2009-02-09 11:00:00 CET

2009-02-09 11:06:50 CET


Nordea Bank AB (publ.) - Company Announcement

Nordea Bank AB (publ) issues 77 new warrant series on 10 February 2009

Nordea Bank  AB  (publ) will  launch  77  new warrant  series  on  10
February 2009 under  its warrant programme.  The underlying asset  of
the warrants is  the Fortum  Oyj (FUM1V), Metso  Oyj (MEO1V),  Nordea
Bank AB (NDA1V), Neste Oil  Oyj (NES1V), Nokian Renkaat Oyj  (NRE1V),
Outotec Oyj (OTE1V), Outokumpu Oyj (OUT1V), Sampo Oyj (SAMAS),  Stora
Enso Oyj  (STERV), UPM-Kymmene  Oyj  (UPM1V), Wärtsilä  Oyj  (WRT1V),
Nokia Oyj  (NOK1V)  shares and  Dow  Jones Euro  Stoxx  50-index  and
OMXH25-index. The warrants  are call and  put warrants. The  warrants
are redeemed by cash payment. Upon expiry of a warrant, the  possible
net value is paid in cash to the holder of the warrant.

Warrant specific terms and conditions

All Warrants are issued under the warrant programme of Nordea Bank AB
(publ) dated 6 October 2008. The base prospectus for the warrant
programme and the final terms for each warrant serie are available at
the issuer's website: www.nordea.fi/warrantit. The following terms
only summarize the final terms and the base prospectus.

