2013-02-06 08:30:00 CET

2013-02-06 08:30:37 CET


Rapala VMC - Financial Statement Release


Rapala VMC Corporation
Stock Exchange Release
February 6, 2013 at 9:30 a.m.

  * Net  sales for the  fourth quarter increased  by 12% to 67.9 (60.8 MEUR) and
    was  up by  4% at 290.7 MEUR  (279.5 MEUR)  for the  year, reaching all time
    record  sales for the fourth quarter and  full year. Sales were supported by
    new  ice fishing business, continuing growth  in Russia and foreign exchange
  * Comparable  operating profit, excluding  non-recurring items, decreased from
    last  year to 0.5 MEUR (2.4 MEUR) for the fourth quarter and 26.5 MEUR (30.5
    MEUR)  for the  year. Profitability  was weaker  due to  expenses related to
    start-up  of the new  manufacturing units, lower  gross margin and impact of
    foreign  exchange rates. Comparable operating  profit margin was 0.7% (4.0%)
    for the quarter and 9.1% (10.9%) for the full year.
  * Net profit for the quarter reduced to -2.1 MEUR (1.1 MEUR) and was 13.9 MEUR
    (17.2  MEUR) for the year. Earnings per  share were -0.05 EUR (0.02 EUR) and
    0.26 EUR (0.36 EUR) for the year.
  * Cash  flow from operating activities, following  an intense focus on working
    capital,  reached historically  high level  of 6.0 MEUR  (-1.6 MEUR) for the
    fourth  quarter. Cash  flow from  operations for  the year  was an  all time
    record  at  25.2 MEUR  (15.2  MEUR).  Strengthening of Group's balance sheet
    continued and gearing reached all time record low level of 65.1% (67.1%).
  * Implementation of the Rapala Group's strategy of profitable growth continued
    throughout  the year by taking several actions relating to manufacturing and
    distribution activities. New ice fishing business started in the latter part
    of the year.
  * The  Group's outlook for 2013 is positive. The Group's sales are expected to
    increase  from  last  year  and  comparable operating profit, excluding non-
    recurring items and mark-to-market valuations of currency derivatives, to be
    30 MEUR plus or minus 10%.
  * Board  proposes to the Annual General Meeting that a divided of 0.23 EUR per
    share to be paid. This represents 88% of earnings per share.

The  attachment  presents  the  summary  of  the  annual  review by the Board of
Directors as well as extracts from the financial statements for 2012.

Contact  information and conference call details are at the end of the review by
the Board of Directors.

Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki ja Main Media

Market Situation and Sales

The  Rapala  Group's  business  developed  positively during 2012 breaking sales
records  despite  the  impact  of  divestment  of  the gift business in December
2011. 2012 sales were supported by introduction of the new ice fishing business,
continuing  strong growth in Russia and  foreign exchange rates, especially USD.
Winter  2011/2012 was short and  spring early, which  had a significant negative
impact  on winter sports  equipment sales in  the Nordic countries  in the first
quarter,  but gave  good start  to summer  fishing season  in North  America and
Europe.  However, in  the latter  part of  the summer  season weather conditions
turned  unfavorable  in  some  European  and  Nordic  markets.  Difficult winter
2011/2012 conditions  and continuing economical uncertainties had impact on some
customers'  financial  position,  which  together  with  tighter  credit control
impacted the sales in some countries.

US  economy showed clear signs of recovery supporting the sales in North America
although  general economy was still  dragging. Consumer spending was increasing,
while US retailers focused increasingly on sports categories other than fishing.

The  new ice fishing business started in the latter part of the year and changed
the  sales mix. Sales of ice fishing products  started off well, but due to late
winter  2012/2013 in the USA and knock-on effect of previous year's mild winter,
the  new  ice  fishing  business  generated  less  sales  in 2012 than initially

The  Group's intense focus on cash  flow and working capital management resulted
in  increasing inventory clearance sales  towards the end of  the year, which to
some extent replaced ordinary sales.

Net sales for the fourth quarter increased by 12% to all-time high of 67.9 (60.8
MEUR)  with positive  impact of  currency exchange  rates of 2.2 MEUR. Full year
sales  were up by 4% at 290.7 MEUR (279.5  MEUR) for the year, also reaching all
time  record. Changes in foreign exchange rates increased the full year sales by
9.4 MEUR.  Establishment of  new units  and new  ice fishing  business offset by
divestment of gift business, increased quarterly sales by 5.5 MEUR and full year
sales by 1.3 MEUR. With comparable exchange rates and organization structure net
sales  for the quarter and for the full year was at last year's level. New units
and  new ice business included, net sales increased by 12% in the fourth quarter
and 4% compared to last year.

Fourth quarter net sales of Group Products increased 10% and full year sales 1%
from  last year despite negative impact of  the divestment of the gift business.
Excluding  the impact of gift divestment, Group  products' sales were up by 15%
for the fourth quarter and 7% for the year. Sales increase was driven by new ice
fishing sales and good sales of lures and baits. Sales growth was turned down by
slow winter sports equipment sales in the beginning of the year.

Net  sales of Third Party Products increased 15% in the fourth quarter and 9% in
2012 compared  to  last  year  with  increased  sales of third party fishing and
hunting  products, while sales of third  party winter sports equipment was down.
Third  Party  Fishing  sales  was  supported  by  new sales of MarCum underwater
cameras and sonars in North America.

