2010-08-05 08:00:00 CEST

2010-08-05 08:00:04 CEST


Englanti Suomi
Finnair Oyj - Company Announcement



Finnair's traffic, measured in passenger kilometres, grew by three per cent in  
July compared with July the previous year. Growth came mainly from Asian        
traffic, which was up by more than 11 per cent. The load factor for Asian       
traffic also improved by nearly one percentage point to 85 per cent, with       
capacity increasing 10 per cent compared with last year. There were nearly 12   
per cent more passengers on Asian flights than in the previous July.            "Growth is good in our main strategy area, namely Asia-Europe traffic. We have  
increased capacity and we will increase it further. Flights will be added to    
existing destinations and a new destination, Singapore, will be opened next     
spring," says Finnair's SVP Communications Christer Haglund.                    
European traffic declined by just over four per cent in July. Capacity was cut  
by slightly more than one per cent, so the load factor fell by a few percentage 
points to less than 75 per cent. Domestic traffic declined by nearly three per  
cent and capacity was cut by just under one per cent, leading to the load factor
falling by around one percentage point to just over 62 per cent.                
North Atlantic traffic declined by 16 per cent. The load factor remained at just
over 89 per cent.                                                               
Leisure traffic grew by slightly more than three per cent. Due to a capacity cut
of a few per cent, the load factor rose by nearly five percentage points to     
almost 91 per cent.                                                             
The amount of cargo carried by Finnair grew in July by more than 54 per cent    
compared with July last year. In scheduled traffic, the amount of cargo grew by 
more than 30 per cent and cargo flights initiated this year are also reflected  
in the figures.                                                                 
Of Finnair's flights, 86 per cent arrived on schedule in July, which represents 
a decline of three and a half percentage points from July last year. In         
scheduled traffic, punctuality was over 87 per cent, which was just over three  
per cent lower than the previous July.                                          

