2008-03-13 15:15:00 CET

2008-03-13 15:15:01 CET


Englanti Liettua
TEO LT, AB - Notification on material event

The Annual General Meeting of shareholders will be held on 29 April 2008

The Annual General Meeting of TEO LT, AB (code 1212 15434, registered address:
Savanorių ave. 28, Vilnius, Lithuania) Shareholders will be held at room 157 of
TEO LT, AB headquarters, Savanorių ave. 28, Vilnius, Lithuania, at 13.00 on 29
April 2008. Registration will take place from 12.00 till 12.45. 

The meeting is convened by initiative of the Board and following the decision
of the Board adopted on 13 March 2008. 

The shareholders' registration day for the General Meeting of Shareholders is
22 April 2008. 

Proposed Agenda:
1. Information of the Company's auditors.
2. Approval of the Company's annual financial statements and presentation of
the Consolidated Annual Report of the Company. 
3. Allocation of the Company's profit for the year 2007.
4. Election of the Company's auditor.
5. Election of the Company's Board member.

Shareholders who at the end of the shareholders' registration day for the
General Meeting of Shareholders, i.e. 22 April 2008, will be on the
shareholders list of the Company have a right to participate and vote at the
General Meeting of Shareholders personally or by proxy, or represented by the
person with whom an agreement on the transfer of voting rights is concluded. 

All persons attending the General Meeting of Shareholders and having a voting
right must bring with them a person's identification document. Shareholders'
representative must present to the General Meeting an original proxy issued in
the form and content established by the Law. 

From 18 April 2008 shareholders could get familiarised with the documents
possessed by the Company related to the agenda of the Meeting, including draft
resolutions, at the headquarters of TEO LT, AB, Savanorių ave. 28, Vilnius,
Lithuania, tel: +370 5 236 7878. 

Darius Dziaugys,
Head of Information Sector,
tel. +370 5 236 7878