2015-06-08 08:00:00 CEST

2015-06-08 08:00:13 CEST


Finnair Oyj - Company Announcement

Finnair Traffic Performance in May 2015

Number of passengers grew by 5.7 per cent year‐on‐year
Finnair Plc.  Stock Exchange Release 8 June 2015 at 09:00 EET

In May, Finnair's overall capacity measured in Available Passenger Kilometres
grew by 1.5 per cent and traffic measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres by 0.6
per cent year‐on‐year. Passenger load factor was 75.0 per cent.

The capacity in Asian traffic decreased by 2.4 per cent and the traffic measured
in Revenue Passenger Kilometres by 3.1 per cent year‐on‐year.

The capacity in European traffic grew by 4.1 per cent and traffic measured in
Revenue Passenger Kilometres by 3.1 per cent year‐on‐year.

In May, the cargo capacity in scheduled traffic, measured in Available Tonne
Kilometres grew by 6.0 per cent and Revenue Tonne Kilometres decreased by 6.2
per cent year-on-year.  Cargo load factor in scheduled traffic was 51.9 per
cent. The cargo overall figures reflect a structural change from the comparison
period, as Finnair withdrew from the use of leased NGA freighter aircraft
capacity in Asian traffic. In May, the cargo traffic consisted almost entirely
of belly cargo on scheduled flights.

In May, 91.0 per cent of all flights arrived on schedule (89.3).

Traffic statistics for June are published on Tuesday, 7 July 2015.

Finnair Traffic Performance May 2015

                     May 2015    %-Change    Year-to date 2015    %-Change

Total Traffic
Passengers 1000           865,8         5,7              3 960,4       3,2
Available seat          2 645,3         1,5             12 861,5       2,1
kilometres mill
Revenue passenger       1 983,8         0,6              9 945,0       1,0
kilometres mill
Passenger load             75,0      -0,7 p                 77,3    -0,9 p
factor %
Cargo tonnes total     10 301,1       -20,3             50 963,9     -16,2
Available tonne           384,3        -2,6              1 883,7      -1,2
kilometres mill
Revenue tonne             238,7        -6,4              1 192,8      -4,5
-kilometres mill
Overall load factor        62,1      -2,5 p                 63,3    -2,2 p

Passengers 1000           562,0         4,3              2 380,9       4,7
Available seat          1 143,7         4,1              5 044,4       5,3
kilometres mill
Revenue passenger         858,6         3,1              3 803,3       2,6
kilometres mill
Passenger load             75,1      -0,7 p                 75,4    -2,0 p
factor %

North Atlantic
Passengers 1000            15,2         1,7                 91,5       2,4
Available seat            116,3         5,5                812,8       7,8
kilometres mill
Revenue passenger         100,6         2,5                652,0       3,0
kilometres mill
Passenger load             86,5      -2,5 p                 80,2    -3,7 p
factor %

Passengers 1000           127,3        -2,9                676,0       0,2
Available seat          1 267,5        -2,4              6 388,9      -0,4
kilometres mill
Revenue passenger         951,8        -3,1              5 062,3      -0,5
kilometres mill
Passenger load             75,1      -0,5 p                 79,2    -0,1 p
factor %

Passengers 1000           161,3        20,1                812,0       1,9
Available seat            117,8        20,4                615,4      -3,3
kilometres mill
Revenue passenger          72,7        21,2                427,4       1,5
kilometres mill
Passenger load             61,7       0,4 p                 69,4     3,3 p
factor %

Cargo Traffic
Cargo scheduled         9 064,9        -8,3             44 451,6      -2,3
traffic total
Europe tonnes           1 784,8       -19,5              8 580,9     -10,1
North Atlantic            500,1       -13,9              3 160,8      -4,1
Asia tonnes             6 644,4        -4,4             32 008,4       0,3
Domestic tonnes           135,6        -4,8                701,5      -7,7
Cargo flights,          1 236,2       -59,3              6 512,3     -57,5
Cargo tonnes total     10 301,1       -20,3             50 963,9     -16,2
Available tonne           114,5        -9,6                560,8      -2,9
kilometres* mill
Revenue tonne              61,3       -21,8                303,0     -17,5
kilometres mill
Available                 107,1         6,0                522,2      13,3
sched.cargo tonne
kms*, mill.
Revenue sched.cargo        55,6        -6,2                272,3      -1,1
tonne kms, mill.
Cargo load factor*         53,5      -8,4 p                 54,0    -9,6 p
- North-Atlantic           44,1      -8,6 p                 42,5   -15,6 p
cargo load factor*
- Asia cargo load          54,9      -5,7 p                 55,2    -6,4 p
factor* %
Scheduled traffic          51,9      -6,7 p                 52,2    -7,6 p
Cargo load factor*,

* Operational calculatory capacity

** Including purchased traffic

Change %: Change compared to the figures of the respective periods in the
previous year

(p = percentage points)

Available seat kilometres, ASK: Total number of seats available, multiplied by
the number of kilometres flown

Revenue passenger kilometres, RPK: Number of revenue passengers carried,
multiplied by kilometres flown

Passenger load factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available seat

Available tonne kilometres, ATK: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of
passengers, cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown

Revenue tonne kilometres, RTK: Total revenue load consisting of passengers,
cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown

Overall load factor: Share of revenue tonne kilometres of available tonne
Further information:
Finnair communications, 358 9 818 4020, comms(a)finnair.com

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