2011-07-26 07:00:00 CEST

2011-07-26 07:00:32 CEST


Okmetic Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)




Unless otherwise stated, figures in parenthesis refer to the corresponding
period in the previous year.


 - Net sales amounted to 21.7 (19.7) million euro, up 10.5%.
 - Operating profit was 2.6 (2.5) million euro corresponding to 12.0% of net
 - Profit for the period was 2.6 (3.0) million euro.
 - Basic earnings per share were 0.15 (0.18) euro.
 - Net cash flow from operations amounted to 5.5 (1.9) million euro.


 - Net sales amounted to 43.8 (36.2) million euro, up 21.0%.
 - Operating profit was 5.4 (3.3) million euro corresponding to 12.4% of net
 - Profit for the period was 5.3 (4.0) million euro.
 - Profit for the period was improved by 0.7 million euro due to recognition of
deferred tax assets relating to tax losses carried forward.
 - Basic earnings per share were 0.32 (0.24) euro.
 - Net cash flow from operations amounted to 4.2 (4.3) million euro.


The company's order backlog is at a good level considering the time of year, and
the price level of silicon wafers is stable. Sensor industry, in particular MEMS
products intended for consumer applications, is at a steady growth regarding
updated forecasts. The development of the semiconductor market is partly
dependent on factors of macro economy, which are quite uncertain at the time
this is written. The growth forecasts for the semiconductor market have been
adjusted downwards in relation to the forecasts of the beginning of the year,
but the forecasts still promise market growth. On the solar cell market a strong
corrective movement has moderated the demand in May-June, which has led to a
clearly lower price level.

The net sales and operating profit for 2011 are estimated to exceed the level of
2010. Reaching these estimates means that the current positive market situation
must not see any significant changes during the second half of the year.

PRESIDENT KAI SEIKKU:"Okmetic's net sales continued to grow in the second quarter. However, the net
sales' growth rate slowed down compared to the first quarter of 2011, being a
good 10%. The reason was partly the strong corresponding period in 2010 and
partly the global slowing of the semiconductor market during the second quarter.
By contrast, the net cash flow was at a record level in April-June, when in
January-March exceptional non-recurring items weighed down the net cash flow.

The January-June net sales of 43.8 million euro (up 21.0%) and operating profit
of 5.4 million euro (up 66.2%) strengthened clearly compared to the previous
year, like the company predicted in the beginning of April. The challenging
fundamentals of macro economy and the weakening of the solar cell industry's
market in May-June, which has considerably lowered the price levels throughout
the solar cell industry's supply chain, will create uncertainty for the rest of
the year. The distinct effects of the natural disaster in Japan in March on the
semiconductor industry are still difficult to estimate. Okmetic serves around
150 customers globally, hence it may be safe to assume that the disaster will
strain the business operations of the company just like the electronics industry
on average.

In January-June, the relative share of sensor wafers of total sales was at last
year's level (44%), whereas the share of semiconductor wafers (36%) went down
from the level of first half of 2010 (42%). In April, Okmetic published a two-
year investment programme, in which the company invests around 30 million euro
in extending the Vantaa plant, in particular, to significantly increase the
capacity of demanding SOI wafers, and to strengthen the market leadership in the
heavily growing MEMS sensor wafers. At the same time, the focus of the Vantaa
production plant will shift towards the long-term investment objective, that is,
sales and production of sensor wafers. The construction work in Vantaa will
start according to schedule in autumn 2011.

The silicon wafer market has normalised after the extremely strong growth that
followed the 2008-2009 downturn. Okmetic aims at growing its market shares in
this situation, as well. This means, in addition to the implementation of the
SOI investment, investments in sales, technical customer support, and contract
manufacturing, that is, fab lite capacity. The company's flexible operational
model on the solar cell market and long-term supply agreements protect
technology sales in the prevalent uncertain market situation."


