2007-03-20 15:54:27 CET

2007-03-20 15:54:27 CET


Engelska Finska
F-Secure Oyj - Decisions of general meeting


The Annual General Meeting of F-Secure Corporation was held on March 20, 2007.  
The Meeting confirmed the financial statements for the fiscal year 2006. The    
members and the deputy member of the Board of Directors and the managing        
director were granted a discharge from liability. In addition, the Annual       
General Meeting made the following decisions:                                   


It was decided to distribute a dividend of EUR 0.02 per share would be paid to  
those shareholders that on the record date of March 23, 2007 are registered in  
the Register of Shareholders held by the Finnish Central Securities Depository  
Ltd. The dividend will be paid on March 30, 2007.                               

Members of the Board and Auditors                                               

It was decided that the annual compensation for the member is EUR 20,000 and    
10,000 stock options (2005 C -series), for the vice chairman EUR 30,000 and     
15,000 (2005 C -series) share options and for chairman EUR 40,000 and 20,000    
(2005 C -series) share options. Members of the board that are employed by the   
group, will not be compensated. In addition, it was decided that the annual     
compensation for vice chairman for 2006 is EUR 30,000 and 15,000 (2005 B        

It was decided that the number of Board members would be six. The following     
members were elected: Mr. Marko Ahtisaari, Mrs. Sari Baldauf, Mr. Pertti Ervi,  
Mr. Ari Hyppönen, Mr. Risto Siilasmaa, and Mr. Alex Sozonoff. The Board elected 
in the first meeting Mr. Risto Siilasmaa as Chairman of the Board and Mr. Pertti
Ervi as Vice Chairman.                                                          

It was decided that auditor's fee will be paid against approved invoice. Ernst &
Young Oy was elected the Group's auditors. APA, Mr. Erkka Talvinko is acting as 
responsible partner.                                                            

The authorization of Board of Directors to decide on directed share issue       

The Board was authorized to decide on a directed share issues and their terms.  
The authorization is valid for the period of one year. The maximum cumulative   
number of issued new shares is 40,000,000. The unused portion of the            
authorization given by the Shareholders' meeting on the March 22, 2006, will be 
cancelled simultaneously with the registration of the new authorization.        
Decrease of Share Premium                                                       
The Board's proposal to decrease the company share premium by EUR 36 million by 
transferring the decreased amount to the company's distributable equity was     

Amendment of the Articles of Association                                        

The amendment of the Articles of Association was approved as proposed by the    

F-Secure Corporation                                                            

Kimmo Alkio                                                                     
President, CEO                                                                  

Additional information:                                                         
F-Secure Corporation                                                            
Kimmo Alkio, President and CEO         tel.358 9 2520 5550                      
Taneli Virtanen, CFO                   tel.358 9 2520 5655                      
Jukka Kotovirta, Investor Relations    tel.358 405 883 933                      


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