2012-04-26 07:30:00 CEST

2012-04-26 07:30:14 CEST


Englanti Suomi
Teleste - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)


Turku, Finland, 2012-04-26 07:30 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 




Q1 of 2012

- Orders received increased by 22.1% and were EUR 49.1 (40.2) million
- Net sales increased 23.8% to EUR 51.1 (41.3) million
- Operating profit grew by 441.9% equaling EUR 2.9 (0.5) million
- Undiluted result per share stood at EUR 0.12 (EUR 0.02)
- Orders received by Video and Broadband Solutions increased by 51.0% from the
comparative period (Q1/2011), and equaled EUR 26.4 (17.5) million 
- Orders received by Network Services were at par with the comparative period,
i.e. EUR 22.7 (22.8) million 
- Operating cash flow stood at EUR 5.0 (-1.0) million

Key figures (EUR million)      1-3/2012  1-3/2011    Change%  1-12/2011
                             ----------  --------  ---------  ---------
Orders received                    49.1      40.2      22.1%      188.1
Net sales                          51.1      41.3      23.8%      183.6
Operating profit                    2.9       0.5     441.9%        9.4
Operating profit, %                5.7%      1.3%                  5.1%
Net profit                          2.0       0.3     622.4%        6.3
                             ----------  --------    -------  ---------
Other important key figures                                            
Earnings per share, EUR            0.12      0.02     622.4%       0.36
Cash flow from operations           5.0      -1.0        n/a        2.1
Net gearing, %                    23.8%     30.6%     -22.3%     32.20%
Equity ratio, %                   43.5%     43.9%      -0.9%      41.6%
Personnel at period-end           1,321     1,266       4.3%      1,310

Outlook for 2012

We estimate the 2012 net sales and operating profit to increase from the level
of 2011. 

Comments on Q1 of 2012 by CEO Jukka Rinnevaara"On the whole, the early year was good and the development of our key financial
indicators was highly positive in the first quarter. The demand for equipment
supplied by Video and Broadband Solutions grew significantly over the
comparative period. New video services such as video-on-demand and Internet TV
increased the need for cable network capacity. We estimate that the major
sporting events scheduled for the summer of 2012 had a positive effect on the
demand for our network products. 

Deliveries by Network Services increased to some degree. Operating profit
improved over the comparative period. The development program for the German
services operations began to pay off and we will press on with the improvement
measures to further enhance profitability. Profitability of the fiber projects
was weakened by cost overruns related to sub-contracting."

Group Operations in January to March 2012

The year-on-year demand in our target markets for network products provided by
Teleste grew significantly. Digitization of cable networks continued and
operators increased their service offerings. The first-quarter orders received
by Teleste Corporation increased by 22.1% and stood at EUR 49.1 (40.2) million.
The year-on-year order backlog grew by 27.9% and totaled EUR 19.2 (15.0)

Net sales grew by 23.8% amounting to EUR 51.1 (41.3) million. With the increase
in net sales, operating profit increased by 441.9% to EUR 2.9 (0.5) million, or
5.7% (1.3%) of net sales. The year-on-year materials margin improved by 2.1
percentage points, which was mainly caused by the increased share of net sales
brought in by Video and Broadband Solutions in relative terms. 

Wages and salaries increased by 20.8% over the comparative period and totaled
EUR 15.1 (12.5) million. This increase was mainly due to growth in the number
of personnel and accruals of remuneration schemes. Financial expenses totaled
EUR 0.1 (0.2) and taxes 0.8 (0.1) million. The Group's tax rate was 28.1%
(28.0%). Undiluted result per share was EUR 0.12 (0.02). 

Video and Broadband Solutions in January to March 2012

Economic Development of Video and Broadband Solutions:

                          Q1/2012      Q1/2011     Change%    1-12/2011
                     ------------  -----------  ----------  -----------
Orders received            26,390       17,473       51.0%       93,274
Net sales                  27,500       18,554       48.2%       89,716
Operating profit            2,524          406      521.7%        8,220
Operating profit, %          9.2%         2.2%                     9.2%

Orders received improved by 51.0% standing at EUR 26.4 (17.5) million. Order
backlog totaled EUR 19.2 (15.0) million. 

Net sales grew by 48.2% amounting to EUR 27.5 (18.6) million. In particular,
net sales of optical network equipment and amplifiers increased from the
comparative period. Deliveries of the Luminato headend were at par with the
comparative period. 