1,000 euro          1.4.-   1.4.-   1.1.-   1.1.-    1.1.-
                  30.6.11 30.6.10 30.6.11 30.6.10 31.12.10

Net sales          21,747  19,688  43,802  36,209   80,907

profit before
(EBITDA)            4,217   4,197   8,642   6,684   17,102

Operating profit    2,606   2,481   5,434   3,270   10,421

 % of net sales      12.0    12.6    12.4     9.0     12.9

Profit for
the period          2,582   2,987   5,306   4,013    9,952

Basic earnings
per share, euro      0.15    0.18    0.32    0.24     0.60

Net cash flow
from operating
activities          5,503   1,874   4,166   4,291   16,594

Net interest-
liabilities       -10,792  -8,120 -10,792  -8,120  -18,047

Equity ratio, %      78.3    77.9    78.3    77.9     76.6

Average number
of personnel
during the period     377     353     362     341      345


Customer industries sensor, semiconductor, and solar cell industries

Sensor industry

In 2011, the sale value of sensor industry is estimated to grow 10-16 percent
compared to the sale value of 2010 (7.1-8.6 billion US dollars). One of the
fastest growing sectors is MEMS products for consumer applications such as
microphones, gyroscopes, and picoprojectors (IHS, ISuppli, Yole). Nowadays,
silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology is widely used in the manufacture of these
next generation products, and the share of SOI technology is estimated to
continue its growth. Okmetic is amongst the pioneering suppliers who provide
products and services based on SOI technology to the sensor industry.

Semiconductor industry

The forecasts of the current year for the semiconductor industry's sales in US
dollars have come down clearly during the year, and have adjusted to the level
of 5-7 percent annual growth (ISuppli, Gartner, SIA). The company's view is that
the industry's estimates for the entire year might still be too high. In the
latter half of this year, a return to the market cycles typical of the industry
is expected, but the annual growth is forecast to continue in the next few years
(SIA, Gartner). The semiconductor demand is increased by the popularity of
consumer devices, smart phones, and new tablet computers. The increase in the
silicon wafer demand is estimated to exceed in numbers the annual growth of
semiconductor units (Semico). The growth rate of power semiconductors is
estimated to exceed the semiconductor market average (IC Insights).

Solar cell industry

The changes in feed-in tariffs in Europe and the uncertainty related to them
have lead to the moderation of demand during the beginning of the year. This has
caused oversupply, rise of stock levels, and significant decline of prices
throughout the industry's supply chain. (Bloomberg New Energy Finance)

The unfavourable market situation is expected to continue in the coming months
until the stock levels of the supply chain lower to a normal level.

Silicon wafer market

According to the report published in May 2011 by SMG, the group of silicon wafer
suppliers in SEMI, the volume of wafer shipments in the silicon wafer industry
in the first quarter of 2011 declined one percent from the volumes of the last
quarter of 2010. However, when compared to the first quarter of 2010 the
shipment volumes rose 3.3 percent.

Okmetic's central customer areas in the silicon wafer market

In line with its strategy, Okmetic seeks for special areas of the entire silicon
wafer market that have greater growth rates than the market average and in which
the company has special know-how. Okmetic supplies primarily 150mm and 200mm
wafers. The sensor/MEMS industry is Okmetic's central growth area. The MEMS
market grows as the portable consumer products, automotive electronics, and
industrial process control increase.

In the semiconductor market, Okmetic's growth areas include discrete and power
semiconductors. The growth areas of these markets are i.a. components used in
the production of renewable energy, increasing automotive electronics, portable
consumer products, developing applications of the medical and well-being
industries as well as industrial process controlling.


In January-June, Okmetic's net sales increased by 21.0 (27.6) percent from the
previous year amounting to 43.8 (36.2) million euro. The growth of net sales was
supported especially by good sensor industry demand. Okmetic succeeded to
increase its market share in the product groups which are important to the

Sales per customer area

                 1.4.-   1.4.-   1.1.-   1.1.-    1.1.-
               30.6.11 30.6.10 30.6.11 30.6.10 31.12.10

Sensors            43%     45%     44%     44%      43%

Semiconductors     39%     42%     36%     42%      42%

Technology         18%     13%     20%     14%      15%

In January-June, the value of sensor wafer sales was 25.2 percent higher than in
the corresponding period last year.

