2014-07-24 10:00:00 CEST

2014-07-24 10:00:04 CEST


Enska Finnska
Glaston Oyj Abp - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

Glaston Interim Report 1 January – 30 June 2014: Signs of a market picking up in the second quarter; Glaston revises its operating profit guidance

Helsinki, Finland, 2014-07-24 10:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Glaston
Corporation                        INTERIM REPORT                        24
July 2014 at 11.00 

Glaston Interim Report 1 January - 30 June 2014: Signs of a market picking up
in the second quarter; Glaston revises its operating profit guidance 

Glaston Corporation is adopting a new disclosure procedure in accordance with
Regulations and Guidelines 7/2013 (disclosure obligation on issuers) of the
Financial Supervisory Authority and is publishing the interim report for
January-March 2014 as an attachment to this stock exchange release. Glaston
Corporation's interim report for January-March 2014 is a PDF file attachment to
this stock exchange release and is available on the company's website at the
address www.glaston.net. 


  -- Orders received in January-June totalled EUR 55.5 (55.8) million. Orders
     received in the second quarter were EUR 29.1 (26.9) million.
  -- The order book on 30 June 2014 was EUR 34.7 (33.8) million.
  -- Consolidated net sales in January-June totalled EUR 58.2 (60.1) million.
     Second-quarter net sales were EUR 35.2 (33.7) million.
  -- EBITDA was EUR 3.0 (6.8) million, i.e. 5.1 (11.2)% of net sales; the
     comparison year figure includes non-recurring items totalling EUR 3.8
  -- The operating result, excluding non-recurring items, in January-June was a
     profit of EUR 1.3 (0.7) million, i.e. 2.2 (1.2)% of net sales. The
     second-quarter operating result, excluding non-recurring items, was a
     profit of EUR 2.0 (1.1) million.
  -- The operating result in January-June was a profit of EUR 0.7 (4.5) million,
     i.e. 1.1 (7.4)% of net sales. The second-quarter operating result was a
     profit of EUR 1.4 (1.1) million.
  -- Continuing Operations' return on capital employed (ROCE) was 2.3 (16.8)%.
  -- Continuing Operations' January-June earnings per share were EUR 0.00
  -- Glaston's interest-bearing net debt totalled EUR 10.7 (12.3) million.
  -- Glaston adjusts its outlook and expects that 2014 net sales and operating
     profit, excluding non-recurring items, will grow.

Glaston adjusts its outlook for 2014. Glaston adjusts its outlook and expects
that 2014 net sales and operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, will
grow (previous outlook: Glaston expects that 2014 net sales and operating
profit will grow). 

“For Glaston, the second quarter was significantly better than the first. Our
net sales grew compared with the corresponding period of the previous year and
our operating result, excluding non-recurring items, was positive at EUR 2.0
million. The January-June operating profit, excluding non-recurring items,
improved compared with the corresponding period last year by EUR 0.6 million,
despite the fact that net sales were slightly below the previous year's level.
This shows that our profitability is developing in the right direction. 

In the second quarter, new orders received were on a higher level than the
previous year and reduced the difference caused by the low level of the first
quarter. We ended up, in practice, at the previous year's level for the whole
first half of the year. We continue to believe that full-year net sales will
exceed the previous year's level. 

Although the net sales of each reporting segment for the first six months fell
short of the previous year's figures, business profitability has improved. In
the Machines segment, demand has been strong, particularly for furnaces of the
FC product series. Demand for pre-processing machines has improved but
profitability is still unsatisfactory.  In the Services segment, there was a
slight pick-up in demand, especially towards the end of the second quarter. 

We will continue our systematic work with both growth and profitability
measures during the second half of the year. In line with our strategy, we are
focusing more strongly on developing the customer experience, and during the
early part of the year we have received encouraging feedback on our work from
our customers. Our goal is to achieve the highest customer satisfaction in our
field of business.” 