Operating profit stood at EUR 2.5 (0.4) million making 9.2% (2.2%) of net
sales. This improvement in the operating profit can mainly be attributed to
increased net sales. 

Research and development expenses were 2.8 (2.8) million, or 10.2% (15.2%) of
the business area's net sales. Approximately one half of the R&D expenses
involved further development and maintenance of the product platforms in
production as well as customer-specific product applications. EUR 0.3 (0.5)
million of the R&D expenses were activated for the Luminato video processing
system. Depreciation on activated R&D expenses amounted to EUR 0.5 (0.5)

Network Services in January to March 2012

Economic Development of Network Services:

                       Q1/2012     Q1/2011      Change%     1-12/2011
                     ---------  ----------  -----------  ------------
Orders received         22,731      22,756        -0.1%        94,800
Net sales               23,631      22,756         3.8%        93,900
Operating profit           413         136       203.7%         1,160
Operating profit, %       1.7%        0.6%                       1.2%

Orders received in Q1 stood at EUR 22.7 (22.8) million. Net sales grew by 3.8%
amounting to EUR 23.6 (22.8) million. 

Operating profit stood at EUR 0.4 (0.1) million making 1.7% (0.6%) of net
sales. This favorable development in the operating profit was mainly brought
about by increased net sales and improvement in the materials margin. 

The turnaround profitability program in Germany progressed as planned and will
continue with regard to, amongst others, information system projects.
Profitability of the fiber projects was weakened by cost overruns related to

Personnel and Organization

In the period under review, the Group had an annual average of 1,316 people
(1,252/2011 1,221/2010), of whom 560 (558) were employed by Video and Broadband
Solutions, and 756 (694) by Network Services. At the end of the review period,
the figure totaled 1,321 (1,266/2011, 1,223/2010) of whom 72% (70%/2011,
68%/2010) were stationed overseas. Employees stationed outside Europe accounted
for less than 5% of the Group's personnel. 

The year-on-year employee benefits expenses increased by 20.8% and totaled EUR
15.1 (12.5/January to March/2011, 12.3/January to March/2010) million. This
growth in labor costs was attributable to factors such as increase in the
number of personnel employed by Network Services and accruals of remuneration

The number of rented workforce in the Finnish production averaged 32 (0)
people. Costs involving rented workforce have been entered under the material


Investments by the Group for the period under review totaled EUR 1.4 (1.6)
million accounting for 2.7% (4.0%) of net sales. Investments in product
development equaled EUR 0.3 (0.5) million. Other investments involved
information systems, production machinery and equipment as well as equipment
for the services business. As to investments for the period, EUR 0.6 (0.1)
million was carried out by means of financial leasing. 

Financing and Capital Structure

Operating cash flow stood at EUR 5.0 (-1.0) million. At the end of the period
under review, the amount of unused binding stand-by credits amounted to EUR
10.5 (13.5) million. The current binding stand-by credits of EUR 40.0 million
run till November 2013. 

The Group's equity ratio equaled 43.5% (43.9%) and net gearing 23.8% (30.6%).
Interest bearing debt on 31 March 2012 stood at EUR 30.7 (27.6) million. 

Essential Operational Risks of Business Areas

Founded in 1954, Teleste is a technology and services company consisting of two
business areas: Video and Broadband Solutions and Network Services. With Europe
as the main market area, our most significant clients include European cable
operators and selected organizations in the public sector. 

As to Video and Broadband Solutions, client-specific and integrated deliveries
of solutions create favorable conditions for growth, even if the involved
resource allocation and technical implementation pose a challenge involving,
therefore, also reasonable risks. Network investments carried out by the
clients vary based on their need for upgrading and their capital structure.
Many competitors of the business area come from the USA so the exchange rate of
euro up against the US dollar affects our competitiveness. Also the exchange
rate development of the Chinese renminbi to euro affects our material costs.
The company hedges against short-term currency exposure by means of forward
contracts. The tight financial market in Europe may slow down the
implementation of our customers' investment plans. Availability of components
is subject to natural phenomena, such as floods and earthquakes. Correct
technological choices and their timing are vital for our success. 

Net sales for Network Services comes, for the most part, from a small number of
large European customers, so a significant change in the demand for services by
any one of them is reflected in the actual deliveries. To ensure quality of
services and cost-efficiency along with efficient service process management,
customer satisfaction and improvements in productivity require innovative
solutions in terms of processes, products and logistics. Smooth operation of
cable networks requires effective technical management and functional hardware
solutions in accordance with contractual obligations. This, in turn, demands
continuous and determined development of skill levels in Teleste's own
personnel as well as those of our subcontractors. In addition, availability of
capacity in our network of subcontractors may limit our ability to supply. 

