2011-03-04 15:39:13 CET

2011-03-04 19:00:01 CET


Klaipedos Nafta AB - Notification on material event

AB Klaipedos Nafta intends to acquire 33 per cent shares of Baltpool

On 4 March 2011, the public company Klaipedos Nafta board meeting it was
decided refer to the Lithuanian Transmission System Operators AB LitGrid parent
100 percent Lithuanian Electricity Market Operator JSC BaltPool of shares with
a request to buy 33 per cent. UAB Baltpool in their plans in 2011 and the
development of a secondary gas exchange, the shares. 

Decision of the Board - SC Klaipedos Nafta, the implementation of the LNG
terminal project, it would be appropriate to participate in the development of
natural gas exchange processes of Lithuania. 

         Chief Financier Johana Bučienė, 8 46 391636