2012-02-29 11:00:00 CET

2012-02-29 11:00:06 CET


Englanti Suomi
M-real - Company Announcement

Historical figures based on the new reporting structure

M-real Corporation Stock Exchange Release 29 February 2012 at 12.00 EET

M-real Corporation, part of Metsä Group, announced on 19 January 2012 to renew
its management and reporting structure to better reflect the company's strategy
and the focus on fresh forest fibre cartonboard. The company operates through
two business areas that are also the company's reporting segments from the
first quarter of 2012 onwards: 

- Paperboard
- Paper and Pulp

Paperboard business area includes the Kemi, Kyro, Simpele, Tako and Äänekoski
board mills, Kyro wallpaper base machine and Joutseno BCTMP mill located in
Finland as well as Gohrsmühle mill in Germany. Paper and Pulp business area
includes Husum paper and pulp mill in Sweden, Alizay mill in France and
Kaskinen BCTMP mill in Finland. As earlier announced M-real is planning to
close the entire Alizay mill and the unprofitable operations at Gohrsmühle
mill. The plans are expected to materialize in early 2012 that would improve
the company's profitability materially. 

Accounting for the 32 percent ownership in Metsä Fibre (formerly Metsä-Botnia)
will remain unchanged. The associated company result of Metsä Fibre will
continue to be allocated to business segments based on their respective pulp
consumption and is reported in EBITDA.  Roughly two thirds of the result impact
of Metsä Fibre ownership is expected to be included in the Paperboard business
area and the rest in Paper and Pulp business area. 

The historical figures based on the new business area structure are presented
in the tables below. In addition to the above listed mills, the historical
business area figures include also discontinued and divested operations. 

Sales                             2011   2011   2011   2011   2011   2010   2009
EUR million                         Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Paperboard                         275    322    338    359  1 294  1 384  1 171
Paper and Pulp                     238    282    297    314  1 132  1 141  1 150
Other operations                    75     89    104     97    365    352    292
Internal sales *                   -64    -77    -79    -86   -305   -273   -181
Sales                              524    616    660    685  2 485  2 605  2 432
EBITDA                            2011   2011   2011   2011   2011   2010   2009
EUR million                         Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Paperboard                         -28     38     44     61    114    187    131
Paper and Pulp                    -136     -4     -5      9   -135    108    -94
Other Operations                    -9     -9      8      7     -2     16     51
EBITDA                            -172     24     48     77    -23    312     88
Operating result                  2011   2011   2011   2011   2011   2010   2009
EUR million                         Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Paperboard                         -57     24     17     46     30     82    -12
Paper and Pulp                    -149    -27    -56     -6   -237     45   -314
Other operations                   -10    -10      7      6     -6     19     59
Operating result                  -215    -13    -32     46   -214    146   -267
Non-recurring items in                                                          
operating result                  2011   2011   2011   2011   2011   2010   2009
EUR million                         Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Paperboard                         -65      0    -19      0    -84    -47    -51
Paper and Pulp                    -129    -17    -52      0   -198     -4   -188
Other operations                     0     -2      7      3      9     23    123
M-real Group                      -193    -18    -64      3   -274    -27   -116
EBITDA, excl.                                                                   
non-recurring items               2011   2011   2011   2011   2011   2010   2009
EUR million                         Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Paperboard                          23     38     50     61    172    195    136
Paper and Pulp                      -8      5     11      9     17    108    -30
Other operations                    -9     -7      1      4    -11      1    -61
EBITDA, excl.                        8     36     62     74    180    305     44
non-recurring items                                                         
Operating result, excl.                                                         
non-recurring items               2011   2011   2011   2011   2011   2010   2009
EUR million                         Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Paperboard                           8     24     36     46    114    129     39
Paper and Pulp                     -20    -10     -4     -6    -39     48   -126
Other operations                    -9     -8      0      3    -15     -4    -64
Operating result, excl.            -22      6     32     43     59    173   -151
non-recurring items                                                             
Return on capital employed        2011   2011   2011   2011   2011   2010   2009
%                                   Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Paperboard                       -22,1    9,7   13,0   19,0    3,2    8,7   -1,5
Paper and Pulp                  -104,3  -15,6  -16,8   -2,8  -37,5    6,4  -34,8
M-real Group                     -43,3   -1,5   -6,1    8,4   -9,9    5,7   -8,9
Capital employed                  2011   2011   2011   2011   2011   2010   2009
EUR million                         Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Paperboard                       1 009  1 017    994    993  1 009    969    987
Paper and Pulp                     513    670    694    761    513    765    671
Unallocated and eliminations       351    445    461    554    351    615    675
M-real Group                     1 873  2 131  2 149  2 308  1 873  2 349  2 334
Deliveries                        2011   2011   2011   2011   2011   2010   2009
                   1,000 tons       Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Paperboard                         287    339    356    376  1 358  1 554  1 423
Paper                              190    222    236    260    908    991    926
Market Pulp                        169    181    195    174    719    690  1 155
Production                        2011   2011   2011   2011   2011   2010   2009
                   1,000 tons       Q4     Q3     Q2     Q1  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4  Q1-Q4
Paperboard                         293    335    358    387  1 372  1 574  1 424
Paper                              161    233    240    248    881    991    922
Metsä Fibre pulp 1)                174    197    170    164    706    652    863
M-real pulp                        235    309    325    340  1 210  1 295  1 120
* Approximately half of internal sales are internal                             
 energy sales within the group.                                                 
1) Corresponds to M-real's ownership share in Metsä Fibre of 30 % until         
 30 June 2011 after which it increased to 32 %.                                 
Proportionate consolidation method until 8 December 2009, after which it was    
 changed to equity method.             


For further information, please contact:

Matti Mörsky, CFO, tel. +358 10 465 4913
Juha Laine, Vice President, Investor Relations and Communications, tel. +358 10
465 4335