2007-05-02 14:45:35 CEST

2007-05-02 14:45:35 CEST


Nordea Pankki Suomi Oyj - Company Announcement


Nordea Bank Finland Plc will launch 57 new warrant series on 4 May
2007 under its warrant programme. The underlying asset of the
warrants is Nokia share (NOK1V), Fortum share (FUM1V), Nordea Bank
FDR (NDA1V), Stora Enso R share (STERV), UPM-Kymmene share (UPM1V),
Neste Oil share (NES1V), Outokumpu share (OUT1V), Elisa share (ELI1V)
and Sampo Oyj:n A share (SAMAS). The warrants are European call and
put warrants. In all warrants five (5) warrants refer to one (1)
underlying share. The warrants are redeemed by cash payment. Upon
expiry of a warrant, the possible net value is paid in cash to the
holder of the warrant.


The warrant-specific terms and conditions of all warrants now issued
are part of the prospectus of Nordea Bank Finland Plc dated 9 October
2006 concerning the bank's warrant programme. The terms and
conditions of issue of these warrants are included in the above
mentioned prospectus. These warrant specific conditions are to be
applied in a conflict situation.

Issuer                                               Nordea Bank Finland Plc

Underlying asset                                     Nokia (NOK1V)
                                                     Fortum (FUM1V)
                                                     Nordea Bank (NDA1V)
                                                     Stora Enso R (STERV)
                                                     UPM-Kymmene (UPM1V)
                                                     Neste Oil (NES1V)                                            Outokumpu (OUT1V)
                                                     Elisa (ELI1V)
                                                     Sampo A (SAMAS)

Warrant price at the time of issue
                                                     Market based

Multiplier                                           1/5
                                                     Five warrants refer to one share

Warrant lot                                          1 warrant

Currency                                             EUR

Calculation of expiration value
                                                     The official closing price of the
                                                     underlying asset published by the
                                                     Helsinki Stock Exchange on the last
                                                     trading date of the warrant.

Number of warrants                                   Minimum 100,000 and maximum
                                                     30,000,000 based on demand in
                                                     respect each underlying asset.

                                                     (Nordea Bank Finland Plc is entitled
                                                     to increase the number to exceed the
                                                     above mentioned).

Market maker                                         Nordea Bank Finland Plc

                                                     Nordea Bank Finland Plc undertakes
                                                     to provide bid and ask quotation for
                                                     the warrants during the time the
                                                     warrant is subject to public
                                                     trading. The undertaking is valid in
                                                     the continuous trading of the stock

                                                     Quotations concern a minimum of one
                                                     thousand (1000) warrants. The
                                                     difference between bid and ask
                                                     quotation is at the most:

                                                     10 cent, if the bid quotation is
                                                     less than EUR 2.00
                                                     20 cent, if the bid quotation is
                                                     more than or equal to EUR 2.00

                                                     No bid quotation is given for
                                                     warrants the market value of which
                                                     is less than one (1) cent.

                                                     The market maker reserves right for
                                                     temporary disruptions in market
                                                     making undertaking when hedging its
                                                     own position or during a technical
                                                     error. If the disruption will be
                                                     prolonged, the market maker will
                                                     inform about this in the market

                                                     The market maker is entitled to
                                                     define the values of the parameters
                                                     affecting the market making

                                                     Nordea Bank Finland Plc is not
                                                     liable to maintain the market making
                                                     undertaking if trading with the
                                                     underlying shares has ceased.

Collateral                                           No collateral

Compulsory claim for redemp-

Redemption                                           Cash payment of the net value

Redemption fee                                       1.5% of net value

Settlement of the warrant                            Normal trading: as in equity
                                                     trading: T + 3
                                                     banking days

                                                     Redemption: T+3 from the
                                                     reconciliation date

Additional information on the underlying asset and underlying company

                                                     Additional information on the
                                                     company and the development of the
                                                     value of the underlying company is
                                                     available on the website of the
                                                     Helsinki Stock Exchange:
                                                     and on the website of the underlying
                                                     company: (www.nokia.com,
                                                     www.elisa.fi, www.fortum.fi,
                                                     www.nordea.com, www.outokumpu.com,
                                                     www.sampo.com, www.upm-kymmene.com,
                                                     www.nesteoil.fi, www.storaenso.com).
                                                      Additional information on the
                                                     volatility of the underlying asset
                                                     is available from the issuer, tel.
                                                     +358 9 369 49134.

                                                     The investors should analyse
                                                     information on the company issuing
                                                     the share before making decisions on