In  North America  fourth quarter  external sales  were up  by 37% and full year
sales  up by 21% as a result of  new ice fishing business, improving US business
conditions  and strengthening of  the US Dollar,  which was 8% stronger in 2012
compared to 2011. With comparable exchange rates quarterly sales were up 30% and
full year 12% above last year's level.

In Nordic counties, sales were down by 11% for the fourth quarter and 4% for the
year.  Sales  were  impacted  by  structural  changes  in Norway and challenging
2011/2012 winter  conditions,  which  had  knock-on  effect  also for the fourth
quarter especially in Finland.

Fourth  quarter sales  in Rest  of Europe  were 14% above  last year's level and
increased  by 5% for the  year. 2012 sales developed  positively in East Europe,
especially in Russia, and France, while change in distribution structure and bad
weathers  reduced sales in the UK.  Spain, Hungary and Switzerland suffered from
the impacts of the on-going uncertainties of the European economy.

In  Rest of  World fourth  quarter sales  were down  by 5% and full year by 15%
compared to last year impacted by the divestment of the gift business. Excluding
the  gift business divestment, net sales of Rest  of the World were up by 17% in
the  quarter  and  12% during  the  full  year.  Full  year  sales  grew  in all
distribution  markets, especially in Japan where fishing line sales were growing

Financial Results and Profitability

Comparable  operating profit, excluding non-recurring items, decreased from last
year  to 0.5 MEUR (2.4  MEUR) for the  fourth quarter and  was down to 26.5 MEUR
(30.5  MEUR) for  the full  year. Comparable  operating profit  margin was 0.7%
(4.0%) for the fourth quarter and 9.1% (10.9%) for the full year. Decline of the
fourth  quarter and full year comparable  operating profit was driven by reduced
gross  margin, which was largely  impacted by the Group's  intense focus on cash
flow  and working capital and consequent inventory clearance initiatives. Fourth
quarter  profitability was  also impacted  by slower  than expected start of the
lower  margin ice fishing business as well as foreign exchange rates, which also
hurt  the full year profits. Full year profitability was also burdened by start-
up  expenses and lower  than expected demand  for products from  the Group's new
manufacturing  facilities, divestment of gift  business and difficult 2011/2012
winter season.

Reported  operating profit  for the  fourth quarter  decreased to  0.2 MEUR (3.5
MEUR) and 25.9 MEUR (30.7 MEUR) for the year 2012. Reported operating profit for
the  fourth  quarter  included  non-recurring  costs of 0.3 MEUR (gain 1.1 MEUR)
related to the divestment of the gift business. Non-recurring costs for the full
year amounted to 0.6 MEUR (gain 0.2 MEUR) related to divestment of gift business
and  other non-recurring  costs. Reported  operating margin  for the quarter was
0.3% (5.8%)  and  for  2012 8.9% (11.0%).  Return  on capital employed was 0.4%
(6.2%) for the quarter and 11.4% (13.8%) for 2012.

Key figures                    IV     IV   I-IV   I-IV

MEUR                         2012   2011   2012   2011
Net sales                    67.9   60.8  290.7  279.5

EBITDA as reported            1.9    5.5   32.6   37.7

EBITDA excl. one-off items    2.2    4.1   33.2   37.1

Operating profit (EBIT)       0.2    3.5   25.9   30.7

EBIT excl. one-off items      0.5    2.4   26.5   30.5

Group  Products' reported operating  profit for the  fourth quarter was 2.0 MEUR
(3.7  MEUR). In 2012 reported  operating profit of  Group Products was 18.9 MEUR
(22.4  MEUR). Operating profit was negatively  impacted by the divestment of the
gift  business. Excluding the impact of  the gift divestment quarterly operating
profit  was at last  year's level and  full year operating  profit was 7% behind
2011. Group  products' operating profit margin was  pushed down by lower margins
of  the  ice  fishing  business,  increased  fixed  costs,  inventory  clearance
initiatives,  establishment of new manufacturing  units and difficult 2011/2012
winter season.

Third party products' operating profit was -1.8 MEUR (-0.1 MEUR) for the quarter
and  7.0 MEUR (8.4 MEUR) for the full  year impacted by lower margin third party
ice  fishing business,  impact of  currency exchange  movements on purchases and
inventory clearance initiatives.

Total  financial (net) expenses for the quarter increased to 2.0 MEUR (1.0 MEUR)
primarily  due  to  negative  change  in  (net)  currency  expenses.  2012 total
financial (net) expenses decreased to 4.9 MEUR (5.5 MEUR). 2012 net interest and
other financial expenses were close to last year's level at 4.0 MEUR (3.7 MEUR).
Financial  items  were  positively  impacted  by  the  change  in (net) currency
exchange expenses of 0.9 MEUR (1.8 MEUR).

Net profit for the year and earnings per share decreased from last year's levels
to  13.9 MEUR  (17.2  MEUR)  and  0.26 EUR  (0.36 EUR) respectively, impacted by
increased   profitability   of  joint  venture  companies  with  non-controlling
shareholders.  Net profit was also impacted by  start-up losses of the new units
increasing the effective tax rate.