| Issuer           | Nordea Bank AB (publ)                          |
| Instrument name  | Warrant (call / put)                           |
| Underlying asset | Fortum Oyj (FUM1V), Metso Oyj (MEO1V), Nordea  |
|                  | Bank AB (NDA1V), Neste Oil Oyj (NES1V), Nokian |
|                  | Renkaat Oyj (NRE1V), Outotec Oyj (OTE1V),      |
|                  | Outokumpu Oyj (OUT1V), Sampo Oyj (SAMAS),      |
|                  | Stora Enso Oyj (STERV), UPM-Kymmene Oyj        |
|                  | (UPM1V), Wärtsilä Oyj (WRT1V), Nokia Oyj       |
|                  | (NOK1V) shares and Dow Jones Euro Stoxx        |
|                  | 50-index and OMXH25-index.                     |
| Cash Settlement  | Call Warrant:                                  |
| Amount           | (Closing Price - Strike Price) x Multiplier    |
|                  | If the Closing Price is equal or lower than    |
|                  | the Strike Price, no Cash Settlement Amount is |
|                  | paid out.                                      |
|                  |                                                |
|                  | Put Warrant:                                   |
|                  | (Strike Price - Closing Price) x Multiplier    |
|                  | If the Closing Price is equal to or higher     |
|                  | than the Strike Price, no Cash Settlement      |
|                  | Amount is paid out.                            |
| Closing Price    | Reference Price on Closing Price Determination |
|                  | Date.                                          |
| Closing Price    | Official Closing price on Final Trading Day.   |
| Determination    |                                                |
| Date             |                                                |
| Market place     | Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Ltd                        |
| Reference Source | In case of a Share:                            |
|                  | Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Ltd.                       |
|                  |                                                |
|                  | In case of an Index:                           |
|                  |                                                |
|                  | Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50 (Price) Index:         |
|                  | EUREX                                          |
|                  |                                                |
|                  | OMXH25 Index:                                  |
|                  | Nasdaq OMX Helsinki Ltd.                       |
| Reference price  | In case of a Share:                            |
| determination    | Official closing price on Final Trading Day.   |
| method           |                                                |
|                  | In case of an Index:                           |
|                  |                                                |
|                  | Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50 (Price) Index:         |
|                  | Final Settlement Price provided by EUREX       |
|                  |                                                |
|                  | OMXH25 Index:                                  |
|                  | Value of the index, based on Helsinki Stock    |
|                  | Exchange weighted average prices of the OMXH25 |
|                  | component shares from 09:40 until 18:30 EET on |
|                  | Expiration Date/Final Trading Day              |
|                  |                                                |
| Exercise         | The Bank carries out automatic cash settlement |
| procedure        |                                                |
| Listing currency | EUR                                            |
| Total number of  | 1 000 000 - 10 000 000 depending on the        |
| warrants         | warrant serie (see Table 2 below)              |
| Trading lot      | 1 warrant                                      |
| Market maker     | Nordea Bank Finland Plc operates as the Market |
|                  | Maker.                                         |
|                  |                                                |
|                  | Market Maker undertakes to provide bid and ask |
|                  | quotation for the Warrants during the time     |
|                  | Warrants are subject to trading on a regulated |
|                  | market, multilateral trading facility or other |
|                  | marketplace. The undertaking is valid in the   |
|                  | continuous trading of the regulated market,    |
|                  | multilateral trading facility or other         |
|                  | marketplace.                                   |
|                  |                                                |
|                  | The difference between bid and ask quotation   |
|                  | is at most (maximum spread):                   |
|                  |                                                |
|                  | 0,10 EUR, if ask price is < 2 EUR              |
|                  | 0,20 EUR, if ask price is > 2 EUR              |
|                  |                                                |
|                  | Quotations concern a minimum amount of one     |
|                  | thousand warrants. No bid quotation is given   |
|                  | for Warrants that have a market value of less  |
|                  | than one (1) cent or corresponding value in    |
|                  | other currency. Market Maker is entitled to    |
|                  | define the values of the parameters affecting  |
|                  | the market making quotation. Market Maker is   |
|                  | not liable to maintain its duties as Market    |
|                  | Maker, if trading with the underlying asset    |
|                  | has ceased.                                    |
|                  |                                                |
|                  | Market Maker reserves the right to temporarily |
|                  | decline to quoting bid and ask prices during a |
|                  | period in which the Market Maker hedges its    |
|                  | own position in an Underlying Assets and at    |
|                  | such time as the Market Maker believes there   |
|                  | are to be significant difficulties in quoting  |
|                  | bid and ask prices due to technical reasons.   |
|                  |                                                |
|                  | In conjunction with such limitation of the     |
|                  | Market Maker's obligation to quote bid and ask |
|                  | prices, the Market Maker shall notify parties  |
|                  | on the market regarding the limitation through |
|                  | a notice via the regulated market/multilateral |
|                  | trading facility/marketplace.                  |
|                  |                                                |
| Additional       | Additional information on the company and the  |
| information on   | development of the value of the underlying     |
| the underlying   | asset is available on the website of the OMX   |
| asset and        | Nordic Exchange Helsinki:                      |
| underlying       | http://omxgroup.com/nordicexchange/ and on the |
| company          | websites of the companies: www.fortum.com,     |
|                  | www.metso.com, www.nordea.fi,                  |
|                  | www.nesteoil.com, www.nokianrenkaat.fi,        |
|                  | www.outotec.com, www.outokumpu.com,            |
|                  | www.storaenso.com, www.upm-kymmene.com,        |
|                  | www.wartsila.com, www.nokia.com,               |
|                  | http://www.omxnordicexchange.com/ and          |
|                  | www.stoxx.com.  Additional information on the  |
|                  | volatility of the underlying asset is          |
|                  | available from the issuer, tel. +358 9 369     |
|                  | 49134.                                         |
|                  |                                                |
|                  | The investors should analyse information on    |
|                  | the company issuing the share before making    |
|                  | decisions on warrants.                         |

The warrants to be issued:

Table 1

Warrant    Warrant      Underlying  Underlying   Underlying Additional
Trading    ISIN code    instrument  instrument   Currency   Information
code                                ISIN code               on the underlying
9RFUMEW130 FI0009654149 Fortum Oyj  FI0009007132 EUR        www.fortum.com
9RFU1EW150 FI0009654156 Fortum Oyj  FI0009007132 EUR        www.fortum.com
9FFUMEW150 FI0009654164 Fortum Oyj  FI0009007132 EUR        www.fortum.com
9FFUMEW160 FI0009654172 Fortum Oyj  FI0009007132 EUR        www.fortum.com
9FFUMEW170 FI0009654180 Fortum Oyj  FI0009007132 EUR        www.fortum.com
9RMEOEW500 FI0009654198 Metso Oyj   FI0009007835 EUR        www.metso.com
9RMEOEW700 FI0009654206 Metso Oyj   FI0009007835 EUR        www.metso.com
9FMEOEW700 FI0009654214 Metso Oyj   FI0009007835 EUR        www.metso.com
9FMEOEW900 FI0009654222 Metso Oyj   FI0009007835 EUR        www.metso.com
9RNDAEW300 FI0009654230 Nordea Bank FI0009902530 EUR        www.nordea.fi
9RND1EW400 FI0009654248 Nordea Bank FI0009902530 EUR        www.nordea.fi
9FNDAEW400 FI0009654255 Nordea Bank FI0009902530 EUR        www.nordea.fi
9FNDAEW500 FI0009654263 Nordea Bank FI0009902530 EUR        www.nordea.fi
9FND1EW600 FI0009654271 Nordea Bank FI0009902530 EUR        www.nordea.fi
9RNESEW900 FI0009654289 Neste Oil   FI0009013296 EUR        www.nesteoil.com
9RNESEW110 FI0009654297 Neste Oil   FI0009013296 EUR        www.nesteoil.com
9FNE1EW110 FI0009654305 Neste Oil   FI0009013296 EUR        www.nesteoil.com
9FNESEW120 FI0009654313 Neste Oil   FI0009013296 EUR        www.nesteoil.com
9FNESEW140 FI0009654321 Neste Oil   FI0009013296 EUR        www.nesteoil.com
9RNREEW600 FI0009654339 Nokian      FI0009005318 EUR        www.nokian
                        Renkaat Oyj                         renkaat.fi
9RNREEW700 FI0009654347 Nokian      FI0009005318 EUR        www.nokian
                        Renkaat Oyj                         renkaat.fi
9FNREEW700 FI0009654354 Nokian      FI0009005318 EUR        www.nokian
                        Renkaat Oyj                         renkaat.fi
9FNREEW900 FI0009654362 Nokian      FI0009005318 EUR        www.nokian
                        Renkaat Oyj                         renkaat.fi
9FNREEW110 FI0009654370 Nokian      FI0009005318 EUR        www.nokian
                        Renkaat Oyj                         renkaat.fi
9ROTEEW700 FI0009654388 Outotec Oyj FI0009014575 EUR        www.outotec.com
9ROTEEW900 FI0009654396 Outotec Oyj FI0009014575 EUR        www.outotec.com
9FOT1EW100 FI0009654404 Outotec Oyj FI0009014575 EUR        www.outotec.com
9FOTEEW120 FI0009654412 Outotec Oyj FI0009014575 EUR        www.outotec.com
9FOTEEW140 FI0009654420 Outotec Oyj FI0009014575 EUR        www.outotec.com
9ROUTEW600 FI0009654438 Outokumpu   FI0009002422 EUR        www.outo
                        Oyj                                 kumpu.com
9ROUTEW700 FI0009654446 Outokumpu   FI0009002422 EUR        www.outo
                        Oyj                                 kumpu.com
9FOUTEW800 FI0009654453 Outokumpu   FI0009002422 EUR        www.outo
                        Oyj                                 kumpu.com
9FOUTEW100 FI0009654461 Outokumpu   FI0009002422 EUR        www.outo
                        Oyj                                 kumpu.com
9FOUTEW110 FI0009654479 Outokumpu   FI0009002422 EUR        www.outo
                        Oyj                                 kumpu.com
9RSAMEW900 FI0009654487 Sampo Oyj   FI0009003305 EUR        www.sampo.fi
9RSAMEW110 FI0009654495 Sampo Oyj   FI0009003305 EUR        www.sampo.fi
9FSAMEW110 FI0009654503 Sampo Oyj   FI0009003305 EUR        www.sampo.fi
9FSAMEW130 FI0009654511 Sampo Oyj   FI0009003305 EUR        www.sampo.fi
