2014-11-28 09:06:30 CET

2014-11-28 09:07:24 CET


Talvivaaran Kaivososakeyhtiö Oyj - Quarterly report

Talvivaara Mining Company report on operational and financial status and development for period of Jan-Nov 2014

Stock Exchange Release
Talvivaara Mining Company Plc
28 November 2014

    Talvivaara Mining Company report on operational and financial status and
              development for the period of January-November 2014

          Operating subsidiary Talvivaara Sotkamo filed for bankruptcy

Key events

  * Talvivaara Mining Company Plc's ("Talvivaara" or the "Company") operating
    subsidiary Talvivaara Sotkamo Ltd ("Talvivaara Sotkamo") filed for
    bankruptcy on 6 November 2014
  * Due to the bankruptcy the Company has lost control over Talvivaara Sotkamo,
    and the Talvivaara Group has dissolved as regards consolidation of the
    operating subsidiary into the Group accounts
  * Talvivaara continues its operations for the time being with the target of
    securing sufficient financing to participate, as a member of a consortium,
    in the acquisition of the mining operations from the bankruptcy estate of
    Talvivaara Sotkamo
  * Talvivaara finances its operations by providing administrative and technical
    services and the lease of critical machinery and equipment to the bankruptcy
    estate of Talvivaara Sotkamo under agreements entered into by the Company
    and the bankruptcy estate on 19 November 2014; similar arrangements were
    previously in place between the Company and Talvivaara Sotkamo
  * Talvivaara's draft restructuring programme was submitted to the District
    Court of Espoo on
    30 September 2014 and is being supplemented for re-submission; the Espoo
    District Court has today extended the deadline for the re-submission until
    30 January 2015

Review of operations

Following  the bankruptcy of Talvivaara  Sotkamo on 6 November 2014, the Company
no  longer  has  control  over  the  operations  at  the  Talvivaara mine and is
therefore  not in a position to continue reporting on the status and development
of  the Sotkamo operations, including information on production levels and water

Prior  to the bankruptcy, Talvivaara Group's activities comprised the operations
at  the Talvivaara mine primarily carried out  by Talvivaara Sotkamo and a broad
range  of  support  functions  and  expert  services  provided  by  the Company.
Throughout  its existence, the Company has  employed the majority of the Group's
managerial  resources and technical experts and therefore provided the operating
subsidiary  with  e.g.  administrative,  financial,  communications,  technical,
laboratory,  commercial, legal and  sustainability services for  agreed fees. In
addition,  the Company  owns a  lime and  limestone handling plant and reception
station,  which are critical for the production and water treatment processes of
the mine, and which it has leased to Talvivaara Sotkamo since 2009.

In  order to minimise any environmental risks, assist the running of the ongoing
operations  and to facilitate the sales process of the mining assets, Talvivaara
and  the bankruptcy estate  of Talvivaara Sotkamo  have agreed that the services
and equipment leases provided by the Company shall continue. To this effect, the
parties  entered into an Administration and Laboratory Services Agreement and an
Agreement of Lease of Lime and Limestone Handling Plant and Reception Station on
19 November  2014. The agreements  detail the  Company's personnel resources and
equipment   that   are  available  and  critical  for  the  environmentally  and
occupationally  safe  operations  at  the  Talvivaara  mine and state the agreed
pricing  for the services provided. Invoicing of personnel resources is based on
hourly  rates, expenses incurred in the provision of the services are charged at
cost  added with an administrative margin, and for the limestone plant a monthly
rent  has  been  agreed.  The  new  agreements  are  largely  in line with those
previously  in place between  Talvivaara and Talvivaara  Sotkamo with only minor
modifications  resulting  from  the  changed  circumstances following Talvivaara
Sotkamo's bankruptcy.