It is important for our business areas to take into account any market
developments such as consolidations taking place among the clientele and
competition. The threats to information systems must be minimized to ensure
business continuity. Severe weather conditions have an impact on the business
areas' ability to deliver products and services. 

The Board of Directors annually reviews any essential risks related to the
company operation and the management thereof. Risk management constitutes an
integral part of the strategic and operative practices of our business areas.
Risks and their probability are reported to the Board by regular monthly

The company has covered any major risks of loss related to the business areas
through insurance policies. These insurances do not cover credit loss risks. In
the period under review, no such risks materialized, and no such legal
proceedings or judicial procedures were pending that would have had any
essential significance for the Group operation. 

Group Structure

Parent company Teleste has branch offices in Australia, the Netherlands, China
and Denmark with subsidiaries in 12 countries outside Finland. On account of
financial arrangements, Teleste Management Oy, established in March 2010, and
Teleste Management II Oy, established in December 2011, have been consolidated
into Teleste Corporation's figures. 

Decisions by the Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Teleste Corporation held on 3 April 2012
confirmed the financial statements for 2011 and discharged the Board of
Directors and the CEO from liability for the financial period. The AGM
confirmed the dividend of EUR 0.14 per share proposed by the Board. The
dividend was paid out on 17 April 2012. 

Ms. Marjo Miettinen, Mr. Pertti Ervi, Mr. Pertti Raatikainen, Mr. Kai Telanne
and Mr. Petteri Walldén continue in Teleste's Board of Directors. Mr. Esa Harju
was elected a new member while the membership of Mr. Tero Laaksonen ended. Ms.
Marjo Miettinen was elected Chair of the Board in the organizational meeting
held immediately after the AGM. 

Authorized Public Accountants KPMG Oy Ab continue as the auditor until the next
AGM. Mr. Esa Kailiala, accountant authorized by the Central Chamber of Commerce
of Finland, was chosen auditor-in-charge. 

The AGM authorized the Board to acquire the maximum of 1,400,000 of the
company's own shares and to convey the maximum of 1,779,985 company's own
shares. On 8 April 2011, the AGM authorized the Board of Directors to issue
5,000,000 new shares; this authorization will be valid until the Annual General
Meeting of 2014. Pursuant to the special rights provided by the Company, the
maximum number of significant shares is 2,500,000; these special rights are
included in the authorization to issue 5,000,000 new shares. 

Shares and Changes in Share Capital

On 31 March 2012, EM Group Oy was the largest single shareholder with a holding
of 21.08%. 

In the period under review, the lowest company share price was EUR 3.04 (4.02)
and the highest was EUR 4.44 (4.82). Closing price on 31 March 2012 stood at
EUR 4.20 (4.41). According to Euroclear Finland Ltd the number of shareholders
at the end of the period under review was 5,089 (5,232). Foreign ownership
accounted for 8.2% (8.1%). From 1 January to 31 March 2012, trading with
Teleste share at NASDAQ OMX Helsinki amounted to EUR 2.2 (2.2) million. In the
period under review, 0.6 (0.5) million Teleste shares were traded on the stock

At the end of March 2012, the number of own shares in the Group possession
stood at 1,302,985 (760,985) out of which parent company Teleste Corporation
had none (0) while other Group or controlled companies had 1,302,985 shares,
respectively. At the end of the period, the Group's holding of the total amount
of shares amounted to 6.96% (4.18%). 

On 31 March 2012, the registered share capital of Teleste stood at EUR
6,966,932.80 divided in 18,728,590 shares. 

Trading with stock options 2007B and 2007C on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd began
on 2 April 2012. These options allow subscription of a maximum of 560,000
Teleste shares. 

Outlook for 2012

We estimate that deliveries of equipment and solutions for the operator
clientele of Video and Broadband Solutions will increase from the 2011 level.
European telecom operators are about to launch their investments into the TV
distribution infrastructure, and we believe that our video headend and optical
network products will be competitive in this new emerging market. Also, the
network capacity will continue to increase driven by the new video services
provided by the operators. The big sports events to be held in summer 2012 may
slow down the upgrading of networks in the second and third quarters. 

On the annual basis, demand by our current clientele for the services provided
by Network Services will remain relatively stable. In the main market area of
Germany, we expect profitability to improve from the 2011 level with the
gradual introduction of the efficiency measures. 

