2016-11-17 15:05:08 CET

2016-11-17 15:05:08 CET


Klaipedos Nafta - Notification on material event

Decisions on LNG terminal services prices adopted

AB Klaipėdos nafta (hereinafter, the Company) hereby informs that the National
Commission for Energy Control and Prices (hereinafter, the Commission) in its
meeting of 17 November 2016 adopted decisions on setting LNG terminal
supplement tariff for 2017. 

The Commission established a LNG terminal supplement tariff (hereinafter, the
tariff) for 2017 – 361.84 Eur / (MWh/day/year). The LNG terminal supplement is
calculated having evaluated fixed operating costs necessary for ensuring the
operation of the LNG terminal, its infrastructure and link as well as taking
into account planned consumption capacities for 2017. Total LNG terminal
regulated revenue to be collected by the tariff for 2017 are set by the
Commission in amount of 67,784,519 Eur, which is by 2,576,924 Eur or 3.5
percent lower compared to 2016. 

The Commission also established a LNG regasification service price for 2017
applied on Klaipėda LNG terminal entry point– 0.10 EUR / MWh (excl. VAT), which
remained unchanged. 

For more information about the resolution adopted by the Commission, please
visit the Commission’s website www.regula.lt. 

         Marius Pulkauninkas, Director of Finance and Administration
Department, +370 46 391 763