Cash Flow and Financial Position

Following  the Group's intense focus on cash flow and working capital, cash flow
from  operating activities  reached all  time annual  record of  25.2 MEUR (15.2
MEUR)  and improved significantly also during  the fourth quarter being 6.0 MEUR
(-1.6 MEUR)  despite  receivables  tied  up  into  the new ice fishing business.
Positive  cash flow impact for  the fourth quarter and  whole year came from the
net  change in working  capital, which was  5.7 MEUR (-1.6 MEUR) and 4.2 MEUR (-
7.3 MEUR) respectively. Main driver for the positive working capital change were
the  inventories,  where  the  actions  to  reduce  the  tied up capital created

The  Group's inventories decreased by 4.9 MEUR  from last December and 10.0 MEUR
from   September   2012, amounting  to  110.6 MEUR  (115.5  MEUR)  in  December.
Inventories  of the new ice  fishing business, new business  units and impact of
currency   movements   increased  year-end  inventories  by  5.8 MEUR,  thus  on
comparable  basis inventories  reduced 10.7 MEUR  from last  year. On comparable
basis,  excluding the  impacts of  the divested  gift business  and the  new ice
fishing business, the inventory-to-sales ratio dropped more than five percentage
points from last year.

Net  cash used in investing  activities was 1.2 MEUR (1.4  MEUR) for the quarter
and  13.6 MEUR (9.6 MEUR) for the full year. Fourth quarter investing activities
included  0.8 MEUR  (0.6  MEUR)  of  proceeds  related  to  disposal of the gift
business.  Operative capital expenditure was 2.1 MEUR  (2.7 MEUR) for the fourth
quarter  and 7.7 MEUR (8.4  MEUR) for the  full year. 2012 investment activities
included the acquisition of the assets of Strike Master Corporation and Mora Ice
brand  with total of 6.7 MEUR and 2011 investment activities include acquisition
of UK joint venture of 1.5 MEUR.

In  the end of 2012 net interest bearing  debt reduced to 89.9 MEUR (91.1 MEUR).
Strengthening  of the  Group's balance  sheet continued  and gearing reached all
time  record  low  level  of  65.1% (67.1%).  Equity-to-assets  ratio  decreased
slightly and was 42.3% (43.2%).

Strategy Implementation

Implementation  of the  Rapala Group's  strategy of  profitable growth continued
throughout the year 2012 by taking several actions relating to manufacturing and
distribution activities.

In  February the Group entered seriously into  ice drill business and closed the
deals  to acquire assets of  Strike Master Corporation as  well as the brand and
intellectual property rights relating to Mora Ice products. These deals together
with  the US distribution agreements concluded for MarCum underwater cameras and
sonars  and Otter Outdoors sleds and shelters, latter one starting in 2013, will
give  the  Rapala  Group  the  global  leadership  position  in  the ice fishing
category.  Strong expansion into ice fishing business will increase the sales in
the  seasonally slower  second half  of the  year in  all main northern markets.
Deliveries of the new ice fishing products started as planned in autumn 2012 and
concentrated  on  the  fourth  quarter  of  the  year,  although  suffering from
unfavorable winter conditions in the USA.

The  Group's new lure and hook manufacturing  units on Batam Island in Indonesia
started  their operations during the first  quarter and employed some 250 people
in  the end of  the year. Production  volumes of lure  production were ramped up
during  the year  as production  was gradually  transferred from China to Batam.
Operational  efficiencies are in line with  expectation. The first phase of lure
production  transfer to Batam  will be finalized  during first quarter of 2013.
Construction   and   installation  work  for  tripling  the  lure  manufacturing
operations are proceeding and certain new production phases were already started
in  the  fourth  quarter.  New  products  and  production  phases  will be added
gradually  during the next 12-18 months.  Hook manufacturing will be technically
fully  ramped up by March 2013. In 2012, due to lack of demand, total production
volumes   of   the  new  Batam  manufacturing  operations  were  behind  initial
expectations and thereby negatively impacting the expected profitability.

The  Group's new distribution company in Chile started its operations in October
and  will strengthen  the Group's  presence in  Latin America.  In September the
Group  acquired 20% share in  the Indonesian distribution  company from its non-
controlling  shareholder, increasing ownership  to 100%. In the  end of 2012 the
Group  has wholly or partly owned distribution operations in 35 countries around
the world.

In  2012 special  initiatives  to  improve  the  performance were carried out in
distribution  companies in  Norway and  in Switzerland,  where the  program will
continue in 2013.

Working  capital and cash flow management was still one of the top priorities of
the  Group, and the Group  continues to work to  reduce the inventory levels and
develop the Group's internal supply chain as well as its purchasing processes.

In  2012 the Group introduced  again a range  of new innovative  products to the
market  and was  honored with  the Best  New Hard  Lure and  Best New Metal Lure
awards  at EFTTEX  2012, the Europe's  largest and  most important international
fishing  tackle trade show.  In February 2013 the  Group will also  launch a new
Scatter  Rap lure family, which  will be available in  the USA for retailers and
consumers already for season 2013.

Discussions  and negotiations  regarding acquisitions  and business combinations
continued during the year 2012.

Short-term Outlook

The Group's outlook for 2013 is positive.

Sales  are expected to grow in most  markets, especially in East Europe and USA.
In the biggest market USA growth is supported with early introduction of the new
Scatter  Rap lure family  and beginning of  distribution of Otter winter fishing
products.  In Finland first quarter winter sports equipment sales should benefit
from more favourable weathers than last year, while in USA and Central Europe it
is  questionable whether summer season  can start as early  as last year and how
the foreign exchange rates will develop.