We estimate the 2012 net sales and operating profit to increase from the level
of 2011. 

25 April 2012

Teleste Corporation     Jukka Rinnevaara
Board of Directors      President and CEO

This interim report has been compiled in compliance with IAS 34, as it is
accepted within EU, using the recognition and valuation principles with those
used in the Annual Report. The data stated in this report is unaudited. 

STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME        1-3/2012  1-3/2011  Change %  1-12/2011
Net Sales                                  51,130    41,310     23.8%    183,616
      Other operating income                  332       412    -19.4%      2,112
      Materials and services              -25,854   -21,791     18.6%    -90,990
      Personnel expenses                  -15,084   -12,486     20.8%    -54,560
      Other operating expenses             -6,210    -5,555     11.8%    -25,426
      Depreciation                         -1,377    -1,348      2.2%     -5,372
Operating profit                            2,937       542    441.9%      9,380
      Financial income and expenses          -137      -155    -11.6%       -541
Profit after financial items                2,800       387    623.5%      8,839
Profit before taxes                         2,800       387    623.5%      8,839
      Taxes                                  -787      -108    626.3%     -2,540
Net profit                                  2,013       279    622.4%      6,299
Attributable to:                                                                
      Equity holders of the parent          2,013       279    622.4%      6,299
Earnings per share for result of the year                                       
to the equity holders of the parent                                             
(expressed in EUR per share)                                                    
      Basic                                  0.12      0.02    622.4%       0.36
      Diluted                                0.11      0.02    622.7%       0.36
Total comprehensive                                                             
income for the period (tEUR)                                                    
Net profit                                  2,013       279    622.4%      6,299
Translation differences                       269       -84       n/a        149
Fair value reserve                             14       108    -87.0%         20
Total comprehensive income for the          2,296       303    658.6%      6,468
Attributable to:                                                                
      Equity holders of the parent          2,296       303    658.6%      6,468

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION        31.3.2012  31.3.2011   Change  31.12.2011
 (TEUR)                                                            %            
Non-current assets                                                              
   Property,plant,equipment               10,261      9,512     7.9%       9,364
   Goodwill                               31,131     30,959     0.6%      31,277
   Intangible assets                       5,784      6,301    -8.2%       6,338
   Deferred tax assets                     1,910        n/a      n/a       1,714
   Investments                               710        713    -0.4%         713
                                          49,796     47,485     4.9%      49,406
Current assets                                                                  
   Inventories                            23,075     19,170    20.4%      24,075
   Other current assets                   43,143     37,579    14.8%      44,326
   Liquid funds                           16,942     12,023    40.9%      15,404
                                          83,160     68,772    20.9%      83,805
Total assets                             132,956    116,257    14.4%     133,211
Shareholder's equity and liabilities                                            
   Share capital                           6,967      6,967     0.0%       6,967
   Other equity                           50,057     43,500    15.1%      47,688
   Non-controlling interest                  605        292   107.2%         623
                                          57,629     50,759    13.5%      55,278
Non-current liabilities                                                         
   Provisions                                605        511    18.4%         605
   Deferred tax liabilities                2,071        511   305.3%       1,946
   Non interest bearing liabilities        4,015      3,925     2.3%       4,140
   Interest bearing liabilities           12,347     11,847     4.2%      11,940
                                          19,038     16,794    13.4%      18,631
Short-term liabilities                                                          
   Trade payables and other s-t           36,775     31,686    16.1%      36,818
   Provisions                              1,211      1,313    -7.8%       1,211
   S-t interest bearing liabilities       18,303     15,705    16.5%      21,273
                                          56,289     48,704    15.6%      59,302
Total shareholder's equity and           132,956    116,257    14.4%     133,211

CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (TEUR)      1-3/201  1-3/201   Change  1-12/201
                                                   2        1        %         1
Cash flows from operating activities                                            
   Profit for the period                       2,013      279   622.4%     6,299
   Adjustments                                 2,355    1,665    41.4%     8,633
   Interest and other financial expenses        -137     -155   -11.6%      -541
    and incomes                                                                 
   Paid taxes                                   -987   -1,050    -6.0%    -2,471
   Change in working capital                   1,710   -1,755      n/a    -9,857
Cash flow from operating activities            4,954   -1,016      n/a     2,063
Cash flow from investing activities                                             
   Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash        300        0      n/a         0
   Purchases of property, plant and             -582     -991   -41.3%    -2,632
    equipment (PPE)                                                             
   Purchases of intangible assets               -280     -551   -49.2%    -2,729
Net cash used in investing activities           -562   -1,542   -63.6%    -5,361
Cash flow from financing activities                                   
   Proceeds from borrowings                        0        0      n/a     6,000
   Payments of borrowings                     -3,123     -538   480.5%      -877
   Dividends paid                                  0        0      n/a    -2,091
   Proceeds from issuance of ordinary              0        0      n/a       319
Net cash used in financing activities         -3,123     -538   480.5%     3,351
Change in cash                                                                  
   Cash in the beginning                      15,404   15,203     1.3%    15,203
   Effect of currency changes                    269      -84      n/a       149
   Cash at the end                            16,942   12,023    40.9%    15,404

KEY FIGURES                              1-3/2012  1-3/2011  Change %  1-12/2011
   Earnings per share, EUR                   0.12      0.02    622.4%       0.36
   Earnings per share fully diluted,         0.11      0.02    622.7%       0.36
   Shareholders' equity per share, EUR       3.31      2.91     13.6%       3.17
   Return on equity                        14.30%     2.20%    547.6%     11.90%
   Return on capital employed              13.60%     2.80%    391.1%     11.50%
   Equity ratio                            43.50%    43.90%     -0.9%     41.60%
   Gearing                                 23.80%    30.60%    -22.3%     32.20%
   Investments, tEUR                        1,374     1,643    -16.4%      5,240
   Investments % of net sales               2.70%     4.00%    -32.4%      2.90%
   Order backlog, tEUR                     19,191    15,009     27.9%     21,200
   Personnel, average                       1,316     1,252      5.1%      1,297
   Number of shares (thousands)            18,729    18,187      3.0%     18,190
   including own shares                                                         
   Highest share price, EUR                  4.44      4.82     -7.9%       4.82
   Lowest share price, EUR                   3.04      4.02    -24.4%        2.5
   Average share price, EUR                  3.98      4.54    -12.3%          3
   Turnover, in million shares                0.6       0.5     18.8%        1.7
   Turnover, in MEUR                          2.2       2.2      3.7%        6.2
Treasury shares                                                                 
                                           Number                % of       % of
                                        of shares              shares      votes
   Teleste companies own  shares        1,302,985               6.96%      6.96%
Contingent liabilities and pledged                                              
 assets (tEUR)                                                                  
For own debt                                                                    
Other securities                                0       640       n/a          0
Leasing and rent liabilities                8,594     6,949     23.7%      8,124
                                            8,594     7,589     13.2%      8,124
Derivative instruments (tEUR)                                                   
   Value of underlying forward              8,054     4,709     71.0%      7,434
   Market value of forward contracts         -220      -239     -7.9%        -99
   Interest rate swap                      11,500    11,500      0.0%     11,500
   Market value of interest swap             -152      -116     31.0%       -167
Taxes are computed on the basis of the tax on the profit                        
 for the period.                                                                

OPERATING SEGMENTS (TEUR)                1-3/2012  1-3/2011  Change %  1-12/2011
Video and Broadband Solutions                                                   
   Order intake                            26,390    17,473     51.0%     93,274
   Net sales                               27,500    18,554     48.2%     89,716
   EBIT                                     2,524       406    521.7%      8,220
   EBIT%                                    9.20%     2.20%    319.4%      9.20%
Network Services                                                                
   Order intake                            22,731    22,756     -0.1%     94,800
   Net sales                               23,631    22,756      3.8%     93,900
   EBIT                                       413       136    203.7%      1,160
   EBIT%                                     1.7%      0.6%    192.4%       1.2%
   Order intake                            49,121    40,229     22.1%    188,074
   Net sales                               51,130    41,310     23.8%    183,616
   EBIT                                     2,937       542    441.9%      9,380
   EBIT%                                     5.7%      1.3%    337.8%       5.1%
   Financial items                           -137      -155    -11.6%       -541
   Operating segments net profit before     2,800       387    623.5%      8,839