The resumption of semiconductor industry's good economic trend had a positive
influence on the semiconductor wafer sales. In January-June, the sale value of
these wafers was 6.5 percent higher than in the corresponding period last year.

In January-June, technology sales comprised mainly of solar crystal sales. The
solar cell industry's market change had only minor effects on Okmetic's

Sales per market area

                1.4.-   1.4.-   1.1.-   1.1.-    1.1.-
              30.6.11 30.6.10 30.6.11 30.6.10 31.12.10

North America     36%     44%     36%     42%      43%

Europe            28%     25%     30%     27%      25%

Asia              37%     31%     34%     31%      32%

In January-June, sales per market area were distributed quite evenly. The
proportion of Europe and Asia of the total net sales grew during the period
under review.



In April-June, Okmetic's operating profit was 2.6 (2.5) million euro. The
operating profit accounted for 12.0 (12.6) percent of net sales. Profit for the
period amounted to 2.6 (3.0) million euro. Basic earnings per share were 0.15
(0.18) euro.


In January-June, Okmetic's operating profit was 5.4 (3.3) million euro. The
operating profit accounted for 12.4 (9.0) percent of net sales. Profit for the
period amounted to 5.3 (4.0) million euro. The profit for the period was
improved by 0.7 million euro due to recognition of deferred tax assets relating
to tax losses carried forward. Basic earnings per share were 0.32 (0.24) euro.


The company's financial situation is good. In January-June, net cash flow from
operations amounted to 4.2 (4.3) million euro.

On 30 June 2011, the company's liabilities amounted to 1.0 (1.0) million euro.
At the end of the period, cash and cash equivalents amounted to 11.8 (9.1)
million euro. On 30 June 2011, the company's cash and cash equivalents exceeded
interest-bearing liabilities by 10.8 million euro (on 30 June 2010, cash and
cash equivalents were 8.1 million euro higher than interest-bearing

Return on equity amounted to 18.2 (15.9) percent. The company's equity ratio was
78.3 (77.9) percent. Equity per share was 3.49 (3.13) euro.


In January-June, Okmetic's capital expenditure amounted to 5.9 (0.1) million

Okmetic used its call option in January to purchase ten crystal growing furnaces
owned by a Norwegian company NorSun, and located at the Vantaa production plant.
The total amount of the investment was 3.3 million euro.

In April, Okmetic's board of directors approved plans to increase the group's
SOI wafer production capacity by extending the Vantaa plant. The around 30
million euro investment includes the plant extension and different kinds of
production equipment.

This investment, together with the on-going SOI equipment investments, more than
triples the Vantaa plant's current SOI wafer production capacity.


In January-June, the company expensed 1.2 (1.0) million euro in product
development projects. Product development costs accounted for 2.7 (2.7) percent
of net sales. The product development costs have not been capitalised. Product
development has been allocated to sensor wafers and crystal growing that are
important to Okmetic.


On average, Okmetic employed 362 (341) people in January-June. At the end of the
period, 349 of the company's employees worked in Finland, 37 in the US, and
three in Japan.


Okmetic Oyj's annual general meeting, which was held on 7 April 2011, adopted
the financial statements for 2010 and discharged the company's management from
liability. It was decided that a dividend of 0.30 euro per share would be
distributed for 2010. The dividend was paid on Tuesday 19 April 2011. The annual
general meeting decided also, in accordance with the proposal of the board of
directors, to authorise the board of directors to decide upon its discretion on
the payment of an additional dividend, should the company's financial situation
permit this. The additional dividend, including any number of separate decisions
on dividend payment, may amount up to a maximum of 0.40 euro per share and
15,000,000 euro in total. Moreover, the general meeting approved the proposal of
the board of directors to authorise the board of directors to decide on the
repurchase and/or the acceptance as pledge of the company's own shares,
transferring rights to the company's own shares, issuance of shares and issuance
of special rights entitling to shares.