                                            30.6.2014  30.6.2013  31.12.2013
Order book, EUR million                          34.7       33.8        39.1
Orders, received, EUR million                    55.5       55.8       123.3
Net sales, EUR million                           58.2       60.1       122.2
EBITDA, EUR million                               3.0        6.8        10.5
EBITDA, as % of net sales                         5.1       11.2         8.6
Operating result (EBIT), EUR million              0.7        4.5         5.9
Operating result (EBIT), as % of net sales        1.1        7.4         4.8
Profit / loss for the period, EUR million         0.6        4.3         1.3
Earnings per share, EUR                          0.00       0.03        0.01
Net cash flow from operating activities          -1.3        1.7         7.1
Return on capital employed, %, annualized         2.3       17.0         9.9
Gross capital expenditure, EUR million            1.0        1.7         2.8
Equity ratio, %                                  45.0       46.5        45.4
Gearing, %                                       46.7       49.2        49.3

In January-June 2014, Glaston's markets developed largely according to
expectations. Market growth of new machines was good in the EMEA area. Stable
development continued in North America and in Asia. In South America, the
machine market remained subdued. The service market continued to be

In the Machines segment, the market picked up in the second quarter after a
relatively quiet first quarter. In the EMEA area, particularly the UK and
Central Europe, the market for heat treatment machines developed positively. In
North America, market development was stable due to recovering office and
residential construction. In South America, the market remained quiet. In Asia,
market development was uneven. In China, stable development continued. In the
Pacific area, growth slowed significantly compared with the corresponding
period of the previous year. The difficult market situation for pre-processing
machines continued in the second quarter. In North America, however, demand for
pre-processing machines was satisfactory. In other areas, demand was weaker. 

The Services segment's year continued to be challenging for all product lines.
Despite the difficult market situation, the company maintained its strong
market position. 

Glaston still expects the market overall to grow moderately in 2014. In North
America, market growth is expected to continue. The European economy has shown
signs of strengthening, and the positive development of the EMEA area is
expected to continue. In Asia, and particularly in China, stable development is
expected, despite the short-term uncertainty overshadowing the market. The
largest challenges are directed at South America, where market development has

Glaston operates in growing markets, and the safety glass market is expected to
grow by nearly 7% per year up to 2017. Drivers of growth include increasing use
of safety glass, greater use of glass in construction, and more widespread
utilisation of energy-saving glass in both renovations and new construction. In
accordance with its strategy, the company will increasingly focus on enhancing
customer benefit and customer experience as well as on traditional areas of
expertise, namely glass processing machines and related services, with the goal
of delivering the industry's best customer satisfaction. 

Glaston adjusts its outlook and expects that 2014 net sales and operating
profit, excluding non-recurring items, will grow (previous outlook: Glaston
expects that 2014 net sales and operating profit will grow). 

An analyst and press conference is organized at Glaston's office on
Yliopistonkatu 7, Helsinki, on 24 July 2014 at 13.00 p.m. 

Glaston Corporation is adopting a new disclosure procedure in accordance with
Regulations and Guidelines 7/2013 (disclosure obligation on issuers) of the
Financial Supervisory Authority and is publishing the interim report for
January-March 2014 as an attachment to this stock exchange release. Glaston
Corporation's interim report for January-March 2014 is a PDF file attachment to
this stock exchange release and is available on the company's website at the
address www.glaston.net. 

For further information, please contact:
President & CEO Arto Metsänen, tel. +358 10 500 6100
Chief Financial Officer Sasu Koivumäki, tel. +358 10 500 500

Agneta Selroos
Director, Communications and Marketing

Glaston Corporation
Glaston is a global company developing glass processing technology for
architectural, solar, appliance and automotive applications.Our product
portfolio ranges from pre-processing and safety glass machines to services.We
are dedicated to our customers' continued success and provide services for all
glass processing needs with a lifecycle-long commitment in mind.Further
information is available at www.glaston.net.Glaston's share (GLA1V) is listed
on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Small Cap List. 

Distribution:NASDAQ OMX, key media, www.glaston.net