2008-03-03 11:38:25 CET

2008-03-03 11:38:48 CET


Kesko Oyj - Corporate Action

K-food stores' market share took an upward turn in 2007


K-food stores' grocery sales increased by 6.8% in 2007, compared with
the overall growth of 5.2% in the sector. K-food stores' comparable
sales growth of 5.2% exceeded the performance of the main
competitors. According to the store register published today by the
Nielsen research company, K-food stores' market share increased by
0.5 percentage points to 33.9% last year."Three years ago, the most important target set by Kesko's Board of
Directors was turning the long downhill of K-food stores into a rise.
The definitions made then have proved right. I am sure that the
positive development will continue," says Matti Halmesmäki, Kesko's
President and CEO."Customers value local products, good food solutions, wide selections
and low prices. Improvements in efficiency have resulted in better
price competitiveness. K-retailers have succeeded in delivering the
customer promise, and the progress of the K-Plussa supercard has
exceeded the expectations," says Terho Kalliokoski, Kesko Food's

Very large investments will be made in the store network over the
next few years. Currently, there are nine K-citymarkets and ten
K-supermarkets under construction. New K-markets will also be built
and current K-markets will be renovated.

According to Nielsen, the grocery sales totalled €13,046 million last
year, representing an increase of 5.2%. At the end of the year, there
were 3,922 grocery stores in Finland, of which 1,041 were K-food

Further information:
Terho Kalliokoski, President, Kesko Food Ltd, tel. +358 1053 22204

Kesko (www.kesko.fi) is a Finnish retail specialist whose stores
offer quality to the daily lives of consumers through valued products
and services at competitive prices. Kesko has about 2,000 stores
engaged in chain operations in the Nordic and Baltic countries, and