2011-11-25 11:00:00 CET

2011-11-25 11:00:21 CET


Alma Media - Company Announcement

Alma Media to streamline its legal Group structure

Alma Media Corporation   Stock Exchange Release   November 25, 2011 at 12:00


Alma Media has decided to simplify its legal structure. Streamlining of the
legal structure involves all legal companies belonging to Alma Media Group. The
objective is to gradually minimise the number of the Group's legal companies
during the next 12 months.

Among other things, the streamlining of the legal structure project aims to
separate the operational decision making processes from the legal structure and
to achieve cost savings through minimising both the internal administrative work
load and the purchase of external administrative services.

Alma Media's operational activities, including the operations of the Group's
newspapers and digital services, continue as normal. Thus, the project will not
cause reductions in the number of employees nor will it trigger the process of
statutory cooperation negotiations with the employees. The representatives of
the employees have been informed in accordance with the Act on Cooperation
within Undertakings.

The streamlining of the Group's legal structure complements the plan to renew
Alma Media's organisation, announced on November 1, 2011, but it will be
advanced as an independent project with separately defined objectives.

Rauno Heinonen
Vice President, Communications and IR

For further information, please contact:

Tuomas Itkonen, CFO, Alma Media Corporation, tel. +358 10 665 2244

Distribution: NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Stock Exchange, principal media

Alma Media in brief

Alma Media is a dynamic media company whose best-known products are Aamulehti,
Iltalehti, Kauppalehti and Etuovi.com. Alma Media employs approximately 2,800
professionals. The company's net sales in 2010 totalled MEUR 311.4 with an
operating margin of 13.9 per cent. Alma Media's share (ALN1V) is listed in the
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Exchange. Read more at www.almamedia.fi
