2017-04-03 08:53:21 CEST

2017-04-03 08:53:21 CEST


Englanti Liettua
Siauliu Bankas - Notification on material event

Transactions, related to the payment of the variable remuneration in shares of the Bank, have been concluded


Šiaulių Bankas AB (hereinafter – the Bank), company code 112025254, the address Tilžės st. 149, LT-76348 Šiauliai.

In order to pay a part of the variable remuneration to the employees’ group in the Bank’s shares as set out in the requirements of the Variable Remuneration Policy of the Bank of Lithuania, the transactions of the Bank’s share purchase have been concluded on the stock exchange Nasdaq Vilnius on 31 March 2017 in compliance with the joint orders of the employees’ group. 1 541 224 units of the shares of the Bank purchased through these transactions pay the Bank and entities of Bank’s financial group, thus, fulfilling the obligation to pay part of the variable remuneration in shares of the Bank.


Deputy Chief Executive Officer, acting as Chief Executive Officer  Algirdas Butkus