Profitability   of   the  new  manufacturing  units  as  well  as  a  few  other
underperforming  units is expected to  improve gradually. The continuing actions
to  reduce  the  Group's  inventory  levels  may  have  some  negative impact on
profitability, but support the cash flow generation.

The  Group's  sales  are  expected  to  increase  from  last year and comparable
operating profit, excluding non-recurring items and mark-to-market valuations of
currency derivatives, to be 30 MEUR plus or minus 10%.
Proposal for profit distribution

The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that a dividend of
EUR   0.23 for  2012 (2011:  EUR  0.23) per  share  be  paid  from  the  Group's
distributable  equity and that any remaining distributable funds be allocated to
retained  earnings.  At  December  31, 2012 the  distributable equity totaled to
26.2 MEUR.

No material changes have taken place in the Group's financial position after the
end  of the financial year  2012. The Group's liquidity is  good and the view of
the  Board of Directors is  that the distribution of  the proposed dividend will
not undermine this liquidity.

Financial Statements and Annual General Meeting

Financial  Statements  for  2012 and  Corporate  Governance  Statement  will  be
published  in week  12. Annual General  Meeting is  planned to  be held on April
11, 2013.

Helsinki, February 6, 2013

Board of Directors of Rapala VMC Corporation

For further information, please contact:

Jorma Kasslin, President and Chief Executive Officer, +358 9 7562 540
Jussi Ristimäki, Chief Financial Officer, +358 9 7562 540
Olli Aho, Investor Relations, +358 9 7562 540

A conference call on the 2012 result will be arranged today at 4.00 p.m. Finnish
time  (3.00  p.m.  CET).  Please  dial +44 (0)20 3147 4971 or +1 212 444 0889 or
+358 (0)9 2310 1667 (pin code: 492802#) five minutes before the beginning of the
event.   A   replay  facility  will  be  available  for  14 days  following  the
teleconference.  The number to dial is +44 (0)20 7111 1244 (pin code: 492802#).
Financial  information  and  teleconference  replay  facility  are  available at


STATEMENT OF INCOME                                   IV     IV   I-IV   I-IV

MEUR                                                2012   2011   2012   2011
Net sales                                           67.9   60.8  290.7  279.5

Other operating income                               0.6    2.3    1.3    2.9

Materials and services                              35.8   28.6  140.7  129.0

Personnel expenses                                  15.8   16.3   62.6   62.4

Other costs and expenses                            14.8   12.7   55.8   53.3

Share of results in associates and joint ventures   -0.2   -0.1   -0.3   -0.1
EBITDA                                               1.9    5.5   32.6   37.7

Depreciation, amortization and impairments           1.7    1.9    6.8    7.0
Operating profit (EBIT)                              0.2    3.5   25.9   30.7

Financial income and expenses                        2.0    1.0    4.9    5.5
Profit before taxes                                 -1.8    2.5   21.0   25.2

Income taxes                                         0.3    1.5    7.1    8.0
Net profit for the period                           -2.1    1.1   13.9   17.2

Attributable to:

Equity holders of the Company                       -2.1    0.9   10.1   14.0

Non-controlling interests                            0.0    0.2    3.8    3.2

Earnings per share for profit attributable
to the equity holders of the company:

Earnings per share, EUR (diluted = non-diluted)    -0.05   0.02   0.26   0.36


MEUR                                          2012 2011 2012   2011
Net profit for the period                     -2.1  1.1 13.9   17.2
Other comprehensive income, net of tax

Change in translation differences             -1.9  4.9 -0.3    2.0

Gains and losses on cash flow hedges           0.1  0.0 -0.6   -0.1

Gains and losses on hedges of net investments  0.1 -0.4  0.2   -0.4
Total other comprehensive income, net of tax  -1.7  4.5 -0.8    1.5

Total comprehensive income for the period     -3.8  5.6 13.2   18.7

Total comprehensive income attributable to:

Equity holders of the company                 -3.8  5.2  9.4   15.8

Non-controlling interests                      0.0  0.4  3.7    2.9

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION          Dec 31                           Dec 31

MEUR                                       2012                             2011

Non-current assets

Intangible assets                          72.6                             68.0

Property, plant and equipment              29.3                             28.5

Non-current financial assets

  Interest-bearing                          3.7                              5.8

  Non-interest-bearing                     11.2                             10.9
                                          116.9                            113.2

Current assets

Inventories                               110.6                            115.5

Current financial assets

  Interest-bearing                          2.5                              1.1

  Non-interest-bearing                     58.5                             55.4

Cash and cash equivalents                  38.2                             28.9
                                        ----------------------------------------         209.7                            201.0

Assets classified as held-for-sale            -                              0.3

Total assets                              326.6                            314.5



Equity attributable to the equity         128.6                            128.6
holders of the company

Non-controlling interests                   9.4                              7.2
                                          138.0                            135.8

Non-current liabilities

Interest-bearing*                          49.7                             10.8

Non-interest-bearing                       15.1                             15.5
                                           64.8                             26.2

Current liabilities

Interest-bearing*                          84.5                            116.2

Non-interest-bearing                       39.3                             36.3
                                          123.8                            152.5

Total equity and liabilities              326.6                            314.5
* As of April 2012 the new revolving credit facilities of the new bank loan
agreements were classified as non-current liabilities to the extent banks'
commitment is valid for longer than 12 months.

