2013-04-25 16:24:48 CEST

2013-04-25 16:25:49 CEST


English Lithuanian
Kauno Energija AB - Notification on material event

Activity results of the first quarter, 2013

Not audited Company activity result of the I quarter, 2013 (31 March, 2013)
according to the International accounting standards is profit (before taxes)
LTL 20 940 thousand (EUR 6,065 thousand), Group‘s profit (before tax) LTL 21
082 thousand (EUR 6,106 thousand). 

Income from the sales of the Company per of the first quarter of the year 2013
- LTL 166 853 thousand (EUR 48,324 thousand), Group‘s - LTL 166 898 thousand
(EUR 48,337 thousand).