The warrants to be issued

Underlying    Name     ISIN code   Type of Exer   Issue     Last     Recon-    Payment
  share                            warrant cise    date    trading   cilia-    of net
                                           price            date    tion date   value
   Elisa   7RELIEW210 FI0009638191  Put-E   21   4.5.2007 15.6.2007 25.6.2007 28.6.2007
   Elisa   7FELIEW220 FI0009638209 Call-E   22   4.5.2007 15.6.2007 25.6.2007 28.6.2007
   Elisa   7FELIEW230 FI0009638217 Call-E   23   4.5.2007 15.6.2007 25.6.2007 28.6.2007
   Elisa   7FELIEW240 FI0009638225 Call-E   24   4.5.2007 15.6.2007 25.6.2007 28.6.2007
   Elisa   7UELIEW200 FI0009638233  Put-E   20   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Elisa   7IELIEW220 FI0009638241 Call-E   22   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Elisa   7IELIEW240 FI0009638258 Call-E   24   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Elisa   7IELIEW260 FI0009638266 Call-E   26   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Fortum  7RFU1EW220 FI0009637888  Put-E   22   4.5.2007 15.6.2007 25.6.2007 28.6.2007
   Fortum  7UFU1EW200 FI0009637896  Put-E   20   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Fortum  7UFUMEW220 FI0009637904  Put-E   22   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Fortum  7IFU2EW230 FI0009637912 Call-E   23   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Fortum  7IFU1EW250 FI0009637920 Call-E   25   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Neste   7UNE1EW230 FI0009638068  Put-E   23   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Neste   7UNESEW250 FI0009638076  Put-E   25   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Neste   7INE1EW270 FI0009638084 Call-E   27   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Neste   7INE1EW290 FI0009638092 Call-E   29   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Nokia   7RNO1EW170 FI0009637763  Put-E   17   4.5.2007 15.6.2007 25.6.2007 28.6.2007
   Nokia   7SNOKEW170 FI0009637771  Put-E   17   4.5.2007 20.7.2007 27.7.2007 1.8.2007
   Nokia   7SNOKEW180 FI0009637789  Put-E   18   4.5.2007 20.7.2007 27.7.2007 1.8.2007
   Nokia   7GNOKEW180 FI0009637797 Call-E   18   4.5.2007 20.7.2007 27.7.2007 1.8.2007
   Nokia   7GNO1EW190 FI0009637805 Call-E   19   4.5.2007 20.7.2007 27.7.2007 1.8.2007
   Nokia   7GNOKEW200 FI0009637813 Call-E   20   4.5.2007 20.7.2007 27.7.2007 1.8.2007
   Nokia   7TNOKEW170 FI0009637821  Put-E   17   4.5.2007 17.8.2007 24.8.2007 29.8.2007
   Nokia   7TNOKEW180 FI0009637839  Put-E   18   4.5.2007 17.8.2007 24.8.2007 29.8.2007
   Nokia   7HNOKEW180 FI0009637847 Call-E   18   4.5.2007 17.8.2007 24.8.2007 29.8.2007
   Nokia   7HNOKEW190 FI0009637854 Call-E   19   4.5.2007 17.8.2007 24.8.2007 29.8.2007
   Nokia   7HNOKEW200 FI0009637862 Call-E   20   4.5.2007 17.8.2007 24.8.2007 29.8.2007
   Nokia   7UNO1EW170 FI0009637870  Put-E   17   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Nordea  7UNDAEW110 FI0009637938  Put-E   11   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Nordea  7UNDAEW120 FI0009637946  Put-E   12   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Nordea  7IND1EW120 FI0009637953 Call-E   12   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Nordea  7IND2EW130 FI0009637961 Call-E   13   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Nordea  7INDAEW140 FI0009637979 Call-E   14   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   kumpu   7ROUTEW240 FI0009638100  Put-E   24   4.5.2007 15.6.2007 25.6.2007 28.6.2007
   kumpu   7ROUTEW250 FI0009638118  Put-E   25   4.5.2007 15.6.2007 25.6.2007 28.6.2007
   kumpu   7FOUTEW260 FI0009638126 Call-E   26   4.5.2007 15.6.2007 25.6.2007 28.6.2007
   kumpu   7FOUTEW280 FI0009638134 Call-E   28   4.5.2007 15.6.2007 25.6.2007 28.6.2007
   kumpu   7UOUTEW230 FI0009638142  Put-E   23   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   kumpu   7UOUTEW240 FI0009638159  Put-E   24   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   kumpu   7IOUTEW250 FI0009638167 Call-E   25   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   kumpu   7IOUTEW260 FI0009638175 Call-E   26   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   kumpu   7IOUTEW280 FI0009638183 Call-E   28   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Sampo   7RSAMEW210 FI0009638274  Put-E   21   4.5.2007 15.6.2007 25.6.2007 28.6.2007
   Sampo   7FSAMEW230 FI0009638282 Call-E   23   4.5.2007 15.6.2007 25.6.2007 28.6.2007
   Sampo   7FSA1EW250 FI0009638290 Call-E   25   4.5.2007 15.6.2007 25.6.2007 28.6.2007
   Sampo   7USAMEW220 FI0009638308  Put-E   22   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Sampo   7ISA1EW240 FI0009638316 Call-E   24   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Sampo   7ISAMEW260 FI0009638324 Call-E   26   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Enso    7USTEEW120 FI0009637987  Put-E   12   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Stora                           Call-E
   Enso    7IST1EW130 FI0009637995          13   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Stora                           Call-E
   Enso    7IST1EW140 FI0009638001          14   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Stora                           Call-E
   Enso    7ISTEEW150 FI0009638019          15   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Upm     7UUP2EW180 FI0009638027  Put-E   18   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Upm     7IUP1EW190 FI0009638035 Call-E   19   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Upm     7IUPMEW200 FI0009638043 Call-E   20   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007
   Upm     7IUPMEW220 FI0009638050 Call-E   22   4.5.2007 21.9.2007 28.9.2007 3.10.2007

Helsinki, 2 May 2007


Tommi Saarnio

For further information, please contact Tommi Saarnio tel. +358-9-369