It was decided that there would be five members on the company's board of
directors. Mr. Tapani Järvinen, Mr. Hannu Martola, Mr. Pekka Salmi and Mr. Henri
Österlund were re-elected as members of the board of directors until the end of
the next annual general meeting, and Ms. Mervi Paulasto-Kröckel was elected as a
new member. The board of directors elected Henri Österlund as its chairman and
Tapani Järvinen as its vice chairman in its organisation meeting held
immediately after the annual general meeting.

Authorised Public Accountant PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy was elected as auditor,
with APA Mikko Nieminen having the principal responsibility.

Authorisations given to the board of directors and other decisions of the annual
general meeting have been notified in a stock exchange release published on 7
April 2011.


The board of directors approved the company's revised long-term financial
objectives in April. The company's aim is that organic net sales grow a minimum
of 10 percent annually and that operating profit is over 10 percent of net

The company's previous long-term financial objectives stated that organic net
sales grow a minimum of 6 percent annually and that operating profit is over 10
percent of net sales. At the same time, the company discarded other specifically
defined long-term financial objectives such as a 50 percent equity ratio and
consistent annual dividend distribution.


As the uncertainty in the world economy is increasing, the most significant
factors causing uncertainty for Okmetic's business in the near future are
related to the sensitivity of semiconductor wafer demand to economic
fluctuations and to the rapid and strong changes in the market situation. The
company only has considerable pricing power with its own special products. The
pricing of other wafers is mainly based on global market price. The most common
trade currency in the field is the US dollar. The company's result is affected
by the US dollar's strong currency changes against the euro.

The fact that Okmetic's main production facilities are located in the relatively
expensive euro zone places cost pressure for the company. Other challenges
include maintaining market leadership position in the company's own special
fields, together with meeting the demand gearing towards bigger wafer sizes.

The company risks and uncertainty factors are dealt more profoundly in the
company's annual report of 2010.


On 30 June 2011, Okmetic Oyj's paid-up share capital, as entered in the Finnish
trade register, was 11,821,250 euro. The number of shares was 17,287,500. The
shares have no nominal value attached. Each share entitles its holder to one
vote at general meeting. The company has one class of shares.


A total of 6.4 (4.9) million shares were traded between 1 January and 30 June
2011, representing 37.0 (28.8) percent of the weighted average of share total of
17.3 (17.2) million during the period. The lowest quotation of the reporting
period was 5.10 (2.98) euro, and the highest 6.65 (3.85) euro, with the average
being 5.95 (3.30) euro. The closing quotation for the period was 5.75 (3.64)
euro. At the end of the period, the market capitalisation amounted to 99.4
(62.9) million euro.


In line with the decisions of the annual general meeting and the board of
directors, Okmetic Oyj transferred 11,711 shares to the board members as payment
of the annual remuneration on 2 May 2011.

At the end of the period, the company held a total of 66,143 shares, which is
approximately 0.4 percent of Okmetic's all shares and votes.



These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS
34, Interim Financial Reporting.

In preparing these interim financial statements, Okmetic has followed the same
accounting policies as in the financial statements for 2010 except for the
effect of changes required by the adoption of the following new or revised
standards and interpretations as of 1 January 2011:

IAS 24 (revised), Related Party Disclosures
IAS 32 (amendment), Financial Instruments: Presentation - Classification of
Rights Issues
IFRIC 19, Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments
IFRIC 14 (amendment), Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement
Improvements to IFRSs, May 2010

The adoption of the aforementioned standards and interpretations has not had an
effect on the figures presented from the reporting period.