                                    IV     IV   I-IV                        I-IV

KEY FIGURES                       2012   2011   2012                        2011
EBITDA margin, %                  2.8%   9.0%  11.2%                       13.5%

Operating profit margin, %        0.3%   5.8%   8.9%                       11.0%

Return on capital employed, %     0.4%   6.2%  11.4%                       13.8%

Capital employed at end of       227.9  226.9  227.9                       226.9
period, MEUR

Net interest-bearing debt at      89.9   91.1   89.9                        91.1
end of period, MEUR

Equity-to-assets ratio at end    42.3%  43.2%  42.3%                       43.2%
of period, %

Debt-to-equity ratio at end of   65.1%  67.1%  65.1%                       67.1%
period, %

Earnings per share, EUR          -0.05   0.02   0.26                        0.36
(diluted = non-diluted)

Equity per share at end of        3.32   3.30   3.32                        3.30
period, EUR

Average personnel for the        1 993  2 223  1 994                       2 208
Definitions of key figures are consistent with those in the financial statement
2011 and can be found on corporate website.

STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS                                  IV     IV   I-IV   I-IV

MEUR                                                   2012   2011   2012   2011
Net profit for the period                              -2.1    1.1   13.9   17.2

Adjustments to net profit for the period *              5.2    2.2   20.6   17.6

Financial items and taxes paid and received            -2.9   -3.3  -13.6  -12.3

Change in working capital                               5.7   -1.6    4.2   -7.3
Net cash generated from operating activities            6.0   -1.6   25.2   15.2

Investments                                            -2.1   -2.7   -7.7   -8.4

Proceeds from sales of assets                           0.1    0.3    0.8    0.7

Acquisition of joint venture Shimano Normark UK           -    0.5      -   -1.5

Dynamite Baits acquisition, net of cash                   -   -0.1      -   -0.1

Sufix brand acquisition                                   -      -   -0.8   -0.7

Strikemaster and Mora Ice acquisitions                    -      -   -6.7      -

Acquisition of other subsidiaries, net of cash            -    0.0    0.0    0.0

Proceeds from disposal of subsidiaries, net of cash     0.8    0.6    0.8    0.6

Change in interest-bearing receivables                  0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
Net cash used in investing activities                  -1.2   -1.4  -13.6   -9.6

Dividends paid to parent company's shareholders           -      -   -8.9   -9.0

Dividends paid to non-controlling interest             -0.1   -0.1   -1.6   -2.9

Net funding                                             2.1   -0.8    9.1    6.7

Purchase of own shares                                 -0.5   -0.1   -0.7   -0.1
Net cash generated from financing activities            1.4   -1.0   -2.2   -5.2

Adjustments                                             0.2    1.1    0.2    0.4

Change in cash and cash equivalents                     6.3   -2.9    9.6    0.8

Cash & cash equivalents at the beginning of the        32.0   31.5   28.9   27.9

Foreign exchange rate effect                           -0.1    0.3   -0.4    0.2
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period     38.2   28.9   38.2   28.9

Attributable to equity holders of the company
                                      Cumul.  Fund for               Non-

                          Share  Fair trans-  invested         Re- contr-

                           pre- value lation non-rest-  Own tained olling

                    Share  mium   re- diffe-    ricted sha-  earn-  inte-  Total

MEUR              capital  fund serve rences    equity  res   ings  rests equity
Equity on Jan         3.6  16.7  -1.5   -6.0       4.9 -2.5  106.7    7.4  129.2
1, 2011
Comprehensive           -     -  -0.1    1.9         -    -   14.0    2.9   18.7
income *

Purchase of own         -     -     -      -         - -0.1      -      -   -0.1

Dividends               -     -     -      -         -    -   -9.0   -3.2  -12.1

Other changes           -     -     -      -         -    -      -    0.0    0.0
Equity on Dec         3.6  16.7  -1.6   -4.1       4.9 -2.6  111.8    7.2  135.8
31, 2011

Equity on Jan         3.6  16.7  -1.6   -4.1       4.9 -2.6  111.8    7.2  135.8
1, 2012
Comprehensive           -     -  -0.6    0.0         -    -   10.1    3.7   13.2
income *

Purchase of own         -     -     -      -         - -0.7      -      -   -0.7

Dividends               -     -     -      -         -    -   -8.9   -1.5  -10.4

Share based             -     -     -      -         -    -    0.3      -    0.3

Other changes           -     -     -      -         -    -      -    0.0    0.0
Equity on Dec         3.6  16.7  -2.3   -4.1       4.9 -3.4  113.2    9.4  138.0
31, 2012
* For the period,
(net of tax)


MEUR                                      IV     IV   I-IV   I-IV

Net Sales by Operating Segment          2012   2011   2012   2011
Group Products                          44.2   40.2  176.4  174.5

Third Party Products                    23.7   20.6  114.3  105.0
Total                                   67.9   60.8  290.7  279.5

Operating Profit by Operating Segment
Group Products                           2.0    3.7   18.9   22.4

Third Party Products                    -1.8   -0.1    7.0    8.4
Total                                    0.2    3.5   25.9   30.7

                                          Dec 31   Dec 31

Assets by Operating Segment                 2012     2011
Group Products                             213.8    209.9

Third Party Products                        68.5     68.8
Non-interest bearing assets total          282.3    278.7

Unallocated interest-bearing assets         44.3     35.9
Total assets                               326.6    314.5

