2011-11-11 16:30:00 CET

2011-11-11 16:30:07 CET


English Lithuanian
Dvarcioniu Keramika AB - Notification on material event

Activity result of nine month of the year 2011

Vilnius, Lithuania, 2011-11-11 16:30 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Activity result of
nine month of the year 2011- 2.98 mln. LTL (863.07 thousand EUR) loss before

Loss after assessment of the depreciation of revaluation reserve of nine month
of the year 2011 - 2.44 mln. LTL (706.67 thousand EUR). 

General director Audris Imbrasas

Ph. +370 5 2317021

         Liudmila Suboč 8~5~2317392, l.suboc@keramika.lt