2018-01-02 19:15:00 CET

2018-01-02 19:15:04 CET


Etteplan Oyj - Changes in company's own shares

Etteplan OYJ: SHARE REPURCHASE 2.1.2018

|Etteplan   Oyj                    |ANNOUNCEMENT    |2.1.2018          |
|                                  |                |                  |
|                                  |                |                  |
|Etteplan   OYJ: SHARE REPURCHASE 2.1.2018          |                  |
|                                  |                |                  |
|In the Helsinki   Stock   Exchange|                |                  |
|                                  |                |                  |
|Trade   date                      |2.1.2018        |                  |
|Bourse   trade                    |Buy             |                  |
|Share                             |ETTE            |                  |
|Amount                            |700             |Shares            |
|Average price/ share              |7,8714          |EUR               |
|Total   cost                      |5 509,98        |EUR               |
|                                  |                |                  |
|                                  |                |                  |
|Etteplan     Oyj now holds a total of 35 390 shares|                  |
|including     the shares repurchased on 2.1.2018   |                  |
|                                  |                |                  |
|                                  |                |                  |
|On behalf of   Etteplan Oyj       |                |                  |
|                                  |                |                  |
|Nordea     Bank AB (publ), Finnish Branch          |                  |
|                                  |                |                  |
|Janne   Sarvikivi                 |Ilari Isomäki   |                  |
|                                  |                |                  |
|For   more   information, please contact:          |                  |
|Juha Näkki, President &   CEO     |                |                  |
|tel. +358 10 307 2077             |                |                  |
|Outi     Torniainen, Senior Vice President, Communications & Marketing|
|tel. +358 10 307 3302             |                |                  |
|                                  |                |                  |
|www.etteplan.com                  |                |                  |
