2008-10-30 13:00:00 CET

2008-10-30 13:00:00 CET


Anglų Suomių
Scanfil - Company Announcement


SCANFIL PLC              STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE       30 OCTOBER 2008   2.00    

SCANFIL PLC TO ACQUIRE ITS OWN SHARES                                           

Scanfil Plc's Board of Directors has decided to initiate a share buyback of     
maximum of two (2) million own shares in accordance with the authorisation given
to it at the Annual General Meeting on 3 April 2008. Added together, the number 
of acquired shares and of the shares already held by the Company shall not      
exceed ten per cent (10%) of the Company's share capital and of the number of   
voting shares. The company owns at the moment a total of 1,993,146 of its own   

Due to the small average liquidity of Scanfil Plc's shares and as advised in    
clause 3.2.5 of the Rules of NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd., Own Shares of a Listed   
Company, the Board of Directors has decided to deviate from the procedures      
described in clauses 3.2.1 - 3.2.2. Repurchasing of own shares under decided    
terms may lead to a situation in which the repurchased shares exceed half (50%) 
of a single day's turnover. Nevertheless, the repurchasing of shares may not    
under any circumstances cause unusual market activity. Furthermore, the maximum 
number of shares repurchased during one day may not exceed 10% of all shares to 
be repurchased.                        

Shares will be bought back in public trading on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd. for
the market price quoted at the time of the buyback, as provided by the          
regulations on public trading of shares.                                        

Shares can be repurchased to develop the company's capital structure, for use as
consideration in acquisitions or to finance other arrangements, as part of the  
company's incentive scheme in the manner and within the scope determined by the 
Board, or to be further disposed of or retired.                                 

The acquisition of company's own shares will start at the earliest on 10        
November 2008 and will continue until the above mentioned amount has been       
acquired or otherwise announced. The authorization will be effective 18 months  
from the approval at the Annual General Meeting.                                

SCANFIL PLC                                                                     

Harri Takanen                                                                   

Additional information                                                          
Harri Takanen, President                                                        
+358 8 4882 111                                                                 

Distribution         NASDAQ OMX Helsinki                                        
                     Major Media                                                

Scanfil Plc is a global contract manufacturer and systems supplier for          
communication and industrial electronics with over 30 years experience in       
demanding contract manufacturing                                                

Scanfil offers contract-manufacturing services as a systems supplier to the     
telecommunication industry, mainly to wireless communication sector, as well as 
to the industrial electronics industry. Main telecommunication products are     
among others integrated enclosure systems for mobile phone and ADSL networks and
assembly and testing of modules related to enclosure systems. Examples of       
industrial electronics products include box-built tested devices, various       
electronic modules, backplanes and assembled circuit boards as well as cable    
assemblies. Production plants are situated in China, Hungary, Estonia and       