2017-06-01 18:35:13 CEST

2017-06-01 18:35:13 CEST


Ferratum Oyj - Major shareholder announcements

FERRATUM OYJ: Dorval increases shareholding beyond 5%

Helsinki, June 1, 2017 - Ferratum Oyj (ISIN: FI4000106299, WKN: A1W9NS)
("Ferratum") disclosed earlier today a notification that Dorval Asset Management
("Dorval") now holds 1,105,012 shares in Ferratum, representing 5.09% of the
total issued share capital of Ferratum.
Dorval  is an asset management company  authorised by the AMF (French securities
regulator)  since  1993.  Dorval  takes  a conviction-driven investment approach
focusing  on long  term performance  and capital  preservation, characterised by
active management strategies which are not benchmark-driven.

Jorma Jokela commented:

"Dorval  Asset Management has  been steadily growing  its investment in Ferratum
across a number of funds and we are pleased that Dorval continues to invest with
confidence in our growth strategy and future potential."

About Ferratum Group:

Ferratum  is an  international provider  of consumer  and small  business loans,
distributed and managed by mobile devices.  Founded in 2005 and headquartered in
Helsinki,  Finland, Ferratum is a pioneer  in the fields of financial technology
and  mobile  lending  and  has  expanded  rapidly  to  operate  in 24 countries.
Ferratum's  customers  utilize  digital  media  to  apply for consumer credit in
amounts  varying between EUR  25 and EUR 20,000 and  small businesses instalment
loans  up  to  EUR  100,000 with  a  term  of  six to twelve months.  Led by its
founder,  Jorma Jokela,  Ferratum has  more than  1.6 million active  and former
customers  who have  been granted  one or  more loans  in the  past (as at March
31, 2017).

Ferratum Group is listed on the Prime Standard of Frankfurt Stock Exchange under
symbol 'FRU.' For more information, visit www.ferratumgroup.com.


 Ferratum Group                   European media enquiries:
 Dr. Clemens Krause, CFO          Edelman.ergo, A Daniel J Edelman Company
 T: +49 30 88715308               Alexander Schmidt | Andreas Martin
 F: +49 30 88715309               T: +49 69 27 13 89 26
 E: clemens.krause@ferratum.com   E: Alexander.Schmidt@edelmanergo.com
                                  E: Andreas.Martin@edelmanergo.com

 Ferratum Group                   UK media enquiries:
 Paul Wasastjerna                 Smithfield, A Daniel J Edelman Company
 Head of Investor Relations       Alex Simmons | Brett Jacobs
 T: +358 40 7248247               T: +44 20 3047 2543 | +44 20 3047 2537
 F: +358 20 741 1614              E: asimmons@smithfieldgroup.com
 E: paul.wasastjerna@ferratum.com E: bjacobs@smithfieldgroup.com