Financial status and going concern

Liquidity development

As  at  31 December  2013, the  Talvivaara  Group  had cash and cash equivalents
amounting  to EUR  5.9 million. With  the existing  cash, income  generated from
nickel  and cobalt sales to Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta Oy and the loan drawn down
from  Nyrstar Sales and Marketing AG ("Nyrstar") upon zinc deliveries, the Group
was  able to continue operations until  6 November 2014. On that date, following
intensive  financing discussions with key  stakeholders, potential new investors
and  the Republic of Finland, Talvivaara  was informed that short term financing
to  meet Talvivaara Sotkamo's immediate working  capital needs was not available
in  the required time frame.  As a result, the  Board of Directors of Talvivaara
Sotkamo  decided to file Talvivaara Sotkamo  for bankruptcy. The filing was done
jointly  with the Administrator of Talvivaara Sotkamo's corporate reorganisation
proceedings and later the same day approved by the District Court of Espoo.

The listed parent company Talvivaara continues its operations for the time being
with  the target of securing sufficient third party financing to participate, as
a  member of a consortium, in the  acquisition of the mining operations from the
bankruptcy  estate  of  Talvivaara  Sotkamo.  While  such financing negotiations
continue,   the   Company   finances  its  day-to-day  operations  by  providing
administrative  and technical services  and the lease  of critical machinery and
equipment to the bankruptcy estate of Talvivaara Sotkamo.

Subsequent  to  Talvivaara  Sotkamo's  bankruptcy,  the Company has declared EUR
31.5 million, including EUR 5.6 million in value added tax ("VAT"), of its sales
receivables from Talvivaara Sotkamo as credit losses and accordingly claimed and
received a refund of the associated VAT.

As  at 28 November 2014, the  Company's cash and  cash equivalents amount to EUR
5.5 million.


Following Talvivaara Sotkamo's bankruptcy, the Company has fully written off its
receivables  from  and  the  shares  held  in  Talvivaara  Sotkamo. As a result,
Talvivaara  has lost  its equity,  which has  been acknowledged by the Company's
Board  and notified to the trade register.  Talvivaara further notes that it has
already  in November 2013 recognised the weakening of its financial position and
taken  measures to mitigate  this by applying  for corporate reorganisation. The
corporate  reorganisation  proceedings  of  the  Company  were  commenced on 29
November  2013 and their continuation was approved by the Company's shareholders
on 12 June 2014.

Off-balance sheet and contingent liabilities

Talvivaara  Sotkamo has drawn down  EUR 12.8 million, including interest through
October  2014, in  loans  from  Nyrstar  under  the  Loan  and Streaming Holiday
Agreement  of 1 April  2014 between Talvivaara,  Talvivaara Sotkamo and Nyrstar.
Upon  the  bankruptcy  of  Talvivaara  Sotkamo,  which  constitutes  an event of
default,  Nyrstar is entitled to declare that all or part of the loans, together
with  accrued  interest,  be  payable  on  demand. Should Nyrstar demand full or
partial  payment of the loans, the Company  as the guarantor would be liable for
such payment.

Under  the Loan and Streaming Holiday  Agreement the Company has also undertaken
to guarantee the termination sum stated in the Zinc Streaming Agreement of 2010
between  Talvivaara Sotkamo and Nyrstar. The  termination sum is calculated with
reference to the remaining delivery commitment for zinc under the Zinc Streaming
Agreement,  and as at 6 November 2014 amounted to EUR 206 million. The liability
of  the guarantor in respect of the termination sum will fall due and payable on
the date falling 12 months after the date on which Talvivaara Sotkamo was placed
in  bankruptcy, in order to provide the guarantor with sufficient time to try to
continue  the business of Talvivaara Sotkamo.  If the guarantor is successful in
re-gaining  control of the Talvivaara Sotkamo  operations within the given time,
it may take over the Zinc Streaming Agreement, in which case the termination sum
will  not fall  due. In  the event  the guarantor  is placed  in bankruptcy, the
liability  of the  guarantor in  respect of  the termination sum terminates with
immediate effect.

