1,541

 Share issue
                               750                                         750

                                                                    180    180

 of non-
 interest                                                          -357   -357

 Balance at
 30 Jun, 2014
               11,821 20,045   753            1,766              25,001 59,387

 Balance at
 31 Dec, 2012
               11,821 20,045 1,200            1,874              26,919 61,860

 Profit for
 the period                                                       2,579  2,579

 Other com-
 income, net
 of tax:

 Cash flow
 hedges                                        -116                       -116

 differences                                    296                        296

 Total com-
 income for
 the period                                     180               2,579  2,760

                                                                    181    181

 distributed                                                     -4,170 -4,170

 Balance at
 30 Jun, 2013
               11,821 20,045 1,200            2,054              25,510 60,631

1)"Other reserves" contains hedge reserve and translation differences.

Acquisition of shares of Okmetic Management Oy is treated as acquisition of non-
controlling interest.


 1,000 euro            1 Jan-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-
                      30 Jun, 30 Jun, 30 Dec,
                         2014    2013    2013

 Carrying amount
 at the beginning
 of the period         45,295  43,433  43,433

 Additions              1,955   4,135   7,648

 Disposals                  -       -      -9

 Depreciation          -3,098  -2,632  -5,623

 Exchange differences      32      14    -154

 Carrying amount
 at the end of
 the period            44,183  44,950  45,295


 1,000 euro                  30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                                2014    2013    2013

 Loans, secured with
 collaterals                   9,000  11,000  10,000

 Collaterals                  17,128  17,128  17,128

 Off-balance sheet
 lease commitments               344     433     395

 Capital commitments           1,762   3,412   1,910

 Nominal values of
 derivative contracts

 Currency options,
 call                            436     228     948

 Currency options,
 put                             142     228     182

 Currency forward
 agreements                    1,416     690   1,144

 Electricity derivatives       1,465   2,304   1,847

 Fair values of
 derivative contracts

 Currency options, call            3       1      12

 Currency options, put            -4      -1      -1

 Currency forward agreements
                                 -12       2      20

 Electricity derivatives        -294    -326    -350

The contract price of the derivatives has been used as the nominal value of the
underlying asset.


 1,000 euroa   30 Jun, 2014        30 Jun, 2013

             Level Level Level   Level Level Level
                 1     2     3       1     2     3


 instruments     -    60     -       -    72     -


 instruments     -   367     -       -   396     -

Fair value estimation

The  group's  financial  instruments  that  are  measured at fair value comprise
derivatives  used for hedging and  held for trading, and  they are classified on
hierarchy level 2.

Fair values of level 2 instruments are based on other data than quoted prices in
active markets, but on data from which the asset is observable, either directly
(i.e. price) or indirectly (i.e. derived from the prices).

Fair value determination

The fair values of currency derivatives are determined by using mark-to-market
method at the reporting date.

The fair values of electricity derivatives are determined on the basis of market
quotations and contract prices of the instruments at the reporting date.


 1,000 euroa               1 Jan-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-                      30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                             2014    2013    2013

 Net sales                 36,105  33,438  68,516

 Change in net sales
 compared to the previous
 year's period, %             8.0   -19.2   -17.5

 Export and foreign
 operations share
 of net sales, %             91.7    91.3    91.8

 Operating profit before
 depreciation (EBITDA)      5,325   6,103  10,905

     % of net sales          14.7    18.3    15.9

 Operating profit           2,065   3,345   5,031

     % of net sales           5.7    10.0     7.3

 Profit before tax          1,988   3,089   4,401

     % of net sales           5.5     9.2     6.4

 Return on equity, %          5.2     8.4     6.4

 Return on investment, %      5.7     8.6     6.7

 liabilities               12,978  13,550  15,014

 Net interest-bearing
 liabilities                8,160   7,788   6,530

 Net gearing ratio, %        13.7    12.8    11.4

 Equity ratio, %             66.6    69.7    68.2

 Capital expenditure        1,955   4,135   7,648

     % of net sales           5.4    12.4    11.2

 Depreciation               3,260   2,758   5,874

 Research and development
 expenditure                1,249   1,155   2,779

     % of net sales           3.5     3.5     4.1

 Average number of
 personnel during             368     365     363
 the period

 Personnel at the
 end of the period            393     379     355


When calculating equity per share, Okmetic's own shares and Okmetic shares owned
by Okmetic Management Oy are deducted from the total number of shares.

