2013-04-29 15:15:00 CEST

2013-04-29 15:15:03 CEST


Tecnotree Oyj - Interim report (Q1 and Q3)

CORRECTION: Tecnotree Corporation Interim Review 1 January – 31 March 2013 (unaudited)

Tecnotree Corporation
Interim Review
29th April, 2013 at 16.15

CORRECTION: Table Net Sales by Market Area in PDF attachment Interim Review
Q1/2013, page 4, has been corrected (only in English version). 

Tecnotree Corporation
Interim Review
29th April, 2013 at 8.30 am

Tecnotree is a global supplier of telecom IT solutions, providing products and
services for charging, billing, customer care, and messaging and content
services.  The company's product portfolio comprises virtually the full range
of business management systems for telecom operators, with standard solutions
for fixed networks, mobile services and broad band and for managing
subscriptions, services and cash flows for prepaid and post-paid customers.
Tecnotree has a strong footing especially in developing markets. 

Normal seasonal fluctuation in first quarter

  -- Net sales for the review period were EUR 13.9 million (EUR 10.0 million for
     the same period in the previous year) and the adjusted operating result was
     EUR -4.0 (-5.8) million. The operating result was EUR -4.6 (-7.2) million
     and the result for the period EUR -5.5 (-8.8) million.
  -- Cash flow after investments was EUR 1.6 (0.3) million and the company's
     cash and cash equivalents were EUR 10.5 (6.0) million.
  -- The order book at the end of the period stood at EUR 55.3 (36.2) million.
  -- Tecnotree reached agreement with LapGreenN, a company owned by the Libyan     government, on outstanding receivables and on renewing their strategic
     partnership. Under the agreement Tecnotree will receive a total of USD 5.5
     million in payments to be spread across 2013 and 2014. After the end of the
     review period, LapGreenN has paid Tecnotree USD 0.5 million after the
     reviewed period.

KEY FIGURES                                 1-3/   1-3/  1-12/
                                            2013   2012   2012
Net sales, MEUR                             13.9   10.0   73.4
Adjusted operating result, MEUR*            -4.0   -5.8   -4.9
Operating result, MEUR                      -4.6   -7.2  -12.4
Result before taxes, MEUR                   -5.6   -8.0  -13.7
Result for the period                       -5.5   -8.8  -17.0
Earnings per share, basic, EUR **          -0.04  -0.10  -0.16
Order book, MEUR                            55.3   36.2   54.2
Cash flow after investments, MEUR            1.6    0.3   -1.3
Change in cash and cash equivalents, MEUR   -1.0   -0.7    4.8
Cash and cash equivalents, MEUR             10.5    6.0   11.3
Equity ratio %                              41.4   48.6   42.2
Net gearing %                               46.7   50.9   47.5
Personnel at end of period                 1,174    981  1,116

* Adjusted operating result = operating result before R & D capitalisation,
amortisation of this and one-time costs. Details of these are given in the
section “Result analysis”. 
** The key figure is adjusted for all periods presented to reflect the share
issue. Unless otherwise stated, all figures presented below are for the
reviewed period 1-12/2012 and the figures for comparison are for the
corresponding period 1-12/2011. 

President and CEO Kaj Hagros:

”Net sales rose 39 per cent in the first quarter from the corresponding period
in the previous year, even though no net sales were recorded during this
quarter for the two largest projects in the order book because of the phasing
of the projects. These projects will generate net sales later this year and
will continue after this financial year. The order book also continued to grow
and was 53 per cent higher at the end of the period than at the same time in
the previous year. Cash flow after investments remained positive. Our customer
relationships developed encouragingly. In February we announced that we were
expanding our strategic partnership with MTN Group, the leading
telecommunications provider in Africa. At the beginning of April we reported
that we had reached agreement on historical receivables and renewing our
partnership with LapGreenN, an Africa-wide group of operators. We also reported
on changes to our organisational structure, aiming to boost the scalability of
product development and the productivity of the delivery process. These
measures lend support to our guidance of an increase in net sales and an
improvement in profitability in the current year. ” 

Events after the end of period

Tecnotree and LapGreenN, a company owned by the Libyan government, have decided
to renew their strategic partnership and in connection with this have resolved
their dispute over receivables mentioned previously in Tecnotree's financial
statements. The parties have agreed on the terms of their future collaboration,
and the total value of the agreement is USD 5.5 million, with payment being
spread over 2013 and 2014. As part of the agreement, Tecnotree will resume full
maintenance services for the systems at the customer's and will update the
systems in use with the latest versions over the next 18 months. Tecnotree will
book the income under the agreement after confirmation of each payment. With
this new agreement the parties express their intention to expand their
partnership into new areas. LapGreenN has paid USD 0.5 million under the new
agreement, for which impairment booked previously has been reversed. 

Prospects in 2013

Tecnotree's order book at the end of 2012 stood at EUR 54.2 million, so the
company moves into 2013 in a strong position. The company estimates that its
net sales and operating result will improve from the previous year. Variations
in the quarterly figures will be considerable. 

Financial information

Tecnotree is holding a conference for analysts, investors and the media to
announce its first quarter results at 10.00 am on 29th April 2013 in the
Tapiola conference room at the Scandic Hotel Simonkenttä, Simonkatu 9,
Helsinki. The interim review will be presented by CEO Kaj Hagros and the
conference will be held in Finnish. The material to be presented at the press
conference will be available at www.tecnotree.com. 


Board of Directors

Kaj Hagros, President and CEO, tel. +358 40 849 1749
Tuomas Wegelius, CFO, tel. +358 400 433 228

NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.
Main media

About Tecnotree
Tecnotree is a global provider of telecom IT solutions for the management of
products, customers and revenue. Tecnotree helps communications service
providers to transform their business towards a marketplace of digital
services. Tecnotree empowers service providers to monetise on service bundles,
provide personalised user experiences and augment value throughout the customer
lifecycle. With over 1100 telecom experts, Tecnotree serves more than 100
service providers in over 70 countries. Tecnotree is listed on the main list of
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki with the trading code TEM1V. For more information on
Tecnotree, please visit www.tecnotree.com