FINNAIR'S TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE JULY 2010                                         

|                                  |     July | %-CHANG | January-Ju | %-CHANG |
|                                  |     2010 |       E |      ly 10 |       E |
| TOTAL TRAFFIC                    |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |    663,1 |    -1,2 |    4 182,3 |    -4,8 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |  2 247,6 |     2,5 |   14 717,2 |    -6,6 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |  1 846,7 |     3,0 |   11 434,4 |    -3,0 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     82,2 |   0,4 p |       77,7 |   2,9 p |
| Cargo tonnes total               | 11 651,1 |    54,4 |   66 185,3 |    37,1 |
| Available tonne kilometres mill  |    344,3 |     5,0 |    2 173,2 |    -8,1 |
| Revenue tonne-kilometres mill    |    236,9 |    15,7 |    1 422,8 |     7,1 |
| Overall load factor %            |     68,8 |   6,4 p |       65,5 |   9,3 p |
| SCHEDULED TOTAL                  |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |    563,2 |    -2,0 |    3 636,2 |    -1,1 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |  1 910,4 |     3,4 |   12 199,2 |    -0,3 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |  1 540,2 |     3,0 |    9 188,6 |     5,1 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     80,6 |  -0,4 p |       75,3 |   3,9 p |
| EUROPE                           |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |    366,0 |    -5,1 |    2 096,2 |    -2,0 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |    704,0 |    -1,3 |    4 288,9 |    -5,0 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |    527,3 |    -4,1 |    2 916,4 |    -2,3 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     74,9 |  -2,2 p |       68,0 |   1,9 p |
| NORTH ATLANTIC                   |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |     16,4 |   -16,0 |       87,5 |    -4,7 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |    121,6 |   -15,1 |      724,4 |    -2,7 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |    108,4 |   -16,0 |      577,9 |    -4,7 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     89,2 |  -1,0 p |       79,8 |  -1,6 p |
| ASIA                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |    119,0 |    11,5 |      725,1 |    11,7 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |  1 031,2 |    10,1 |    6 518,3 |     4,5 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |    871,2 |    11,3 |    5 296,2 |    12,4 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     84,5 |   0,9 p |       81,3 |   5,7 p |
| DOMESTIC                         |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |     61,7 |    -0,9 |      727,3 |    -8,7 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |     53,6 |    -0,6 |      667,6 |   -10,3 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |     33,3 |    -2,8 |      398,2 |    -9,8 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     62,1 |  -1,4 p |       59,6 |   0,4 p |
| LEISURE TRAFFIC                  |          |         |            |         |
| Passengers 1000                  |     99,9 |     3,5 |      546,1 |   -23,6 |
| Available seat kilometres mill   |    337,2 |    -2,4 |    2 518,0 |   -28,4 |
| Revenue passenger kilometres     |    306,5 |     3,0 |    2 245,8 |   -26,3 |
| mill                             |          |         |            |         |
| Passenger load factor %          |     90,9 |   4,8 p |       89,2 |   2,6 p |
| CARGO TRAFFIC                    |          |         |            |         |
| Cargo scheduled traffic total    |  9 482,1 |    30,2 |   60 123,4 |    29,0 |
| tonnes                           |          |         |            |         |
| Europe tonnes                    |  2 057,1 |    35,7 |   12 110,1 |    16,1 |
| North Atlantic tonnes            |    704,5 |    66,5 |    4 763,1 |    42,0 |
| Asia tonnes                      |  6 552,7 |    27,3 |   41 948,0 |    34,3 |
| Domestic tonnes                  |    167,7 |   -14,0 |    1 302,2 |   -18,1 |
| Cargo leisure traffic tonnes     |     89,2 |    -9,6 |      898,1 |    26,2 |
| Cargo flights tonnes             |  2 079,8 |  1154,0 |    5 163,8 |   441,6 |
| Cargo tonnes total               | 11 651,1 |    54,4 |   66 185,3 |    37,1 |
| Available tonne kilometres* mill |     98,1 |    35,7 |      541,7 |     7,1 |
| Revenue tonne kilometres mill    |     71,3 |    62,3 |      398,2 |    46,5 |
| Cargo load factor* %             |     72,7 |  11,9 p |       73,5 |  19,8 p |
| - North-Atlantic cargo load      |     79,5 |  42,5 p |       86,3 |  32,3 p |
| factor* %                        |          |         |            |         |
| - Asia cargo load factor* %      |     86,2 |  13,7 p |       87,3 |  23,1 p |

- * = Operational calculatory capacity                          
- Change %: Change compared to the figures of the respective periods in the     
previous year (p = percentage points)                                           
- Available seat kilometres, ASK: Total number of seats available, multiplied by
the number of kilometres flown                                                  
- Revenue passenger kilometres, RPK: Number of revenue passengers carried,      
multiplied by kilometres flown                                                  
- Passenger load factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available seat
- Available tonne kilometres, ATK: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of 
passengers, cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown                      
- Revenue tonne kilometres, RTK: Total revenue load consisting of passengers,   
cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown                                  
- Overall load factor: Share of revenue tonne kilometres of available tonne     

Next release on traffic statistics will be released on 7 September 2010.        

Finnair Plc                                                                     
5 August 2010                                                                   

Taneli Hassinen                                                                 
VP Financial Communications and Investor Relations                              
Tel. +358 9 818 4976                                                            

Additional information:                                                         
Mr. Lasse Heinonen, EVP & CFO, tel. +358 9 818 4950                             
Mr. Christer Haglund, SVP Corporate Communications, tel. +358 9 818 4007        
Mr. Taneli Hassinen, VP Financial Communications and Investor Relations, tel.  
+358 9 818 4976                                                                 
Mr. Petteri Kostermaa. VP Traffic Planning, tel. +358 9 818 8504                
Mr. Antero Lahtinen, Managing Director, Finnair Cargo, tel. +358 9 818 5400