2008-04-18 15:46:57 CEST

2008-04-18 15:48:11 CEST


Englanti Liettua
Lietuvos Juru Laivininkyste AB - Notification on material event

AB " Lietuvos jūrų laivininkystė " the drafts resoliutions of the general meeting of the shareholders

AB " Lietuvos jūrų laivininkystė" the drafts resolutions  of the general
of the shareholders on 28 April, 2008:                                          

1. The annual report of the AB “Lietuvos jūrų laivininkystė” for the year 2007
   is  heard. 
2. Auditor's report for 2007 year is heard. 
3. To approve the company financial statements. In accordance with the
   financial statements the company assets on December 31,2007 - LTL 319 855
   (92 636 699 EUR) own capital - LTL 251 285 249 (72 777 238 EUR), net profit
of the 
   financial year - LTL 30 137 085 (8728303 EUR). 
4. To transfer the distribution of LTL 9 779 539 (2 832 350 EUR) to the
    reserves of 2007 year. 
5. To approve the profit (loss) distribution for the year 2006. 
   Proposed profit appropriation(LTL): 

| - Profit (loss) brought forward at the end of    | -                         |
| the last financial year                          |                           |
| - Net profit (loss) of the financial year        | 30 137 085 (8728303 EUR)  |
| - Transfers from reserve's                       | 9 779 539  (2832350 EUR)  |
| - Profit (loss) to be appropriated in total      | 39 916 624 (11560653 EUR) |
| - Part of the profit appropriated to legal       | 9 622 801   (2786956 EUR) |
| reserve                                          |                           |
| - Part of the profit to investments              | 29 095 084 (8426519 EUR)  |
| - Part of profit appropriated to dividend        | 997 916      (289016 EUR) |
| payment                                          |                           |
| - Part of the profit appropriated to             | 50 823         (14719     |
| social-cultural needs                            | EUR)                      |
| - Part of the profit - for premium pay to the    | 150 000       (13443 EUR) |
| employees                                        |                           |

Dividend payment : LTL 0,005 (EUR 0,0014) per share.                            

Chief  accauntant                                                               
Arvydas Stropus                                                                 
(8-46) 393126