Net Sales by Area**     IV     IV   I-IV   I-IV

MEUR                  2012   2011   2012   2011
North America         25.6   18.7   83.6   69.1

Nordic                13.4   15.1   62.7   65.3

Rest of Europe        19.1   16.7  108.2  102.7

Rest of the world      9.8   10.3   36.2   42.4
Total                 67.9   60.8  290.7  279.5
                                         *  As of January 1, 2012 the reportable
operating segments include the following
product  lines: Group  Products include  Group Fishing  Products, such as Lures,
Fishing  Hooks, Fishing  Lines and  Fishing Accessories,  as well as Other Group
Products,  mainly  Winter  Sports  and  some  other non-fishing related business
manufactured  and/or sourced  by the  Group and  sold under  the Group's brands.
Third  Party Products include non-Group branded fishing products and third party
products for hunting, outdoor and winter sports distributed by the Group.

**  Geographical information has been prepared on source basis i.e. based on the
location  of the business unit. As of January 1, 2012 the net sales is presented
excluding intra-Group transactions, i.e. including only Group's external sales

KEY FIGURES BY           I    II   III    IV  I-IV     I    II   III    IV  I-IV

MEUR                  2011  2011  2011  2011  2011  2012  2012  2012  2012  2012
Net sales             74.7  80.9  63.0  60.8 279.5  73.5  83.7  65.6  67.9 290.7

EBITDA                13.7  14.4   4.1   5.5  37.7  12.0  13.3   5.4   1.9  32.6

Operating profit      12.1  12.8   2.3   3.5  30.7  10.4  11.6   3.7   0.2  25.9

Profit before taxes   11.1  11.3   0.3   2.5  25.2  10.4  10.5   1.9  -1.8  21.0

Net profit for the     7.9   8.0   0.2   1.1  17.2   7.5   7.2   1.3  -2.1  13.9


The financial statement figures included in this release are unaudited.

This  report has been prepared in  accordance with IAS 34. Accounting principles
adopted  in the preparation of this report are consistent with those used in the
preparation  of the Annual  Report 2011, except for  the adoption of  the new or
amended  standards and interpretations. Adoption of  amendment of IFRS 7 and IAS
12 did  not result in any  changes in the accounting  principles that would have
affected the information presented in this interim report.

The  Group  changed  its  reportable  operating  segments from January 1, 2012.
Reportable  operating segments  are Group  Products consisting  of Group Fishing
Products and Other Group Products, and Third Party Products.

Classification  of certain balance sheet items between interest-bearing and non-
interest-bearing   assets   and   liabilities  were  redefined.  The  change  in
presentation led into changes in calculation of some non-IFRS based key figures.
All comparative periods have been restated accordingly.

Use of estimates and rounding of figures

Complying with IFRS in preparing financial statements requires the management to
make  estimates and assumptions.  Such estimates affect  the reported amounts of
assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, and
the  amounts of revenues and expenses. Although these estimates are based on the
management's  best knowledge of  current events and  actions, actual results may
differ from these estimates.

All  figures  in  these  accounts  have  been  rounded. Consequently, the sum of
individual  figures can deviate from the  presented sum figure. Key figures have
been calculated using exact figures.

Events after the end of the interim period

The  Group  has  no  knowledge  of  any  significant events after the end of the
interim period that would have a material impact on the financial statements for
January-December  2012. Material events after the end  of the interim period, if
any, have been discussed in the interim review by the Board of Directors.


On December 31, 2012, the book value of inventories included a provision for net
realizable value of 4.4 MEUR (3.2 MEUR at December 31, 2011).

Assets held for sale

As a part of the relocation of Finnish distribution operations, a real estate in
Korpilahti,  Finland, was classified as held  for sale during the fourth quarter
of 2011. During the last quarter of 2012 a decision was made to restore the real
estate  to manufacturing use. The classification as held for sale was ceased and
the carrying amount was adjusted by depreciation for the full year 2012.

Impact  of  business  acquisitions  and  disposals on the consolidated financial

In   September   2012, the   Group  purchased  a  20% share  of  the  Indonesian
distribution  company. This acquisition  raised the Group's  ownership to 100%.
Acquisition  has  no  significant  impact  on the Group's consolidated financial

During the first quarter the Group acquired the assets, including Mora trademark
in  North  America,  of  Minnesota  based  Strike  Master  Corporation  ("Strike
Master"),  the leading supplier of ice augers in the US. The Group also acquired
100% of  the share capital of Swedish Mora  Ice Ab including the Mora Ice brand,
together  with  all  intellectual  property  rights  relating  to  the  Mora Ice
products. Mora Ice is Europe's leading and premium brand of ice augers and auger
cutting blades. Both of the acquisitions were completed in February. The closing
accounts  were finalized during the third quarter  and the final payment of 0.4
MEUR   was  made  to  the  sellers  in  August.  Total  considerations  for  the
acquisitions during 2012 amounted to 6.8 MEUR.

These  strategic  initiatives  will  give  the  Rapala  Group  global leadership
position in the ice fishing category. The Group is well equipped to exploit this
position  as  it  is  having  strong  distribution  companies in all main arctic
markets:  US,  Canada,  Russia,  East  European  and Nordic countries, Japan and

Net  sales after  the acquisitions,  5.1 MEUR, are  included in the consolidated
income statement. The acquisitions did not have material impact on the profit of
the  Group.  Due  to  the  structure  of  the acquisitions it is not possible to
reliably determine pre-transaction sales and profit prior in 2012.