The  Company has given a  guarantee for a EUR  50 million investment and working
capital loan drawn from Finnvera by Talvivaara Sotkamo in 2009. In addition, the
Company  has given a floating charge security  for the loans drawn from Finnvera
by  Talvivaara  Sotkamo.  The  guaranteed  liability  is  part  of the Company's
restructuring  debt  and  any  payments  that  fall  due under the guarantee are
finally   determined  in  the  Company's  restructuring  programme  and  re-paid
according to the authorized payment schedule.

Talvivaara  Sotkamo has largely covered the environmental bond requirement under
the  current environmental permit by a  guarantee insurance provided by Atradius
Credit  Insurance NV ("Atradius").  The coverage currently  amounts to EUR 31.9
million.  According  to  the  environmental  permit,  the required bond is to be
placed  to cover the cost of the  restoration of waste areas (gypsum ponds, heap
areas),  which is anticipated to take place  partly during the life of the mine,
as  waste areas are  filled to their  maximum levels, and  partly as part of the
eventual  closure of  the mine.  In the  event such  restoration activities took
place without Talvivaara Sotkamo carrying the cost, the expenses would initially
be  covered by Atradius. However, eventually  Atradius would claim the cost back
from  Talvivaara, which has given counter-indemnity  for such costs to Atradius.
The  continuance  of  the  guarantee  insurance  is  under  discussion  with the
bankruptcy estate of Talvivaara Sotkamo.

Going Concern

In  view of the Company's current cash  position and the income anticipated from
the  service and lease agreements now in place between Talvivaara and Talvivaara
Sotkamo's bankruptcy estate, the Company anticipates having sufficient liquidity
to  continue its currently foreseen day-to-day operations as a going concern for
the  foreseeable future. The Directors, Management  and the Administrator do not
contemplate  the liquidation of  Talvivaara and continue  their efforts aimed at
securing  sufficient financing for the Company to  participate, as a member of a
consortium,  in the  acquisition of  the mining  operations from  the bankruptcy
estate of Talvivaara Sotkamo. However, there is substantial uncertainty relating
to  the  Company's  ability  to  access  sufficient  funds  for the contemplated
transaction.  Furthermore,  even  if  the  Company were successful in re-gaining
partial  ownership of  the assets,  there is  no certainty  that the arrangement
would  be such  that it  would provide  sufficient liquidity  for the Company to
successfully complete its contemplated restructuring programme in the long term.
In  the event that Talvivaara cannot re-gain any ownership of the mining assets,
its continuation on a going concern basis is unlikely to be feasible.

Talvivaara  Sotkamo's bankruptcy constitutes an event  of default under the Loan
and  Streaming  Holiday  Agreement  with  Nyrstar of 1 April 2014. This entitles
Nyrstar  to demand  immediate partial  or full  payment of  the EUR 12.8 million
loans  drawn  by  Talvivaara  Sotkamo  and  guaranteed  by the Company under the
agreement.  Should  Nyrstar  present  such  a  demand,  the Company may not have
sufficient  cash reserves or access to additional liquidity to make the required
payment  and may  therefore not  be able  to continue  its operations as a going

Progress of corporate reorganisation

The  corporate reorganisation  proceedings of  Talvivaara were  commenced on 29
November 2013. The Administrator has subsequently on 30 September 2014 submitted
a  preliminary restructuring  programme proposal  for the  Company to  the Espoo
District Court.

The  Administrator has  recorded the  Company's reorganisation  debt at EUR 482
million  in the restructuring  programme proposal, including  the EUR 50 million
guarantee  for  Talvivaara  Sotkamo's  loans  from  Finnvera.  According  to the
Administrator,  the amount of reorganisation debt  will not materially change in
the forthcoming re-submission of the programme proposal.

The  reorganisation debts  will be  restructured according  to the restructuring
programme  eventually authorised by the Espoo District Court. In the preliminary
programme  proposal the Administrator has suggested a 97 per cent haircut to all
unsecured  debts  of  the  Company  and  an  eight  year  payment  schedule. The
Administrator  has also stated that he is evaluating the possibility of allowing
conversion of the reorganisation debt into the Company's equity.

The  Espoo District Court has today granted an extension to the deadline for the
re-submission of the restructuring programme proposal until 30 January 2015.

