2008-10-07 12:51:33 CEST

2008-10-07 12:52:33 CEST


English Islandic
Rekstrarfélag Kaupþings banka hf. - Company Announcement

Correction: - ICEQ comprised the following at the end of 6. October 2008 - News puplished: 08.06.10. 17.30

Because trading was suspended yesterday for all financial instruments issued by
Exista hf., Glitnir Bank hf., Kaupthing Bank hf., Landsbanki hf., Straumur
Burdarás hf., and the Reykjavik Savings Bank hf. ("SPRON"), we hereby send the
adjusted composition of assets in the ICEQ ETF Fund. 

ISK	1.640.150	
A	3.902.236	
ATOR	3.229.305	
BAKK	2.011.612	
EXISTA	7.877.225	
GLB	14.721.807	
HFEIM	598.250	
ICEAIR	478.616	
KAUP	530.167	
LAIS	9.324.910	
MARL	273.570	
OSSR	241.515	
SPRON	6.490.864	
STRB	10.199.589	
ICEQ		872.681
Investors are advised to read the ICEQ prospectus on Kaupthing Bank's Fund
Center, www.kbsjodir.is, or on the news page of the Iceland Stock Exchange:
Rekstrarfélag Kaupþings banka hf.