The  transaction costs of  0.0 MEUR have been  expensed and are  included in the
other  operating expenses in the income statement and treated as a non-recurring

The  goodwill of  0.7 MEUR is  justified by  expansion of product assortment and
market  coverage as well  as utilization of  economies of scale  in sourcing and
distribution.  None of the goodwill is expected  to be deductible for income tax
purposes. The goodwill was be tested for impairment.

The  business combinations are accounted for by applying the acquisition method.
The  fair value of intellectual property  rights is established using the relief
from  royalty method.  The fair  value of  customer relationships is established
with the income approach based on the future economic returns from the customers
over their useful lives.

The first installment of 1.1 MEUR of the promissory note related to the disposal
of  the Gift manufacturing unit in China  in 2011 was received in December 2012
according  to the  terms of  the agreement.  The sales  price was  adjusted as a
result of the finalization of the closing accounts. Price adjustment of 0.3 MEUR
was  paid during the fourth quarter. Net effect  to the Group cash flow in 2012
was 0.8 MEUR.

MEUR                                               2012
Inventories                                         1.8

Trade and other non-interest-bearing receivables    0.3

Intangible assets                                   4.4

Tangible assets                                     0.1

Trade and other non-interest-bearing payables       0.0

Deferred tax liability (net)                       -0.6

Non-controlling interests                           0.0
Fair value of acquired net assets                   6.0

MEUR                                               2012
Cash paid upon closing                              6.4

Cash paid later                                     0.4
Total purchase consideration                        6.8

Goodwill                                            0.7

Cash paid for the acquisitions                      6.8

Cash and cash equivalents acquired                    -
Net cash flow                                       6.8

Non-recurring income and expenses      IV    IV  I-IV                       I-IV
included in operating profit

MEUR                                 2012  2011  2012                       2011
Costs related to business             0.0  -0.2   0.0                       -0.3

Restructuring of Hungarian              -   0.1     -                        0.1

Relocation of Finnish operations        -  -0.1     -                       -0.3

Net gain from sale of gift           -0.3   1.7  -0.7                        1.5
manufacturing unit in China*

Other restructuring costs               -  -0.2     -                       -0.4

Gain on disposal of real estate in      -     -   0.1                          -

Other non-recurring items             0.0     -   0.0                          -
Total included in EBITDA             -0.3   1.3  -0.6                        0.6
Impairment of non-current assets        -  -0.2     -                       -0.4
relating to relocation of Finnish

Other non-recurring impairments         -   0.0     -                        0.0
Total included in operating profit   -0.3   1.1  -0.6                        0.2
* I-IV 2011: Including a gain of 1.9 MEUR and costs related to divestment. I-IV
2012: including an adjustment to sales price and costs related to the disposed

Commitments                              Dec 31                           Dec 31

MEUR                                       2012                             2011
On own behalf

Business mortgage*                            -                             16.1

Guarantees                                  0.1                              0.1

Minimum future lease payments on           16.6                             15.2
operating leases
* The Group refinanced its loan facilities in April 2012, and the business
mortgage related to the previous facility was released. The new loan facilities
are unsecured and include normal financial covenants.

                                    Sales                  Other

Related party transactions      and other    Pur-  Rents  expen-  Recei-   Paya-

MEUR                               income  chases   paid     ses  vables    bles
I-IV 2012

Joint venture Shimano Normark         3.9       -      -       -     0.1     0.0
UK Ltd

Associated company Lanimo Oü            -     0.0      -       -     0.0       -

Entity with significant                 -       -    0.2     0.1     0.0       -
influence over the Group*

Management                            0.0       -    0.4       -       -     0.0

I-IV 2011

Joint venture Shimano Normark         1.6       -      -       -     0.1       -
UK Ltd

Associated company Lanimo Oü            -     0.1      -       -     0.0       -

Entity with significant                 -       -    0.2     0.1     0.0     0.0
influence over the Group*

Management                              -       -    0.3       -     0.0     0.0
* Lease agreement for the real estate for the consolidated operations in France
and a service fee.

Open derivatives      Nominal   Positive fair      Negative   Net fair

MEUR                   amount          values   fair values     values
Dec 31, 2012

Foreign currency         62.3             0.3           0.7       -0.4
options and

Interest rate swaps      85.0             0.3           3.3       -3.0
Total                   147.3             0.6           4.0       -3.4

Dec 31, 2011

Foreign currency          3.4             0.2             -        0.2

Interest rate swaps      67.9               -           2.1       -2.1
Total                    71.3             0.2           2.1       -1.9
Financial risks and hedging principles are described in detail in the financial
statement 2011 and will be updated in financial statements 2012.

Share based incentive plan

In  June  2012, the  Board  approved  a  new  share based incentive plan for the
Group's  key personnel. The plan includes  one earning period which commenced on
April  1, 2012 and will end on June 30, 2013. The potential reward from the plan
will  be based on development of Rapala Group's inventory levels and EBITDA. The
potential  reward will be  paid primarily as  Rapala VMC Corporation's shares in
August  2013. The target  group of  the plan  consists of  20 key employees. The
gross  rewards to be paid on the basis  of the plan will correspond to the value
maximum total of 235 000 company shares.