Okmetic has applied hedge accounting as defined in IAS 39 to the electricity
derivative contracts entered into after 1 April 2011 hedging highly probable
forecast cash flows associated with electricity purchases. The effective portion
of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated as cash flow
hedges is recognised in other comprehensive income and presented in hedge
reserve, which is included in "Other reserves" in equity. Such accumulated fair
value changes are reclassified to the income statement in the periods when the
hedged cash flow affects profit or loss. The gain or loss relating to the
ineffective portion is recognised immediately in the income statement within
other operating income and expenses.

From the start of 2011 Okmetic has changed the place where changes in fair
values of currency derivative contracts and their realised profits and losses
are presented in the statement of comprehensive income. In line with the new
policy, the changes in the fair values of currency derivative contracts and
their realised profits and losses are presented with the financial income and
expenses. Previously these items were presented with other operating income and
expenses. Okmetic has reported of the change in accounting policies on the
interim report published on 27 April 2011.


1,000 euro      1 Apr-  1 Apr-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-
               30 Jun, 30 Jun, 30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                  2011    2010    2011    2010    2010

Net sales       21,747  19,688  43,802  36,209  80,907

Cost of sales  -17,076 -15,352 -33,015 -29,178 -62,274

Gross profit     4,670   4,336  10,786   7,031  18,633

Other income
and expenses    -2,064  -1,854  -5,352  -3,761  -8,212

profit           2,606   2,481   5,434   3,270  10,421

income and
expenses          -120     506    -652     636    -610

Profit before
tax              2,487   2,987   4,783   3,905   9,811

Income tax          96      -1     524     108     141

Profit for
the period       2,582   2,987   5,306   4,013   9,952


Cash flow
hedges             -20       -     -20       -       -

differences        -56     598    -259     962     624

income for the
period, net of
tax                -76     598    -279     962     624

income for
the period       2,506   3,585   5,027   4,975  10,576

Profit for the

Equity holders
of the parent
company          2,582   2,987   5,306   4,013   9,952


Equity holders
of the parent
company          2,506   3,585   5,027   4,975  10,576

Basic earnings
per share,
euro              0.15    0.18    0.32    0.24    0.60

earnings per
share, euro       0.15    0.18    0.31    0.24    0.58


1,000 euro              30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                           2011    2010    2010


Non-current assets

Property, plant
and equipment            31,721  30,826  29,069

Other receivables         4,069   3,500   2,441

Total non-current
assets                   35,790  34,327  31,510

Current assets

Inventories              10,689   9,169   9,987

Receivables              16,727  14,566  15,674

Financial assets
at fair value through
profit or loss                -       -   5,004

Cash and cash
equivalents              11,792   9,127  14,043

Total current assets     39,209  32,862  44,708

Total assets             74,998  67,189  76,217

Equity and liabilities


Equity attributable to
equity holders of the
parent company

Share capital            11,821  11,821  11,821

Other equity             46,832  40,394  46,420

Total equity             58,654  52,215  58,242


Non-current liabilities   1,552   2,655   1,245

Current liabilities      14,792  12,319  16,730

Total liabilities        16,345  14,974  17,976

Total equity and
liabilities              74,998  67,189  76,217


1,000 euro                             1 Jan-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-
                                      30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                                         2011    2010    2010

Cash flows from operating activities:

Profit before tax                       4,783   3,905   9,811

Adjustments                             4,706   2,342   6,795

Change in working
capital                                -4,941  -2,250     210

Financial items                          -360     188    -279

Tax paid                                  -22     106      58

Net cash from
operating activities                    4,166   4,291  16,594

Cash flows from investing activities:

Purchases of property,
plant and equipment                    -5,886     -89  -2,173

Investments in fixed
income funds                            5,016       -  -5,000

Net cash used in
investing activities                     -870     -89  -7,173

Cash flows from financing activities:

Repayments of
long-term borrowings                        -  -1,500  -1,500

Payments of finance
lease liabilities                           -     -31     -39

