2011-08-29 09:00:00 CEST

2011-08-29 09:00:05 CEST


Enska Finnska
Nurminen Logistics Oyj - Company Announcement

Nurminen Logistics plans to expand its fleet of railway wagons significantly

Nurminen Logistics Plc                        Stock Exchange Release 29 August
2011 at 10 a.m. 

In accordance with its strategy; Nurminen Logistics plans to expand its railway
wagon fleet, which currently consists of 1,000 wagons, by approximately 700-800
wagons. The company has applied for financing for the expansion of the fleet
from EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and the
negotiations concerning the loan are going on on an advanced level. According
to tentative plan the EUR 57 million project would be financed mainly with a
loan granted to the company by EBRD. This loan would amount to EUR 45 million,
with a tenor of up to eight years. The implementation of the project is subject
to, among other things, final credit decision, agreement on terms and
documentation of the loan as well as materialization of the additional
financing of the project. It is difficult to estimate when the implementation
of the project will be confirmed, but the company's goal is to start the
intended wagon investment during 2012. 

The new wagons would be acquired by Nurminen Logistics' fully-owned Russian
subsidiary OOO Huolintakeskus, which also owns the current wagons of the
company. The target of the intended investment is to strengthen Nurminen
Logistics' position in the railway transportation between Finland and the CIS
countries, in the railway transportation inside the CIS countries and to
increase company's competitiveness by larger and more modern fleet. If the
intended investment materializes as intended it is estimated to increase
company's profitability significantly and to grow the net sales approximately
by EUR 20 million. 

- Nurminen Logistics is the market leader in railway transports from Finland to
CIS countries and we believe that there is growing demand for company's
know-how also in the railway transports inside Russia and other CIS countries,
where railway transportation has been free to competition already for a long
time. Railway transports have significant position in Russia and CIS countries.
The intended wagon investment would answer the growing wagon demand both in
Finland and in CIS countries, says Nurminen Logistics' President and CEO Topi

Topi Saarenhovi
President and CEO

Further information:
Mr. Topi Saarenhovi
President and CEO
Tel. +358 10 545 2431

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd
Major Media

Nurminen Logistics Plc

Nurminen Logistics provides high-quality logistics services, such as railway
transports, terminal services, forwarding and special and heavy transports. The
company has collected logistics know-how from three centuries, starting in
1886. Nurminen Logistics' main market areas are Finland, the Baltic Sea region,
Russia and other CIS countries. The company's share is listed on NASDAQ OMX