Financing and commercial arrangements

Loan and Streaming Holiday Agreement with Nyrstar
Talvivaara  entered, together with Talvivaara Sotkamo, into a Loan and Streaming
Holiday  Agreement with  Nyrstar on  1 April 2014. Whilst  Talvivaara is  not in
control  of the actions of the  Talvivaara Sotkamo bankruptcy estate towards the
agreement,  the Company remains  liable for the  EUR 12.8 million loans drawn by
Talvivaara  Sotkamo under the agreement as well as the termination sum under the
Zinc  Streaming Agreement of 2010, which  currently amounts to approximately EUR
206 million,  as  the  guarantor  (see  also  "Off-balance  sheet and contingent
liabilities" and "Going Concern" above).

Participation in Fennovoima nuclear power project
Talvivaara announced on 21 February 2014 its support for the Fennovoima nuclear
power project, but noted that in the prevailing circumstances the Company
focused all its financial resources on the Sotkamo operations and the corporate
reorganisation proceedings. Therefore Talvivaara made no commitment to any
additional funding of the Fennovoima project. At present, the Company is not in
a position to make any reassessment of its stance towards the project.

Risk factors
Talvivaara's  near term risk factors include particularly such risks that relate
to  the  ongoing  corporate  reorganisation  proceedings,  financing  and  going

If  an adequate overall financial solution for the contemplated participation by
Talvivaara  in  the  acquisition  of  the  mining operations from the Talvivaara
Sotkamo bankruptcy estate is not found, Talvivaara's restructuring programme may
not  be  approved  and  authorised  and  shareholders  could  lose  their entire
investment in the Company

The  approval  and  authorisation  of  the  proposed  restructuring programme of
Talvivaara is conditional, among other things, on an adequate financing solution
to allow the Company's participation in the acquisition of the mining operations
from  the Talvivaara Sotkamo bankruptcy estate  and to cover the requirements of
the  restructuring programme in  longer term. If  such financial solution is not
found,  the restructuring  programmes may  not be  approved and  authorised, the
Company  may have to file  for bankruptcy and the  shareholders could lose their
entire investment in the Company.

If  the corporate reorganisation  proceedings of Talvivaara  are not successful,
shareholders could lose their entire investment in the Company

Although  the Board believes that a  corporate reorganisation is a viable option
for  Talvivaara,  there  can  be  no  assurance  that the proposed restructuring
programme  of  the  Company  will  be  approved  and authorised or be ultimately
successful.  The  corporate  reorganisation  process  can  fail  for a number of
reasons, including due to an insufficiency of funds to implement or complete the
restructuring  programme,  changes  in  circumstances  affecting  the  financial
viability  of Talvivaara,  including e.g.  termination of  the service and lease
agreements  between the Company and the bankruptcy estate of Talvivaara Sotkamo,
or failure to regain any holding in the Sotkamo mining asset and/or insufficient
income  from the services provided to  the bankruptcy estate or the contemplated
new  entity running the mining operations. If the corporate reorganisation fails
for  these  or  any  other  reasons,  it  could  result in the bankruptcy of the
Company.  As a  result, shareholders  could lose  their entire investment in the

If  Talvivaara is not able to  continue as a going concern,  it may be unable to
realise  its  assets  and  discharge  its  liabilities  in  the normal course of
business, which could lead to shareholders losing their entire investment in the

Risks  related  to  going  concern  are  further  described in the Going Concern
section of this announcement.