Share issue                                 -   1,200   1,200

Repurchase of own shares                    -  -1,868  -1,868

Dividends paid                         -5,043    -834    -834

Net cash used in
financing activities                   -5,043  -3,033  -3,041

Increase(+) / decrease
(-) in cash and cash
equivalents                            -1,747   1,168   6,381

Exchange rate changes                    -504     651     355

Cash and cash
equivalents at the
beginning of the period                14,043   7,307   7,307

Cash and cash
equivalents at the
end of the period                      11,792   9,127  14,043


                     Equity attributable to equity holders of parent company

                     Share capital  Share  Reserve  Other Retained     Total
                                     pre-  for in-    re- earnings
                                     mium   vested serves
1,000 euro                                   unre-     1)

Balance at
31 Dec, 2010                11,821 20,045    1,200  1,039   24,137    58,242

Profit for
the period                                                   5,306     5,306

Other com-prehensive
income, net of tax:

Cash flow
hedges                                                -20                -20

differences                                          -259               -259

Total com-
income for
the period                                           -279    5,306     5,027

Share based
payments                                                       428       428

distribution                                                -5,043    -5,043

Balance at
30 Jun, 2011                11,821 20,045    1,200    760   24,828    58,654

Balance at
31 Dec, 2009                11,821 20,045        -    415   16,461    48,742

Profit for
the period                                                   4,013     4,013

Other com-prehensive
income, net of tax:

differences                                           962                962

Total com-
income for
the period                                            962    4,013     4,975

Share issue                                  1,200                     1,200

of own
shares                                                      -1,868    -1,868

distribution                                                  -834      -834

Balance at
30 Jun, 2010                11,821 20,045    1,200  1,377   17,772    52,215

1)"Other reserves" contains hedge reserve and translation differences.


1,000 euro               1 Jan-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-
                        30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                           2011    2010    2010

Carrying amount at the
beginning of the period  29,069  33,174  33,174

Additions                 6,167     208   2,232

Disposals                     -       -     -74

Depreciation             -3,207  -3,415  -6,681

Exchange differences       -308     859     419

Carrying amount at the
end of the period        31,721  30,826  29,069


In April 2011, the company distributed a dividend of 5.2 million euro of the
profit accrued in 2010 (including dividends distributed for Okmetic Management
Oy, a total of 0.1 million euro) representing a 0.30 euro dividend per share.

In April 2010, the company distributed a dividend of 0.8 million euro of the
profit accrued in 2009 representing a 0.05 euro dividend per share.


1,000 euro              30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                           2011    2010    2010

Loans, secured with
collaterals               1,000   1,000   1,000

Collaterals               8,073   8,073   8,073

Off-balance sheet lease
commitments                 236     105     245

Capital commitments       3,027     977   2,190

Nominal values of
derivative contracts

Currency options, call    5,111   4,000  15,244

Currency options, put     2,867       -  18,034

Currency forward
agreements                    -       -       -

Electricity derivatives   2,553   1,912   2,038

Interest rate swaps           -   5,786       -

Fair values of
derivative contracts

Currency options, call      125      93     184

Currency options, put       -15       -    -595

Currency forward
agreements                    -       -       -

Electricity derivatives       3     -65     544

Interest rate swaps           -    -188       -

The contract price of the derivatives has been used as the nominal value of the
underlying asset.


1,000 euro                1 Jan-  1 Jan-  1 Jan-
                         30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                            2011    2010    2010

Net sales                 43,802  36,209  80,907

Change in net sales
compared to the previous
year's period, %            21.0    27.6    48.8

Export and foreign
operations share
of net sales, %             94.4    95.9    95.8

