2013-06-04 15:46:34 CEST

2013-06-04 15:47:33 CEST


English Lithuanian
Klaipedos Nafta AB - Notification on material event

The Board of the European Investment Bank adopted the decision to grant a credit to the company

On 4 June 2013 the Board of the European Investment Bank (hereinafter, the
“EIB”) adopted a decision to grant to Klaipėdos Nafta AB (hereinafter, the
“Company”) a credit of up to EUR 87 mill. (up to LTL 300 mill.) for the
implementation of the project of liquefied natural gas terminal. The term of
the credit - up to 20 years. The financing, provided by the EIB would amount to
up to 50% of the estimated project investments. Condition precedent to
disbursement of the credit by the EIB to the Company - an obligation to submit
a State guarantee ensuring the Company's monetary obligations under the credit

As it was indicated in the Company's notification on material event of 31 May
2013, the Board of the Company has adopted the decision on entry into agreement
with the EIB. This decision of the Company's Board shall come into force after
the Board of the EIB takes the decision on entering into the credit agreement
and the general meeting of shareholders of the Company approves the decision. 

         Director of Finance and Administration Department, Mantas Bartuška,
+370 46 391 763