2014-06-02 09:05:00 CEST

2014-06-02 09:05:02 CEST


Englanti Liettua
TEO LT, AB - Notification on material event

New structure of TEO came into effect and new Manager of UAB Lintel was appointed

On 1 June 2014 new organizational structure of TEO LT, AB (hereinafter ‘the
Company' or ‘TEO') came into effect. The changes aim to focus more on
customers, to concentrate more competences and responsibilities to the
specialists, who are working directly with the customers. 

The two new Business to Consumer and Business to Business Divisions, in charge
of creating services and providing customer care, were formed in place of
existing Service Development and Sales Divisions. Along with these changes, the
activities of the specialists of TEO Group companies Lintel and Baltic Data
Center (BDC) will be more and more integrated into these Divisions. 

“By combining the competencies of the Group, incorporating the best
professionals, we are first thinking about the customer. We want to offer them
simpler and more useful solutions, and the customer service corresponding to
their expectations. The new more integrated and customer-focused Company
structure will also make it possible to have greater management efficiency", -
TEO General Manager Kęstutis Šliužas said. 

TEO will increasingly focus on the development of IT services. Therefore, in
Business to Business as well as Technology and IT Divisions from now on TEO and
BDC professionals will work together. IT and telecommunications expertise will
be combined in order to offer customers more comprehensive solutions. Business
to Business Division Manager Aleksandras Samuchovas will continue in his
position as the General Manager of BDC. 

Renaldas Radvila was appointed as General Manager of UAB Lintel, which is part
of TEO Group. He will also be responsible for TEO remote customer care for
private customers. 

39-year old R.Radvila started his career in the Company in 2001. Over the past
six years, he led the TEO Customer Care Channels Development Department.
R.Radvila has a bachelor's degree of Vilnius University, the Faculty of
Economics. In the position of General Manager of Lintel Renaldas Radvila has
replaced Laurynas Šeškevičius, who will now be responsible for TEO private
customer care in the regions. 

         Egle Gudelyte-Harvey,
         Head of Legal Affairs,
         tel. +370 5 236 7292.