2016-12-29 07:26:26 CET

2016-12-29 07:26:26 CET

Zemaitijos Pienas - Other information


Please be advised that, on 28 December 2016, Žemaitijos pienas, AB received a
notification (along with the voting right assignment agreements) of the
Investors’ Association, which states that the shareholders who control 509 995
of the ordinary registered shares of Žemaitijos pienas, AB have assigned to the
Investors’ Association the voting right under the voting right assignment
agreements, as well as other non-property rights of the shareholders provided
for by the agreements. The Voting Right Assignment Agreements shall be valid
for no longer than 10 years, except as otherwise provided by the agreement when
the Agreements can end earlier. 

At the moment of provision of this information the Investors’ Association has 1
115 204 votes (units of shares) providing voting rights at the General Meetings
of Shareholders of Žemaitijos pienas, AB. 

         Gintaras Keliauskas
         8 444 22208