Legal affairs and governance

Composition of Talvivaara's Shareholders' Nomination Panel

The Shareholders' Nomination Panel was established in 2013 by the Annual General
Meeting.  Its duty is to prepare proposals  for the election and remuneration of
the  members of  the Board  of Directors  to the  General Meeting. Following the
annual  organizational  meeting  of  the  Panel  held  on  26 November  2014 the
composition of the Nomination Panel is the following:
  * Kari Järvinen, CEO, nominated by Solidium Oy
  * Joni Hautojärvi, managing director of Norilsk Nickel Harjavalta Oy,
    nominated by Norilsk Nickel Holdings (Cyprus) Ltd
  * Pekka Perä, CEO of Talvivaara, as a shareholder of the Company
  * Olli Salo, nominated by Seppo Aho, a shareholder of the Company
  * Tapani Järvinen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company
  * Graham Titcombe, deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company

Consideration  of charges  relating to  the gypsum  pond leakages and discharges
into water ways

The  consideration of charges, which related to Talvivaara Sotkamo's gypsum pond
leakages  and the  sodium, sulphate  and manganese  discharges that exceeded the
anticipated  amounts stated in the  original environmental permit application of
the mine, was completed on 22 September 2014.

The  prosecutor decided  to bring  charges against  four members of Talvivaara's
management,  including CEO Pekka Perä and  former CEO Harri Natunen. The charges
concern aggravated impairment of the environment.

The  Company does not share  the prosecutor's view of  the threshold for charges
having  been met.  The Company  welcomes, however,  the opportunity  to have the
facts relating to the matter as well as the then-current operating conditions of
the Company discussed in an open court.


Talvivaara's  headcount decreased from 61 at the end of 2013 to 54 on the day of
this announcement.

Talvivaara's personnel comprises an expert organisation, the core competences of
which   include   e.g.   high   quality   analytical  laboratory  services,  the
bioheapleaching  and  other  production  processes,  procurement,  environmental
safety,  risk management  and communications.  The organisation  has in the past
provided critical services to Talvivaara Sotkamo and it continues to provide the
same  services to the bankruptcy estate  of Talvivaara Sotkamo as agreed between
the Company and the bankruptcy estate.

Changes in Talvivaara Management
Talvivaara  announced on 30 October 2014 that Saila Miettinen-Lähde who has been
CFO of the Company since 2005 and Deputy CEO since 2012 had decided to leave the
Company  during  the  spring  of  2015. She  continues  as head of the Company's
finance function until her departure.

In  preparation for her departure the Company appointed Chief Commercial Officer
Pekka Erkinheimo Deputy CEO with immediate effect.

Market environment

Following  the bankruptcy of Talvivaara Sotkamo and its exit from the Talvivaara
Group, the Company has no exposure to nickel and other commodities markets or to
foreign  exchange rates. Talvivaara's income is for  the time being based on the
service  and lease agreements  between the Company  and the bankruptcy estate of
Talvivaara Sotkamo as described elsewhere in this announcement.

Short-term outlook

Talvivaara  continues, together with the Administrator, negotiations targeted at
finding  a  solution  whereby  the  Company  could  secure  participation  in  a
consortium  that would acquire the Sotkamo mining operations from the Talvivaara
Sotkamo bankruptcy estate. Financing for Talvivaara's potential participation in
such  an  arrangement  could  come  e.g.  through  a  share  and/or a bond issue
involving  amongst others current shareholders  and bondholders. The Company can
give no assurance of the success to completion of the ongoing negotiations or of
the  possible launch of any financing  transactions related to such contemplated

Trading  in  the  Talvivaara  share  at  the  Helsinki  stock  exchange has been
suspended  since 6 November 2014. As stated by the Finnish Financial Supervisory
Authority  in its exemption decision  relating to Talvivaara's January-September
2014 interim report, reliable pricing of the share, which is a pre-requisite for
the  trading  to  resume,  cannot  occur  until  the  uncertainties  relating to
Talvivaara's  ability to continue its operations have been solved and sufficient
information  on  going  concern  and  the  Company's  financial  status has been
announced.  In  Talvivaara's  view,  these  conditions  can only be met upon the
Company  having gained  sufficient knowledge  of its  ability to  regain partial
holding in the Sotkamo mining asset.

28 November 2014

Talvivaara Mining Company Plc
Board of Directors


Talvivaara Mining Company Plc Tel. +358 20 712 9800
Pekka Perä, CEO
Pekka Erkinheimo, Deputy CEO
Saila Miettinen-Lähde, CFO
