2010-11-15 15:25:46 CET

2010-11-15 15:26:43 CET


English Lithuanian
Lietuvos Juru Laivininkyste AB - Notification on material event

AB" Lietuvos juru laivininkyste" corrected draft of resoliution of the extraordinary meeting of shareholders

Corrected draft of resoliution of the  extraordinary  general meeting of
shareholders wich will be held on the 26 November, 2010 : 

1.To approve the result of the tender conducted among audit companies . 
2.To approve the following line of  the audit companies  selected : 

  1.UAB “Rimess” - 95 points (price -24079 Lt, including VAT) 
  2.UAB “Deloitte Lietuva” - 52 points (price -62700 Lt, including VAT)
  3.UAB “Moore Stephens Vilnius” - 51 points (price - 67760 Lt, including VAT)

3.To elect UAB “ Rimess “ as auditors of AB “ Lietuvos juru laivininkyste “ for 
preparation of the company financial accounting and activity results report on  
December 31, 2010  and pay 24079 LT  including  VAT for the service rendered.  

4.In case the above audit company does not sign the agreement for service in
due time than the other audit company in accordance with the list of the
selected audit companies confirmed during the meeting of shareholders will be
considered as the nominated auditors and it will be paid the offered price for
services rendered. 

Mortgages of company vessels to AB SEB bank to postpone repayment of bank    
To support the offer of mortgages to AB SEB bank as a first line mortgage  of   
the following vessels in the ownership of AB “ Lietuvos juru laivinikyste - 
mv ALKA ( book cost evaluation LTL 12,4 mln ) registration number of the vessel
at the register of Seagoing Ships of the Republic of Lithuania 739( IMO 8711306)
 and mv SKALVA  (book cost evaluation - LTL 6,9 mln) registration number of  
the vessel at the register of Seagoing Ships of the Republic of Lithuania 720  
(IMO 8414764 ). 

  Appointment of AB “ Lietuvos juru laivininkyste “ auditor committee. 

To propose the shareholders of the company within two weeks from the
extraordinary general shareholders meeting to nominate to the supervisory board
the candidates to auditor committee. 

Arvydas Stropus                                                                 
Chief Accountant                                                                
Phone: (8-46) 393126