9FSAMEW150 FI0009654529 Sampo Oyj   FI0009003305 EUR        www.sampo.fi
9RSTEEW300 FI0009654537 Stora Enso  FI0009005961 EUR        www.stora
                        Oyj                                 enso.com
9RSTEEW400 FI0009654545 Stora Enso  FI0009005961 EUR        www.stora
                        Oyj                                 enso.com
9FSTEEW500 FI0009654552 Stora Enso  FI0009005961 EUR        www.stora
                        Oyj                                 enso.com
9FSTEEW600 FI0009654560 Stora Enso  FI0009005961 EUR        www.stora
                        Oyj                                 enso.com
9FSTEEW700 FI0009654578 Stora Enso  FI0009005961 EUR        www.stora
                        Oyj                                 enso.com
9RUPMEW600 FI0009654586 UPM-Kymmene FI0009005987 EUR        www.upm-
                        Oyj                                 kymmene.com
9RUP2EW700 FI0009654594 UPM-Kymmene FI0009005987 EUR        www.upm-
                        Oyj                                 kymmene.com
9FUPMEW700 FI0009654602 UPM-Kymmene FI0009005987 EUR        www.upm-              Oyj                                 kymmene.com
9FUPMEW900 FI0009654610 UPM-Kymmene FI0009005987 EUR        www.upm-
                        Oyj                                 kymmene.com
9FUP1EW100 FI0009654628 UPM-Kymmene FI0009005987 EUR        www.upm-
                        Oyj                                 kymmene.com
9RWRTEW170 FI0009654636 Wärtsilä    FI0009003727 EUR        www.wartsila.com
9RWRTEW190 FI0009654644 Wärtsilä    FI0009003727 EUR        www.wartsila.com
9FWRTEW200 FI0009654651 Wärtsilä    FI0009003727 EUR        www.wartsila.com
9FWRTEW230 FI0009654669 Wärtsilä    FI0009003727 EUR        www.wartsila.com
9ONOKEW800 FI0009654677 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9ONOKEW900 FI0009654685 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9CNOKEW900 FI0009654693 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9CNO1EW100 FI0009654701 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9CNOKEW110 FI0009654719 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9PNOKEW700 FI0009654727 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9PNO1EW800 FI0009654735 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9DNOKEW900 FI0009654743 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9DNOKEW100 FI0009654750 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9DNOKEW110 FI0009654768 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9RNOKEW700 FI0009654776 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9FNOKEW100 FI0009654784 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9UNOKEW700 FI0009654834 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9UNOKEW800 FI0009654842 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9INOKEW100 FI0009654859 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
9INOKEW110 FI0009654867 Nokia Oyj   FI0009000681 EUR        www.nokia.com
                        Dow Jones
9UESXEW190 FI0009654891 Euro Stoxx  EU0009658145 EUR        www.stoxx.com
                        Dow Jones
9UESXEW210 FI0009654909 Euro Stoxx  EU0009658145 EUR        www.stoxx.com
                        Dow Jones
9IESXEW210 FI0009654917 Euro Stoxx  EU0009658145 EUR        www.stoxx.com
                        Dow Jones
9IESXEW230 FI0009654925 Euro Stoxx  EU0009658145 EUR        www.stoxx.com
9RH25EW120 FI0009654933 OMXH25      FI0008900212 EUR        omxnordicexchange.
9RH25EW140 FI0009654941 OMXH25      FI0008900212 EUR        omxnordicexchange.
9FH25EW140 FI0009654958 OMXH25      FI0008900212 EUR        omxnordicexchange.
9FH25EW160 FI0009654966 OMXH25      FI0008900212 EUR        omxnordicexchange.