Operating profit before
depreciation (EBITDA)      8,642   6,684  17,102

    % of net sales          19.7    18.5    21.1

Operating profit           5,434   3,270  10,421

    % of net sales          12.4     9.0    12.9

Profit before tax          4,783   3,905   9,811

    % of net sales          10.9    10.8    12.1

Return on equity, %         18.2    15.9    18.6

Return on investment, %     16.1    15.8    18.2

liabilities               15,345  13,967  16,976

Net interest-bearing
liabilities              -10,792  -8,120 -18,047

Net gearing ratio, %       -18.4   -15.6   -31.0

Equity ratio, %             78.3    77.9    76.6

Capital expenditure        6,167     208   2,232

    % of net sales          14.1     0.6     2.8

Depreciation               3,207   3,415   6,681

Research and development
expenditure                1,184     985   2,110

    % of net sales           2.7     2.7     2.6

Average number of
personnel during
the period                   362     341     345

Personnel at the
end of the period            389     373     342


Euro                      30 Jun, 30 Jun, 31 Dec,
                             2011    2010    2010

Basic earnings
per share                    0.32    0.24    0.60

Diluted earnings
per share                    0.31    0.24    0.58

Equity per share             3.49    3.13    3.49

Dividend per share              -       -    0.30

Dividends/earnings, %           -       -    51.7

Effective dividend
yield, %                        -       -     5.7

Price/earnings(P/E)             -       -     8.9

Share performance(1 Jan-)

Average trading price        5.95    3.30    4.22

Lowest trading price         5.10    2.98    2.98

Highest trading price        6.65    3.85    5.70

Trading price at the
end of the period            5.75    3.64    5.29

Market capitalisation
at the end of the
period, 1,000 euro         99,403  62,927  91,451

Trading volume
(1 Jan-)

Trading volume,
transactions, 1,000 pcs     6,397   4,939  14,009

In relation to weighted
average number of
shares, %                    37.0    28.8    81.4

Trading volume,
1,000 euro                 38,058  16,279  59,124

The weighted average
number of shares during
the period under review
adjusted by the share
issue, 1,000 pcs           17,288  17,150  17,220

The number of shares at
the end of the period
adjusted by the share
issue, 1,000 pcs           17,288  17,288  17,288

When calculating earnings per share (EPS) and equity, Okmetic's own shares in
its possession and Okmetic's shares owned by Okmetic Management Oy are deducted
from the amount of shares.


1,000 euro                  10-12/ 7-9/   4-6/   1-3/
                              2011 2011   2011   2011

Net sales                               21,747 22,055

  Compared to previous
  quarter, %                              -1.4   -4.4

  Compared to corresponding
  period last year, %                     10.5   33.5

Operating profit                         2,606  2,828

  % of net sales                          12.0   12.8

Profit before tax                        2,487  2,296

  % of net sales                          11.4   10.4

Net cash flow generated
Operating activities                     5,503 -1,337

Investing activities                     1,035 -1,905

Financing activities                    -5,043      -

Increase/decrease in cash
and cash equivalents                     1,495 -3,243

Personnel at the end
of the period                              389    351

1,000 euro                  10-12/   7-9/   4-6/   1-3/
                              2010   2010   2010   2010

Net sales                   23,072 21,626 19,688 16,521

  Compared to previous
  quarter, %                   6.7    9.8   19.2   19.6

  Compared to corresponding
  period last year, %         67.0   77.7   45.4   11.3

Operating profit             3,440  3,712  2,481    788

  % of net sales              14.9   17.2   12.6    4.8

Profit before tax            2,972  2,934  2,987    918

  % of net sales              12.9   13.6   15.2    5.6

Net cash flow generated
Operating activities         6,730  5,573  1,874  2,417

Investing activities        -6,536   -547    -66    -23

Financing activities            -3     -5 -2,406   -627

Increase/decrease in cash
and cash equivalents           191  5,021   -599  1,767

Personnel at the end
of the period                  342    340    373    329


                                   Shares, Share,
                                       pcs      %

Ilmarinen Mutual Pension
Insurance Company                1,540,729    8.9

Mandatum Life Insurance Company
Limited                            803,000    4.6