 Euro                        30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                                2014    2013    2013

 Basic earnings
 per share                      0.09    0.15    0.23

 Diluted earnings
 per share                      0.08    0.15    0.22

 Equity per share               3.52    3.63    3.43

 Capital repayment per share
                                   -       -    0.07

 Dividend per share                -       -       -

 Dividends/earnings, %             -       -       -

 Effective dividend
 yield, %                          -       -       -

 Price/earnings(P/E)               -       -    20.9

 Share performance

 Average trading price          4.68    4.67    4.92

 Lowest trading price           4.38    4.25    4.25

 Highest trading price          5.25    5.15    5.66

 Trading price at the
 end of the period              4.60    4.70    4.82

 Market capitalisation
 at the end of the
 period, 1,000 euro           79,522  81,251  83,326

 Trading volume (1 Jan-)

 Trading volume,
 transactions, 1,000 pcs       2,139   1,611   3,382

 In relation to weighted
 average number of
 shares, %                      12.4     9.3    19.6

 Trading volume,
 1,000 euro                   10,050   7,526  16,647

 The weighted average
 number of shares during
 the period under review
 adjusted by the share
 issue, 1,000 pcs             17,288  17,288  17,288

 The number of shares at
 the end of the period
 adjusted by the share
 issue, 1,000 pcs             17,288  17,288  17,288


 1,000 euro                  10-12/ 7-9/   4-6/   1-3/
                               2014 2014   2014   2014

 Net sales                               18,700 17,405

   Compared to previous
   quarter, %                               7.4    3.4

   Compared to corresponding
   period last year, %                      9.8    6.1

 Operating profit                         1,137    928

   % of net sales                           6.1    5.3

 Profit before tax                        1,096    892

   % of net sales                           5.9    5.1

 Net cash flow generated
 Operating activities                     1,932    632

 Investing activities                    -1,263 -1,637

 Financing activities                     4,859   -472

 Increase/decrease in cash
 and cash equivalents                     5,528 -1,477

 Personnel at the end
 of the period                              393    354

 1,000 euro                  10-12/   7-9/   4-6/   1-3/
                               2013   2013   2013   2013

 Net sales                   16,837 18,242 17,035 16,403

   Compared to previous
   quarter, %                  -7.7    7.1    3.9  -20.7

   Compared to corresponding
   period last year, %        -18.6  -13.2  -24.2  -13.2

 Operating profit               263  1,423  1,971  1,373

   % of net sales               1.6    7.8   11.6    8.4

 Profit before tax               32  1,280  1,812  1,277

   % of net sales               0.2    7.0   10.6    7.8

 Net cash flow generated
 Operating activities         4,915  3,481    519    811

 Investing activities        -1,304 -1,687 -1,966 -4,131

 Financing activities        -3,892 -1,155 -7,276  9,904

 Increase/decrease in cash
 and cash equivalents          -281    639 -8,724  6,585

 Personnel at the end           355    356    379    354
 of the period


 Operating profit before             = Operating profit + depreciation
 depreciation (EBITDA)

 Return on equity (ROE), %           = Profit/loss for the period x 100/
                                       Equity(Average for the period)

 Return on investment (ROI), %       = (Profit/loss before tax + interest and
                                       other financial expenses) x 100/
                                       Balance sheet total - non-interest
                                       bearing liabilities(average for the

 Equity ratio, %                     = Equity x 100/
                                       Balance sheet total - advances received

 Net interest-bearing liabilities    = Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and
                                       cash equivalents

 Net gearing ratio, %                = (Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and
                                       cash equivalents) x 100/

 Earnings per share                  = Profit/loss for the period attributable
                                       to  equity holders of the parent
                                       Adjusted weighted average number of
                                       shares in issue during the period

 Equity per share                    = Equity attributable to equity holders of
                                       the parent company/
                                       Adjusted number of shares at the end of
                                       the period

 Dividend per share                  = Dividend for the period/
                                       Adjusted number of shares at the end of
                                       the period

 Effective dividend yield, %         = Dividend per share x 100/
                                       Trading price at the end of the period

 Price/earnings ratio (P/E)          = Last adjusted trading price at the end
                                       of the period/
                                       Earnings per share

 Average trading price               = Total traded amount in euro/-----------------------------------------
                                       Adjusted number of shares traded during
                                       the period

 Market capitalisation at the end of = Number of shares at the end of the
 the period                            period x trading price at the end of the

 Trading volume                      = Number of shares traded during the
                                       Weighted average number of shares during
                                       the period

All figures of the financial tables are rounded, and consequently the sum of
individual figures can deviate from the presented sum figure.

The future estimates and forecasts in this interim report are based on the
company management's current knowledge. Actual events and results may differ
from the estimates presented here.


Okmetic will publish its third quarter results on 23 October 2014.


Board of directors

For further information, please contact:

President Kai Seikku, Okmetic Oyj,
tel. +358 5028 0232, email: kai.seikku@okmetic.com

Senior Vice President, Finance, IT, and Communications
Juha Jaatinen, Okmetic Oyj, tel. +358 9 5028 0286,
email: juha.jaatinen@okmetic.com

Principal media


Okmetic is a technology company which supplies tailor-made silicon wafers for
sensor and semiconductor industries and sells its technological expertise.
Okmetic provides its customers with solutions that boost their competitiveness
and profitability.

Okmetic's silicon wafers are part of a further processing chain that produces
end products that improve human interaction and quality of life. Okmetic's
products are based on high-tech expertise that generates added value for
customers, innovative product development and an extremely efficient production

Okmetic has a global customer base and sales network, production plants in
Finland and the US and contract manufacturers in Japan and China. Okmetic's
shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki under the code OKM1V. For more
information on the company, please visit our website at www.okmetic.com.