Table 2

Warrant    Strike Type Multiplier  Total     Issue   Expiration Settlement
Trading    price                   number    date       Date       Date
code                                 of
                                   1 500
9RFUMEW130   13    P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RFU1EW150   15    P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FFUMEW150   15    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FFUMEW160   16    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009   1 500
9FFUMEW170   17    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RMEOEW500   5     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RMEOEW700   7     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FMEOEW700   7     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FMEOEW900   9     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RNDAEW300   3     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RND1EW400   4     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FNDAEW400   4     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FNDAEW500   5     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FND1EW600   6     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RNESEW900   9     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RNESEW110   11    P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FNE1EW110   11    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FNESEW120   12    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FNESEW140   14    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RNREEW600   6     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RNREEW700   7     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FNREEW700   7     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009                         1 500
9FNREEW900   9     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FNREEW110   11    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9ROTEEW700   7     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9ROTEEW900   9     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FOT1EW100   10    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FOTEEW120   12    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FOTEEW140   14    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9ROUTEW600   6     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9ROUTEW700   7     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FOUTEW800   8     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FOUTEW100   10    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FOUTEW110   11    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RSAMEW900   9     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RSAMEW110   11    P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FSAMEW110   11    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FSAMEW130   13    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FSAMEW150   15    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RSTEEW300   3     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RSTEEW400   4     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FSTEEW500   5     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FSTEEW600   6     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FSTEEW700   7     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RUPMEW600   6     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RUP2EW700   7     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FUPMEW700   7     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FUPMEW900   9     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FUP1EW100   10    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RWRTEW170   17    P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9RWRTEW190   19    P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FWRTEW200   20    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   1 500
9FWRTEW230   23    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   10 000
9ONOKEW800   8     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 20.3.2009  27.3.2009
                                   10 000
9ONOKEW900   9     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 20.3.2009  27.3.2009
                                   10 000
9CNOKEW900   9     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 20.3.2009  27.3.2009
                                   10 000
9CNO1EW100   10    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 20.3.2009  27.3.2009
                                   10 000
9CNOKEW110   11    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 20.3.2009  27.3.2009
                                   10 000
9PNOKEW700   7     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 17.4.2009  24.4.2009
                                   10 000
9PNO1EW800   8     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 17.4.2009  24.4.2009
                                   10 000
9DNOKEW900   9     C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 17.4.2009  24.4.2009
                                   10 000
9DNOKEW100   10    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 17.4.2009  24.4.2009
                                   10 000
9DNOKEW110   11    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 17.4.2009  24.4.2009
                                   10 000
9RNOKEW700   7     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   10 000
9FNOKEW100   10    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
                                   10 000
9UNOKEW700   7     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.9.2009  25.9.2009
                                   10 000
9UNOKEW800   8     P      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.9.2009  25.9.2009
                                   10 000
9INOKEW100   10    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.9.2009  25.9.2009
                                   10 000
9INOKEW110   11    C      0,2       000    10.2.2009 18.9.2009  25.9.2009
9UESXEW190  1900   P     0,004     1 000   10.2.2009 18.9.2009  25.9.2009
9UESXEW210  2100   P     0,004     1 000   10.2.2009 18.9.2009  25.9.2009
9IESXEW210  2100   C     0,004     1 000   10.2.2009 18.9.2009  25.9.2009
9IESXEW230  2300   C     0,004     1 000   10.2.2009 18.9.2009  25.9.2009
9RH25EW120  1200   P      0,01     1 000   10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
9RH25EW140  1400   P      0,01     1 000   10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
9FH25EW140  1400   C      0,01     1 000   10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009
9FH25EW160  1600   C      0,01     1 000   10.2.2009 18.6.2009  26.6.2009

Helsinki, 9 February 2009


Tommi Saarnio

For further information,  please contact  Tommi Saarnio,  +358 9  369