Information per quarter  1-3/12  10-12/11  7-9/11  4-6/11  1-3/11  4/2011-3/2012
Video and Broadband Solutions                                                   
       Order intake      26,390    28,674  22,300  24,827  17,473        102,191
       Net sales         27,499    27,698  23,947  19,517  18,554         98,661
       EBIT               2,524     3,062   3,420   1,332     406         10,338
       EBIT %              9.2%     11.1%   14.3%    6.8%    2.2%          10.5%
Network Services                                                                
       Order intake      22,731    24,797  21,503  25,744  22,756         94,775
       Net sales         23,631    25,735  23,013  22,396  22,756         94,775
       EBIT                 413     1,070     376    -422     136          1,437
       EBIT %              1.7%      4.2%    1.6%   -1.9%    0.6%           1.5%
       Order intake      49,121    53,471  43,803  50,571  40,229        196,966
       Net sales         51,130    53,433  46,960  41,913  41,310        193,436
       EBIT               2,937     4,132   3,796     910     542         11,775
       EBIT %              5.7%      7.7%    8.1%    2.2%    1.3%           6.1%

Attribut-able to equity holders of the parent (tEUR)                            
                        A      B     C       D      E     F       G    H       I
Shareholder's       6,967  1,504    54  43,559  2,737  -166  54,655  623  55,278
 equity 1.1.2012                                                                
Total                              269   2,013           14   2,296    0   2,296
 income for the                                                                 
Equity-settled                              73      0     0      73  -18      55
Shareholder's       6,967  1,504   323  45,645  2,737  -152  57,024  605  57,629
 equity 31.3.2012                                                               
Shareholder's       6,967  1,504   -95  39,183  2,737  -186  50,110  292  50,402
 equity 1.1.2011                                                                
Profit of the                      -84     279          108     303    0     303
Equity-settled                              54      0     0      54    0      54
Shareholder's       6,967  1,504  -179  39,516  2,737   -78  50,467  292  50,759
 equity 31.3.2011                                                               
A Share capital                                                                 
B Share premium                                                                 
C Translation differences                                                       
D Retained earnings                                                             
E Invested free capital                                                         
F Other funds                                                                   
G Total                                                                         
H Share of non controlling interest                                             
I Total equity                                                                  


Return on equity:      Profit/loss for the financial period                     
                       ------------------------------   * 100                   
                       Shareholders' equity (average)                           
Return on capital      Profit/loss for the period after financial items +       
 employed:              financing charges                                       
                       ------------------------------   * 100                   
                       Total assets - non-interest-bearing                      
                       liabilities (average)                                    
Equity ratio:          Shareholders' equity                                     
                       -----------------------------   * 100                    
                       Total assets - advances received                         
Gearing:               Interest bearing liabilities - cash in hand and in bank -
                        interest bearing assets                                 
                       -----------------------------   * 100                    
                       Shareholders' equity                                     
Earnings per share:    Profit for the period attributable to equity holder of   
                        the parent                                              
                       Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding   
                        during the period                                       
Earnings per share,    Profit for the period attributable to equity holder of   
 diluted:               the parent (diluted)                                    
                       Average number of shares - own shares + number of options
                        at the period-end                                       

Major shareholders 31.3.2012                   Shares      %
EM Group Oy                                 3,948,513  21.08
Mandatum Life                               1,679,200   8.97
Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company    936,776   5.00
Kaleva Mutual Pension Insurance Company       824,641   4.40
Teleste Management II Oy                      542,000   2.89
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company        521,150   2.78
Op-Suomi Small Cap                            520,620   2.78
State Pension Fund                            500,000   2.67
Aktia Capital Mutual Fund                     450,000   2.40
Skagen Vekst Verdipapierfond                  429,000   2.29

Sector Dispersion 31.3.2012             Shareholders       %      Shares       %
Corporations                                     285    5.60   6,474,758   34.57
Financial and insurance corporations              10    0.19   3,541,641   18.91
Public institutions                                8    0.15   2,327,926   12.42
Non-profit institutions                           36    0.70     370,589    1.97
Households                                     4,701   92.37   4,477,260   23.90
Foreign countries and nominee                     49    0.96   1,536,416    8.20
Total                                          5,089  100.00  18,728,590  100.00

Amount 31.3.2012     Shareholders       %  Shares           %
0 - 100                     1,122   22.04      77,166    0.41
101 - 1,000                 2,978   58.51   1,261,810    6.73
1,001 - 10,000                895   17.58   2,529,714   13.50
10,001 - 100,000               73    1.43   1,801,453    9.61
100,001 - 1,000,000            19    0.37   7,430,734   39.67
1,000,001 -                     2    0.03   5,627,713   30.04
Total                       5,089  100.00  18,728,590  100.00

CEO Jukka Rinnevaara, phone: +358 2 2605 866 or +358 400 747 488

Nasdaq OMX Helsinki
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