Shares and share capital

On  April 11, 2012 The Annual  General Meeting updated  Board's authorization on
issuance and repurchase of shares.

At  the end of the reporting period the share capital fully paid and reported in
the  Trade Register was 3.6 MEUR and the total number of shares was 39 468 449.
The  average number of shares during the reporting period was 39 468 449. During
the  reporting period, company bought back a total of 149 343 own shares. At the
end  of the reporting  period the company  held 701 400 own shares, representing
1.8% of  the total  number of  shares and  the total  voting rights. The average
share price of all repurchased own shares held by the company was 4.78 EUR.

During  the reporting period, 5 679 621 shares (6 479 735) were traded at a high
of  6.50 EUR and a  low of 4.52 EUR.  The closing share  price at the end of the
period was 4.85 EUR.

Short term risks and uncertainties

The  objective of  Rapala VMC  Corporation's risk  management is  to support the
implementation  of the Group's  strategy and execution  of business targets. The
importance  of  risk  management  has  increased  as  Rapala VMC Corporation has
continued  to expand its operations.  Accordingly, Group management continued to
develop  risk management  practices and  internal controls during 2012. Detailed
descriptions  of the Group's strategic, operative and financial risks as well as
risk management principles will be included in the Financial Statements 2012.

Due  to the nature of the fishing  tackle business and the geographical scope of
the  Group's operations, the business has traditionally been seasonally stronger
in  the first half of the year compared  to the second half. In 2012, 54% of net
sales  and 85% of operating profit was generated  in the first half of the year.
The  biggest deliveries for both summer and winter seasons are concentrated into
relatively  short time  periods, and  hence a  well functioning  supply chain is
required. The Group's sales are to some extent affected by weather as it impacts
consumer  demand and the  timing and length  of the seasons.  The summer fishing
season  in the USA and Europe started  early in 2012 and the summer season 2013
may  start  later  impacting  the  sales.  The  Group is more affected by winter
weathers  after the expansion  into winter fishing  business. On the other hand,
unfavorable  winter  weathers  may  lead  to  early  summer  fishing  season and
resulting in higher summer fishing sales.

A  major supply chain and logistics  initiative to improve the Group's inventory
turnovers  and  shorten  the  factory  lead-times  continued  in 2012, including
planning  and  implementation  of  new  initiatives.  Inventory  clearance sales
supporting  the inventory  reduction targets  may have  some short-term negative
impacts  on sales and profitability of some product groups. The uncertainties in
future  demand as well as  the length of the  Group's supply chain increases the
importance  of supply chain  management. Strong and  rapid increases in consumer
demand may put challenges on Group's supply chain to meet the demand. Management
balances between risk of shortages and risk of excess production and purchasing,
which would lead to excess inventories in the Group.

The  ramp-up phase  of the  new production  facilities in  Batam, Indonesia, may
increase certain production and supply chain risks temporarily.

The Group successfully refinanced its credit facilities in April, 2012. This has
decreased the Group's liquidity and refinancing risks. The new credit facilities
include some financial covenants, which are actively monitored.

The  fishing tackle business  has not traditionally  been strongly influenced by
the  increased uncertainties and downturns in the general economic climate. They
may,  however,  influence,  at  least  for  a  short while, the sales of fishing
tackle,  when  retailers  reduce  their  inventory  levels  and  face  financial
challenges. Also quick and strong increases in living expenses, such as gasoline
price,  uncertainties concerning employment  and governmental austerity measures
may  temporarily affect consumer  spending also in  the fishing tackle business.
However,  the underlying  consumer demand  has historically  proven to be fairly

The  truly global nature of the Group's  sales and operations spreads the market
risks  caused by the current uncertainties  in the global economy. Declining oil
price  may  negatively  impact  the  growing  Russian  market,  while  same time
supporting   consumption   in  USA.  The  Group  is  cautiously  monitoring  the
development  both in the  global macro economy  as well as  in the various local
markets it operates in.

Cash  collection  and  credit  risk  management  is  high on the agenda of local
management  and this may affect sales to some customers. Quality of the accounts
receivables is monitored closely and write-downs are initiated if needed.

The  Group's  sales  and  profitability  are  impacted by the changes in foreign
exchange  rates.  The  disturbances  in  global  economy  may  cause  heavy  and
unexpected  fluctuations in foreign exchange  rates. The Group monitors actively
its  currency  position  and  risks  and  hedges  risks in several currencies by
following  the risk policy  set by the  Board of Directors.  To fix the exchange
rates  of future foreign exchange denominated sales and purchases, the Group has
entered  into  several  currency  hedging  agreements  according  to the foreign
exchange  risk management policy set by the  Board of Directors. As the Group is
not  applying hedge accounting in accordance  to IAS 39, the unrealized mark-to-
market  valuations of currency  hedging agreements has  an impact on the Group's
operating  profit. Following  the implementation  of an  updated risk  policy in
2012 the  nominal  value  of  hedging  instruments  were  increased  and thereby
potentially increasing the quarterly volatility of unrealized items in operating
profit.  The  continuing  strengthening  of  the  Chinese  yuan coupled with the
possible  strengthening of the US dollar increases cost pressures. Additionally,
certain  inflationary  trends  increase  this  pressure.  The  Group  is closely
monitoring market development and cost structure and considering possibility and
feasibility of price increases, hedging actions and cost rationalization.

No significant changes are identified in the Group's strategic risks or business