The State Pension Fund             600,000    3.5

Veritas Pension Insurance
Company Ltd.                       489,609    2.8

Varma Mutual Pension
Insurance Company                  477,175    2.8

Okmetic Management Oy              400,000    2.3

Etra-Invest Oy Ab                  400,000    2.3

Nordea Nordic Small Cap Fund       370,660    2.1

Aktia Secura Fund                  361,681    2.1

Sijoitusrahasto Taaleritehdas
Arvo Markka Osake                  225,100    1.3

Kaleva Mutual Insurance
Company                            212,700    1.2

Sijoitusrahasto Aktia Capital      181,512    1.1

EQ Pikkujättiläiset /
EQ Rahastoyhtiö                    146,003    0.8

Mutual Fund Evli Finnish
Equity                             142,700    0.8

OP-Finland Small Firms Fund        112,700    0.7

SR Arvo Finland Value              110,611    0.6

Kiilholma Antti Tapio               93,808    0.5

Virtanen Yhtiöt Oy                  91,485    0.5

Stenhäll Turo                       75,000    0.4

Okmetic Oyj                         66,143    0.4

Nominee registered shares        2,988,911   17.3

Others                           7,397,973   42.8

Total                           17,287,500  100.0


Operating profit before depreciation = Operating profit + depreciation

Return on equity (ROE), %            = Profit/loss for the period from
                                       continuing operations x 100/
                                       Equity(Average for the period)

Return on investment (ROI), %        = (Profit/loss before tax + interest and
                                       other financial expenses) x 100/
                                       Balance sheet total - non-interest
                                       bearing liabilities(average for the

Equity ratio, %                      = Equity x 100/
                                       Balance sheet total - advances received

Net interest-bearing liabilities     = Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and
                                       cash equivalents

Net gearing ratio, %                 = (Interest-bearing liabilities - cash and
                                       cash equivalents) x 100/

Earnings per share                   = Profit/loss for the period attributable
                                       to  equity holders of the parent company/
                                       Adjusted weighted average number of
                                       shares in issue during the period

Equity per share                     = Equity attributable to equity holders of
                                       the parent company/
                                       Adjusted number of shares at the end of
                                       the period

Dividend per share                   = Dividend for the period/
                                       Adjusted number of shares at the end of
                                       the period

Effective dividend yield, %          = Dividend per share x 100/
                                       Trading price at the end of the period

Price/earnings ratio (P/E)           = Last adjusted trading price at the end of
                                       the period/
                                       Earnings per share

Average trading price                = Total traded amount in euro/
                                       Adjusted number of shares traded during
                                       the period

Market capitalisation at the end of  = Number of shares at the end of the period
the period                             x trading price at the end of the period

Trading volume                       = Number of shares traded during the
                                       Weighted average number of shares during
                                       the period

All figures of the financial tables are rounded, and consequently the sum of
individual figures can deviate from the presented sum figure. The figures are

The future estimates and forecasts in this interim report are based on company
management's current knowledge. Actual events and results may differ from the
estimates presented here.


Board of directors

For further information, please contact:

President Kai Seikku, Okmetic Oyj,
tel. +358 400 200 288, email: kai.seikku@okmetic.com

Senior Vice President, Finance, IT, and Communications
Juha Jaatinen, Okmetic Oyj, tel. +358 9 5028 0286,
email: juha.jaatinen@okmetic.com

Principal media


Take it higher

Okmetic is a technology company which supplies tailor-made silicon wafers for
sensor and semiconductor industries and sells its technological expertise to the
solar cell industry. Okmetic provides its customers with solutions that boost
their competitiveness and profitability.

Okmetic's silicon wafers are part of a further processing chain that produces
end products that improve human interaction and quality of life. Okmetic's
products are based on high-tech expertise that generates added value for
customers, innovative product development and an extremely efficient production

Okmetic has a global customer base and sales network, production plants in
Finland and the US and contract manufacturers in Japan and China. Okmetic's
shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki under the code OKM1V. For more
information on the company, please visit our website at www.okmetic.com.

